Lipica-Slovenia | Glorious Stud Farm Boasting Iconic Horses.

Lipica is a small village of Slovenia very famous for its glorious stud farm boasting iconic horses which since a long time ago gave popularity to that neighbourhood of Sežana elevating that site as national landmark and  main attraction of relevance at international level for all what it represented during its entire history and represents nowadays.

Situated in the magnificent Karst Plateau and Littoral region very close to the beautiful Italian city of Trieste, the major centre of  Friuli Venezia Giulia just 17,0 kilometres away easily reachable by the border crossings of Basovizza and Fernetti in the municipality of Monrupino in a scenic territory enclosed between the green Vipava Valley and the picturesque Brkini Hills north of the course of the Reka river.

The local scenery is simply fascinating highlighted by gentle hilly plateaus, large green meadows at the foothills of the Carnic Alps in a territory characterised by a further appealing image consisting in several beautiful intact oak forests and many scattered linden trees from which derives the Slavic name of the current site, a denomination which took origin from the word Lipa corresponding to that kind of plants.

That emblematic Slovenian site is in addition very close to the famed Spa and seaside resort of Portorož, and the wonderful Piran, both facing stunning bay a shining gem of that short but enchanting coastal stretch of that Eastern European Republic. (If in the case you are interested I wrote posts about those two destinations)

Lipica thanks to its strategic geographic position is a sort of stunning gateway between the appealing Slovenian interior in the heart of Europe and the Adriatic Sea reaching in just some minutes driving the beautiful Slovenian Riviera and the nearest ravishing Istria peninsula on the Northern Croatian coast with the great opportunity to spend pleasant days delighted by a Mediterranean paradise along a marvellous coastline packed by secluded coves, stunning inlets and small charming gulfs.

 From that village you can also easily move to the wonderful Upper Carniola, another territory extremely attractive for its beautiful landscapes, wild forests with the superb chance to enjoy the charm the Karawanks, a mountain range of the Southern limestone Alps visiting the famed Kranjska Gora, considered for prestige and reputation the Slovenian Queen of winter sports, a superb invitation for all those who are a skiing and mountaineering lovers. (If you are interested I wrote a post regarding that notorious place)
The Austrian border in very close entering in the eternally captivating Carinthia and the Italian frontier is just two steps from Lipica which could be stupendous start point for a wide variety of excursions and and apart the splendid mentioned Trieste, the wonderful Venice is a further great chance visiting one of the most appealing destinations worldwide.

Lipica lies along a  historic route which leads to the famed Postojna so famous for its marvellous caves well known to be a UNESCO Patrimony Site (I wrote a post regarding that place) and the Capital of the country Ljubljana considered the little Slavic Vienna for its monumental historic centre with buildings reminiscent that superb city stronghold of the former House of Habsburg which left indelible architectural marks in that captivating city after many centuries of rule.

As further suggestion to plan something pretty interesting is that in a few of kilometres from there you can also discover the pleasant fascination of the Pannonian Basin with an enjoyable journey towards Hungary with the chance to admire a spectacular territory highlighted by wide large verdant plains with medium and small centres with several medieval treasures.

In the immediate surroundings of Lipica including in the smallest hamlets you will delighted by a notable historic patrimony highlighted by several Baroque marvels and other great monuments erected in the Middle Ages visiting Lokev, Štjak, Štanjel and Tomaj among others.

 The local territory is highlighted by several contrasts ranging from verdant plateaus lining several wild streams to rugged heights and all that is certainly also a perfect destination for passionate photographers who can immortalise in thousands of pictures a place which is a mine of surprises for its varied biodiversity.

The visitors who are interested in other tourist niches as enogastronomic tourism many are the special itineraries across the Vipava valley with wines and hams tasting along significant routes routes and that area is also great destination for trekkers who will find an environment simply fantastic to explore places absolutely stunning.(I wrote a post about Branik linked to that if you are interested)

For who is a cycling lover the Karst Plateau is perfect to enjoy several kilometres along a beautiful coastal straight and immediately entering in the nearest inland characterised by undulated hilly lands where the mountain bikers will find a vast range of dirt and mixed routes. 

All the surroundings around Sežana have challenging climbs and beautiful trails especially in proximity of the stream Rassa and reaching the locality of Vrabče, places which are for all that very appropriate.

That fantastic environment, kind people  are undoubtedly other great  features highly inviting and captivating in the case you are planning a tailor made tour visiting Slovenia also taking in consideration a good presence of comfortable accommodations.

An ancient historic past is a further local highlight of an area which according to ararchaeological excavations was inhabited since prehistoric times with presence of ancient civilisations since a long time ago.

Settled by Illyrian tribes and colonised later by the Romans who established there relevant links of communications between the Northeastern Mediterranean  and Central Europe with routes leading to a vast Region called  Noricum.

The point in which arose the former village during the times of the Imperial Rome was particularly relevant because it was one of the first stages of a route well known for a relevant trade of marine salt towards Austria, Hungary and the Balkans starting from the current Portoroz.

After the fall of Rome, there were several invasions by Lombards, Avars and Ostrogoths with also first Slavic populations which started to occupy the land in the 6th century. 

in the 8th century the Franks conquered that territory annexing it in the Holy Roman Empire afterwards ceded to the Patriarchate of Aquileia in 1071 which gave later that land including Lipica to the noble House of Babenberg.

It was since then that started the long period with many centuries in which that corner of Slovenia became a stronghold of the Austro-Hungarian Empire when that tiny centre lived its golden ages with the creation of that legend related to the local horses and part of the Reign of Italy at the end of the First World War  during the times of the House of Savoy as new ruler when that centre was named Lipizza.   

Incorporated in the former Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia once ended the Second World War just two years later in 1947 due to a new design of the International borders the denomination of the site changed in the current Slavic Lipica continuing its history as part of that former State until 1991 when the dissolution of the Nation created by the Marshal Tito ceased to exist but part of the new Independent Republic of Slovenia until nowadays.

It was during the long period in which that site was governed by the Austrian Emperors when born the myth of that glorious and unique stud farm with those iconic horses well known as Lipizzaner or Lipizzan, magnificent examples of beauty, elegance, talent and versatility which are undoubtedly the great main local highlight which gave international fame and prestige to that tiny Slovenian centre.

That so famous Lipicaneri Konji or simply Lipicanec as it is called in Slovenian language is a sort of legend because it has a long history to narrate and it is not an ordinary equine breed but something of extremely special.

That site has created since a long time ago a kind of perfect horse which conquered and fascinated for its several qualities a multitude of people because that animal boasts an endless list of superb features that others have not.

Thanks to that outstanding attraction Lipica Stud Farm since its inception became a more than considerable destination calling many aristocrats to admire something of unique in its kind and in more contemporary times all that always continued with a considerable success.

Linked to that superb attraction was developed an excellent series of facilities and services including an accommodation to host the visitors offering them the chance of a pleasant and comfortable stay consolidating year by year very important incoming flows for a constant increasing interest created by the strong desire to know the legendary Lipizzaner.

Around that complex was also erected a tourist and recreational network which apart the Hotel Klub includes a Casino, Restaurant, Tennis Courts, Minigolf , Golf course and a space dedicated to artistic exhibitions permitting to admire the performances of those magnificent animals.

Some years ago I participated to a very interesting Educational celebrated in Lipica with the great opportunity to know the history of those beautiful and clever horses.

It was certainly a great experience that I suggest to everyone, something of simply great and if you are planning holidays to that country with all the marvels it offers do not miss the opportunity to visit that place.
It is  definitely a must because that site boasts an incredible history with those stupendous quadrupes as protagonists, something of simply astonishing for their beauty and for all what they can do, an experience you will probably remember for ever.

Thanks to a prestigious tradition of breed of horses born over four centuries ago that stud farm became a sort of legend since the 16th century when the powerful House of Habsburg bought that land from the Bishop of Trieste.

 The history concretely started in 1580 when Archduke Charles II of Austria son of Ferdinand I and brother of Emperor Maximilian II  decided to establish in that year a stud in Lipica devoted to breeding and since then born the myth of those animals which became a distinctive emblem of that former Empire selected as official horses used by the Imperial Austro-Hungarian Cavalry.

The history linked to the Lipizzaner is extremely captivating since its first stages characterised by the importation of six "sementales Caballos Andaluces", Andalusian Stallions and 24 yeguas, broodmares transported from Southern Spain in the Karst Plateau to improve the local equine breed.

That operation was managed by some Imperial emissaries who saw during their stays in the Iberian Peninsula the excellent features of those superb horses which had a very fast feeling with the rider next to an innate elegance and poise, very suitable for a series of specialities, perfect for dressage and exhibitions in which they are absolute champions and for all that they were chosen without hesitations.

The ancestors of the current Caballo Cartujano, that type of horse you can see and admire nowadays in the famous and prestigious Real Escuela Ecuestre de Jerez de la Frontera were introduced in 1581 in that legendary stud farm, since that year started the first tests and experiments of coupling and reproduction with also a daily control about their adaption because they came from a land with a total different climate.(I wrote a post about that Spanish city and something about them if you are interested) 

The complex started since then to be very active also having a considerable enlargement completed four years later exactly in 1585

The first Director was Franc Jurko who managed the establishment with successful results thanks to the birth of some promising colts and young stallions but to create something of perfect was not easy and despite those outstanding operations led by that Manager for the Archduke all that was not enough.

The processes of improvement continued, the great qualities taken by those splendid Iberian quadrupeds needed something else to couple the local mares and for that reason other stallions were introduced to Slovenia such as the the Neapolitan and Czech Kladruber stallions.

According to deep studies and analysis those breeds were considered the most suitable in the entire European panorama to create something of spectacular. 

The Neapolitan is a kind of horse with a particular and special morphology, its head is characterised by an ample front, small ears, very bold and generous but at the same time loyal and obedient, very good in dressage, it loves listening sounds and music and it is well known for its elegant gallop.

The Kladruber has Neapolitan and Andalusian blood and in addition it is a breed which was completed in some historic cycles by crosses with Danish, Irish and German horses. 

In addition it was considered a kind of species pretty reliable with over four centuries of history and also for that it was chosen in the stud farm of Lipica because after a meticulous study it was valued extremely appropriate for some specific features, it is a  very robust animal with strong legs, long back, excellent for parades and it is furthermore very famous for its longevity.

Those studied choices were right and many new young colts acquired more and more appreciated qualities than the previous and growing up they took a varied number of other special features of the fathers but with a better genetic quality in terms of versatility.

In 1594 in an already developed large area the breeding complex was further enlarged until the corresponding current spaces which nowadays are occupied by the Golf Club because the local environment needed a superior surface to host much more horses born in stud farm which continue to offer results absolutely outstanding.

The Austrian Aristocracy immediately fell in love with them and for that, Emperor Charles IV established an Official School with the aim and project to assure and supply the Imperial Court with the best equine breed existing in the entire Europe.

It was since then in which that superb animal increased more its fame generating curiosity, admiration and interest to know better some specific attitudes as its unique instinct and innate talent to do different things with obviously a strong desire by many people to ride that clever horse learning more about its creation generated by varied crosses.

Thanks to that successful activity that site started to be visited from people coming from all around the European Continent, the Lipizzan was already a sort of legend, a magnificent breed without equals which conquered many high figures related to the highest noble spheres and horse world lovers.

Those times consecrated Lipica in a sort of Equine Sanctuary, pride of the Austrian Empire and In 1735 took place the construction of the equestrian school which once terminated the works  became the most organised and efficient of the globe.

In the early 19th century for a brief period due to an earthquake dated 1802 which partially damaged the stables the activity was reduced, sadly some horses died, many operations were moved in 1805 to Đakovo in the region of Slavonia, Croatia and in 1809 in Pecica, a town of Romania in Arad County, selected places for similar climatic conditions.

Despite those years a bit tumultuous the recovery of the structures of Lipica was pretty quick and in that period with a constant research of the perfect breed focused to try to create a kind of mythological example were introduced new protagonists consisting in Arab stallions.

That operation was extremely positive because the young horses were further better than the previous generation, an event which since then was the beginning of a a new cycle which improved much more the features of an already stunning Lipizzaner. 

Those additional attempts had successful results because the Arabian horse added many other relevant features such as speed, resistance and including that notable virtue owned by that equine species of the Middle East well known to have a strong heart so simply fantastic for endurance. 

As further stunning quality it is notorious to be aesthetically very attractive and morphologically it is also famed because it boasts shorter vertebrae than other breeds. All that means a shape much more compact gaining in agility and able to have special movements that others can not have.

The period related to the war between Austria and France with the Austro-Hungarian Empire extremely busy in several military defencive purposes moving numerous troops to protect the Imperial domains with the blocks of the borders facing the massive siege of Napoléon Bonaparte army generated a relevant decay much more amplified with the new French rulers that once occupied the Slovenian site privileged other kinds of issues.

The destiny of that iconic place in those years had a notable mutation, the lack of interest in terms of new stages to consolidate the complex, starting further phases of breeding improvements or simply consolidating the levels of the levels previously acquired were not managed and that glorious place lived deep years of decline.

That land returned under rule of the House of Habsburg after the famous battle of Leipzig in Germany which took place in 1813 with the defeat of Napoléon, an event which was the prelude of several territorial losses that French leader suffered and corresponding to his final fall.

The Congress of Vienna celebrated at the end of 1814 officially proclaimed the return of that Slovenian corner to the old governors with the last details culminated on June 1815 which determined the reincorporation of those territories including Lipica in the Austrian Empire once again.

That time was very relevant to develop a new relaunch identified as the rebirth  thanks to the efforts of a new Director, the noble Karel Grünn very active in every aspect to re-give that site the glory of the past.

The complex was enlarged returning to be that of the great golden era or probably more because those iconic horses started to be often protagonists in several military gala parades at Vienna court and all around Europe. Those events represented a sort of International promotion and that place came back to be visited by more and more prominent personalities all year.

Grünn was replaced some years later by a new Manager, the Austrian Emil Finger who continued the brilliant work of his predecessor with an extensive restoration of the stables and of all the spaces dedicated to the horse training area with that emblematic cradle able to continue its prestigious stages with a considerable success. 

The Lipizzan reached during its history other continental borders and a "cousin" is the Piber also called Small Lipizzaner. It is a species born in the current Hungary created by the cross of the Slovenian stallions and small local mares. Despite its limited height, it is very solid, resistant with a similar instinct and attitude of the father, very clever and eclectic.

During the period of the First World War to keep safe that equine patrimony far from the focal points of the conflict the activity was moved temporary to Laxenburg, in Lower Austria near Vienna and also in Kladruby Nad Labem, a village in the region of Pardubice in the current Czech Republic.

After the fall of the Austrian Empire in 1918, Lipica moved under Italian rule and in the 20's the large part of the horses returned to Slovenia.They were also introduced by the House of Savoy in the Italian Peninsula with new phases of reproduction which had for some years a considerable boom with many of the best exponents introduced by King Victor Emmanuel III in the Royal Cavalry Regiment of Turin.

In the Second World War Slovenia was occupied by German troops and the Lipizzaner were used by the SS-Kavallerie Brigade in the 40's in different operations which took place Central Europe. 

On 16th October 1943 the stud farm was relocated to Hostouň, a town in that time part of the former Czechoslovakia in the region of Pilsen land of the Third Reich in that period, during that relocation were moved in that centre over 170 horses and in Lipica remained just 11.

After the end of the Second War, concretely in 1947 the village became part of a new State corresponding to the Republic of Yugoslavia.The new rulers kept alive that complex as a sort of symbol and national pride and in that new country led by Marshal Tito and in the 60's it was opened to tourists with a new design of re-development.

All that continued until 1991 when the current Slovenia left that disappeared State, and the stud farm became property of the new Slovenian Republic which since 1996 re-started to relaunch the activity with a notable progress and great results.

Morphologically the Lipizzaner inherited many features from all those crosses which highlighted its history  and all that it is really impressive.

The profile of that horse is pretty similar to the Andalusian from which also took the elegance, it has the typical obedience and similar size of the Neapolitan, it has the head, resistance and agility of the Arab, the legs are not very long but very strong just like the fourth bottoms of the Kladruber

The colour is white but the horses born dark or gray and following a specific process the tonality changes transforming itself in white while a special further detail is the tail which is very silky and thin. 

Very muscular, it is a noble animal, excellent rider and jumper, more than suitable for dressage and different kinds of exhibitions characterised furthermore by an incomparable versatility thanks to its cleverness and an instinct over the average media in the equine panorama.

Agile, reactive, it is probably the most disciplined horse in the world, simply incredible is the fast, immediate mutual understanding and feeling with the rider. It wants to be immediately a loyal and eternal friend and about that great attitude it seems almost human  listening and executing orders in just some seconds like an obedient soldier. 

They are undoubtedly very complete in every aspect and as you know despite a horse is very clever it cannot do everything for the morphology and nature related to its genetic, some are excellent in determined specialities generally two or three while the Lipizzan is so great in many.

Another special feature is that it wants to be loved, if you look after it that horse will give you everything including its heart while if it is snubbed it could be a bit rebel and in some cases untamed.

 It is not easy to create a perfect equine breed but probably the Lipizzaner in its kind is that one very close to the perfection. Its discipline and sense of stylish poises in sequence are undoubtedly other special highlights, qualities very appreciated and it is all that which makes it very distinguished and selected for highest class events.

After meticulous rigorous trainings and severe selections they are introduced in the prestigious School of Vienna continuing that glorious and secular tradition started a long time ago with protagonists the best exponents to show as models on a catwalk conquering the admiration of everybody in a while.
Thanks to its increasing success that site was further expanded its surface also in modern times with other structures and activities offering a fan of great options such as horse riding excursions, educational visits to the stables, spaces hosting riding courses and much more organising special events devoted to dressage & horse carriages activities.

That magnificent mini world linked to an equestrian legend also created Lipikum Museum which is a great Institution introducing in a very extensive way the chronological history step by step related to all the stages, processes and phases of the breeding and naturally all the historic highlights of the stud farm since its inception.

In that complex is also celebrated every year an important event ; the Lipica International Open. The first edition was held in 1992 and in that competition which takes place during the second week of March considered the most important national appointment related to that kind of events the visitor can have the opportunity to admire the best about a superb school which continues to produce great equine champions.

In that so interesting place during an Educational or individual visit you can enjoy a show highlighted by those fabulous horses in a wonderful exhibition which endures approximate one hour. You will admire them galloping, walking and trotting in file one behind another, jumping, protagonists of very artistic performances, great exercises and all that is simply spectacular.

On 22nd October 2008 Queen Elizabeth II, Monarch of the United Kingdom visited the stud farm receiving a present consisting in one of those marvellous horses. 

Next to that stunning attraction Golf is a further activity the visitor can enjoy there and the splendid Golf Igrisce Lipica is a prestigious Club designed by Donald Harradine and opened in 1989. 

Very appreciated for its superb facilities, services and a marvellous environment  that complex surrounded by splendid landscapes constantly calls many people fond of that trendy sport with very interesting flows coming from the nearest Austria, Italy but also Germany attracted to play in that paradise and after that experience returning in different occasions.

In addition to that magnificent highlight offering the chance to practise that trendy sporting activity, the surroundings are simply stunning offering several chances in terms of cultural tourism, excursions, relaxation and outdoor activities.

In a short time from there you can reach the Adriatic and the lively Spa resort of Portoroz enjoying the beauty of the local coastline with its splendid beaches and if you are interested enjoying sessions and therapies linked to beauty, wellness, thermal baths, anti aging and stress  therapies and much more.

In that symbol of the Slovenian Riviera you can also find excellent restaurants offering fresh fish and seafood, a very lively atmosphere and the presence of  famous Casinos is another attraction jusdt like the chance to enjoy different kinds of water sports.

Very close do not miss to visit the splendid and historic Piran, a shining gem with a wonderful Venetian past still visible thanks to a relevant preserved architectural patrimony in its historic centre with squares and streets reminiscent that emblematic Marine Republic and in addition you will be delighted by a marvellous bay and a long maritime promenade which will enchant you.

The stunning Croatian Coast is another great option due to the vicinity and very suggested is to visit the area all around the Istria Peninsula packed by picturesque and spectacular bays and charming coves.

 It will be a beautiful occasion to see something of simply striking, from Koper to Pula that coastline is a heaven and I suggest you to visit apart those places also Umag, Porec and Rovinj which are other shining gems will certainly impress you.

In addition as pretty recommended destination is a visit to the fabulous Trieste in Italy which is very close and it offers notable treasures thanks to its stunning architecture closely linked to the Austrian Empire with classical lines of elegant and aristocratic palaces and buildings in a refined Baroque style, a radiant waterfront and a gulf which is simply magic offering fabulous views from its emblematic Miramare Castle.

That city with its more than captivating historic centre will show you furthermore a multitude of masterpieces related to the Roman and Venetian eras but also other spectacular examples of art linked to the most charming Medieval and Renaissance periods.

I suggest you another great excursion which consists to reach Dolina Lurske Matere Bozje, the Valley of the Our Lady of Lourdes, a spectacular natural hilly Eden where you can admire a notorious shrine carved in the rock dedicated to the famous Virgin of the French Pyrenees

That small Chapel has a very interesting history because it was erected by Karel Grünn, former Manager of the stud farm who lived in the current municipality of Sežana until 1875.

That gentleman suffered a very bad case of tuberculosis and he went many times in that place close to the Slovenian-Croatian border to care his lungs with  natural oxygenation and he promised that in the case of recovery to build a shrine in honor of the Virgin of Lourdes.

The man won his battle against that disease and loyal to his declaration he elevated that Chapel which altar was consecrated in 1889.That site also became a sacred destination for many pilgrims coming from different places of the former Yugoslavia devoted to that venerated Religious image.

The nearest marvellous Jama Vilenica, a stunning cave is something I highly recommend you and it is another mandatory if you are spending a pleasant stay in that corner of Slovenia visiting something of simply great.

That large grotto is nicknamed for its beauty the cave of the fairies, it is over 1, 0 kilometre long and 190,0 metres deep considered one of the most spectacular Karst marvels discovered in the entire territory.

Not far you can visit others as Skocjanske Jame also known in Italian language as Grotte di San Canziano boasting an impressive beauty. That stunning wonder was declared by UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1896 and awarded as  one of the most relevant and scenic underground canyon systems existing in the world.

The region is also famous for its genuine and delicious cuisine which is another great aspect to take extremely in consideration for the large variety of delights you can taste there.

The local Kraski Pršut is a very tastefully ham, local and national pride often present in appetisers and starters.  

Closely linked to that delectable product, there are several chances to enjoy Educational routes across the territory stopping and tasting that delectable delight in different farms and establishments and also having great chats with authentic experts which will explain you the history, the best places of production and the processes of curing of something elevated as an icon for its excellent quality..

Other superb specialities are undoubtedly the Kranjska Klobasa and the Krvavice, excellent sausages often combined in different plates and very appreciated by many people for their taste.

The Frtalja is another dish you cannot miss, it is a sort of omelet adding to the eggs different kinds of ingredients such as garlic, spinach, bread, herbs, fresh tomatoes and spices while another famous gastronomic plate is the Žganci similar to a kind of Italian polenta often accompanying soups, meat stews and a large variety of other dishes.

If you want to try something else of very typical, the traditional Prežganka is a soup with an old culinary tradition made with eggs, flour and caraway seeds. A further one is the famous Jota, also icon in Trieste, a kind of minestra prepared with potatoes, beans, pork ribs, bacon adding sauerkraut while the notorious Obara is a rich meat and vegetables casserole considered another gastronomic emblem.

Ample is the offer about bakery and desserts and worth a mention the popular Struklji and Prekmurska Gibanica which are among the most famous specialities well known all around the country.

The chapter dedicated to the fine wines is very considerable with an offer simply great for a supreme quality of several outstanding products.

The excellent Slovenian wines are highly appreciated for their superb taste, highlighted by a long tradition started centuries ago with a selected and premier plantation of excellent grapes cultivated on the hilly Karst Plateau producing more than outstanding local Pinot, Chardonnay, Riesling and Sauvignon always perfect to accompany different kinds of meals and extremely appreciated by numerous experts.

Next to them of notable level are also some others such as Sametovka, a smooth red Merlot and very suggested are also Refosk and Furmint among others. You will have there an extensive choice of a vast range of wines very versatile, savoury, highly palatable, classy, very appropriate in the preparation of different cocktails and characterised by a stunning colour and texture.

The result of that great and wide selection is due to the special micro climate of the territory highly influenced by the mild breeze of the nearest Adriatic combined to a perfect soil which permits the cultivation of robust grapes on the scattered local hills which protect the land by the cold winds coming from east and obviously a right choice of the implantation of vineyards at a correct altitude is another aspect which plays a considerable role.

If you have the intention to spend holidays in that area of Slovenia visiting Lipica and its prestigious stud farm, I inserted some links below which could be useful for your plans.

The proximity of the Airports of Ljubljana and Trieste are two more than excellent options the first one, Joze Pucnik International Airport is situated at 105, 0 kilometres of distance and by E61 in approximately one hour driving you will be at destination while the second in Italy called Ronchi dei Legionari is just 35 minutes away by car. Both are undoubtedly excellent offering a fabulous chance to reach Lipica in a very short time. 

Slovenia is a small country but with several attractions with a lot of things to do offering several opportunities to admire spectacular mountains and at a very short distance a splendid and ravishing Adriatic coastline.

Beautiful villages and towns with a notable historic past with stunning monuments all to discover and loving them at first sight, you will also impressed by that great combinations that land offers which is certainly a more than inviting incentive to plan and enjoy a very significant vacation.

Definitely Lipica is a more than suggested destination because all around its boundaries it has all that and more, perfect to visit all year during a tour, tailor made trip, short breaks, holidays and during a stay organising radial excursions from a place which boasts that glorious stud farm which created iconic horses in the stupendous Karst Plateau, a very attractive site which will conquer you.

Francesco Mari 

Recommended Accommodations in Lipica area

Hotel Maestoso
Hotel Tabor  
Hotel Casino Safir Sezana

Useful links

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