Genoa -Italy- The Magnificent History,The Immense Charm of the Superb City of the Mediterranean : Genoa.

Genoa is a splendid city,its geographical position is unique,bathed by the Mediterranean sea and embraced by the Appenino Ligure,with its large bay,this city with a long history and past always offers an unique and unforgettable image.Its historic nickname La Superba,the Superb is real,Genoa is absolutely Superb in every aspect.

the Ligurian capital with its approximately 800,000 including the urban agglomerations is the 6th Italian city for population,every time linked to the sea,from its noble past of powerful marine Republic to the recent time, "Zena" as is called by the locals is shining every time under its Lanterna the majestic lighthouse,emblematic symbol of Genoa and it is always a pleasure to discover the charm of its historical centre,just a like coming back in the past strolling its typical narrow streets,the famous "Caruggi"another highlight of the city since the medieval era,which always have something to transmit to the visitor,history,flavours,lights and reflects at sunset,dawn,in a cool evening or in a romantic starry night Genoa is fascinating and further more a city never lost its strong identity. 

Genoa is a very intriguing city,probably one of the most eclectic and complete among the Italian cities it has sea,monuments,hills,medieval,renaissance,neoclassic,art deco and modern buildings,picturesque alleys,majestic and elegant squares and further more that air and Mediterranean breeze which transform Genoa as a beautiful Queen on her throne in front of her reign,the magnificent Genoa gulf.The city is also a great treasure about culture,art with its long list of museums,its historic centre with its places,Patrimony Heritage site by UNESCOand of course its delicious gastronomy so famous all around the world,the pesto,the focaccia,its wide selection of fish dishes and its farinata are part of the most famous international gourmet.   

In the 60s and in the 70s Genoa grown up around its already busy port,there was a new reorganisation of the historic centre and in particular the construction of new buildings the city restored some of its old palaces and historic centre.The 80s were the years of an economic period of continuation and the 90s in occasion of the celebration 5th Centenary of the discovery of America hosted by Genoa the birthplace of Christopher Columbus in the year 1992,Genoa  dressed itself with its best gala clothes,many emblematic points of the city were restored as Piazza de Ferrari,the area around the Cathedral,the Duke Palace,the Teatro Carlo Feliceand the port had a new image,a festival of colours,new modern and eclectic buildings and an excellent connection to the airport and motorways.
Genoa is a city mother of famous and prominent people,apart Columbus. artists,prominent people of politic,literature,music,in this city were born the magic violin of Niccoló Paganini,the famous writer Montale,the patriot Bixio and the politicians Mazzini and Togliatti,the composer of the Itslian Hymn Goffredo Mameli.Genoa is  music with its famous sons De André,Fossati,Tenco and also Paoli and Lauzi (born in other towns but both grown up in Genoa since they were very young),Genoa is the city of a great master of theatre and cinema Vittorio Gassman.Many artists worked and loved Genoa as Rubens,Van Dijk and Chechov decided to live and a lot of others as as Wagner,Bellini,Oscar Wilde (whose wife, Constance Lloyd, is buried in the cemetery of Staglieno) and Friedrich Nietzsche,Sigmund Freud fall in love with Genoa.Chekhov in a famous phrase described Genoa as the most wonderful city of the world.Richard Wagner, the famous German composer of the 19th century said about Genoa :" I have  never seen anything like this Genoa! It's something undeniably beautiful, grandiose,distinctive: Paris and London compared with this divine city disappear as a simple agglomeration of houses and streets without any form.I really do not know where to begin to give the impression that I did and continues to make me: I laughed like a child and could not hide my joy! Everyone must see Genoa. "As written in a song by the Genoese songwriter Ivano Fossati,·Chi Guarda Genova,Who look at Genoa,in the lyrics there is a phrase ..Genova si vede solo sal mare..Genoa is only seen from the sea,the Superb city from the sea is unique,if you walk around Genoa you will have the magic sensation that every panoramic view of Genoa with its sea make this city more beautiful than that which is.

The origin of Genoa is very ancient,inhabited by the Ligurians,a Celt population,Its name apparently derives from the Celtic word Genu,meaning mouth,due its form of estuary mouth on the arch of the Ligurian coast.  .Genoa was invaded by the Carthaginians in the 205 B.C and Mago brother of Hannibal  devastated the city for its alliance and collaboration with the Roman Empire.Some years later the Romans helped the locals to rebuilt the city and also for that it always remained a faithful allied of the Roman Empire,becoming since that period with the support of Rome the most important commercial ,maritime centre of Liguria and of the Northern Mediterranean.After the fall of Roman Empire,Genoa,suffered several invasions many inhabitants escaped to Milan where the Bishop gave them refuges.Attacked and devastated by the Lombard in two occasions between the 7th and 8th century,Genoa joined the Frank Empire and Charlemagne gave the city autonomy and freedom to create maritime trades. New enemies from Northern Europe,the Normans and from South the Saracens attacked several times the fortified port of Genoa.

The Middle Ages was an important period for the city, especially for a unique historical event: the Crusades.Genoa contributed with many expeditions to the holy land,its soldiers leaded by the General Guglielmo Embriaco had a relevant importance for the Jerusalem conquer.The prestige of Genoa increased during that period,the city and all its port were totally fortified,Genoa had a very powerful marine fleet,the city received by Frederick Red beard King of Swabia an offer of alliance to fought against the Normans.Genoa,already in the 11th and 12th century consolidated its maritime power in victorious battle against the Moorish,on the Andalusian coasts in Almeria and also in Majorca.Although Genoa had a solid politic organisation,the 14th century was a period of instability due the rivalry between noble families about the property of lands and territory,Genoa allied of France and Milan lived more a period with internal problems inside its Republic than battles and wars with enemies from abroad,despite that and in the next century Genoa continued to develop its intense trade activity around the Mediterranean.    

The 16th century was the period of the golden ages for Genoa,,the city of Liguria became an absolute European power thanks to Andrea Doria who played an important role for the Superb Republic.The legendary Genoese Admiral well known with the nickname of Princegave order to the republic deleting all the internal political conflicts,Andrea Doria decided to run the Republic far of the French influence,the city lived an important artistic period with artists as Rubens and many other talented painters and architects who decided to move to Genoa giving the city authentic masterpieces of art,Genoa has a new defencive system
to protect the republic from the new emergent powerful Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia ruled by the Savoy.Unfortunately the 19th century due an alliance between France and the Savoy was the the end of the glorious republic,Genoa was attacked by sea from France and from the interior by the Kingdom of Piedmont and in 1815,Genoa fall under Savoy influence.The history of Genoa under rule of the Kingdom and Piedmont and Sardinia was a grey period,the most important city was Turin,but Genoa was protagonist  in the Risorgimento years when patriots and politics as Nino Bixio and Giuseppe Mazzini,with Giuseppe Garibaldi (from Nice but with a strong Genoese culture) was an important stronghold of the future reunification of Italy.The World Wars,were two different periods for Genoa,after the first war Genoa started to enlarge its metropolitan area,under the Fascist regime born the Great Genoa formed by several small agglomeration Incorporated to the city,the second war was a very difficult period,the bombings and the damages generated a decline of the City,which lost importance in the mercantile area,in the second half of the 50s anyway Genoa developed new kind of industries,steelworks,shipyards and the advent of tourism cruises connected to the port .

A very interesting start point to visit Genoa can be the area of the Palazzo del Principe,famous also with the name Villa Doria Pamphili.This wonderful mansion was a creation of the Admiral Andrea Doria,built in the 16th century and ended in 1533.It is a magnificent palace with a beautiful view on the Mediterranean,hosting a great number of relevant paintings and frescoes,relevant tapestries and object remembering the golden age of Genoa.The building is surrounded by a splendid garden.One of the highlight is its elegant and majestic staircase with arcades leading to the halls.The Palace was a work by the architect Pietro Bonaccorsi
a Florentine architect of the Raphael School who painted several frescoes too.In the 19th century the palace was in part restored,due a decay of frescoes,in particular one depicting the God of the sea Neptune symbol of the Doria family.Almost the frescoes of the palace represent in a key the victories and success of the Doria,who in the 17th century ordered to build a fountain with the God Neptune in the garden,along a series of sculptures and statues to embellish the palace,the garden lost part of its area due some urban modification and the construction of the new railroad.Very interesting to visit the Galleria D´Oro a fantastic exhibition in an elegant hall displaying a collection of tapestries dating back 16th century among the most rich and relevant ion the world.  

Walking along Via Andrea Doria,a street dedicated to the glorious Admiral and continuing for Via San Paolo,you can see the Chiesa di San Giovanni di Pré,a medieval church built in 1180  di Pré due the position in the neighbourhood of Pré.This church is a complex of two churches on two different floors,with stoned walls and bricks and marble columns,a bell tower with lines of arched windows in the upper section and  another construction, built in 1180 over a previous church called Chiesa di San Sepolcro  was a former convent.Thr complex was built in a typical Romanesque style by the orders of the Knights of Malta in 1180 the Genoese Knights who participated to the crusaded in the Middle East.The interior is well preserved conserving several relevant frescoes. Later the church was used as a sort of hostel for pilgrims coming to Genoa before to start their trips to the holy land,hosted in the construction annexed to the religious complex and called Ospedale della Commenda.This religious complex was restored in occasion of the celebration of Genoa 1992 in honour of the America discover. 

Pré is part of the culture of Genoa,it  is a maze of narrow streets,with old taverns,small shops
it was in the past the sailor district and it is considered an emblematic symbol of the Ligurian city for its colourful,lively and typically Mediterranean atmosphere.Walking along via Pré and breathing the traditional air of the old Genoa in the nearest street Via Balbi,there is the Palazzo Balbi Senarega,a beautiful palace built by the prominent Balbi family in the 16th century.The building is next to the Convento dei Gesuiti,the Convent of the Jesuits, the University, and the Royal Palace,the Palazzo Reale so called because in 1824 became a resident of the Savoy Royal Family,Kings of Italy.Inside you can visit the National Gallery and the beautiful roof garden with an amazing view of the Genoa bay and its wide harbour.The palace was built inn the half of the 17th century.The building is a splendid work in Baroque style with an use of yellow and red colours,inside a charming courtyard and a garden.The interior hosts a series of rooms decorated and furnished by the Durazzo family and later  by Savoy Royal Family, consisting in the Hall of the mirrors,a chapel and the Valerio Castello Hall.Among the important works do not miss the paintings of 17th century Flemish artist as Van Dyck and paintings by prominent Italian artists as Tintoretto,Guido Reni and Guercino.

At the end of Via Balbi there is  the Chiesa dell´Annunciazione the Annunciation Church along with a convent, built in the early 13rh century by the order of the Umili Fratelli  congregation of the Humble Brothers  of the Convent of Mercy of St. Michael of Alexandria, in the area of the "Annunziata". It was at the end of the 15th century that  a few religious communities were replaced by Friars which started in 1520, the work of the new church dedicated to St. Francis for their founder.But following the work of expansion of the city wall was demolished the church and religious community was assigned the church of San Francesco del Prato.The Friars in remembrance of the religious building demolished, the church dedicated to St. Francis and St.Annunziata, which was extended at the end of the 16th century century,thanks to funding from the family Lomellini.The religious complex, which included the gardens and the library became one of the most important city.It was during the 2nd World War the building, following the American bombing, was heavily damaged.

On the opposite side stands the Palazzo Belimbau.The Palace was built between the half of the 16th century and the half of 17th century,this palace is part of the Genoese aristocracy,erected by Francesco De Ferrari,  restored by Antoniotto is a beautiful classic palace,with a series of elegant windows and balconies,this palace is part of the group of buildings declared UNESCO Patrimony Site with others 41 and it is of course one of the symbols of the magnificent architecture of the 16th century in the Ligurain Capital.
In the 18th century this palace was the residence of Pope Pius VI a particular residence because the Pope was prisoner of Napoleone Bonaporte.In the 2000 the family Belimbau gave the palace to the University of Genoa

The nearest Via Cairoli is a street leading to Piazza della Meridiana,Meridian Square.It a wide area taking the name by Palazzo della Meridiana and this square is close to Via Garibaldi,this street is another emblematic symbol of the Genoa of the 16th century.This long pedestrian street hosts in a sumptuous line all the noble palaces of the most powerful Genoese families,Palazzo Doria,Palazzo Spinola,Palazzo Pallavicini , Palavicini,Palazzo Rosso and Palazzo Bianco,these last two declared UNESCO Patrimony Heritage sites.Located opposite each other,the two buildings host relevant museums with masterpieces  by famous artists of Genoese School,  ,Dutch,Spanish and Flemish.In the Palazzo Rosso you can admire an interesting collection of portraits by Van Dyck, Flemish painter very much appreciated by the Genoese nobles of the time.Built in the second half of the 17th century for the brothers Brignole-Sale,Palazzo Rosso"the Red Palace, the whose name comes from the colour of the exterior colour of its facade is one of the largest and most important ancient aristocratic residences of Genoa.The second floor hosts a rich collection of frescoes by prominent painters of Genoese school dating back 17th and 18th century by Piola,De Ferrari,Carlone and Parodi among others.Other halls display collections of old ceramics,mirrors and beautiful portraits of noble Genoese exponents by Van Dyck and Rigaud.

Palazzo Bianco,the White Palace was built in 1889,commissioned by the noble Maria Brignole Sale,duchess of Galliera,was bombed during the 2nd World War,it was in the major part rebuilt and transformed.Inside there is a rich collection of works,one of the highlight is the masterpiece  Venus and Mars, by Rubens,  paintings by Van Dyck and other great works of Flemish and Dutch school,works by Memling, David and Massys, Lippi, Caravaggio, Procaccini,Cambiaso,Strozzi,Assereto, Castiglione,De Ferrari, Piola and many others,the Spanish school is represented with paintings by Zurbaran and Murillo.Another building worth mention is the Palazzo Doria Tursi,an elegant palace,current Genoa Town Hall, which houses the violin of  Niccolo Paganini,one of the distinguished artistic sons of Genoa.Built in 1565,apart the magic violin,the palace hosts a letter by another prominent Genoese citizen : Christopher Columbus Next to the palace you can admire Chiesa della Maddalena the Church of Mary Magdalene,a pretty small church, which dates 10th century.The church in 1480 became a hospice, and in 1572 Pope Gregory XIII abolished the Magdalene order and formed a parish hosting the order of monks Theatines Somaschi.During its history the church was several times restored and consecrated in 1755.From Via Garibaldi you can reach Piazza Fontane Marose a square with other interesting buildings,one of them is Il Neurone,which is characterised by a splendid example of trompe l'oeil,very common in other Genoese palaces.

Porto Antico is the Old Port is the symbol of the glorious past of the Republic of Genoa and also an emblematic point of the modern city,The Port hosts several attractions,one of them is  the Acquario,the Aquarius,one of the largest in Europe,The Cittá dei Bambini the Children's City,Magazzini del Cotone he Cotton Warehouse,Museo del Mare e della Navigazione,the Museum of Sea and Navigation and and  the Museo dell´Antartide the Museum of AntarcticApart the museums mentioned before you can admire a panoramic lift called Il Bigo a work by the famous architect Renzo Piano designed for the Columbus celebrations in 1992, and La Bolla a  glass ball fern nursery.The architect Renzo Piano created the redevelopment of the entire area.The Magazzini del Cotone,the Cotton Warehouse is a museum consisting of  10 rooms with an extensive exhibition dedicated to the history of the sea such as the routes of the great navigators,the house of a merchant of the 17th century, the discovery of the activities of a shipyard and many other subject linked to the marine world.In addition,the atmosphere of this exhibition is completed by the installation of sound that lets you hear the howl of the storm, the voices of the sailors and so on.

Il Bigo is a structure representing the idea of a crane with many arms, like those who load and unload the goods of the merchant ships.It has a panoramic lift that rises up to 40 meters high, overlooking the harbour at 360º.The other futuristic building La Bolla has been made in the work of upgrading the city ahead of the G8 in July 2001.Designed by Renzo Piano,it consists of a sphere made up of 336 panels of glass, high over 17,0 m meters and 20,0 m in diameter, which hosts some type tree ferns and in four species belonging to two different genres,Inside there is a system controlling humidity and temperature.The Acquario,the Aquarius is another great attraction of Genoa,it consists in 59 tanks with over four million liters of water,arranging the habitat of the Oceans,the Mediterranean, the Poles and the Tropical Aquarium,one of the largest and most modern marine parks in Europe with over 500 species of animals.Here you can see sharks,penguins, jellyfish and crocodiles,seals,dolphins

Leaving the harbour area,you can reach in a short walk Piazza San Lorenzo.Here is the Cathedral dedicated to San Lorenzo,St Lawrence,dating back 12th century,a splendid and majestic example of Gothic style.This cathedral was probably built over another constructiondating back the 5th century.The current Cathedral  was built the 12th century and it was was elevated to the rank of archbishop. With the struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines,the church suffered considerable damage and was partially rebuilt and continued the completion of the facade between 1307 and 1312. Between the 14th and 15th century were built altars and chapels,while retaining the original Romanesque structure dating back to 1455 and the subject of the tower facade,while the opposite one to 1522 in the Mannerist style.During the 17th century it was performed covering the nave and the apse of the floor, according to a plan dating from the 16th century by architect Galeazzo Alessi.The last restoration date back to early last century.Do not miss the Treasury kept in the Cathedral.It is worth visiting the Museum of the Treasure,which houses some precious objects dating back to the Crusades, including the Holy Basin,where according to legend,Jesus Christ would drink the wine at the Last Supper, and the urn that holds the ashes of San John Baptist.The museum of the Treasury is one of the finest achievements of the 20th century.Designed by Franco Albini and Caterina Marcenaro,in order to receive the precious objects related to the worship of the Cathedral and the city's history,it was inaugurated in 1953. Deserve attention the Sacro Catino,a green glass,manufacturing in  Islamic dating from the 9th century and considered a relic of the Last Supper, the Cross of Zechariah, a Byzantine writer of the 13th century, embellished with gems and pearls oriental 's Casket of ashes of St. John the Baptist who, according to tradition, would be donated to the Cathedral by the Emperor Frederick Redbeard, and two large crates, one dedicated to St. John the Baptist, dating from the 15th century, the other called "Corpus Christi" produced by different authors in the 16th century.Also worth visiting is the Museo DiocesanoThe Bishopric Museum.Inside the Cloister of Canonici di San Lorenzonext to the cathedral,the building was built in the 12th century,altered and extended between the 16th and 17th century,it houses carved altars and altar pieces, wooden furniture, sculptures, silver and vestments from the territory of the Bishopric of Genoa. The Cathedral holds inside a copy of a huge bomb that,during the bombings of 1942 fell within the church remain unexploded.

Leaving the Cathedral along the slope that leads to the Palazzo Ducale.This impressive palace was the seat of secular power of the Republic of Genoa,now it is home of cultural events and exhibitions. The building was founded with the name Palazzo dei Capitani the Palace of the Captains,with the advent of the Doges·,the Ducal Palace was residence of the first Doge of Genoa Simon Boccanegra in 1339.After several fires and destruction were the changes made to the building,to take up the forms and proportions that you can still admire nowadays.Reopened in 1992, for the Columbus celebrations,its current function is that of multi-purpose building,a centre for exhibitions and cultural and social initiatives.The places in the past housed the Courts of the Republic and now it is home of businesses companies and offices open to the public such as bars,restaurants,art galleries,libraries,exhibitions ans a Tourism Information Centre.

In the magnificent Piazza de Ferrari here you can admire Il Palazzo della Borsa the Stock Exchange Palace and the Teatro Carlo Felice and at the centre of which stands the great symbol of the city the majestic fountain symbol of the city..The Teatro Carlo Felice was erected on the area where the site of an ancient convent to meet the needs of a small town theater that surpassed in prestige of the two existing ones.But was under Savoy rule,of which the building is named when Genoa was  annexed to the Savoy Kingdom.The theater was inaugurated on April 7 of 1828 with a performance of Catania artist Vincenzo Bellini's "Bianca and Fernando".The neoclassical structure,charming and elegant,designed by Barbino soon became the fulcrum of the modern city.The south facade was fitted with a colonnade of Doric marble of Carrara.On top of the porch the statue of the Genius of Harmony by sculptor Saggini,while the three gates was named Music,Comedy and Tragedy on the gable was placed the coat of arms and the clock.The structure lasted until the 2nd World War, when an air raid wiped out the entire wooden structure.After the war the municipality started to talk about a reconstruction, but only in 1991 was awarded the Carlo Felice Opera at the Teatro Comunale.

Immediately after Piazza de Ferrari you can admire La Lanterna..For many people it is the symbol of Genoa,the lighthouse was built in 1543 following the demolition of the Fortezza della Briglia an ancient fortress,built by Louis XII.The structure looks like a tower in two sections,each surmounted by arches,117 meters high,you can reach the terrace by a staircase of 375 steps,enjoying one of the most beautiful view of the city.Via  XX Settembre is considered the axis between yhe old and the new city.It is a shopping street, with elegant houses,banks and cinemas,Here you can admire the Chiesa di Santo Stefano St.Stephen Church one of the most significant churches in Genoa dating back 12th century.It is in this church according historic documentations where Christopher Columbus was baptided..It is one of the finest examples of Romanesque architecture in Genoa, with a rectangular plan with a nave,and  a crypt.The brick octagonal dome and bell tower, which according to some sources,it served as a guard tower before to built the church.

Continuing on Via XX Settembre, under the Bridge Monument that stands where once stood the Porta degli Archi,the Arches gate attached to the walls of the 16th century,still partly visible,but hidden between the streets and buildings.The artery runs through much of the city.Walk until "Piazza Colombo"and next to this square you can visit "Il Mercato Orientale" the Eastern Market, born in the 19th century, and proceeds from the porch of a former convent adjacent to the "Chiesa della Consolazione"the Church of the Consolation. Here the farmers who came from the valley close to the city sold their products,in particular fruit and vegetables.The market still exists and is an explosion of people,colours and spiced smells.The first church was built in the area of the Consolation in 1475 but demolished in 1681.It was in 1681 the Augustinian fathers began to build the new church in the place where you can admire today.In 1813 it became a parish and was also dedicated to St. Vincent Martyr.

 The historical gate of Genoa, Porta dei Vacca walking on Via Campello,lined with shops, to continue on Via Fossatello that opens in the middle between the Church of San Pancrazio.This small church of the late Baroque style preserves fine art,decorations and frescoes of the apse as that made by Boni.Also inside you can see the marble altar with a statue of St. Pancras and the statue of Our Lady of Mercy,as well as a magnificent Flemish triptych depicting the life of the saint.The present church was built in San Siro area in the 4th century on an ancient cemetery and it was dedicated to the Twelve Apostles.It was not until the late 6th century the temple was dedicated to San Siro, who had been bishop of Genoa.The church was designed as Abbey in 1006 and assigned to the Benedictine monks who rebuilt in Romanesque style on the orders of the bishop.This was dependent on the Milan bishop until 1133, when Pope Innocent II established the Archdiocese of Genoa.The church was burned in the 15th century during the civil strife and in 1575 it passed to the Theatine fathers who remained until the Napoleonic suppression of the monasteries in early 1798.The church in its present form is the result of the reconstruction of the 17th century and the transformations of the 19th century.

Via San Luca is a very interesting street full of shops and ancient buildings.You can stop at the Gallery of Palazzo Spinola, which is located in a side of the main street.This is one of the most important museums in Genoa, with the beautiful,Sala degli Specchi The Hall of Mirrors, the "Ecce Homo" by Antonello da Messina, and the enchanting view of the harbor that can be enjoyed from the hanging gardens of the palace.In Via San Luca there is also a small church dedicated to St.Luke,former chapel of the noble Spinola family, which contains the precious painting of the Adoration of the Shepherds dating back 17th century.The Church was built in 1189 by Oberto Spinola, but the present form is the result of a transformation dating back 19th century

Piazza dei Banchi is another historical Genoa square where you can admire the Loggia dei Mercanti.It is the first seat of the Italian Stock Exchange, which dates back to the 16th century, and the "Chiesa di San Pietro st.Peter Church.The Lodge of St. Peter's was built between 1589 and 1595 by Andrea Ceresola,,it is located in the commercial heart of the ancient city.The building was built by the Fathers of the municipality,city administrators,who had planned a restructuring of the square.The Loggia, which has a unitary structure, was ceded to the Chamber of Commerce in 1839,From 1855 it housed the Italian Mercantile Exchange,then with the bombing of 1942 destroyed the roof and was only restored in 1950 after the Lodge was reopened, and destined to cultural activities.The nearest Via degli Orefici is famous for its jewellers shops, and crossing the nearest Piazza Campetto you can reach Palazzo Imperiale built in the 16th century.This building was erected by Vincenzo Imperiale between 1555 and 1560,later it was enlarged and embellished by his son Giovanni Giacomo.Later the building was renovated by another Imperiale,Giovanni Vincenzo,the result is the aspect the palace has nowadays.

 Piazza San Matteo,it is a typical Genoa example of medieval square, where you find the little Chiesa di San Matteo,St Matthew Church,famous for its cloisters,the church was founded originally as a chapel of the noble Doria family,get it built in 1125 was Martino Doria and only later, around 1310, was built the cloister square.The exterior dates from the 13th century and it is characterised by blacks and white marble facade and an inscription tells of the victorious enterprises of the Doria family.Andrea Doria,in the first half of the 16th century,rebuilt keeping the external decorations.Inside,in the lunette of the portal,you can admire a wonderful mosaic depicting St. Matthew and at the base of the right window,a Roman sarcophagus, trophy of the battle of Korcula in the crypt and the tomb of Andrea Doria.

.From Piazza Matteotti you can reach in a short walk Piazza San Giorgio St.George Square, with the Chiesa di San Giorgio st.George Church and the nearby Piazza Cattaneo,which overlooks the homonym palace expression of 17th century manor.The square Piazza San Cosimo with the charming"Chiesa di San Damiano e Cosma St. Cosmas and Damian Church before coming on the waterfront for a glimpse of what is referred to as the alleged home of Vespasiano Agrippa.The building is one of the oldest places in town and the name was given to Agrippa House in 1950 when, during the restoration, was found a stone bearing the name Agrippa,first admiral of Roman Emperor Augustus.However,many art experts still believe that it is a house dating to the 11th or 12th century,and that the present structure is only a small part of a much larger building.Certainly during the period of the Genoa Republic,this area was known for executions that were performed before the Chiesa di San Marco Church of St.Mark and probably this building was the home of the Executioner,another name which is referred to the ancient ruins.

Via San Giorgio is a relaxing walk in the heart of Genoa,not far taking Via delle Grazie,you can admire a masterpiece of Romanesque art,built in the 9th century.This ancient monastery of Santa Maria di Castello dominating the port and the bay of Genoa.It is probably here on this hill which was the first Genoa settlement.This monastery was a Dominican convent,inside there are some relevant frescoes dating back 15th and 17th century.This area consists in a group of narrow streets and alleys,part of the most popular Genoa but preserve one of the most historic towers of the ancient Marine Republic,the Torre degli Embriaci.It is the tallest tower of Genoa and dedicated to the General Guglielmo Embriaco who leaded the conquer of Jerusalem in 1099.The Palazzo San Giorgio,the former Ocean Palace, was built in 1260,symbol of maritime and  medieval civil architecture.It was until 1262 the Town Hall.In  1451 the palace became the headquarter of a Bank the Banco di San Giorgio, which was considered in that time one of the most efficient banks of Europe and proud of the Republic of Genoa until the 17th century.  The facades were painted in the early 17th century and the building was restored in 1899 with the intention to save and keep its medieval aspect.In Piazza San Donato there is the the church with the same name with a beautiful octagonal bell tower. Built in the 11th century,the church was consecrated in 1143.It is a great example of Romanesque architecture in Genoa,although the rose window,the porch on the facade and the magnificent octagonal tower are a reconstruction of the 19th century by Alfredo D'Andrade, while retaining the appearance of the medieval basilica.Inside,on the right wall,you can admire a shrine depicting the dove of the Baroque Holy Spirit, which includes the Madonna and Child, while in a side chapel,is visible the splendid triptych The Adoration of the Magi, made in the 16th century by Flemish artist Jooos Cleeve.

In the nearest Piazza Negri you can see the famous Chiesa di San Agostino the Church of St.Augustine.Very interesting is the cloister,a triangular space with charming columns and coloured tiles.This church was founded by the Augustinians in 1260 and ,then it was rebuilt and restored over the centuries several times and abandoned in 1798. The building, characterised by a bell decorated with majolica is currently used as a concert hall.

Via Ravecca leads to the Medieval Gate Porta Soprana the twin of the Porta dei Vacca,which was part of the ancient Genoese fortified walls built to to defend the city in the case of attacks by Frederick the Red beard of Swabia.A legend would habit that the Genoese knew of  invasion of the German enemy and they erected in a few days the walls,using every material they had including rocks transported in the city from the Ligurian coast.This tower dating back the same year of the Porta dei Vacca,consisting in a complex of two high cylindrical towers linked each other by an arcade with a passage, and it also served as check point over the ample area of Sant´Andrea where once there was a medieval church with the same name.Next to Porta Soprana there is the Casa Cristoforo Colombo,the house of Christopher Columbus,a small building which replaced in the 18th century the rests of the native house of the great navigator.The construction is a building in bricks with two doors surmounted by two rectangular windows.The house hosts a small museum with some documents and the history of Columbus and the family.Taking Via del Prione in proximity of Porta Soprana you can reach Piazza dell Erbe,the square of the herbs,it was the place of an ancient market about the trade of agricultural products coming from the Genoa countryside.Not far and very interesting for its historic value is the old Libreria Antiquaria,a glorious library hosting a wide selection of old books dating back from the 16th to 19th century.This Library has its highlight in particular in historic books and the History of Risorgimento,that important period of the Italian history,connected to the Italian Reunification.

The cuisine of Genoa is typically Mediterranean using the fish of the sea fish, shrimp, octopus, cuttlefish, squid, muscles, mullets,mussels,cooked in different ways,grilled,fried or in the oven..The "pesto"o "pestu" in Genoese dialect is a typical condiment of Genoa,its basic ingredient is basil or better, the Genovese basil.In addition to the basil, pine nuts are crushed raw garlic, and topped with parmesan cheese and extra virgin olive oil it is typical in Genoa pasta al pesto Trenette al pesto,Troffie al pesto, Spaghetti al pesto or also Gnocchi pesto.The classic focaccia di Genova, better known as focaccia Genovese or in Genoese Fugassa is a sort of flat bread (up to 2 cm) is distinguished because, before the latest rise is brushed with emulsion composed of olive oil, water and salt, it can be eaten for breakfast already, as a "break fast" in the morning-as appetiser or entree,some people puts on the bread there are some onion slices.The famous Farinata is very similar to a French Quiche is  made with chickpea flour, water, salt and olive oil. It is baked in a wood oven in baking, cooking and take it with a bright golden coluor.The Insalata Genovese salad  also called "capponada" not to be confused with Sicilian caponata.This is a rich dish of fresh vegetables and fish preserved, characterised by the presence of the sailor's biscuit: a type of bread baked twice, very dry and thus suitable to be stored on ships, but they must be soaked before eating.This salad owes its name to the Cappon thin, since it is basically a poor version of this easy and very rich and very complex dish from Genoa.Ravioli are also a Ligurian creation; most of the traditional recipes are vegetarian,with an herb gathered on mountain slopes and ricotta cheese and try the Buridda a traditional  fish stew with red mullet, angler fish, dogfish, cuttlefish, baby squid, pound onions, fresh tomatoes, olive oil and chopped parsley.The Torta Pasqualina is a pie made with a filling of ricotta and spinach, this cake is distinguished by the presence of eggs in it and create a very dramatic cut each slice.

Genoa offers a vibrant nightlife.The Teatro Carlo Felice is one of the most active Italian theatres and mainly presents world-class classical concerts and other shows.Mako is a popular club with disco, piano bar and restaurant, which occupies a prime location on the promenade of Genoa. The trendy dance club has windows overlooking the sea and an outdoor terrace. The resident DJs play excellent music, including the revival of the '70s.Louisiana Jazz Club is a Jazz club fashion,founded in 1964 in downtown Genoa,it alternates jam sessions by local artists at concerts by musicians of international renown. Presents a varied program of events and the selection of drinks, appetisers and cocktails jazz on tap is excellent.La Nouvelle Vague is an elegant literary wine Bar & Cafe literary,it was the first cafe library in Genoa, this popular local in the old city is now also have a restaurant. This stylish bar full of atmosphere is excellent as an aperitif, with over 600 wines to choose from while browsing through the books.The famous Britannia pub in downtown Genoa offers a good selection of beers on tap and a friendly atmosphere and music. The pub with rustic wooden furniture is swarming with people up to 2 and even later on Friday and Saturday.Very trendy other clubs as Le Corbusier,Cezanne and Jasmin Cafe.

 Genoa Cristoforo Colombo International Airport is in the area of Sestri Ponente, 8 kilometres from the centre.Genoa also has a line of the subway station at "Piazza De Ferrari leads to Certosa a liaison with the airport, Volabus, which connects the railway station "Porta Principe" to the airport "Cristoforo Colombo.The public urban transport is managed by the network AMT, whose office is located in "Piazza della Vittoria, .The new building serves the metro stations" Brin","Stazione Principe, San Giorgio,Di i Negro,Piazza de Ferrari" and Darsena.AMT also operates other transport services from the elevators and funicular to go up in a few minutes from the scenic hills.

Genoa is a splendid destination all year,all to enjoy and discover, street by street, square by square,corner by corner,for that it was proclaimed in 2004 to become European Capital of Culture. Discover Genoa is come in a  great way inside a walk of centuries of history,Genoa is charming,captivating and of course unique in its kind.

Francesco Mari





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