Sestriere-Italy | Iconic Piedmont Resort in the Cottian Alps.

Sestriere is absolutely an outstanding destination of Italy in a splendid region,an ideal place for who loves skiing but also a great place for who wants to enjoy wonderful holidays and a wide range of activities outdoors during all year in a famed and iconic Piedmont resort in the Cottian Alps.

That place with a stunning scenery formed by majestic Alpine peaks along the Italian-French border apart the superb highlight to offer the best in terms of winter sports with excellent incoming services this destination offers and furthermore a long list of beautiful sites to visit in its immediate surroundings.

Situated just  100,0 kilometres from the splendid city of Turin, historic capital of the former Kingdom of Italy ruled by the Savoy House, you will easily reach Sestriere via the A32 motorway located at just 20,0 kilometres from the French frontier of the Montgeneve crossing the municipalities of Cesana Torinese and Claviere,

The resort is a prestigious and top destination thanks to the great quality of its hospitality structures with a wide range of comfortable Hotels and accommodations combined with a large presence of stunning facilities ready to satisfy the most exigent tourists.

Many are the opportunities to practise winter sports but also golf,trekking,hiking,cycling and furthermore an endless list of other brilliant outdoor activities you can enjoy all year.In addition to all that as relevant detail, worth a special mention the excellent customer care of the local Incoming Operators who deserve an outstanding award in terms of merit for how they treat and welcome the tourists, considered sacred and venerated in that Alpine resort and that is another special aspect of that Piedmont destination.

The perfect organisation of the complex with its relevant facilities is certainly another great highlight and it is not a case that Sestriere hosted the Winter Olympic Games celebrated in 2006 which were a successful event still remembered with pleasure by athletes and visitors.

The resort also organised with the city of Turin the Paraolympic Winter Games and that other event was also a great success continuing to be a notable spot for the Northwestern Italian Alps.

The region,the city of Turin,the local Tourism Boards and all the towns and villages who were incorporated in that magnificent complex called Via Lattea worked very hard and so well.The new structures with their notable capacity, the efficient services of transport,the oustanding scenery of the places in which were celebrated all the competitions and the magnificent organisation of the ceremonies awarded Turin and Sestriere as one of the best edition of the Winter Olympic Games all time.

Many people who were present in occasion of such important event celebrated some years ago fascinated by the magnificent environment decided to come back there in more occasions also becoming loyal guests of that great Alpine destination.

The Piedmont resort has reached since long time ago a relevant reputation and it hosted in the past another important competition as the Alpine Ski World Championships in 1997.Obviously the fame and prestige of Sestriere had a constant increseament and the resort is every year present in the calendar of the FIS Ski World Cup. Apart those important International events Sestriere also hosted several times the Italian Championships of different specialities of winter sports.

Thanks to all that it was pretty easy to elevate the name of Sestriere as a Elite resort able to host in every period important international appointments and not only linked to Alpine Ski and winter Sports for all the reasons mentioned above and  apart that it is also a tourist destination of relevance for its magnificent landscapes and historic places to visit at a very short distance.

That resort is also well known to be the highest municipality of Italy with its 2035,0 metres of altitude and it has only 900 official residents.

The name of that so popular destination is since its creation linked and related to the powerful and charismatic Agnelli family, the prominent and distinguished patrons of Fiat Group,F.C Juventus and other important activities related to business,marketing and industry.

The Magnate Family founder of the notorious Cars Industry decided in the 30s to build at the foot of the emblematic Col of Sestriere so famous to be protagonist also in another iconic sport as cycling in occasion of Tour de France and Giro D´Italia stages something unique and able to call several tourists in a magnificent Alpine environment.

The presence of that emblematic peak flanked by the Mount Sises,Mount Fraiteve,Mount Motta and Punta Rognosa were the perfect frame to establish an oustanding complex which could develop impressive  tourism flows and pleasant stays in that stunning place.

That idea and project were also studied to develop and launch something unique in its kind which could attract people enjoying at the same time pleasant and relaxing holidays with outdoor activities in that beautiful corner of the Cottian Alps all year with several chances and opportunities to spend unforgettable days delighted by comfort and a multitude of excellent incoming services.

The prominent Turin Family built two Hotels which were called later Le Torri (the towers)  for their appearance similar to those kind of buildings.That creation was simply great for its geographic position also taking in consideration it was developed at just 100,0 kilometres from Turin, and 230,0 kilometres from Milan,20,0 kilometres from the French frontier and approximately 250,0 kilometres from Lyon the second French city.

In that period some people criticised that work because those two buildings so modern and tall were not in perfect harmony with the local environment but it was in a period in which was protagonist a kind of avant garde architecture fruit of a rationalist movement produced by a new generation of emergent architects in Italy.

The projects and construction of such buildings depicting a modern and unusual style including that kind of constructions in monumental areas and some others in natural spaces as the case of those accomodations erected on the soil of the resort were object of several contrasts between the locals and who wanted to develop that new complex.

Despite a severe criticism the works continued,ended and many people started to visit that new resort  for the numerous facilities it offered and also a little bit for curiosity.Next to the Hotels was also built the first complex of ski- lift,consisting in three funiculars directly connected to three different mountains surrounding Sestriere.

 Agnelli family wanted furthermore with a touch of grandeur also inspired by that new architectonic movement a little bit eclectic and out of the standard canons to establish a sort of beginning to incentive much more the local tourism mainly from Turin and its province also due to the proximity of two splendid valleys such as Val Chisone,Val Sangone and Val di Susa creating something important and unique in the Piedmont Region.

All that was also carefully studied to call thousands of  mountaineering and skiing lovers to enjoy a very large area ready to host a relevant flow of tourism with furthermore the relevant chance of a great capacity in terms of accommodations,an idea which was pioneer in the entire region at that time.

Thanks to all that Sestriere in 1930 became the 2nd Italian Ski resort only behind for date of development to the famous and prestigious Bardonecchia.

Just four years later there was the launch of an urban plan to create around that new centre some new areas with  neighbourhoods which were integrated in the new municipality adding some scattered villages such as Borgata, a former district of Pragelato,Sauze, former village of Cesana Torinese and furthermore was also added the former municipality of Champlas du Col.

The new resort also created in 1935 its Official Coat of Arms represented by skis on a green and black colours background.

Sestriere since then started to have a relevant success and a lot of people found that area very attractive,an ideal place to enjoy winter sports but also great to enjoy other activities in other seasons.In spring and in particular in summer Sestriere also became a great incentive as destination as climatic resort and the right place for people who simply wanted to recharge the batteries with that fine Alpine air with no contamination and no industries in that western corner of Piedmont.

Those over 2000,0 metres of altitude,a very healthy place were also the key to develop something of very trendy and was also built a Golf Course to attract high class tourism and foreign tourists.That new complex made that the resort was immediately visited by several British visitors who were among the first  guests playing in that Club which was since then the highest in Europe.

The incoming industry started year by year to receive a constant and increasing demand and due that another Hotel was erected and named the Hotel Principi di Piemonte dedicated to the Royal Savoy Family and its Princes.Those relevant improvements furthermore were for Sestriere the arms to compete with affirmed and prestigious international winter sports resorts of France,Switzerland and Austria.

Another important operation was ended with the construction of  a great Ski Jump Complex and some Kilometres of tracks dedicated to Ski Country linking in that way the call of new tourism flows related to those other activities attracting several tourists from Scandinavia so fond about that kind of sport.

The 2nd War due to some bombings generated some damages in all Piedmont including in the resort in which there was a partial reconstruction and an intense restoration of some damaged structures and in the meantime there was the addition of new ski lifts services and more modern structures which were also restored in the 50s.

Apart all those operations there was also the development of a a new network of chairlifts and a reorganisation of the funiculars complex.

The most ancient monument of the municipality of Sestriere consists in  a Romanesque Church situated in the village erected in the 30s, a Church which took the name of Chiesa di Sant´Antonio Abate (St.Anthony the Abbott). That Religious building was built on a previous one dated 13th century but totally rebuilt in the 19th century keeping anyway part of of its historic patrimony as a pulpit dated 18th century and other objects and elements of the 17th century.

The other Church of the municipality is a modern religious temple erected to commemorate the death of one of the son of Giovanni Alberto Agnelli Senior,Edoardo,who died in a tragic plan crash.The name of that Church is  Chiesa di Sant´Edoardo (Church of St.Edward) who is also the Patron of the resort and named in Honor of the deceased Edoardo Agnelli.

The current construction it  is a kind of revival of a medieval building,a replica in a modern style of a classical  Romanesque Church developed with a portico,a central nave,lateral aisles,four replicas of medieval columns with capitols supporting ample arcades.

In the upper side of the pentagonal stoned facade you will notice a statue depicting the Saint Patron.One of the highlight is certainly the bronze portal depicting the seven sons of Giovanni Alberto Agnelli and inside there are some modern works such as some statues,a cross in marble and a bronze depicting the Virgin Mary and some Saints.

 Walking around the town you will discover other monuments,one of them is a shrine dedicated to the victims of the 1st World War honouring people who tragically died in all the nearest valleys.That Chapel is called Cappella della Regina Pacis and it was erected in 1924 just six years after the end of the 1st World War.

Another monument you can see in the municipality is a replica of an obelisk originally erected in the early 19th century to honour the construction of the road linking the French Region of Haute Savoie to the Italian region of Piedmont.It was commissioned by Napoleon Bonaporte who wanted since that time to establish an easier access to reach the Po Valley and Turin crossing the Cottian Alps from France.

The facilities which Sestriere offers are a paradise,a mecca,for all people who loves Winter Sports consisting in a great complex of services all arranged in the famous network and complex consisting in the previously mentioned Via Lattea a large space which includes also the nearest areas of Pragelato,San Sicario,Cesana Torinese,Claviere and Sauze D´Oulx.

All those places hosted the competitions during the Winter Olympic Games in 2006 and thanks to that so important event continued to be visited by several people who find in them oustanding oasis of peace and serenity all year apart the very busy winter season to enjoy skiing and every kind of activity related to winter sports.

Really impressive is the surface suitable for winter sports consisting in over 400,0 kilometres of slopes for all people starting from the most expert skiers until the beginners.That oustanding network of trails includes blue,red and black slopes, and a perfect system of snow machines which cover about the 65% of the entire area providing fresh snow every time.

A superb complex provided by of artificial lights is a further highlight which also permits to ski at evening and night.It was established in the Central slope of Sestriere and called with the name of the founder Giovanni Agnelli,naturally to try that track is particularly fascinating with special sensations and emotions to ski in a pleasant night enjoying a the fresh Alpine breeze under a starry sky.

The Monte Motta is the highest point of Sestriere with its 2,850,0 m of altitude.From that point you can not miss for its magnificent panoramic views.From its summit starts the long downhill leading until to the area of Borgata with very steep slopes which from the beginning reach almost the 60%.That kind of track is suggested for very expert skiers,ski school teachers or people in sport career activity.

Sestriere in addition offers a galactic number of ski facilities consisting in over 90 ski lifts subdivided in standard ski-lifts,chairlifts and funiculars.

Another incentive pretty suggested is to enjoy the slopes corresponding to the tracks of the special slalom and giant slalom celebrated in the official competitions.The slope of the Special Slalom,the Kandahar Giovanni Alberto Agnelli did not change and it kept the arrival in the town just like in occasion of the Official Slalom celebrated in the Olympic Games 2006.

The same is for the Giant Slalom which is designed on a very special slope very challenging and making it an ideal track for all who has a notable experience about speed and domain of skis on steep tracks and apart that with technique and great coordination.It is the right place for all people able to read superb challenging lines with changes of rhytm and exciting curves. 

The Piedmont resort also provides 4 splendid Snow Parks in which all the Snowboarding and Freestyle lovers can enjoy those trendy specialities.In addition Sestriere also provides the prestigious Ski Alpine Olympic School,a School of Freeestyle and for the most adventurous Sestriere also provides a Ski Extreme School and two other Ski Schools suitable for every level.

In addition to all that there are approximately 50,0 kilometres of slopes suitable for all people who loves Nordic Ski,a perfect area developed by the local Institutions sensitive to the taste of all people who loves and wants to try that other splendid sport called Ski Country skiing in a spendid natural environment at the foot of the charming Cottian Alps.

For all people fond about Ice skating there is also the brilliant chance to enjoy a magnificent ice track.Also the ice skating is a kind of activity which year by year has conquered several fans and Sestriere has thought to offer that exciting opportunity to many people who wants to start to learn to skate but also to have fun and stay with other people enjoying a very pleasant atmosphere.

Sestriere is also a notable and excellent destination in other seasons.If you are an athlete is the right place to prepare yourself for your favourite sport activitiy thanks to the altitude,the fine and uncontaminated air of that resort offers and apart all that enjoying a break with the chance to enjoy the Golf Course mentioned before.

Sestriere furthermore offers other oustanding facilities as a splendid swimming pool,chances to practise squash and it provides tennis courts.Many are the opportunities for climbing,there is an excellent network of spectacular trails for mountain bikers and naturally all the area is a superb mecca for the cyclists on road a magnificent paradise for "grimpeurs" with the Col de Sestriere, Montgeneve,the chance to reach Bardonecchia and only 68,0 kilometres away you can reach the mythical and legendary Galibier.

For who loves cycling that resort of the Cottian Alps is unique in its kind starting from its geographic position in the middle of the Val di Susa community at a very short distance from France.Packed by challenging climbs and its fantastic roads developed on the local mountainous territory Sestriere hosted in several occasions the arrival of stages of the two Cycling on road competitions most important in the world the Tour de France and the Giro D´Italia.

The Tour de France started to use Sestriere as arrival in 1952 and that is a clear signal how the organisation,the patron of the Tour L´Equipe,and France have a high respect,appreciation and consideration of that Piedmont resort which was also included furthermore in other three editions as arrival.

A special event as the iconic Tour de France always choose special and spectacular places in the Alps in particular as arrival or a key stage when the organisation also needs services,facilities,excellent roads,Hotels and many other factors.If the Grand Boucle chose Sestriere in four of its editions and for all that there is an automatic answer to consider the resort simply great.

Thanks to its altitude Sestriere is also a perfect place for professional athletes to prepare their season with a constant presence for training of athletes,cyclists,also footballers.

Sestriere hosts and hosted several professional International Clubs as the Italian National Football Team which in one occasion used that resort as headquarter in preparation of an edition of the World Cup.Athletic is another highlight of Sestriere with nine International meetings celebrated in Val Susa and a prestigious name Sergey Bubka who gave more fame to that resort.

The Ukrainian former pole vaulter record man well known to be one the athletes awarded in the Hall of Fame for its palmares and brilliant successes in all the competitions in which he competed all around the world obtained the old World Record there in Sestriere in an edition of that prestigious meeting.

That unforgettable champion after that historic record came back several times to Sestriere for training but also to revisit a place which gave him fame and site in which he established a former World Record which endured for many years.

About cultural tourism many are the opportunities to visit magnificent places.Turin is just 1 hour and 20 minutes driving from Sestriere.The Capital of Piedmont is a beautiful city rich of outstanding monuments,museums and with a relevant history apart to be the first Capital of the former Kingdom of Italy.

The splendid French town of Briançon is very close,in addition you can also visit the stunning Bardonecchia and some lovely and peaceful villages with a notable historic past such as Oulx,Cesana Torinese,Claviere which despite their reduced size are all to discover with a secular history to narrate.

Another great place is he area close to Mont Chaberton an Eden offering picturesque views packed by wild Alpine peaks,magnificent green forests of pines and unforgettable landscapes.

About gastronomy and eating out Sestriere provides excellent restaurants offering the most traditional Italian cuisine and the typical local Alpine gastronomy highlighted by a wide range of delicious meat casseroles,soups,the typical polenta,meat stews but also pasta,risotti and due the proximity to France also French recipes are often served in several catering establishments.

Very traditional of the area just like in the nearest France are the famous Crepes au chocolate but also sweet or salted Crepes are very popular in all the area including in the villages of Oulx,Cesana and Claviere.

The fine wines of Piedmont are of very high and outstanding quality and famous all around the world for their unique tastes.You will have the chance to taste there if you are a wine lover the elite of that region tasting authentic masterpieces such as prestigious and notable kind of Barolo,Barbera,Dolcetto,Nebbiolo, Brachetto,Grignolino,Barbaresco and  the famed Spumanti of Asti.

In addition to those selected and iconic wines there are also the chance to enjoy several kinds of sweet Moscato undoubtedly Piedmont is a sort of paradise for wine lovers offering an oustanding and long list of great products of its hills. 

Thanks to its excellent geographical position it is very easy reaching the resort from Turin,Sestriere is just two hours and 20 minutes driving from Milan.A great facility in terms of connections is also the presence of Bus Services linking the Capital of Piedmont to the nearest village of Oulx and once there you can also use the fast train TGV Turin-Modane France.That train runs crossing the famous Frejus and stopping in the Station Oulx-Cesana-Claviere-Sestriere.

Choosing that emblematic and iconic Piedmont resort as splendid destination is a combination of many reasons. A beautiful Italian region very close to France,not far from Lombardy and a perfect choice to plan your holidays all year.

Sestriere offers an endless selection of things to do making it undoubtedly a great place to spend marvellous holidays admiring the stupendous scenery formed by the Cottian Alps over you as magic frame.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Sestriere

Hotel Shackelton Mountain Resort
Hotel Roseo Sestriere
Hotel Cristallo
Hote Savoy Edelweiss

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