Tignes | Sportiest French Resort in an Alpine Heaven.

Tignes is a very famed destination awarded not a long time ago as the Sportiest French resort,very special in an Alpine heaven to spend trendy, unforgettable holidays in the heart of the wonderful Savoie Department, a paradise of France´s Northern Alps part of a big fascinating Region called Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes at the foot of a majestic and charming peak called Grande Motte, a superb giant with its 3653,0 metres of altitude in the scenic Tarentaise Valley crossed by the scenic Isère river. 

That charming commune of approximatelyy 2,600 inhabitants in the beautiful Massif de la Vanoise is part of the Arrondissment of the popular Albertville which hosted the Winter Olympic Games celebrated in 1992 close the famed and captivating Val D´Isère, another emblematic site well known worldwide to be a superb destination for winter sports lying at 5,0 kilometres from the frontier with Italy bordered of the stupendous Vanoise National Park created in 1963 forming together that notorious, huge ski area called L' Espace Killy.

Developed on a surface area of 81,63 square kilometres that resort of the Canton of Bourg-Saint Maurice is formed  by a group of villages such as Tignes les Boisses, Tignes Le Lac, Tignes les Brèvières,  Tignes Le Lavachet and Tignes Val Claret, each of them despite the mutations of the municipal environment have conserved their own traditional identity and situated at different altitudes.

All that is undoubtedly a very special feature and in a complete visit you will notice for the different geographic position of those agglomerations an ample variety of environments, landscapes, panoramic views including differences in architecture, a scenery which also for that is very appreciated by several visitors.
The popularity of that French Alpine jewel increased in occasion of the Olympic Games which took place over two decades when Tignes had a relevant part as partner because it provided some spaces in its boundaries for the athletes training, it was seat of an Acrobatic Ski space, the competition of Ice Ballet was performed in its outstanding complex the Stade de Lognan and in addition co-hosting the 1992 Winter Paralympics.

That attractive commune unique in its kind afterwards in 2010 hosted the X Games founded in 1995 managed by American sports broadcaster ESPN and it gained year by year the preference of many skiers with a constant, positive feedback classified as one of best places to practise Alpine skiing in the previously mentioned, magnificent Espace Killy which offers over 300,0 kilometres of great pistes, outstanding facilities with superb services.

That relevant success achieved in a short period of history placed Tignes at the same level of famed prestigious sites as Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, Morzine-Avoriaz,Val D´Isère, all distinctive emblems of the winter sports resorts Elite since a long time ago.

But not only skiing is an aspect which enchants the visitors because Tignes is also well known worldwide for cycling when it started to be inserted in different occasions in stages or spectacular arrivals in the Alps of the iconic Tour de France.

Also for that  it is since a long time ago a favourite destination for many professional cycling teams during the period of preparation before the starting of the official season with important races of the international calendar.

in addition since the 90's it was frequently headquarter of Le Bleus the French Football National Team concentrated in its boundaries to prepare important competitions such as the World Cups of 1998, 2002, 2006 and 2010 but also the editions of the Euro Cups of 2000, 2004 and 2008.

The Federation of that popular sport chose that trendy resort for its superb features with accommodations providing every kind of comfort, services always ready to respond to the most exigent requests boasting modern, advanced and efficient facilities in a wonderful environment at an ideal altitude to improve the performances of the athletes before an important event.

Including the famed Football Club Olympique Lyonnais uses the resort as headquarter during the pre-season and due to that the prestige and fame increased furthermore reaching in the last decade incredible peaks of popularity.

In the territory of Tignes you will  find over 3500,0 kilometres of bike trails, approximately 650,0 kilometres of walking routes and thanks to all those splendid opportunities to practise diverse outdoor activities for a long period during a year that place is a Paradise for mountain bikers ,cyclists on road, trekkers and people fond of mountaineering.

Also golfers have the great chance to play their beloved sport in a prestigious 18 hole Golf Course surrounded by magnificent landscapes highlighted by towering Alpine peaks.

 Motor Sports found on the soil of that French resort a perfect habitat because in its boundaries and surroundings are often celebrated Enduro competitions of high level for the joy of many fans who can enjoy spectacular performances in a land simply perfect for that speciality.

Thanks to all that gem of Savoie boasting an impressive notoriety  some years ago was awarded by L´Equipe, one the most famous French newspapers with the relevant title of  Sportiest French Resort.

it is not a case  that Tignes received that prestigious award  by that emblematic sport media founded in 1905 by Jacques Goddet who elevated that place as a sort of touristic monument,.

That renowned press Institution, publishing, iconic editorial engine and organiser of the La Grande Boucle, the most famous cycling race of the globe, the Tour de France decided to award that site considering it as a sort of Temple of Sport, a destination in which everything is possible elevating that very special place as an emblem highly appreciated by a multitude of people and athletes too.

Definitely that very impressive escalation placed that site as a top class destination and apart statistics, dates related to notable tourist flows it is extremely loved also for the great atmosphere which transmits all around its boundaries and simply spending there will know why having an immediate answer.

Extremely loved by visitors and families who are looking for comfort, peace and relaxation in spring, summer but also autumn thanks to a marvellous environment which permits a multitude of things to do enjoying several sunny days during those seasons with an absence of noise, traffic but it also a destination very indicated for young people who can find in that place apart several sporting facilities also a very vibrant nightlife.

Photographers and fauna lovers can find in that centre of the French Alps an Eden, the first can have a very ample panorama to immortalise the local territory in albums packed by stunning pictures, from majestic peaks to rugged gorges or valleys crossed by wild streams, sinuous rivers highlighting unique landscapes and simply the image of La Grande Motte with its glacier is enough to create an extraordinary work.

For the others including a very short distance from  the inhabited agglomerations it is possible to see marmots, chamois, ibex different species of volatiles among them several eagles.
That Alpine heaven boasting a fantastic, unique geographic position permitting the visitor apart the unforgettable, local attractions the Alps offer an excellent chance to enjoy several excursions visiting sites rich of art, history with relevant monuments.

All that means to complete a wonderful stay with an ample fan of superb options organising itineraries with different stages enjoying a superb, cultural tourism planning magnificent routes  in France but also in the nearest foreign countries.

Brilliant options staying in French territory are many, some of them very recommended changing totally scenery but in that case filling your days with something different and simply great  is the second city of the country, the beautiful Lyon located at 238,0 kilometres, a centre highly attractive which will delight you.

Pretty suggested is also the fascinating Chambery located at just 130,0 kilometres and a further marvel called Annecy is not so far two enchanting destinations in which art and nature are great protagonists.

 700,0 kilometres is the distance from the marvellous Paris but with the great chance to enjoy a trip by TGV, the fast train with destination the fantastic French Capital.
At  just at 160,0 kilometres is situated Turin, the major centre of the Italian Region of Piedmont, 4th centre of Italy former capital of the country, a city boasting palaces and monuments ranging from Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and Liberty styles.

The wonderful Aosta Valley with its unique landscapes and charming towns is very close and the wonderful Switzerland is not far, the stunning city of Geneva with its striking lake situated at just 163,0 kilometres away.

The local history of that beautiful reality despite its major development was in the 30's of the 20th century has very  interesting traces dating back in the Middle Ages when the Parish of Tignes was a domain of the Lords of the Val D´Isère next to other nearest communities such as Villaroger, Sainte-Foye, Montvalenzan and Séez inherited by a noble family from Briançon becoming the Viscounts of Tarentaise, a denomination related to the local valley.

Originally those lands were a donation to those nobles in the 10th century by the Counts of the House Savoy Counts who in the the late 12th century with the Count Philip I re-took possession of them with also that aristocratic title.

In 1310 Jacquemet de Beaufort Lord of Beaufort-sur-Doron decided to exchange  his lands with the Val D´Isère obtaining in 1346 by the Count Amadeus V of Savoy well known as Amadeus the Great that noble tile paying him a sum of 2000,0 Florins. 

Those arrangements were usual in medieval times managed in a typical Feudalistic system by powerful Houses to have loyalty by aristocrats who became as sort of faithful vassals controlling territories under their influence and as in that case having a financial revenue.

In the 15th century the land was occupied by another family called Duywho conserved the rule until 1795 when Tignes entered in the domains of the Maison d' Allinges, a noble House from Chablais born in the 11th century which owned a territory which originally included part of France but also lands of Switzerland, aristocrats who during their history also became Marquis of Coudrée in 1655. 

That was the last domain in the territory of a French aristocracy sphere  before the notorious events related to the famous French Revolution ended in 1799, an event also linked to the advent as leader of Napoléon Bonaparte who abolished the feudalism in the Republic.

Before the Second World War  Tignes as other small villages of the Savoie was for many unknown, considered a peaceful oasis in the heart of the Alps, an idyllic destination for someone who knew its great corners to enjoy trekking, hiking in a very scenic territory during weekends.

The former settlement was pretty isolated due to a lack of communications, with a total absence of relevant, developed roads mainly populated by farmers, shepherds living in a rural mountainous land with scattered hamlets at the foot of the iconic La Grande Motte.

Some tourists who explored that area fond of Alpine skiing started to analyse the territory which was immediately more than  attractive, very suitable to develop great pistes for the presence of steep straights, a great alternation of ample or narrow bends perfect to practise challenging, spectacular slaloms but also downhills.

Closely related to that took place the construction in 1930 of a first pioneer ski lift able to transport the visitors until the highest points of the current resort at over the 2000,0 metres of altitude.

All that immediately captured the interest year by year the interest of many people because the Savoie for its specific, territorial conformation apart to be a mountaineering heaven offers all the features to create marvellous tracks with different coefficients of difficulty.

In addition something of new in a country as France which has always had great traditions linked to winter sports was like to find another golden mine with many chances to develop a trendy proposal which could attract a myriad of new visitors in a place as the French Alps eternally considered as a desired, coveted destination.

The discovery of perfect spaces to establish further tracks with the installation of new facilities could create a rich incoming source generating something of highly captivating in  that great place attracting many fans elevating that niche linked to the Alpine skiing tourism Industry in a new, magnificent resort ready to satisfy a myriad of skiers.

Despite a good signal of start-up unfortunately the Second World War was an episode which interrupted those operations which re-started some years later.
In the meantime in the oldest village corresponding to Tignes les Brèvières  began the construction of a dam which was a project led by a partnership of  French engineers consisting in the group Coyne et Bellier which established that construction to provide electricity for the entire municipality using the waters of the several streams flowing in the Tarentaise Valley.

At the beginning of the 50's after some years of works, exactly in 1952 due to an inundation which generated several damages was necessary to find a solution caused by that natural disaster and the construction of that dam interrupted 

.The first relevant operations naturally were obviously focused to save the local population finding for them a safe place to live moving the inhabitants at an altitude of 2,100 metres. 

That period despite many probems and difficulties was protagonist of an excellent work, that choice by the French Institutions despite laborious operations, replacements, resorations and construction gave origin to a successful start-up with a touristic boom of Tignes.

That terrible flooding which caused the loss of a large part of the old hamlets gave energy and desire to re-establish in the best way a new reality since 1956, a sort of fantastic beginning focused to turn page as a new era establishing an area which apart to host the locals could boast a very trendy ski resort complex in proximity of Tignes Le Lac where is situated the lake.

That waters basin situated at the foot of the magnificent Glacier of the La Grande Motte, one of the most charming and attractive peaks of the Massif de la Vanoise was a perfect idea, extremely outstanding for all the services and facilities which found there a perfect habitat apart a scenery absolutely striking offering the chance next to winter sports to practise also water sports.

After that event was also built a Church in Tignes Le Boisses,Église de Saint Jacques dedicated to St. James to replace the old totally devastated by that tragic inundation with the aim to give a Religious centre for worship to the population.

In addition further construction of new houses arose  especially in Val Claret in the 70's with improvements in terms of communicatio were part of a definitive consolidation of that resort which reached since then a national consecration gaining in addition an international appreciation elevating its reputation in the highest ranking panorama.

On that famous dam 180,0 metres high called Barrage de Chevril in 1989 an artist called Jean Marie Pierret supported by some expert climbers painted a giant fresco denominated Le Géant de Tignes, the Giant of Tignes depicting Heracles, that epic Greek mythological hero.

That impressive work is considered among the biggest frescoes in the world highlighted furthermore by that unusual idea to execute that huge, artistic on  that unusual but scenic barrier.

That outstanding masterpiece unique in its kind was probably a superb inspiration as a clear message to show the world that in a land in which the mountains are protagonists in good and sad times all it is possible, including winning against the disasters of nature with the human efforts able to create a rebirth re-starting with something of great.

 Heracles as in the mythological Hellenic literature was emblem of strength and courage was perfect to depict a rebirth with visual protagonist that legendary hero son of the powerful Zeus able to move bolders opening mountains according to epic narrations.

That unique image became in a very short time a symbol and landmark of Tignes which despite those waters which engulfed devastating almost all its territorial surface area had as a sort of heroic renaissance and all that is  highly visible nowadays.

That giant fresco became very famous during the edition of the Winter Olympics celebrated in 1992 in the nearest Albertville and you probably remember that it was also a sort of iconic highlight in several spots filmed in occasion of the previews of those successful games.

It was also presents as protagonist in many covers, leaflets, brochures linked to that famous sporting event which takes place every four year also used as instrument for a relevant promotion in posters, wallpapers increasing the fame of the resort which gained in the 90's much more resonance as tourist destination.

You can start the visit from Tignes Le Lac situated at 2100,0 metres of altitude which could be considered the beating heart of the resort for winter sports lovers, started to be well known in 1968 and  today offering almost everything.

 Notable is the presence of many shops, bars permitting to spend pleasant hours with friends having a cool drink, enjoying shopping or also choosing a fine restaurants offering the best cuisine, all places encircled by a very lively atmosphere.

In that area you can see Maison de Tignes, an outstanding complex providing a modern Multimedia Centre, a great space providing brilliant facilities, outstanding services permitting to stay connected to the world by Internet or simply going after skiing to check the climatic conditions corresponding to  the next day programming your choices  during a stay.

That site also provides all the updated information about the status of the pistes with all the last news highly appreciated by several people as well as the presence of a modern gym, a swimming pool called Le Lagon with in addition the great chance to play bowling.

Next to emblematic symbol of the resort lies a stunning lake, great to enjoy in late spring, summer and early autumn several activities linked to water sports, such as sailing, surfing, water jump admiring all around it fantastic and unique Alpine landscapes.

The magnificent L´Espace Killy occupying part of Tignes Le Lac is simply impressive for all what it offers consisting in a wide, superb network of tracks, structures, information points, services, offering a big variety of choices hosted on its vast surface, a site extremely loved by many skiers.

Its name pays homage to Jean Claude Killy, a prominent figure produced by French Sport, a character conisdered a legend and furthermore one of the most awarded champions in the history of Winter Sports.

That unforgettable athlete born in Saint-Cloud, a commune in the western suburbs of Paris won three Olympic gold medals, six World Championships gold medals, four Alpine Ski World Cups and a further one of speciality. 

 Also for that distinctive name, that wonderful ski area is since some years ago a beloved destination for  professional skiers who are usually there training to prepare official competitions.

That denomination undoubtedly supported the creation of the myth of Tignes achieving a profile which elevated itself as the sportiest French Resort linking its history to someone who wrote indelible, remarkable pages of historical sport, an aspect which played an important role also for that prestigious award the resort received some years ago.

That huge ski area provides over 300,0 kilometres of Alpine Ski routes, approximately 90 points subdivided in ski lifts, chairlifts, funiculars, cable cars managed since 1967 by STGM, the Société des Télépheriques de La Grande Motte, all that was established to respond to  the most demanding exigences totally satisfying everybody.

Tignes inserted in that Eden provides 80 slopes developed along 150,0 kilometres with 16 Black tracks for expert skiers, 20 re pistes for intermediate level, 38 blue for beginners and 6 green slopes with a complex consisting in 1 funicular, 1 cable car, 2 gondola lifts, 21 chairlifts, 11 skilifts while for the lovers of  Cross-country skiing there are 20,0 fantastic kilometres simply perfect to enjoy that spectacular Nordic speciality.

The resort is particularly famous to have the fourth longest funicular in the world reaching over 3,000 metres of altitude generating aboard very special feelings.  

For those who love Alpine Ski it is not the same reaching a start-point of a descent situated at 1500,0 metres than another with altitude which is more than the double.

All that is a very outstanding highlight because once there there are those unique sensations generating automatic vibrations facing those steep stretches on a considerable summit, pure adrenaline for many people. 

 Worth a special mention that a great operation was the establishment of a very functional chairlift system fantastically organised in a perfect way supporting the funicular channelling the traffic of skiers avoiding queue or chaotic situations in particular times especially related to high season when Tignes is a very busy destination.

The highest point is naturally  La Grande Motte with its summit at 3653,0 metres highlighted by its top ski point situated at 3456,0 metres analso that detail is simply fantastic because you will be at less than 100,0 metres beneath the marvellous highest point of that majestic peak accessible by funicular, cableway and two chairlift. 

 In its space it is possible skiing in summer season delighted by a great view of the big giant of the Alps : the Mont Blanc, the highest peak of Europe, the image of those 4,808 metres is for many  a further strong emotion facing that towering Alpine pyramid eternally capped by snow.

Once on there it is possible to have an easy access to all the ski slopes from the most attractive black tracks to the splendid red pistes with intermediate difficulties but equally challenging while the beginners can enjoy splendid blue pistes in a superb, wide space which includes the presence of  appreciated Alpine Ski Schools taking lessons.

Definitely the visitors immediately feel to be in a heaven, a sort of winter sports Empire offering all the best in the shade a scenic glacier, in addition the impressive organisation next to a wonderful development of the pistes with the presence of over 113 snow machines producing over 450,000 square metres of artificial snow a year along the entire ski area are details unique in their kinds.

 An excellent, efficient vigilance and maintenance with several patrols supported by 15 snow cats are other magnificent features, undoubtedly an incentive pretty relevant because for that presence a skier feels himself in a very safe place where all perfectly works making Tignes in that aspect a site which invites everybody to return on its soil without hesitations once again.

Le secteur de Tovière is a very special space which permits the connection with the Val D´Isère, that emblematic paradise which hosted the Alpine Ski World Championships in 2009, regularly hosting the FIS World Cup protagonist along its legendary Face de Bellevard track which was scene of the men's  downhill race in the 1992 Winter Games.

It is an outstanding ski area with an elevation between 1785,0 and 3599,0 metres of altitude, boasting 79 magnificent pistes subdivided in 12 black tracks, 24 red, 28 blue and 15 green all developed in the Espace Killy with 47 lift services consisting in 1 funicular, 3 cable cars, 2 Gondola lifts, 21 chairlifts 17 skilifts and apart all that available are  20,0 kilometres suitable for Ski Cross Country.

 Apart that chance to reach that emblematic environment I suggest you to stay in Le secteur de Tovière in the case you want to practise adventure skiing, snowshoes off of the official pistes but also if you are a photography lover because in that area you will be delighted by the view of two very scenic peaks as the Col de Fresse with its 2580,0 metres and the Tovière with an altitude of 2705.0 metres 

In addition I recommend that place for trekkers with a multitude of options with spectacular trails with also a great attraction consisting in the spectacular Via Ferrata du Roc du  Tovière facing the wonderful wall Plates de la Dailles starting from 1795,0 and ending to 2,200 metres of altitude.

The secteur de Palet is another highlight, a large space which in its boundaries has a big snowpark, from there by an off road itinerary by the Col du Palet you can reach another iconic resort which does not need introductions called La Plagne with its legendary ski area called Paradiski.

That  magnificent resort was created in 1961, it is well known because the skeleton, luge and bobsleigh track used in 1992 Olympic Games of Albertville was established in its boundaries.

That French Eden developed between 1250,0 and 3250,0 metres of altitude boasts 132 pistes developed along 225,0 kilometres with 18 black tracks, 33 classified as red, 69 blue and 10 green and in addition that heaven offers approximately 80,0 kilometres to practise Cross-country skiing

Tignes Val Claret  is  the highest village of the commune situated at 2127,0 metres of altitude, developed in an area which started to be developed in 1965, it is pretty lively, loved by young people for the presence of shops, trendy bars and some good restaurants serving delectable cuisine of Savo providing in its boundaries a funicular service leading to La Grand Motte Glacier and  chairlifts services. 

The area boasts a beautiful ,natural environment showing the visitor the beauty of the French Alps in all its pure essence, if you are a fan of Nordic and adventure skiing there are very interesting trails all around the inhabited centre, immediately outside the centre you will find also a splendid intact Alpine forest, fantastic for relaxing walks.
Tignes le Lavachet is a neighbourhood of the municipality situated at 2,100 metres of altitude pretty peaceful, there are some shops, bars, restaurants, opportunity to rent ski and it is certainly one of the best places for skiing for beginners.

From there you can take a Shuttle Bus Service leading to Tignes le Lac in which there are also some blue slopes suitable for those who are learning to move the first steps on skis, the presence of that efficient transport permits the brilliant opportunity to change tracks in a very short time and detail is very appreciated by many visitors.

Tignes le Boisses situated at 1850,0 metres of altitude is a very calm, tranquil place, it offers the chance to take a cable car leading to black, red and blue pistes but also in its boundaries there are some slopes pretty good for expert, intermediate skiers, in addition it is an excellent site for snowboarders.

The local environment is beautiful with a virgin woodland surrounding thhat agglomeration, it is a site very suggested for people who love serenity, relaxation, It has some services as bars, restaurant, ski rent facilities, a village highlighted by some pleasant houses erected in typical Savoyard style very attractive.

Tignes les  Brèvierès is the most traditional area of the commune situated at 1550,0 metres of altitude which has kept its traditional image reflecting the most charming Savoie visible in its architecture characterised by a good number of fascinating stone  houses, farmhouses and captivating narrow streets highlighting its charming small core.

It is the oldest of the five villages, the scenery is very picturesque with a natural setting greatly preserved highlighted by scenic pine forests encircling its inhabited centre.

You can find there some shops, bars, restaurants, it is very suggested for families, couples searching a peaceful haven enjoying a total tranquillity and it provides lift service taking to L' Espace Killy. 

Worth a mention for who is a great fan of snowboarding the presence in Tignes of two slopes called Caroline and Gratalu considered a Mecca for that trendy, spectacular speciality with very challenging pistes, perfect gradients well developed in a perfect environment with many outstanding facilities.

What is great in that resort it is that it is a special destination for everyone including for tourists who simply want to have fun on snow with large spaces until the  the most experienced skiers who are searching something very thrilling to test or to improve their technic and skills.
The comparisons between a ski resort and another are often a bit difficult in terms of pistes. For those who are skiers who have visited different places and tried different slopes it is possible to find some similarities or in some cases something  in common.

 As you know much depends of the altitude, shape, conformation of the ski-routes developed in a specific territory, surfaces, altimetry, presence or absence of rocks and much more.

The local slopes just like Val D´Isère, Chamonix-Mont Blanc are pretty similar to those of Courmayeur, Sestriere (I wrote a post about that resort if you are interested) in the Italian Western Alps.

They have very steep, long straights with an alternation of challenging bends which generate several changes of rhythms  increasing the experience of a skier in terms of speed, pure technic and domain of the skis at the same time.

Some others in in Tignes Le Lac have great jumps, high walls, mutation of slopes in a very short space just like some of the most prestigious resorts situated in the Oriental Alps such as Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Kitzbühel Schladming (I also wrote posts regarding those destinations) or also Madonna di Campiglio, Selva di Val Gardena in the Italian Dolomites among others.

The perfect preparation of the snow on every piste could be compared to those stunning of Switzerland such as Sankt Moritz, Wengen, Crans-Montana, Zermatt (also in that case if you are interested I wrote something about those destinations) places in which always the skis fantastically slides, they never meet hard plaques of ice with the risk to break or ruin the materials.

In brief they have a little bit of everything, an excellent mix of different features, also that makes Tignes a Mecca for all those who love Alpine skiing finding in that French destination something of very eclectic, pretty complete, ideal place to spend unforgettable days skiing in a place offering great features which is the joy for every skier.

Sport Tignes Pass is another highlight that resort provides consisting in  a special formula developed by the local Tourism Institutions permitting to enjoy a wide variety of sports and outdoor activities.

Apart summer skiing also hiking, trekking, mountaineering, cycling, rafting next to many others  recreational activities find there a special habitat to satisfy the preferences of a lot of people with varied tastes. 

 That splendid offer is perfect to combine two or more passions enjoying all that in splendid full days during a stay. 

Notable is also the opportunity to explore the area visiting several, magnificent places in the immediate surroundings  but also others not far of immense beauty enjoying a great tourism discovering incredible  marvels very difficult to forget.

Vanoise Park is the fantastic confirmation of all that, a wonderful natural Alpine parkland inaugurated in 1963 reflecting the beauty of that corner of France.

It lies between the Tarentaise and Maurienne valleys, a wild marvellous territory with beautiful small villages such as Termignon, Bramans, La Chiserette, Friburge and Séez among others.

In addition it extendes its boundaries until the stunning Gran Paradiso National Park in Italy, a unique experience for all those who are lovers of the Alps moving from the French Alps to those of Aosta Valley, crossing passes at the foot of a spectacular jagged mountainous chain which appears as a sort of roller coast.

That Alpine heaven has a surface area of 528,39 square kilometres packed by different species of animals such Ibex, chamois, alpine hare, weasel, Eurasian linx badger, marmot, Alpine goat, and wolf among others. 

Since a long time ago it is a great attraction for many ornithologists thanks to the presence of several species of volatiles such as golden eagle, black grouse, hawk, peregrine falcon, nutcraker, black woodpecker, green woodpecker, Eurasian eagle-owl, wallcreeper next to a long list of many others.

 You will have the chance to have stunning excursions admiring forests, rivers, uncontaminated Alpine streams reaching by captivating paths scenic peaks offering unique panoramic views.

In that wonderful nature reserve a great highlight is the presence of 107 peaks over 3000,0 metres of altitude an attraction not very common in other corner of the Alps with that incredible number of giants in a determined area, big but not extremely huge.

All that and more makes that area a superb destination for all who loves the Alpine world for that if you want to discover the magic atmosphere of an Alpine heaven I strongly recommend you a visit to Vanoise Park.

The splendid Lac du Chevril is a beautiful waters basin situated close to the notorious dam but also to the Reserve Naturelle de la Grande Sassière another protected nature park created in 1973 in which you can admire another spectacular small lake : the Lac de la Sassière, a further superb attraction at 2464,0 metres of altitude a marvel of 44,0 hectares with a maximum depth of 38,0 metres.

That striking territory with a surface area of 2,230 hectares is totally surrounded by majestic peaks, packed by virgin forests with a multitude of streams with the opportunity to take several trails admiring outstanding beauties walking along paths totally unspoiled and wild.

The highest peaks are La Grande Sassière which with its 3747 metres gives the reserve its name and the Tsanteleina of 3062,0 metres, the first is a stunning height highlighted on its summit by two impressive pyramidal blocks, a beloved destinations of many climbers since a long time ago.

Along its trails you will often see several marmots, ermines, groups of Ibex, a great chance to appreciate the pure and genuine image of the French Alps, it borders the Italian frontier.
Another great option you cannot miss for its captivating charm and atmosphere is planning an unique excursion along the beautiful  Route de L´Iseran flanking the Val D´Isère continuing towards the borders of another park called Reserve Naturelle nationale de la Bailletaz, inaugurated in 2000.

That site is very close to a side of the iconic Col de L' Iseran which with its 2,764 metres od altitude is well known to be a symbol of the history of the Tour de France,  another enchanting paradise highlighted by a rich Alpine flora and fauna.

Very suggested is also to visit the surrounding of the municipality towards Montvalenzan particularly recommended for the vast variety of different shapes of mountains eternally covered on their summits many of them over 3,200 metres of altitude highlighted by spectacular glaciers.

A route absolutely magnificent I suggest you is that one leading to Bourg Saint Maurice.That Alpine corner is simply stunning because from there you can take the road which directly leads to the Massif the Mont Blanc, the European giant and highest peak of the Alps ending to Chamonix, the pearl at the foot of that impressive peak.

From there you can continue towards the Italian border reaching the stupendous resort of La Thuile in the Italian Aosta Valley, the westernmost municipality of that region at an altitude of 1450,0 metres.

It is famous centre for the organisation of International Congresses, Conferences, Meetings crossed by two scenic wild streams such as the Doire de Verney and the Doire du Rutor which in that point they show their wildest courses.

 In that place you can admire a masterpiece of medieval art consisting in the Chiesa di San Nicola, a splendid Church dedicated to St.Nicholas elevated in the 12th century. 

That French-Italian frontier offers among of the most scenic landscapes of the entire Alpine arch all to remember, the Graian Alps are a range among the most attractive astonishing crowns around small valleys.

In some point an endless succession of unforgettable towering heights with spectacular view points with the chance to cross narrow stretches flanked by impressive gorges or superb, rocky vertical walls ideal destinations for many climbers.

All that is obviously more than recommended for cycling and mountain Bike lovers thanks to the several kilometres of trails you can find in that corner of Savoie a paradise to enjoy 100% with challenging routes and the chance to organise day by day wonderful itineraries with different difficulty.

I added some links below also indicating some suggested accommodations, in the case you need some suggestions it will be a pleasure to give you further information.

That department of France offers a delicious culinary panorama, a very traditional gastronomy linked to the pure gastronomic heritage loyally using local ingredients and in many local restaurants you will also find international cuisine thanks to the presence of catering establishments providing menu à la carte just like in the major part of the Hotels.

Many are the typical plates with a secular tradition starting from the famous, tastefully Fondue Savoyarde but also worth a special mention the famed, delectable  Raclette and Tartiflette, the latter similar to the Croziflette prepared with cured ham, onion, Reblochon cheese and lard.

The Poêlée Montagnarde is also part of the most popular, local gastronomy consisting in slices of potatoes combined with cheese, onion, smoked lard seasoned with a right touch of white wine. Very typical is also the Diot, a kind of sausages stew including onion, flavoured with a good quantity of fine wine often served with the Polente, a local Polenta.

The Berthoud is another notorious recipe consisting in a combination of cheeses with white wine, served very hot, very common to find it along the entire French-Swiss border. 

Bakery is also great thanks to sweet delights such as Rissoles, Crepes, Bugne, Rioute and Matafan, in addition you will notice a notable use of fruit, anise in the preparation of many delicacies.

Excellent is the ample variety of cheeses apart the mentioned Reblochon you can taste the exquisite Tomme de Savoie similar to the Toma of Val D´Aosta, notable are also others such as Abondance, Beaufort, a local Emmental very similar for preparation and taste to the notorious Swiss.

Great is also the wide selection of fine wines among the most prestigious and famed worth to be mentioned Crepy, Crouet, Seusel, Montmelian among others.

The Savoie produces grapes cultivated in vineyards at the foothills of the Alps at an ideal altitude enriched by a mild climate characterised by sunny springs, summers and early autumns, the Alps in that area play an important role protecting the vines by cold northern winds forming a natural barrier.

A fertile subsoil with a good number of sunny days  during a year next to very ventilated evenings are the perfect features which permit to have relevant harvest with an outstanding quantity and quality of sublime red and white wines all them classy, rich in colour, extremely palatable with an outstanding texture.

Geneva International Airport and the domestic Airport of Chambery are two excellent solutions to reach the resort and a third relevant option could be International Airport Torino Caselle, all very well communicated with the resort.

Tignes is a magnificent place, charming, captivating, highly trendy with the chance to spend superb comfortable holidays all year in the sportiest resort of France.

The French Alps are certainly a great attraction to admire and love at first sight, that land is definitely very difficult to forget and extremely easy to keep alive in your memories, an Alpine heaven which with its image will be your joy delighting every day your stay.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels In Tignes

Hotel Le Refuge
Hotel Le Ski D´Or
Hotel Le Suite du Montana
Hotel Chalet Aigle
Hotel L´Arbina
Hotel Alpaka Lodge
Hotel le Marais

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