Sinemorets-Bulgaria | Salubrious Tourism Between Mountains and Sea.

Sinemorets is certainly a perfect  destination of Bulgaria to enjoy a very Salubrious Tourism between Mountains and Sea, a very appealing, relaxing resort along a striking jagged coastal stretch of the splendid  Black Sea showing in that concrete area all the fascinating image of that ravishing Southeastern European basin in the shade of the scenic Balkan heights forming a scenery absolutely enchanting.

That splendid seaside resort part of the municipality of Tsarevo located just 7,0 kilometres away at a very short distance from the Turkish border is situated at approximately 85,0 kilometres from the beautiful Burgas the fourth-largest Bulgarian city also capital of the province in the Strandzha nature park, the largest protected area of the country  boasting over the 45% of the national flora and trees.

Situated on the shore of the estuary of the Veleka river which in its boundaries flows in the Black Sea thanks to its strategic position Sinemorets is a fantastic gateway to visit all the most important attractions along the entire littoral among thems Nessebar, Varna, Burgas, Balchik, Silistar, Athopol  with furthermore a very easy access to the captivating, rural interior.

For that and more it is  considered among the best places of the entire province offering at the same time sunny holidays combined to  cultural tourism, all that means during a stay the opportunity to fill your days with an ample variety of things to do such as sunbaths, sea, golden sands but also days dedicated to radial excursion visitng marvellous destinations with a notable historicpatrimony.

The local territory in an Eden boasting great landscapes. it offers several proposals with significant itineraries and .another relevant aspect is its uncontaminated, salubrious atmosphere totally free of pollution for a total absence of industries making it a beloved climatic destination.

The resort is very relaxing, peaceful, no traffic and noise with a large, verdant environment highlighted by a splendid woodland a perfect place to recharge batteries enjoying very pleasant walks in deep contact with nature.

Despite it is a place very appreciated and known by many people also for the quality of its comfortable acoommodations it  was never transformed in a giant resort with construction of big complexes or huge Hotels thanks to  a clever plan of environmental conservation which greatly conserved the entire setting and also that is very loved by a multitude of tourist.

The name Sinemorets translated from the Bulgarian language means place on the blue sea and all that is greatly confirmed by the tonality of its wonderful, crystalline waters containing a very low index of salinity.

Furthermore the sun in that corner of Europe has a level of Ultraviolet rays under the average media, a factor determining a very low risk of skin cancer with the chance for all the sun lovers to enjoy long sunbaths for many hours during a day.

Other positive features the resort offers is the great opportunity to move and swimming from salt to fresh waters in a while from the Black Sea to the river Veleka considered an excellent tonic therapy enjoying different compounds, properties and diverse temperatures.

The result of of all that is a total toning and revitalisation for the body having in addition a fresh, healthy skin with a perfect relaxation. 

The temperatures during summer are constant around the 27º-28°C never too hot with excellent springs with a a media average of 21º-22ºC  and autumns are never cold.

The absence of humidity is considered another pleasurable feature for the joy of many visitors and a further one is the chance  to a salubrious oxygenation reaching fairly quicky the heights of the nearest mountainous area. 

The resort offers many opportunities to practise different outdoor activities such as water sports as diving, swimming, sailing, rowing but also fishing, cycling, the interior along an interior road leading to Tsarevo and Rezovo a great place for mountain bikers, trekkers.and horse riding.

Sinemorets for its scenic environment with that stupendous combination sea-mountain is extremely loved by many photographers immerdiately attracted by striking contrasts and a stunning biodiversity.

The Southern coastline of the Black Sea in Bulgaria descending towards Turkey  is  a very pleasant hallway boasting picturesque small promontories,coves, small fascinating bays,  rugged, rocky tiny peninsulas all that alternated with long sandy beaches delighting every tourist with various enchanting panoramic views.

Also that is something highly captivating for those who decide to spend a stay in that land with the desire to admire varied panoramic views and a diverse scenery in just a few kilometres.

The local cuisine is another aspect highly appreciated with many influences left by Greeks ad Turks who settled that land in different historic periods next to the traditional Slavic gastronomy  making a fantastic mosaic of diverse flavors with spicy, sour, sweet and mixed tastes.

Very interesting is also the local history started in the 5th century BC as a small Thracian settlement, closely related to that in the outskirts of the municipality and in the Potamya inlet immediately south of Sinemorets were discovered during archaeological excavations several artifacts dated that period with findings of some rests of ancient wooden ships, anchors ,metallic elements, ceramic fragments, pieces of carved stones and inscriptions of incredible value..

All the surrounding area of the province of Burgas was a territory populated by that ancient population who also reached the estuary of the river Veleka and along that waterway were found further traces consisting in many graves  related to those settlers who created all around the current land very active centres.

Colonised by Greeks and Romans that territory under rule of those two important civilisations became an  important cross point of trade and furthermore according to some historic documentations the province of Burgas was also explored and for a short period inhabited by Illyrian tribes.

The Hellenic colonists started to establish a village composed by modest houses inhabited by fishermen who continued to be inhabited by the descendants .from Apollonia and later by new settlers coming from the Kingdom of Macedonia.

They left important marks especially linked to commerce, fishing, handcraft with also a notable organisation in terms of social and politic life in a place that before their landings was pretty depopulated due to several incursions and raids by pirates alongside the entire Black Sea coastline.

 Also the denomination of the former village is of Hellenic heritage when it was originally named  Galadzaki deriving from Galazios meaning azure or light blue due to the colour of the waters of the sea.

The current  Bulgarian name  pronounced  Sinemorez with the final letters t and s replaced by a sound pretty strong as a Z is practically the Slavic  translation of the former left by those Greek settlers.

The village with that name according to historic documentations was already known when the Romans occupied that land during the times of Emperor Claudius in 46.

Since then the settlement was protagonist of a a new era mainly focused in a concrete planned politic system ,the defence of a territory between mountains and sea with fortified sections and a continuation of all what created by the predecessors.

That Empire integrated the Hellenic settlers of the autochtone colony in high cultural, artistic spheres giving them the Imperial citizenship, priivilege of vote and important positions in the community.

The local area  after the fall of the Rome was not very populated for the continuous attacks by corsairs, events  which endured for long time.

Due that unsafe situation many people left the coastline to find refuge in the  the forests of Strandzha mainly devoted to agricultural activities reaching the coast simply to fish having some food to survive.

All that changed during the rule of the Byzantine Empire started with a strong influence since the late 4th century with Theodosious I  who in that time with Constantinople as capital occupied a large part of the current nation.before the advent of the First Bulgarian Empire which replaced in the 11th century those Greek-Roman rulers. 

Concrete historic documentations dating back the 15th century attested the presence of a  official  hamlet appeared during the times of the Ottoman Empire occupation in a Turkish map dated 1496 a period which corresponds just four years later of the end of the medieval era when the present Sinemorets was renamed Kalandja.

The Ottomans who ruled Bulgaria for five centuries took that village as a simple mercantile dock and in in that time the former village was inhabited by a small Christian Greek Orthodox community living near a small harbour which was used as site for timber trade coming from the nearest woody area of Strandzha renamed in that time by the Turks Yildiz meaning Star.

In the early 18th century the village was attacked several times by Caucasian pirates once again and that centre only had a dozen of houses more built along the local pier with others established towards to the inland along a path leading to the nearest forest.

That site during those centuries never had an intense development or increasing of population including later when  it only had about 17/18 houses according new maps edited after a territorial recognition by an Austrian Diplomatic of the House of Habsburg called Wenzel Von Bronjar protagonist of that operation in 1766. 

In 1821 a German geographer, Christian Gottlieb Rehinardt confirmed the existence of Sinemorets in a more contemporary map printed by the Ottoman Empire with a new design of borders and its territorial subdivision with the previously mentioned Strandzha or Yildiz also known as Istranca, former name of  Binkiliç, a town in the province of Istanbul.

The reasons Sinemorets despite its strategic position was almost unknown for a long period was because the Turks privileged determined centres leaving others in a status of secondary relevance simply used as point of simple transit.

The Treaty of Santo Stefano signed on 3rd March 1878 after the Russian-Ottoman war which sanctioned the autonomy of Bulgaria inside the Ottoman Empire was the first chapter towards the independence reached in 1908 with the proclamation by Tsar Ferdinand.

The two  Balkan Wars which involved different countries such as Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece,  Serbia, Romania and Montenegro in the early 20th century were characterised by continuous ups and downs highlighted by numerous  territorial disputes, claims, diatribes and clashes.

According to a census which took place in 1926 in Sinemorets existed approximately 68 houses all occupied by Hellenic people.

In 1927 in occasion of an  agreement between the Kingdom of Bulgaria represented by the diplomatic Vladimir Mollov and the Republic of Greece with the Minister Georgios Kafandaris decided the destiny of that site which entered in the domains of the Bulgarian Monarchy.

That event caused that infamous replacement of populations when the Greek inhabitants found refuge in Northern Greece replaced by Bulgarians in major part coming from the territories of the Turkish Thrace and in largely part coming from the cities of Edirne and Kirklareli

The old Hellenic denomination of the community disappeared in 1934 changed in the current Sinemorets when Tsar Boris III decided to give a new, more appropriate Slavic identity replacing many old former Hellenic and Turkish names. 

After the Second World War with the installation of a Socialist Regime and the abolishment of the Monarchy with the abdication of Tsar Simeon II in 1947, the country entered as a satellite nation of Soviet Union influence.

In that time  Sinemorets was known mainly by locals and a sporadic number of tourists linked to those seven countries of the disappeared Pact of Warsaw signed in 1955 who at the end of the 50's and in the 60's visited the resort.

Those Eastern European travellers were the first in the Continent to discover the beauty of the former Galadzaki during the period of the infamous Cold War with Europe divided in two blocks, visitors who in their kinds were pioneers of a Political arrangement by the Socialist Party which promoted sort of cultural interchanges with also incoming operations among those Nations.

 During those times in some panoramic coach tours were visited coastal resorts, some more than others for political reasons related to privileged destinations linked to a strategy decided by the leaders who managed the tourist industry totally integrated in the operations of the Politik Bureau. 

The resort started to be pretty famous in the late 80's despite its extraordinary boom started in the early 90's  after the fall of the regime with a new era highlighted by enterpreneurs and investors who changed face to that site.

In those years were developed in that area some Educational Tours directed to Western European Tour Operators and foreign Outgoing Product Managers  to show the charm of the local beauties scattered along the Black Sea coastline.

They started from Burgas including Chernomorets, Sozopol, Primorsk, Athopol, Tsarevo, Silistar also reaching Sinemorets and the nearest Turkish border.

Apart the visits of those magnificent golden sandy stretches and Hotels offered to know the product in terms of quality of the hospitality services, those operations were mainly focused to link those marvellous beaches to another emergent protagonist consisting the new modern Spa niche offering in excellent structures the best therapies and beauty treatments which had to occupy since then a relevant position in the ranking.

Spa treatments in Sinemorets has reached nowadays a very good dimension in terms of incoming flows next to a very interesting capacity of accommodations offering very comfortable Hotels, greatly equipped boasting all the most relevant services and facilities.

In addition those Educational were highlighted by a message to the salubrious, climatic conditions a very emergent reality  to convince spend holidays in Sinemorets also looking after the body with those waters related to Black Sea, Veleka river and natural springs as miracolous.

The intense demand towards  that paradise of sandy beaches were organised also to incentive flows of tourism in low season and not just in the busy summer period, directed to Travel Incentive operators.

During professional sightseeing tours were also organised stops to show the very interesting formation of the coastline which in its kind was very useful to narrate to a potential client some interesting concrete points discovering also smallest great details.  

All that was more than interesting to know several sharp promontories, scenic headlands and a succession of tiny inlets in particular in the last coastal stretch before to reach Turkey, some of them unknown by many tourists.

In addition along that long Bulgarian stretch there are different tonalities and consistence of sand in different places with a colour almost white in some, in others golden and in further boasting a special light brown

All that in a space of a few kilometres, opening the eyes to many Outgoing Specialists who could perfectly know live a stunning reality transmitting the tourists with detailed information also those details.

Extensions to  the interior and in the mountainous area of the Balkans were planned to show how was easy to link mountains and sea in a nutshell in a very captivating offer pretty complete.

All that was a clever message to create outgoing packages at very competitive rates and not just the standard flight + Hotel and eventually individual transfers from and to the airport or a Fly & Drive

The aim was also to launch  offers which included Spa sessions more selected, free excursions with the chance the day after to enjoy another with a special price and not sold in a published rack rate which was in its kind another successful operations.

Those proposals were an incentive discovering the many beauties of that land, the tourist enchanted after a first experience in a determined radial excursion was highly inspired and the day after there was the desire to  enjoy another one.

There were several formulas included as a dinner in a fine restaurant or in the case of a stay in regime of  H/B or F/B the chance to have free drinks.   

All that was highly interesting and the local operators including left space to the creativity of development of packages by foreign collegues with a vast fan of options including proposals very flexible with a mutitude of options.   

The centre of the town is pretty smalll arranged in proximity of the local coast,the main agglomeration lies behind the streets Ulitsa Lipite and Ulitsa Ustie situated at west towards the beach and on its southern side by Ulitsa Dabrava while at north runs Ulitsa Kalandzha which crosses the entire centre. 

In the westerrn boundaries of the resort approximately 400,0 metres away you can reach the estuary of the river Veleka which is another enchanting highlight.

You can start the visit from one of the historic attractions of Sinemorets consisting in a Ecclesiastic Orthodox Church dedicated to Sveti Giorgi, a Religious construction elevated in the 19th century dedicated to St George established in the place where was founded the first former Greek settlement.

That small but charming stone building erected on a rectangular plan has a captivating light blue arched doorway surmounted by an image in a niche depicting the  Saint Patron beneath a red roof, the facade shows three red brick inter winded lines  while on  the sides you will notice a series of long arched windows,

That Sacred building was restored in some occasions and it contains a relevant icon depicting St. Modest the Patron Saint of Shepherds and  farmers.

Sinemorets is very famous for its beaches, one of the most famous is called Ycta and that word means mouth because it is situated in a point in which the river Veleka forms its estuary flowing into the sea.

In a scenery absolutely magnificent, that wonderful, long, wide sandy beach lines stupendous crystalline, azure water, it is considered one of the best of the southern Bulgarian Black Sea boasting a constant Blue Flag placed along that beautiful stretch for the pride of locals.

It is also particularly loved because it is a very peaceful place, well maintained and in addition with a relevant longitude permitting to practise water sports, long relaxing walks, very appreciated by the visitor who can enjoy large spaces stopping in several, different points without stress to find a  free corner for sunbaths.

Bytamyata is another one very attractive located in a splendid bay next to a forest close to the mouth of the river boasting a a splendid, bright sand lining stunning blue waters, the shade of the nearest woody space it is a perfect combination and incentive to enjoy swimming, sunbaths finding later a cool ,fresh haven under the trees.

Along the coast there are some others simply great, one I recommend you is called Listi which just like the previous it is very close to a forest.

In early morning along that splendid stretch you can see small groups of deer on the shore of the sea, they run from the nearest woodland to that golden, sandy stretch all that generally happens very early so in a day you can also enjoy that great attraction.

A further very suggested is that of Lipite very clean, spacious and continuing along the coast on the road to Rezovo I recommend you to visit Silistar  which is approximately 7,0 kilometres from Sinemorets.

Apart its  its marvellous image it is the last big beach of the Bulgarian Black Sea coastline, an astonishing, sandy  marvel located in a spectacular, wide arched bay, it is approximately 1000,0 metres long and 50,0 metres wide
Since 1992 it was integrated in the protected area of Strandzha , all that has preserved the environment without the construction of Hotels or Tourist complexes and in its proximity just behind it lies a large woody area with the presence of several species of birds. 

Along that coast  you will be enchanted by a Paradise of wonderful small coves, beautiful cliffs, charming tiny natural inlets, a perfect littoral for those who love photography and to admire special, diverse formations including in the rocks.

In a splendid walk immediately outside the inhabited centre starting from the mouth of the Veleka it is possible to admire the beauty of some straight stretches and in addition in a space of about 1,5 kilometres you will be delighted by the presence in a very short distance of three spectacular small bays.

 Furthermore the visitor along that fabulous coastal section can have different options moving from a medium-long sandy beach to a small cove.

All those impressive changes of scenery are undoubtedly another inviting, tempting incentive for who is a sea lover having a vast range of options to choose in base of special preferences, choosing places with different aspect.

Another great feature is a stunning succession of sharp promontories and tips highlighting a scenery simply extraordinary at sunset and also all that is part of the charm of Sinemorets enchanting the tourist at first sight for its scenic image for its fascinating jagged coast.
Apart the great chance to enjoy those virgin beaches also offering appropriate sections to practise water sports,t here  are many opportunities to enjoy several outdoor activities as mountain bike in the countryside, the inland is an Eden trekkers who can enjoy a multitude of excursions along captivating paths immersed in a beautiful natural environment with a stunning biodiversity.

The river Veleka permits to practise rowing, canoeing ,kayak, fishing and furthermore it is a heaven for photographers and ornithologists thanks to the presence of several species of birds along its shore, a further considerable attraction for those who love that kind of fauna.

The river has its source on the Massif of Stranzha in Turkish territory at 710,0 metres of altitude on a high plateau called Istranca, it flows for 25,0 kilometres are in Turkey while the other 123,0 km are in Bulgarian territory.

The maximum depth is in proximity of its moth reaching approximately 10,0 metres while the media along its course ranges between 2,0 and 4,0 metres with a maximum width of 50,0 metres and in proximity of its mouth fishing is very practised by many people.

 A very relevant feature is that is considered one of the cleanest rivers in the country and in the Balkans surrounded by a beautiful natural setting.

It also offers the chance to enjoy mini cruises admiring an uncontaminated nature highly loved by a multitude of visitors who will be in contact with an enchanting environment admiring it from different perspectives during the navigation something of simply spectacular.

The Natural Reserve of Strandzha is a further outstanding attraction, it is not a simple, common nature park but much more.

In  2000 it was officially declared Protected Nature Area of Bulgaria it is the largest in the country developed on a surface area of over 1160,0 square kilometres which is the result of a network of lands consisting in 14 protected big environments  more five nature Parks inside its boundaries.

That huge, extended green lung rich in flora and different types of trees is an Eden in which the visitor can enjoy a magnificent, virgin space covered by forests  rich of berries, mushrooms and chestnuts. 

That vast land includes in its boundariea a mountainous massif which is also a natural geographic barrier dividing Bulgaria from Turkey where it is called Giortepe and in that area has its source the previously mentioned Veleka.

 In that marvel it is possible to plan horse riding excursions which is another way to enjoy tourism in a different way but equally spectacular.

All around that big parkland one of the main highlights is a large presence of Deciduous forests which cover almost the 80% of its territory with secular trees, some of them over five centuries old. 

Another special attraction of the reserve is its stunning biodiversity, you can see there different kinds of plants ranging from oaks to Mediterranean bushes, typical Central European vegetation and including some sections boasting wet forests.

The territory also has a notable fauna well represented by over 600 invertebrates species, 24 species of reptiles, 25 Bat species and  70 different kinds of marine fish.

Since a long time ago it is an important destination of migratory birds with about 270/280 species among them Eurasian eagle-owl, Hawk, Gull, Cormorant, Heron, Black Stork, White Stork, Egyptian Vulture,SombreTit, White-backed woodpecker, Olive-tree warbler, Semicollared flycatcher and four eagle species among others.

Strandzha Nature Park is located in a a geographic point along an iconic migratory birds route called Via Pontica which is a significant itinerary where all those volatiles reach that area during their trips from North Europe to the Balkans before to continue with next stages towards the coasts of North Africa landing on the coasts of Egypt, Libya and the Maghreb.

Notable is also the presence of mammals, one of the symbols is the golden jackal but you can see other species such as grey wolf, red fox otter, badger, wildcat, Marble polecat, wild boar, deer, red deer, beech marten, Lesser mole-rat, European ground squirrel, Günther's vole, three dormhouse species and also Medterranean monk seals in proximity of Silistar.

In the surroundings of Sinemorets you will have a lot of things to do, apart the nearest Turkey which offers several beautiful, historic places and stunning beaches immediately after the frontier.

You can also visit  some interesting villages in the interior and I suggest you Kosti, a small centre which has kept the old charm of the most traditional Bulgarian hamlet of the past.

In addition it has a notable historic value because in its boundaries was discovered after archeological excavations a ancient Thracian necropolis and furthermore it was one of the oldest Greek villages founded in the inland. 

In that village you can see some great examples of the old local architecture consisting in some attractive, wooden and crude stone houses developed on two levels and all around a beautiful green,  peaceful environment. 

In that tiny centre as well as in the nearest Gramatikovo, Mladezhko and other small centres, the locals kept the old traditions of the ancestors preparing homemade foods loyal to recipes transmitted generation by generation but also typical  handcrafts, all is practically remained intact as some centuries ago.

 n places like that you can see performances on live coals of Nestinarka, a traditional, ritual dance to pay homage to the Saints Elena and Constantine celebrated on 21st May, but in many touristic resorts there are often shows to delight the tourists with those representations part of the oldest traditional folklore.

Also that is very attractive for tourists who want to enter in contact with historic realities which created a culture discovering many fascinating things.

Naturally when you are spending holidays in Sinemorets do not miss to visit jewels of art and history as Burgas, Varna and Nessebar, the pearl of the Black Sea.
All those centres boast a superb patrimony ranging from monumental Orthodox Churches, Mosques left by the Ottomans with in addition the chance to visit different museums hosting famed collections of artifacts left by important civilisations as the Thracian, Greek and Roman.

I also recommend you, Athopol, another captivating seaside resort not far offering you a beautiful beach with the chance to discover a place very interesting. (In the case you are interested I wrote a post about that site) I added below some links to plan your stay and some suggested Hotels. 

Cuisine in Bulgaria and in Sinemorets has its own identity but that area was also influenced by Greek and Turkish gastronomy  so you can find a wide range of spicy,sweet and sour plates linked to the culinary art of those two Nations.

You will notice a notable use of Greek Feta cheese, you can find  a local Mousaka not very different than the original from Greece and a fragrant homemade pita bread practically identical to that you can find in the Hellenic country. 

The long rule of the Ottoman Empire left strong gastronomic marks and you will find in many dishes the presence of traditional Turkish spices such as cinnamon, cumin, sumac, oregano, sesame and a local kind of  Kebab called Kebapche not very different than that you can taste in Istanbul, Ankara or Izmir.

A typical speciality as the Dolma is  pretty rooted to the Ottoman culinary heritage consisting in stuffed vegetables prepared with onion, pine nuts tomatoes, dill , pepper, chili,currants adding rice and seasoned with olive oil, salt, a bit of lemon and mint. 

The typical Corba are kinds of  soups which have a strong affinity with those prepared in Turkey made in different styles using chicken, turkey, lamb, veal adding those meats different kinds of  vegetbles.

Grilled and fried fish are other highlights reflecting the local Black Sea seafaring spirit and excellent is also  the fish from the river Veleka.

You can taste in addition the popular Shopska,  a very traditional speciality consisting in a mixed salad prepared with onion,roasted pepper, raw,cucumbers and tomatoes.

Very popular is the Sirenje, a famous cheese often accompanying that salad but it is also eaten as snack with boiled eggs, ham or also melted in omelette.

In Bulgaria bread and all its derived are of high quality.The Tikvenik called by many people also Banitsa is a delicious, savoury pastry prepared with walnuts, cinnamon, eggs, pieces of cheese but  you can also find a variant made with nuts and aubergines.

Also meat is present with delicious, tender lamb cooked in different styles as roasted, baked  using many of those previously mentioned spices and in many cases adding thyme while another national product of relevant reputation is the famed Bulgarian Yogurt considered one of the best in the world.

Burgas Letishte, the second Bulgarian Airport after Sofia is situated at just 92,0 kilometres north of Sinemorets at approximately one hour and 15 minutes driving from the resort taking the coastal road Strada 99 via Primorsko and Tsarevo.

The constant development of the Bulgarian incoming services, excellent comfortable Hotels, marvellous beaches and a magnificent local natural scenery are always a great incentive to plan holidays in Bulgaria on the Black Sea.

A stay in a site in that Southeastern European country as Sinemorets offers many chances to spend days with a kind of tourism very complete which is not only to enjoy a seaside escapade but a splendid ample fan of outdoor activities.  

Excursions, the visit of many historic sites, very interesting towns, many hidden places to discover and explore as the marvellous Thrace region, nature, art are with many gems scattered all arond that stupendous territory are undoubtedly a great incentive.

 All that next to the attractive chance to enjoy a  salubrious tourism between mountains and sea keeping your body extremely healthy with fabulous Spa treatments but also with that simple sum salted waters + fresh waters + oxygenation in quote in the nearest Balkan heights returning home totally relaxed, in perfect physical and mental conditions.

Definitely choosing that destination is an unique opportunity to enjoy at the same time all that, the scenic image of the Bulgarian Balkans characterised by an immaculate nature not far from the pristine, blue waters of the a Black Sea have a great reference in Sinemorets where you will find several stupendous options  to spend very healthy holidays enjoying a great stay in a more than wonderful way.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Sinemorets

Aparthotel Bella Vista Beach Club
Hotel Apolonia Palace
Hotel Atlas
Asti Art Hotel

Recommended Restaurants in Sinemorets

Restaurant Asti Art Hotel 

Useful links

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