Argelès-sur-Mer | Longest Beach on France´s Pyrénées Orientales Coast.

Argelès -sur-Mer is a very attractive destination pretty famous boasting the longest beach on France´s Pyrénées Orientales coast with almost 300 days of sunshine a year along that striking long sandy stretch of over 7,0 kilometres called Argelès Plage, a superb attraction of that more than pleasant seaside resort of almost 11,000 inhabitants situated in the eternally appealing Region of Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi Pyrénées.

Part of the Canton with the same name in the Arrondissement of Céret, a sort of district with different municipalities along the magnificent  Côte Vermeille, a ravishing coastline at the foot of a scenic mountainous range called Massif des Albères  in a great geographic point where the Mediterranean shows all its vivid colours with its turquoise waters, golden sands and verdant hills protagonists of a fantastic picture of the most captivating Southern France.

That coastal town is located where for territorial proximity the French history and culture meet Catalonia,  that important Iberian community just 22,0 kilometres away and still today the Catalans call it Argelers and its beaches platges,those long and attractive, stunning landmarks of that stupendous littoral next to a relevant historical patrimony which together are a great resource of the local tourism industry since a long time ago.

Those links between Argelès-sur-Mer and that southern neighbour still continue after many centuries, many locals speaks as second language the Catalan, just 192,0 kilometres separate that French municipality from Barcelona and only 26.0 kilometres from the French-Spanish coastal border  Cerbère facing on the other side of the frontier the splendid centre of Portbou in the Province of Girona.

The fascinating Côte Vermeille is a marvellous hymn to the most charming maritime nature packed by astonishing marvels such as wonderful secluded coves, scenic tiny bays picturesque harbours, charming little fishing villages until to embrace the beautiful and equally captivating Northern Costa Brava and east of the other frontier of the La Jonquera which leads to Figueres the town of the Surrealist genius Salvador Dali where a new scenery starts with the wonderful presence of the eastern Pyrenees.

That resort of the  Pyrénées Orientales is extremely romantic greatly suggested for couples and families for its pleasant and peaceful atmosphere many months a year except summer when it is pretty busy, fantastic place for sea and sun lovers with many chances to practise a wide range of water sports, very recommended for passionate photographers who can immortalise unique and unforgettable landscapes and visitors who next to all that are attracted by history and art. 

Many are the opportunities for cyclists, mountain bikers and trekkers who can find a perfect habitat in that stunning corner of Southern France which also offers thanks to a Hospitality industry well developed a considerable range of comfortable accommodations, a delicious traditional Mediterranean gastronomy and climatic conditions simply superb for an absence of pollution.

Several are the radial excursions along the coast and in the immediate inland you can plan visiting marvellous cities and towns boasting an extraordinary historical patrimony and it is enough to mention Montpellier, Nimes, Perpignan but also Toulouse, Montauban and Bèziers among others. 

Spain is very close and for all those who love to discover unforgettable nature reserve there is also that chance next to very appealing small centres such as Port-Vendres, Collioure and  Cerbère among others.

The mild climate is definitely a great incentive to choose that resort as a fantastic place to spend holidays all year, springs are fantastic with constant temperatures over the 20º degrees, warm summers but with ventilated evenings are another highlight enjoying those several kilometres of sandy beaches highlighted by a fresh and cool Mediterranean breeze at night.

The old history of Argelès-sur-Mer is dated  the prehistoric era with many artifacts discovered during archaeological excavations in the local boundaries and the presence of several Dolmens in the local territory certifies much more the presence of human life since many centuries ago.

A legend linked to mythology including narrated that the current town was founded by Heracles, that iconic hero depicted in the most suggestive Hellenic literature and son of the emblematic Gods Zeus and Alcmene.

The land was settled by Gallic Tribes probably linked to the Arverni who were assimilated by the massive  colonisation by the Romans in 121 BC who established along that marvellous coastline an important passage leading to the ancient Hispania

After the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century started the influence of the Visigoth King Liuva I before many raids by pirates and Moors endured for long time until the  8th century when  the Franks who conquered and started to govern that geographic area  with the Carolingian Dynasty incorporated those territories in the Holy Roman Empire.

In the 9th century the current Argelès-sur-Mer started to appear  in maps with the name Vila Argilaria. That denomination was probably mentioned for the notable presence of clay on its surface very typical in that area. Despite that there are other controversial versions as the denomination Argelac deriving by kinds of thorny shrubs present along the coastline. 

Good peaks of popularity were reached in the Middle Ages during the times of the ancestor of the first dynasty of the Counts of Rousillon Counts related to nobles from Ruscino, an ancient Roman colony corresponding to a current archaeological site very close to the city of Perpignan.

The successors established the Principality of Empurie who started to develop  a traditional feudalistic system governed by local lords. Despite that with a humble social class without opportunites to have autonomy there were increasing productive trade and fishing activities and another aspect was mainly focused to defend the lands and it was the time in which many centres were protected by walled bastions and with also the establishment of defencive fortress along the entire coastline.

The death of the last great leader of that noble family, Guisnard II Count of Roussillon left the land  as a legacy to King Alfonso of Aragon in the 12th century. After many years of battles to have the domain over those territories Argelès -sur-Mer became a stronghold of the Kingdom  of Majorca which lost it in the 17th century when the town moved under influence of the French Kingdom after the notorious treaty of the Pyrenees dated 1659.

During the events of the French Revolution in the 18th century apart that important stage of the French history which changed several aspect in all the Nation, the coastal town also  suffered several invasions by Spain claiming those lands. 

All that until the famous times corresponding to the advent as national condottiero of Napoleon Bonaparte who started to organise a notable defencive system all aorund France including along the entire  Mediterranean boundaries when France became a feared international power. 

 After a long period of peace including after the 1st World War, the current town lived a contemporary era pretty tumultuous with a tragic 1939 when it became a place of refuge for many Spanish people escaping from the Civil War, times characterised by tense situations between those two countries.

The French government and the municipality organised camps to host thousands of refuges in the proximity and on the local long beach and those spaces  hosted just some years later during the 2nd World War some war prisoners.

The beating heart of Argelès-sur-Mer  is mainly concentrated behind the splendid harbour, from there starts Avenue du Grau an important road running along the river La Massane  towards Argèles La Plage and meeting Avenue Général de Gaulle, a very important axis crossing the municipal core and connected to Avenue du 8 Mai 1945, a boulevard which is a sort of its urban prolongation.

In that point is situated Route Nationale which leads to the northern suburbs and Route de Collioure running towards south behind the port continuing its course in proximity of the southern local coast.

You can start the visit from the Église de Notre Dame del Prat, the Parish Church dedicated to Our Lady of the Meadow which is undoubtedly one of the most relevant historic highlights of the municipality.

Ended  in the 16th century and largely restored in the 17th century that Sacred construction is the result of a splendid stoned medieval structure erected in the 14th century probably elevated on a previous Religious temple dated 10th century.

Developed on rectangular plan, it is in its kind a classical and traditional example of splendid Southern European Neo-Gothic style with a gable facade a bit sober but boasting perfect lines, a fine arched portal with vaults and a long, narrow window placed over another one very small and with a square shape. 

The building consists in a a nave flanked by some chapels and a magnificent decorated Baroque altarpiece with a beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary and Saints.

Behind the main body of the complex you can admire a stupendous high bell tower developed on a square base on which walls were inserted large curved windows with a vague resemblance to a watchtower also for its crenellated upper section. It is a kind of revival linked to the most typical Catalan Gothic style you can see today in many areas of that Iberian community including in Barcelona.

The Church was restored several times, the most recent works took place not a long time ago with some operations of refurbishement dedicated to the front side and some others in the interior.

Walking in in proximity of that notable masterpiece in the streets Rue Blanqui, Rue des Rampants and Avenue de la Liberatión you can see what remains of the old defencive rampant and towers consisting in the complex of fortified walls built in the 13th century by King Jaume of Majorca to protect Argelès-sur-Mer by the attacks of the enemies from every cardinal point.

Argelès-sur-Mer, Argelès Plage is definitely one of the main highlights,  of the town  town, it is the longest Beach on France´s  Pyrénées Orientales Coast, a long sandy beach over 7000,0 metres long lying  beneath charming hills and a splendid Mediterranean vegetation dominated at a short distance by the silhouette of the Pyrenean mountains.

 It has a fantastic soft fine light brown sand brown, boasting a deserved Blue Flag, with good services in terms of maintenance and cleanliness, it is easily accessible, very loved by locals and tourists and not just for its longitude but also for its unique colours, very attractive at sunset. Perfect  for different kinds of water sports, sunbath jogging and footing in the early morning and special place for many photographers.

On the beach there is a memorial monument remembering the tragic episode of the refuges camp,it is a historic symbol the municipality wanted to pay homage to all that numerous people  escaping from a country devastated by a fierce war and that significant sign is still there.

In the southern side of the municipality on a gently hill in the middle of a pleasant small Mediterranean forest  you can visit the Église de Saint Laurent du Mont, also known as Sanct Llorenç del Munt dedicated to St. Lawrence of the Mount and that denomination because its position on a low hilly plateau of the Massane Massif.

It is a beautiful example of a tradtional Romanesque Sanctuary dated the 12th century, consecrated in 1164 by the Bishop of Elne Artal III and  declared in 1994 Architectural Historic Monument and  National Patrimony.

That Church is a very relevant work of Medieval art in the  a Pyrénées Orientales, a fine stoned stoned construction with a high facade and a roof topped by a pentagonal stoned element with two high curved slots in in the middle and on the top was placed a small iron cross. 

Beautiful is the main portal developed beneath a refined vaulted niche and despite the layout is pretty austere for the absence of decorations for size, height, volume and shape it loyally reflects the canons of the most classical ararchitectural Romanesque style.The interior is developed on a length of 21,0 metres and 9,0 metres width in local granite with a pretty spacious semi circular apse with four centring windows.

According to recorded historic documentations dated 981 during the times of King Lothaire of France in that place existed a previous Church and  that Sacred building hosted in 1939 some Spaniards escaped from their country after the Civil War while in 1990 it had its last restoration.
The Tour de la Massane is an iconic symbol of Argelès-sur-Mer, it is a watchtower erected in the 13th century established on a cone of a hill at 800,0 metres of altitude used as garrison under rule of King Jaume II of Mallorca.

That stoned towering defencive structure was protagonist during the period associated to the disputes between the two Kingdoms of Majorca and Aragon and it conserves on a stone the old original name in Catalan language : Torre de Pérabona.
It is a strong cylindrical building with an archway on its base and small slots which were used to spot the arrival of the enemy in its proximity. The upper section has an irregular circular shape on which was originally situated the guardhouse.
In the 80's a group of local volunteers formed an association worked to save that architectural patrimomy and on the top you can enjoy fantastic views of the Mediterranean coast the surrounding valleys,a perfect place to admire the beauty of the Côte Vermeille and many peaks of the Pyrenees too.

Not far from that local icon worth a visit the Château de Valmy built in the late 19th century by Viggo Dorph-Petersen, a Danish architect who lived in Perpignan. A prominent local businessman called Pierre Bardou commissioned the construction of that building which after its elevation was immediately  appreciated by the inhabitants.

That castle developed between 1888 and 1900 reflects a refined Art Nouveau style, it is in its kind a harmonious  mix of Nordic and French architecture  with wide doors ,high and long asymmetrical windows,the facades are in a light tonality and with a very scenic roof  surmounted by fireplaces and pinnacles with a touch of modernism inspiration.

The rich man decided to build that manor for a son and later it was purchased by a famous politician and senator of the French Republic :Jules Pams,former minister of agriculture.

Another owner was  Victor Peix an entrepreneur from Millas who bought Château de Valmy in 1930 developing around that notable masterpiece a park  and some spaces dedicated to the cultivation of vineyards which produce a wine of excellent quality and that site is currently a property of the decendants.

In proximity of that place is possible to park the car and starting a walk of about 20-25 minutes crossing Bois de Valmy, the forest of Valmy reaching one of the the Dolmens of Argelès sur Mer  called La Cova de L´Alarb which translated means the cave of the Arab.

 It consists in two giant boulders one over the other and it was  used as burial chamber, it is  the most ancient historic monuments of the municipality, an important local pride and it is enough to think it is dated about 25, 20 centuries BC.

 The second Dolmen des Collets du Cotlliure consists in a series of long stones placed in a sort of trapezoidal perimeter with an interior space, it is surrounded by Mediterranean  bushes and it is classified in the category of simple Dolmens.

For their unique value they are considered among the most important monuments of the ancient history of the Pyrénées Orientales and the presence of those monumental scenic attractions call several visitors and they are also linked to legends as pagan rites celebrated by Celts many centuries ago.

Approximately at 5,0 kilometres from the town centre and following a path not far from the village of Lavail you can admire another small masterpiece of Romanesque art consisting in the  Hermitage de Saint Ferréol de la Pave erected in the 10th century.  

The former name was Église de St.Alexandre and changed name in the half of the 19th century and it was declared Historic Monument of France in 1991.

The main facade is very attractive with a framed rectangular portal, small slots on its sides and a gable belfry established in the upper section over the roof in correspondence of the front side, very defined are the marked outlines and that small chapel has a nave with an apse established in a space forming a sort of  letter U.

You will notice that building is very similar for its shape, plan and material used for its construction to a monastery of Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Eastern Piedmont and with a vague resemblance to the first Visigoth stoned constructions erected in the local area.
The Natural Reserve de La Massana, It is another attraction you can not miss in the immediate surroundings of the resort. Its location is simply wonderful in the Massif des Albères,a spectacular range of mountains located between France and Catalonia with peaks which reach over 1,200 metres of altitude consisting in a natural prolongation of the Pyrenees chain, a very appreciated area by trekkers but also by many mountain bikers.

In that area is possible to see the rests of the Abbaye de Valbonne which was a relevant historic Abbey erected in 13th century and considered for all what you can see now  absolutely one of the best examples of Cistercian monasteries elevated in the Middle Ages in that corner of South France.

Originally it was inhabited by a small community of monks protected by King Jaume of Mallorca who gave them autonomy and a land to develop a farmer with agricultural activities.

Today are visible just some rests of a structure which was elevated using during its construction and restorations the traditional Romanesque architectural canons and details of Gothic style later.  

It started to fall in decay with a severe deterioration when the monks abandoned it in the 18th century and it was not reused since that period despite that for date of construction it is an important site which worth a visit including for the splendid natural scenery around that site.

The Côte Vermeille is a paradise for photography lovers who frequently fall in love for the spectacular sunrises and sunsets and for lovers of nature it is an immense mine of surprises with a lot of places to explore and discover.

A splendid for that is a special place  called Site de Racou , a protect natural area  rich of several species of flowers and vegetation unique in the Mediterranean area, a notable biodiversity moving from cliffs to sandy spaces, humid areas and rocky wall and, from that place you can have beautiful views of the coast simply striking.

Along the coastline towards north in correspondence of Route de Littoral you can also reach the beautiful Reserve de Mas Larrieu of over 145,0 hectares in surface, a beautiful nature reserve created in 1984 boasting in its boundaries several species of plants and a varied vegetation.

Its territory has a special shape as a sort of triangle at the mouth of the river Tech which has its source in a peak of 2507,0 metres called Roc Colom in the Massif du Costabonne.

As the previously mentioned Natural Reserve de la Massane also that protected area boasts a great biodiversity, different kinds of trees, flowers and and also a notable fauna with a special presence highlighted by the Ocellated Lizard, Scarlet Dragonfly, different kinds of anfibians  and birds among them a good number of Eursasian penduline tit.

Continuing further north along another splendid local beach at Saint-Cyprien you can also admire a lovely lake and next to that waters basin if you love golf you will have the chance to practise it in a Course with an excellent reputation, appreciated for its superb environment and facilities.

If you desire to admire another spectacular place approximately 3,0 kilometres south of the resort you can reach in a very short time Port-Vendres and its promontory. That headland is absolutely divine and the local jagged coastline is simply great  with a succession of wild inlets,coves and small natural bays.

That place has a very charming harbour, very famous for its big obelisk dedicated to the King Louis XVI and also for historic events. During the 2nd World it was occupied by the German Army who installed there an artillery battery leaving that place in 1944 after the land of Allied troops and it was also used by France as one of the main ports for the embarquement of troops with destination Algeria when that Maghreb country became a French colony. 

Apart those spectacular views including along the coast another highlight is the presence of small islets a short distance from the local coast and including there is a route with a continuous in and out with marvellous views of the interior where flows the stream El Ravaner and the Mediterranean at a very short distance.

In that area you can start to enjoy radial excursions to  the nearest Pyrenees and the Alt Emporda in the nearest Spain and including there are many opportunities for horse riding if you love that kind of activity.

The local cuisine is a perfect mixture of all the Mediterranean flavours of the Southern French cuisine and the Catalan.
Simply superb isis the great selection of fish and sea food specialities with products always fresh with excellent mussels, prawns and clams. Very famous is the Bourride Sétoise, a delicious fish stew consisting in white fish cooked with laurel, olive oil, white wine, lemon,carrots, cream, eggs and with the addition of Ali Oli sauce.

With a considerable fame is also the Brandade du Morue, a kind of pie or an omelet consisting in fish which is generally cod seasoned with thyme, thyme,laurel,onion,olive oil, garlic, parsley, lemon,pepper,salt in some places there is also an addition of minced olives to give a special flavour depending of the area. That plate is also present in other areas,apart the nearest Catalonia,there are versions in Provence and the Italian Region of Liguria too.

The Tielle is another typical plate using in its preparation octopus seasoned with onion,salt, pepper,olive oil,tomatoes, bread crumb and garlic.

Also meat is present with beef,pork ,lamb and chicken and try the Brageole, beef rolls filled with garlic ,pepper, parsley and salt. Very famous is also La Gardianne which can be considered a stew or also a sort of ragu served with rice or potatoes. it consists in minced bull meat cooked very slow adding garlic, olive oil, tomato sauce,thyme, salt, pepper and sage. In addition there is also a variant replaced by lamb meat.

Catalan cuisine due the old cultural and historic links has influenced the area and as in the also in this area are traditional the famous Zarzuela, a delicious fish and seafood stew,the famous Pa amb tomaquet, a sort of bruschetta served as starter or appetiser prepared with toasted bread rubbed with garlic, salt, olive oil and tomato.

The popular Escudella is a soup prepared used minced meat, lard, garlic, parsley, eggs,  salt,little pieces of bread,adding a stock of vegetables generally cooked with carrots, leek,   celery with an addition in some cases of beans, peas,chickpeas, potatoes and including sausages. Also rice is present with the Arroz Neigre,a kind of black risotto prepared with fresh cuttlefish.
The Region of Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi Pyrénées is one of the best producers of olives of France boasting a  high quality and they are often present in starters, snack or appetisers.

Excellent are also the local cheeses, that geographic area has a vast production I suggest you to taste ,Laguiole, Lévéiac, Fédou,Rabarbe and Pelardon all dairy delights very popular and appreciated all around the country and including you will find is an excellent Roquefort with a a very flavoured taste ideal to be used in sauces and with different kinds of recipes.

Bakery and cakes is also rich with many recipes, the traditional Fougasse very similar to the Ligurian Focaccia, the Frescati, a classic cake containing rum,raisins,sugar, meringues and coffee icing and do not miss the Zézette, typical biscuits prepared with olive oil and white wine.

Excellent are the local fine wines they do not need introductions, it is enough to mention , Fitou, Cabardès ,Corbierès, Minervois,Cévennes,Vistrenque and Faugères next to local Cabernet,Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot, grapes and many others. There is a more than ample choice of selected wines for every taste and always ready to satisfy the most exigent palates.

The result of that impressive production of high quality is simply due to the combination of several aspects, starting from a long and noble tradition, the territory and its fertile soil for that kind of cultivation is perfect, not extremely humid and neither dry and a Mediterranean mild climate with right temperatures and a good ventilation during evenings and nights.

 All that creates grapes of notable body, elegant and fine wines are very smooth with a splendid colour,a romantic and savoury, very eclectic, a red wine of the  Pyrénées Orientales can be used for meals, Haute cuisine but also to prepare great cocktails and naturally that superb versatility is highly appreciated.

The town offers the chance of connections with important airports,Perpignan-Rivesaltes Airport is located at just 30,0 kilometres from the resort and in approximately 40 minutes driving you will reach that destination while the Spanish Airport of Girona can be another good option located at 102,0 kilometres from Argelès-sue Mer in about one hour driving via Figueres you will be at destination.

Other important alternatives are  Barcelona El Prat de Llobregat at 202,0 kilometres or Montpellier Méditerranée situated at 188,0 kilometres of distance could be great options in the case you want to visit those places as first overnights and you are planning a tailor made tour towards that wonderful corner of Southern France.

Argelès -sur-Mer is a beautiful destination you can compare to a sparkling cocktail ready to celebrate unforgettable holidays, lovely and and nice people, an excellent gastronomy, a mild climate all year and with the sunniest and  and longest Beach on France´s Pyrénées Orientales Coast.
The Côte Vermeille is a Paradise all to discover and enjoy,town by town, village by village metre by metre in in that stunning French geographic area you will enjoy stupendous holidays simply unique in a seaside resort you will conserve in your best glad memories.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Argelès -sur-Mer

Domain Les Alberès
Auberge du Roua
Les Demeures de la Massane
Villa Les Sirenes

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