Morocco.A beautiful culture,ancient proverbs and sayings from this fantastic country to learn more and to know better the great Berber people.

When someone thinks or imagines something about this beautiful country called Morocco,often identifies this North African State as a totally an Arab country, for the use of the official language,the Classic Arabic,the religion,some traditions but there is another official language is the Berber the ancient language of the first inhabitants of the Maghreb area and apart language Berber is the identity of the first original people born in this land.
In Morocco today there are more than 14 million inhabitants pure descendants of the first Berbers the Amazigh or Imazighem people,which means free men the rest of the population around 18 million is mainly of origin Arabic -Berber ethnic group was born from the merger between the Arabs who settled in this area of the Maghreb in the dynasty Idrissi, direct descendants of the Prophet Mohamed many centuries ago when later with the dynasties of Berber Almohads and Almoravibs began the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula with the creation of the famous and legendary Caliphate of Al Andaluz.

 Berber Identity in Maghreb is really very strong, for obvious reasons the Mauri, the Numide the Getules and also the famous Tuareg ethnic group that part of the group of the Berbers, were the first inhabitants of this land,Berber people was met by the Phoenicians, then by the Egyptians,later by the Greeks who called these populations of North Africa Berbers or Barbarians for linguistic reasons, in fact the Greeks and then the Romans called Barbarians all those who did not speak Greek or Latin.

A very marked identity,which created  art, history,literature,music,crafts, customs and traditions,folklore  ,gastronomy and that proud to say : "I am Berber:.  Many historical and important people was born in Maghreb area and  Berbers some examples are the Kings of Numidia and Maurutania Masinisa,Juba, Yugurta,Ptolomeo, the warrior Queen Dahya and also one of the most important philosophers in Roman era Publius Terentiusr was born in the Maghreb.

Philosophers,poets,writers,wise kings or emperors, since the time of the Greeks and Romans in tales,mythology, anthologies, poetry, have created such, proverbs and sayings which are part the our culture,daily life and lexicon.Berber culture in Morocco from the Rif to the Atlas, from the Sahara to the Atlantic from Marrakech to Tangier or Rabat from Casablanca to Tetouan has created proverbs and sayings,many of which date back from the times of the historical King of Numidia and Mauritania.

These proverbs are linked to many aspects of life,friendship,love,beauty,destiny,ethic,moral and so on.When i visited for the first time the Morocco and later in my several visits for work this beautiful country,I tried to know better the culture of this splendid people,know the Berber culture helps you a lot to understand this country called Morocco.

I would like to write some today.One typical linked to life,luck and destiny, and this : 'If life wants to send you the luck, you will send with a horse, if you would leave, will break a chain. The philosophy of this saying is based clearly on concepts that nobody knows how the luck will come and as the luck will finish, fate or the life,the subject, a horse an animal so much loved by Berber people,a chain symbol of obscurity union and strongness but against the fate it is also vulnerable.

Yet another one that can be linked to the quality of a good thing that can be linked also to goods and products and that has as its protagonist a aromatic plant, the laurel and its flower and says : the pink flower of laurel is wonderful, but a pink laurel is as bitter.It is a hymn a praise to the aesthetic beauty in its essence and charm, on the contrary, a something of artificial or expired is never of a good quality.

 Another still bound to fatalism destiny,love, friendship,hatred and also reality says :"The person who loves you never build around you palaces, but someone who hates you will dig a grave. This proverb is very deep,it explains that a something beautiful will never to climax,in friendship,love while something really negative or bad for many people it is  the end or a tragedy.

One closely linked to the friendship says : 'The bad friends are not absolutely important in your life". Another with reference to the religious aspect says : If God does not forgive people the Paradise would be always empty,a clear allusion to forgiveness and trying to convey that the reason and to be wise are always the best ways. And a proverb related to hope and never desist in chasing dreams,goals or desires says : "For how long is a night, another day will come'".A veiled optimism,in a long waiting for to collect the fruits of your dreams later,

Morocco,Maghreb and Berber people,their magnificent ancient wise and philosophical culture,it is a great way to know better and deeper this beautiful country.

Francesco Mari

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