Emilia Romagna - 4th Region Most visited in Italy.

After Veneto,Lazio and Tuscany,the Region of Emilia Romagna is the 4th Region most visited in Italy. It is not a mistery, three UNESCO Patrimony sites presents in Ferrara,Modena and Ravenna,a rich past of Cultural History as Bologna,magnificent city,famous to have one of the most ancient University of the World,its nightlife and its smart aspect is one of the most loved Italian Cities.The 14% of the Italians and the 4,3% of the foreign tourists coming to Italy choose this Region as favourite destination and not only Rimini and the Adriatic Coast in Summer,the cultural tourism has a long and noble tradition in this part of Italy.

Ravenna is the Capital of the World of mosaics and the interest is always great for this magnificent city,Capital in the 402 of the Western Roman Empire and where is buried Dante Alighieri father of the Italian language,very visited from all Europe,Far East,Middle East,America and Oceania.The other cities,Ferrara Parma,Piacenza,Modena,Reggio Emilia,Cesena,also Rimini (not only for summer holidays) are masterpieces of Medieval Art,culture,events and gastronomy and Faenza is one of the most visited cities about ceramic production with a prestigious fame in Art, this Region is the birthplace of Correggio,Parmigianino and the Brothers Carracci great exponents of the Mannerism.

This Region is one of the most visited by Motorsports lovers,Ferrari,Lamborghini, Maserati and De Tomaso are made in Emilia Romagna,(the first made in Maranello.Modena,the second made in Sant´Agata Bolognese not far from Bologna,the third made in the Region Capital Bologna,the last one is a Modenese product) We have not to forget Ducati,a legend of motorbikes made in Bologna.Borgo Panigale, these brands attracted every period of the years fans worlwide to admire Museums,visiting Establishments and exposition in this region Capital of Motorsports and Luxury Cars.

Excellent the Sport Tourism in other areas,Emilia Romagna has two clubs in the Football Serie A,Bologna and Parma,further more prestigious clubs in the leagues of Basket,Volley and Baseball.

In another art,music,Emilia Romagna is a Queen of Concert Tourism,thanks to some of the most famous Italian Rock Stars as Vasco Rossi,Zucchero Fornaciari and Luciano Ligabue among others,Opera in Parma at Regio Theatre an emblematic symbol of the Region and in other cities,due the great tradition of Opera in this part of Italy,Giuseppe Verdi,ArturoToscanini and Luciano Pavarotti to mention some great artists were born in Emilia Romagna.Festivals of music are several,about Jazz,Bologna is with Spoleto the most important Italian city,for great live shows and this region is also a Capital of another art : the Cinema,Important Cinema Directors were born here : Federico Fellini (5 Oscars) but also Bertolucci,Moretti,Pupi Avati and Pasolini,this tradition generated several events and festivals.

Probably Emilia Romagna is the gastronomical capital of Italy,not only for the prestigious products exported worldwide as Parmigiano Reggiano,Grana Padano,Aceto Balsamico di Modena,pasta in  every kind as tagliatelle,ravioli,tortellini,cappelletti,lasagne and cannnelloni are made in Emilia Romagna just like the famous "ragú",apart all that in this Region is a great destination to taste distinguished wines as Sangiovese,Lambrusco,Trebbiano and many other wines in every provinces,delicious cheeses and cakes.Very popular also the Spa Tourism.Salsomaggiore to mention a name is a destination known worldwide.

This 4th position is a hymn to the beauty of this Region and it is fantastic to meet in the street people from other countries saying Ravenna is amazing,Modena is wonderful,Parma is a little treasure and Ferrara is marvellous.The tourists perfectly know what is wonderful  (Chinese and Russian tourism is grown up  with regard to this destination,thanks to the excellent work of the Emilia Romagna Tourism Board) and despite the heart quake not long time ago,tourists continue to visit this great and unique region and this 4th position is great if you think this Region receives more tourists than Lombardy,which has Milan,Lake Como,Lake Maggiore,and one side of Lake Garda or Piedmont with Turin,Alps and the beautiful Western coast of Lake Maggiore.

It is a proud for the Region and its inhabitants to be so popular all around the World,a 4th position in Italy,it is an award to this magnificent destination called Emilia Romagna.
Francesco Mari 


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