Bosco Gurin | Enchanting Swiss Alpine Walser Village.

Bosco Gurin is a great tourist destination with the great chance to discover an enchanting Swiss Alpine Walser village, a little pearl situated in a wonderful valley, the picturesque,  wild, fascinating Vallemaggia, a land greatly highlighted by several charming hamlets scattered all around a scenic territory which shows in all its beauty a multitude of attractions enchanting in a while every visitor. 
That small attractive centre lies at an altitude of 1,506 metres, well known to be the highest municipality of the Canton of Ticino since 1803 at the foot of the majestic Wandfluhorn also called Pizzo Biela which with its 2,863 metres and a captivating silhouette is one of the most appealing mountains of the marvellous Lepontine Alps.

That imposing height dominating an enchanting scenery is flanked by others equally wonderful peaks such as the Martschenspitz, Pizzo D´Orsalia and Pizzo Bombögn which all together form a striking crown around the boundaries of that shining gem of the Confederation.

The proximity of another splendid valley named Val Rovana with its intact image is another highlight, a presence which is definitely another incentive to enjoy a spectacular territory in the heart of Europe which will bewitch you for the wonderful landscapes of an environment  totally preserved, a special Eden so easy to love in a while.

 Considered one of the most scenic corners of Southern Switzerland crossed by small, wild streams flanked by fairytale green forests undoubtedly that area is a superb spot highly inviting to spend unforgettable holidays all year in a place simply stunning which is in addition a  renowned Paradise for Winter Sports.

The fascinating architecture of Bosco Gurin is certainly a great additional feature delighting ther view of every visitor in a while consisting in picturesque wooden houses, an outstanding mark left by a population called Walser coming from the Bernese Oberland who established in that place the first official settlement in the Canton since the Middle Ages linked to that community.

That Germanic ethnic group left its motherland took with them everything related to heritage with apart the captivating architecture also its language, the Titsch, an old German language still spoken by the descendants of the first settlers, costumes, folklore,handcrafts, gastronomy and traditions.

Also those very relevant details certainly are a very interesting attraction enchanting the visitors who can know and learn more about a cultural aspect extremely rooted in a community which after centuries and centuries preserve with pride a historic identity conserved and transmitted generation by generation as a precious treasure to defend forever.

A destination as Bosco Gurin is very suggested for that because every visitor discovering a new place want to know also that in a site which is simply perfect for all those who have strong feelings with the magic atmosphere transmitted by the Alps in a centre which is a Mecca for trekkers, mountaineering fans, cyclists and mountain bikers.

That town is in addition perfect  for tourists who simply want to admire the beauty of nature in all its splendour highly represented in a place like that born to donate joy and pleasure at first sight.

A mild climate, peace and tranquillity are other special features very inviting for a multitude of people who can without hesitations chose that site as a perfect vacation idea,very recommended for families with children with the great opportunity to enjoy an uncontaminated environment which makes Bosco Gurin also a notable climatic resort since a long time ago.

The numerous forests encircling that enchanting Swiss Alpine village are considered among the most picturesque of the entire country crossed by paths which could be narrated in a novel discovering hidden natural treasures of immense fascination, a fantastic chance for all those who love to spend hours outdoor enjoying long walks.

Flora and fauna play a role of notable relevance and they are further wonderful highlights enchanting attractions for many enthusiastic photographers glad to immortalise in a myriad of magnificent pictures a scenery highly appropriate for their hobby or profession in an heaven in which protagonists are striking images to remember for ever.

The presence of comfortable accommodations and Hotels is another aspect highly relevant offering a fabulous stay next to great communications which permit to reach other places of immense fascination.

In the immediate vicinity you will have the opportunity to admire fayrtale small centres such as Cevio, Campo, Linescio and Cerentino, very suggested to breathe the atmosphere of the true, genuine, Alpine Switzerland.

In approximately one hour and some minutes driving you will be in the magnificent city of Lugano on the shore of a marvellous lake, the beautiful, medieval Bellinzona is just 65,0 kilometres away and in less than  three hours by motorway you can reach great cities as Zurich and Luzern.

Not far lies a jewel called Lake Maggiore with its shining gems Locarno and Ascona in Swiss territory but with the opportunity to descend towards south admiring on the Italian coastline diamonds as Stresa, Baveno with  the stunning Borromean Archipelago along an unforgettable coastal road, very inviting attractions to take in high consideration to fill your stay with unforgettable days highlighted by memorable visits. (If you are interested I wrote posts regarding Ascona, Locarno and Baveno)

The proximity of the frontier with Italy is also further incentive for a spectacular radial excursions, I recommend you vto visit the nearest beautiful, wild Val Formazza, a valley absolutely magic where you can admire among a multitude of marvels the stunning Cascate del Toce, striking waterfalls which will enchant you.

For all the people who are searching the flavours of a genuine, homemade traditional gastronomy, the superb local cuisine with an endless list of delectable delights offers a very varied panorama ready to satisfy the most exigent palates.

The local history is highly interesting since the times when the current municipality was a humble village populated by farmers devoted to pastures and breeding

The first denomination of the former hamlet was Bosco Quarino or Bosco de Quarino related to the wide forest surrounding the local boundaries identified with the first word which means woodland while the second is its name.

In 1240,that area became a domain of the Lords of Milan with the Torriani predecessors of the famed Sforza and Visconti families rulers of a powerful Duchy which incorporated in its territories of influence the entire Canton of Ticino for a long time.

Those nobles established a traditional feudalistic system organised in the control of villages and hamlets subdivided in not yet defined counties managed by local landowners who enlaced strong, solid relationships with the highest nobility of Locarno represented by influential aristocratic families as the Capitanei who supported that Italic nobility.

In a land pretty depopulated which needed new settlers to create a local wealthy economy the governors  invited a Walser colony which also reached in that period other territories such as the Italian valleys Val Formazza and Valsesia in Piedmont but also the current Aosta Valley populating the present municipality of Gressoney-La-Trinité. 

Afterwards they also settled the Canton of the Grisons in Davos but also in Austrian territories reaching the Montafon valley establishing a settlement in Silbertal. (If you are interested I wrote posts regarding those three destinations) 

It was in 1253 when that  Swiss group coming from the Canton of Bern after some years of a new life in that territory formed an official centre which started to have a more developed profile than the almost desert hamlet existing just a few years before. 

Since then the former Bosco Quarino was the first place to host a Walser community in the Canton of Ticino and in that year an illustrious notary from Ascona called Bonifacio Zanelli recorded an archive in Latin confirming the birth of an official settlement named Buscho Quarinobis.

 The clashes between Duchy of Milan and the Swiss League determined the defeat of the first which could not keep their domains in Southern Switzerland.

That event was also a Religious war between Catholics with France supporting those Dukes from Lombardy and Swiss Protestant Calvinists who with the victory led the the start-up of the new Confederated Switzerland which included in its territories those territories including the current municipality.

The old name of the centre changed in 1934 keeping the first word identifying the forest replacing the second with Guryn in Walser language, a term which was afterwards adapted in Gurin.

Curiously for a long period as unique and isolated case in that Swiss territory,culturally Italian speaking the predominant language was the German. 

The main reasons linked to that peculiarity are closely related to the Walsers which speak the mentioned Titsch, a Walserdeutsch, part of Germanic linguistic group denominated Highest Alemannic.

For obvious, easier reasons of communication they did not adopted the Italian as primary language but the other for affinities.

The Walsertitsch despite differences in accent, phonetic, some letters replaced by others is morphologically very similar to the German also for the use of the dative, genitive, accusative, desinences, same construction of the phrase with the auxiliary verbs sein and haben and generally the Walser or Walliser as also they are called speak a fluent German.

Today despite the Italian is the official language of that Swiss territory approximately a 30% of the local population continues to speak that old mother tongue which is in some cases conserved by someone as a cultural icon transmitted by the first ancestors.

Including in the gastronomy many are the links with the Germanic culture with an use of determined cheeses in concrete recipes or the cabbage in others and furthermore with the preparation of the emblematic Walser Rösti which is not a plate part of the typical, former gastronomy of that Canton.

The local scenic agglomeration consists in a charming group of wooden and stone houses arranged around the charming Chiesa di San Cristoforo e Giacomo, the Parish Church dedicated to the Saints Christopher and James established on a picturesque high plateau  dominating the entire centre of the municipality.

Another Religious site is the Cappella della Madonna della Neve, the Chapel of the Virgin of the Snow, a Baroque construction elevated in 1726.

The Walser museum or Walser Hus, is one of the most important highlights, you can start the visit from that very significant site which will introduce you a stunning exhibition simply perfect to know and learn more the history of that population who since the Middle Ages settled that magnificent Swiss territory.

That enchanting building established in 1386 is one of the oldest rural constructions existing in the entire Alpine arch hosting since 1938 that Institution narrating all the chronological stages with the very interesting history of the local community. 

Worth a mention that Walserhaus is listed in the Inventory Swiss  Heritage site of National Significance, a famous register which recorded the most important cultural protected monuments of the Confederation.

Erected using pure larch with thick trunks, that big wooden structure was developed on an ample rectangular plan arranged on two levels. 

Characterised by a large facade with a wide sloping roof another special highlight is a spacious, captivating portico embellished by flowers on the ground floor.

The interior consists in different rooms such a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom and others introducing special themes focused to illustrate history, handcraft, traditions, folklore, religion and language.

Regarding the latter topic, the museum is sensitive to explain the visitor what represent the Guryner Titsch language and why it is a bit disappearing replaced by the most important languages in use in Switzerland.

During the visit  you will have the chance to listen by an audio system the right phonetic loyal to the pure morphology of that language since the times of the firs inhabitants.

In addition you can admire the traditional furniture made according to the old craftsmen techniques with the presence of different kinds of items, objects and tools. 

Very interesting is section dedicated to a charismatic figure of the community called Hans Tomamichel who was also a relevant artist very popular all around the Swiss Confederation.  

Part of the complex is occupied by the Gemüsegarten or Orto, a sort of gardened area developed in 2006 to show the visitors the local agricultural activity which supplied the needs of survival of the inhabitants.

The Stadel, the stable is another iconic structure consisting in a high brickwork building covered by timber with a wide gable roof, a central doorway and on the top was placed the granary which permitted to conserve the fruits of the harvest. 

That network of structures is a perfect representation of the traditional, rural, local environment and you will notice that the construction is placed above some supports called Pilzen or Funghi meaning mushrooms for their notable resemblance to that kind of organism.

That stunning architectural style in vogue since the Middle Ages was a sort of pioneer which inspiring later many architects who designed the fascinating Alpine Chalets you can see nowadays in many renowned resorts characterised by a fine use of timber with some stone sections, stylish balconies, superb frames around doors and shutters painted in charming tonalities.
The Walser were and are well known for an innate, unique talent as woodworkers, protagonists of extraordinary masterpieces, well known to be very skilled carvers, inlayers, carpenters with a very high reputation

Those activities were transmitted generation by generation by the ancestors and  many current families still have great masters in those kinds of works and not just in architecture.
The Institution linked to Walser Hus also organises some interesting activities as a treasure hunt in the Bosco dei Weltu, the splendid, picturesque local forest. 

The participants are equipped by a GPS appliance and it is an excellent way to know the wonderful Alpine nature surrounding Bosco Gurin.

It  is in its kind an invitation to discover the immense beauty of the intact woodland enjoying at the same time fun and rural tourism discovering the charm of a territory simply fabulous.

During your visit you will notice all around apart a perfect preservation of the nucleo, the municipal heart highlighted by an uniform, homogeneous use of determined materials and architectural details present in the layouts of the buildings.

Apart the timber absolute protagonist you will note an use of stone covering the roof called Tetto in Piode, an execution using very resistant material which apart that quality was also adopted because aesthetically it never disfigures the image of the environment.

Very visible is also the balanced profile of the architectural composition with structures erected with similar height, width, many of them have identical size, painted with the same colours including in the smallest details.  

Also that is part of the scenic view of that fascinating Alpine village, a very considerable imprint respecting clever plans of conservation established since a long time ago.

The previously mentioned Parish Church of San Cristoforo e Giacomo is the main Religious construction elevated on the soil of Bosco Gurin erected in 1253,  in the same period of the Walser settlement which according to historic documentations took place nine years before.

That Religious building has always represented a considerable local point of reference and it was consecrated by a former Order of Friars Order from Locarno

Very picturesque is its location on a verdant high plateau above a group of scattered houses and pines with a sober high light facade beneath a large gable roof flanking a beautiful bell tower. 

In the 15th century the former construction had some restorations including some architectonic changes which determined an aesthetic mutation in the profile of that established in medieval times.

Further modifications were made in the 16th and 17th centuries transforming it in a stylish example of fine Baroque style. 

Some works of refurbishment which took place in the 20th century focused to conserve the integrity of that building, part of the local historic patrimony heritage.

The interior consists in a nave boasting fine arcades, beautiful columns and splendid frescoes on the walls while a beautiful Baroque altar was arranged on a semi circular apse beneath sinuous vaults proceeded by others painted by religious themes. 

 The relevant frescoes of the Chapel of St. Anthony the Abbott and the Virgin of the Rosary both dated the late 17th century are magnificent highlights and in another one dedicated to St. Theodore you can admire an altarpiece boasting an urn containing the rests of that Holy Saint Martyr.

The square bell tower is also protagonist of that fascinating Ecclesiastic complex representing a traditional, refined Baroque work pretty in vogue in the Swiss southern territories and Nothern Italy.  

A notable highlight of that structure is the upper section surmounted by a polygonal element with a semi domed section on the top and a further one is the magnificent graffiti sundial, a work by that prominent artist previously mentioned, Hans Tomamichel who made that masterpiece in 1943.

Around the municipality there  many chances to enjoy brilliant outdoor activities such as trekking, hiking and climbing. 

Crossing spectacular corners along several paths you can reach many unforgettable sites, one of them I strongly suggest you is the emblematic Pizzo  Biela or Wandfluhorn a marvellous peak of the Lepontine Alps dividing as an imposing wall with its 2863,0 metres the Swiss Vallemaggia from the Italian province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola in Piedmont.

From its summit you will have the opportunity to admire unforgettable views of the entire local valley, the Val Rovana, Val Formazza next to other picturesque heights dominating a green, captivating vast woodland.

Another spectacular excursion is by a marvellous trail called the Corte dei Lupi also named Usser Staful or Endra, leading to the small but fabulous Lago Poma, a stunning small lake located at 2315,0 metres of altitude also known with the German name Schwarzsee, the black lake despite its waters are of a splendid dark, blue tonality.

That tiny, enchanting Alpine waters basin is simply spectacular, it has a shape similar to an egg completely surrounded by big rocks beneath a majestic vertical Alpine wall

It is a site boasting magnificent views crowned by scenic mountains and just behind an high spur you will be fascinated by the striking magnificent image of the Pizzo Biela flanked by another stupendous height called Strahlbann which together seem two guards protecting that small marvel.

The Lago di Pero situated at an altitude of 2393, 0 metres is another tiny wonder, a name pretty appropriate because that other wonderful waters basin is very similar for its conformation to a pear.

Someone practised not a long time ago on the shores of those two lakes, fishing, including many mountaineering lovers and trekkers reach them also in winter season to admire those beautiful pearls totally frozen. 

What is impressive is that all around them everything is intact, totally unspoiled and immaculate.  

Peace and serenity are other highlights, ideal sites for all those who love the Alps or looking for to recharge batteries and at the same time practising a great outdoor activity admiring those jewels of extraordinary beauty.

Another beautiful excursion I recommend consists in a wonderful, scenic path leading to a peak called Bocchetta D´Orsalia, situated alongside a splendid A pass at 2443, 0 metres of altitude. 

That stunning place is very suggested for its magnificent panoramic views and rugged nature immediately after the 2000, 0 metres once left  green plateaus and forests during the ascent you will face a sort of moon landscape.

From there you can also have a striking view overlooking Lake Pero and continuing along a marked route you will reach another small waters basin called Ganne D´Orsalia, it is a further natural gem you can find on those magic mountains of the Vallemaggia.

Another fantastic experience you can enjoy is by a local chairlift reaching the Rossboda at approximately 2000, 0 metres of altitude. 

From that point you will be delighted by an ample, striking, panoramic view overlooking Bosco Gurin, ideal to take a multitude of great pictures.

Immediately beneath that summit which is also a very strategic point to start several routes you can see the Grossalp Hut, an Alpine refuge which also works as accommodation.

The Vallemaggia is a Paradise for all cycling lovers and people fond about mountain bike but also a paradise for pleasant and tranquil walks. The joy to explore and enjoy the wilderness and the local virgin territory is something the visitor immediately appreciates.

Despite its small size the name Bosco Gurin is very popular all around the country as a distinguished and very admired winter sports resort with over 30,0 kilometres of  ski slopes perfectly organised, arranged in proximity of the village, an aspect very appreciated by a multitude of people who once reached the centre can easily reach those fabulous tracks.

 The municipality provides 13 official pistes offering the chance to ski at the highest level, a sort of little Eden to practise winter sports in a fantastic  environment.

The excellent presence of facilities as six ski lifts is a great incentive to choose that destination to practise Alpine skiing and Snowboard. The skiers can enjoy in a very relaxing atmosphere, outstanding services and facilities in a place on a human scale, there is not that as happen in other resorts problem consisting in big distances because all in Bosco Gurin is pretty close.

The pistes are always well maintained, fresh snow and slopes for everybody, from the beginners who can start to learn skiing on appropriate areas with a low coefficient of difficulty to the more experienced masters who can test challenging, steep sections.

Magnificent is the space corresponding to Grossalp with pistes of extreme beauty highlighted by impressive straights with some curves very spectacular.

The slopes Meschar, Stafla, Bosco, Naatscha, and Kramegg are all highly suggested very loved by locals and visitors coming from other Cantons. 

Worth a special mention also another one called Sandiga Boda, very attractive for its large extension providing a Snow Park for the joy of a myriad of people who can have fun for hours and hours in a wide are spending more than pleasant times.

The great local Cuisine reflects the typical old culinary traditions and what will delight you is a varied list of genuine, homemade plates.

The famous Polenta and in particular that called Polenta Concia prepared with delicious melted cheese is undoubtedly one of the main gastronomic highlight. 

That plate has a secular history and pretty linked to ancient peasant traditions oftern combined with other specialities, with different kinds styles using butter, onion adding a gravy meat sauce, special venison ragu or also accompanying different kinds of meats and casseroles.

The Rösti, one of the Swiss national specialities is also a highlight in that area in the typical and traditional Walser style. 

Do not miss to try the iconic Walser Suppe very famous and appreciated. It is a kind of soup prepared with toasted bread, butter, onion, celery, pieces of cheese seasoned with a touch of fine white wine. 

Those two plates represent the culinary symbols extremely linked to the local heritage of the entire community elevated as culinary icons.

Notable is also the production of salami similar for taste to those produced in the Italian region Lombardy. Very appreciated are the Salametti, special deer or wild boar salami traditional products of the Canton, perfect in slices as snack or appetiser with fragrant bread, served with of fresh or cured cheeses accompanied by a glass of white wine.

A delicious pancetta is another delight, a kind of bacon which can be combined with the previous products in assorted, varied starters but also excellent fried, grilled or added in different kinds of stews.  

Of high reputation are local pork sausages called Luganighe which can be combined with polenta or also grilled. Simply super with a delectable Risotto, that notorious plate is also prepared with exquisite fresh porcini mushrooms directly coming from the local forests.

The Costine alla Griglia is another tastefully speciality consisting in grilled pork ribs adding olive oil, pepper, salt served with roast potatoes.

As in the nearest Northern Italian Regions you can also taste a supreme Brasato, a beef stew prepared according to the oldest gastronomic traditions also served with the mentioned polenta.

The Canton of Ticino is very famous to produce excellent cheeses. One of the most relevant is the Zincarlin absolutely great with a touch of black pepper and salt served with crostini and canapes. 

There is an old variant with a secular process called Zincarlin da Val da Mücc, an exquisite diary product developed the Valle di Muggio, a valley close the Italian border in which that tastefully cheese needs to be cured approximately two months adding during the preparation a good quantity of white wine. 

Notable is the presence of different kinds of Formaggelle, soft cheeses considered sort of icons of that Swiss land,very versatile, they could be inserted in a varied buffet, spread on bread, melted or present in sauces used in a large variety of recipes.

Very suggested is also the Capra Ticino, a great goat cheese with a salty taste, a protected product of the Canton, a special dairy product born over a century ago produced by the milk of a special grey goat only living in that specific area of Switzerland. 

Honey and chestnuts are other products appreciated in that land often used to make several cakes and desserts, the latter is also used for sauces, jams, creams and due to the advent of the Nouvelle Cuisine also used to flavor meat and other plates.

Regarding wines the predominant grape is the Merlot , thanks to a pretty mild climate with several sunny days a year, the local vineyards cultivated at a right altitude with resistant grapes produce excellent wines.

Franc Bondola, Chardonnay, Cabernet- Sauvignon, Gamaret but also a local fine Pinot Noir are among the most famous. 

Very smooth, palatable at the first sip, versatile with body, texture, for colour and taste they are very similar to some wines produced in Piedmont, you will be extremely satisfied by their qualities with a wide select variety which will delight your meals.

Lugano Agno is the nearest airport, in one hour and a bit more you will be at destination. Landing on Zurich Flughafen International Airport could be another interesting option in the case you are starting a tailor made tour enjoying a Fly & Drive from that city located 205,0 kilometres away and in approximately three hours driving by motorway from that city you will easily reach the resort. 

I added some links below to plan your future holidays in that Swiss area with some suggested accommodations in Bosco Gurin in the case you have the brilliant idea to visit that resort in the Swiss Alps.

Definitely that site is a complete destination offering an ample choice of a very active tourism ideal for a lot of people with different tastes all year and certainly a more that great place for winter sports lovers, trekkers and mountain lovers.

What is simply special and immediately fascinating at first sight it is that sensation of serenity which transmits that place.
The striking images of stunning landscapes will be imprinted in your unforgettable memories probably forever because the Vallemaggia and Bosco Gurin are something very easy to remember and they will immediately enchant you.

That land is magic with a magnificent atmosphere surrounding the majestic Alps which have created myths but also highlighted sites as that enchanting Swiss Alpine Walser village, a tiny shining diamond unique in its kind. 

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Bosco Gurin 

Hotel Walser
B&B Casa Moni
Capanna Grossalp  

Recommended Restaurants

Osteria Delle Alpi

Useful links

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