New York -Tourism and Modern Art with Andy Warhol at the Met until the 31st December 2012.

New York,this great city,it is the metropolis where Andy Warhol lived and where he had more inspirations for his masterpieces of imaginative creations in the context of the Pop Art this kind of art,which has in the  Artist from Pittsburgh probably the most distinguished exponent.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art pays tribute to one of the most relevant and distinguished Masters of Modern Art with the Exhibition "Regarding Warhol Sixty Artists,Fifty Years,a great event will show you all the talent of this Genius.

To understand Warhol,we have to come back to his first professional activities,when the artist began to work as a graphic and advertising designer for magazines such as Bazaar and Vogue.Son of Czech Immigrants(real name Andrew Warhola),probably in his Czech blood there was something about the influence of Frantisek Kupka the graphic and abstract painter one of the fathers of the Abstract Art Movement,although the artist from Pennsylvania took many inspirations from Leonardo,an universal artist venerated by Warhol to Munch,from the Master of Metafisica School Giorgio De Chirico,who transmitted him some keys of Surrealism to Renaissance Painters as Botticelli,Perugino and Raphael for the use of colours and perspectives.  

Warhol linked in an unique group all those inspirations to create an art able  to surprise,amaze and in many cases to shock as well.The Pop Art is an exaltation of the Minimalism,Irony,Satire and satire and parody of something or in some cases someone,the Pop Art is also a particular Visual promotion of an object transforming that in Publicity and Advertising,the Pop Art is also for many people Kitsch for the irony of the author of a work to give something a particular appearance in a particular moment or context or environment.

Andy Warhol was all that,an object,a vehicle,a car,a simple wall or a couple of bottles became protagonists of the scenario,our interpretation after is to understand if the representations of this artist is a critic,a satire,a provocation,irony to be unfashionable or not very trendy.

Even people represented by Warhol in several works as Marylin Monroe have had different opinions,,if it was a hymn to the beauty of the actress,or a critic to her expressions,or simply to transmit the past,the Pop Art is in some occasions a goodbye to the past,existing only the present,despite the influences an artist has had.The Pop Art of Warhol was also mediatic,his studies and his first work experience in the advertising market,reproduced then in works were used as posters,posters,spots,advertising channels for businesses or companies in their marketing strategies, both at the level of their promotion or at the level to diminish or erase the competitors.

New York is the city where Warhol founded the Factory,in the year 1963,an institution which called several personalities of the NYC culture,creative and extravagant people,artists,people of different artistic ideas,people wanted something new and different.The impact of Andy Warhol on the society has always been unpredictable and many often did not understand why that or this,but the pop art in the mind of this artist had to be even this.

The Exhibition,Regarding Warhol,Sixty Artists,Fifty Years is in short all that,divided in five sections is a series of works by the artist,such as paintings,sculptures and documentations of Warhol and other artists,just like a conversation a chat between artists of different generation with different opinions,philosophy,contrasts and critics.

Warhol introduce the visitors about his vision of daily life,the concept of Kitsch represented and obtained from newspaper articles and magazines, and then reproduced in its own way in his paintings,the transmission of the American Culture in the 60s,the love of the artist for one of its favourite object,such as tins and boxes of food,vegetables and drinks.

further more you can admire some of the other great works by Warhol as the famous retract of Marylin Monroe,"Turquoise Marylin" but also others as Red Jackie both painted in the year 1964 in contrast with others more contemporary. In other sections you will discover other aspects of the Warhol art represented in iconic picture as the Monna Lisa,the representation of a National American Sport as the Baseball,the connection of Warhol with other arts as the Cinema and the Entertainment but also his relations with the business,the design,and the creative environments.

During this visit at the Met next to the Warhol works you can admire other works by different artists as Richard Avedon,Cindy Sherman,Alex Katz,Christopher Wool and Catherine Opie among others.

Learning more about Pop Art and this great artist called Andy Warhol is discover more the NYC of the 60s an important period of the American Society and of New York.All that influenced after over 40 years this beautiful city,which is always a pleasure to visit and enjoy in this occasion,admiring this great exhibition dedicated to one of the Master of the Pop Art : Andy Warhol.

Francesco Mari

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