Fort William-Scotland | Perfect Base to Explore a Land of Legends.

Fort William is a  very captivating place in Scotland a magnificent geographic point in Great Britain to start to discover something simply unique and also a perfect base to explore a land of legends.

Situated at 173,0 kilometres from the capital of Scotland,Glasgow in proximity of the  Ben Nevis the highest peak of Great Britain in the West Highlands,that Scottish town of approximately 10,000 inhabitants is a wonderful gateway,to enter in a world of beautiful and unforgettable landscapes,where history,mysteries and later cinema are protagonists.

Around that unique place lives a magic atmosphere,you can immediately discover and understand why that place and its immediate surroundings are so special,its natural environment and that air you breathe there, transmit in a while,the legendary times of the past,where legends and historical events are melted in a fascinating mixture which capture at first sight every one.

That area has inspired so popular and famous movies such as Braveheart,Restless Natives, Highlander,Being Human including the famed saga of Harry Potter which had as set that corner of the globe to film one of the most successful movie all time.

Located  in the district of Lochaber and between two rivers,the Lochy and the Nevis and in proximity of  two lakes the Loch Linne and the the Loch Eil,not far from that multitude of natural sea arms of the the North Sea with its picturesque cliffs and that image of wonderful rocky promontories,all that is the natural accent of a country unique in its kind.

Fort Willliam has a lot to offer in terms of active tourism,several are the outdoor activities to enjoy apart those many natural attractions which are absolutely astonishing.

Historically the current town  was part of the county of Inverness the major centre of the Scottish Highlands, notorious place of the first settlers the Gaels and located along that road which leads to the legendary and mysterious Loch Ness,a trip of 78,0 kilometres of natural beauty before to reach the wonderful city (I wrote a post about it) all that makes Fort William a special and perfect base to explore a land of legends.

The Ben Nevis with its 1,344,0 metres is also there,so close,as a guard checking everything,an eternal witness of what happened there in different eras and  the Great Glen Valley is another stupendous place from where the visitor can start to discover other unforgettable places such as the Trossachs National Park and Loch Lomond at south,on the road towards Glasgow.

Scotland shows all that in its wild and picturesque natural aspect also in its interior and those 68 kilometres  from Oban along a coast facing the beautiful island of Lismore,the splendid Ardmurickrish Bay in a wide spectacular curve the magic panoramic views on the road of the Loch Creran,where all is simply special, unique and with an endless list of  highlights,all that and much more is that extraordinary land.

The name Fort William dating back the late 17th century when the current town took it by King William III of Orange,exactly in the year 1690,the other word Fort is from  that fortress erected in occasion of the invasion of the English troops led by Oliver Cromwell,proclaimed in that period Lord Protector of England,Scotland and Ireland.

 Cromwell decided to invade Scotland after the coronation of King Charles II of Scotland and Fort William became soon one of the stronghold of that English politician and military leader.

The Gaelic name of Fort William is An Gearasdan,the local area was inhabited since the stone age,the Picts were the first Celtic tribes who settled there,first descendants of the Gaels.

Those ancient inhabitants were originally mainly farmers,with small activities related to fishing and hunting in combination with some small trades with the nearest tribes.They also gave origin in the course of their history to the Clans who were born to defend the territories and to enlarge their fame conquering other domains in that land.
The Picts started in the area of the current town to develop a small village,with an entrance and an exit which practically corresponds to the current one along the coast in proximity of Achintore Road,close to High Street and the other in the interior approximately between the current Belford Road and North Road close to the shores of the river Nevis.

That population entered in contact as the major part of the Scotland with the Vikings coming from the other side of the North Sea ; Norway.

As you know before battles and wars between the Picts and the men of the North the relationships were pretty peaceful and tolerant,including there was also an intercultural interchange and the locals learnt to build vessels (I wrote something about that in a post about Mallaig),including the Vikings transmitted them an organisation about fishing which was along the coasts of Norway already very well organised since ancient times.

Fort William was for long time became a stronghold of the powerful Clan Cameron,who ruled all he areas around the Ben Nevis and Lochaber district,loyal during the history to Robert the Bruce and rival of the famous Clan Mackintosh.In that period the town was as a neighbourhood under the influence of the village of Inverlochy famous for the historic battle during the Scottish Civil War dated the year 1645.

King William III who became the Sovereign of the Kingdom originally called the town Maryburgh in honour of his wife Mary and the fortress was developed during Cromwell period was called Fort William.Despite in the course of the history the current town was renamed a couple of times as Gordonsburgh and also Duncansburgh,it was called with the actual name later taking the name of the fortress occupied by the Orange Royal Dynasty.

The Centre of Fort William lies at the limit of Glen Nevis Road,on one side there is the Railway Station, closed between Fraser Square and MacFarlane Way.The pedestrian High Street along the lake is the hallway to visit the centre and along that street on its sides there are others and small squares which form the core of the town while Victoria Road, Alma Road and Argyll Road are part of the major local axis  crossing the centre.

From High Street across Station Square and Middle Street in proximity of the West Highland Museum you can come back to the Railway Station or strolling the area around the central Town Hall Square also known with the name Cameron Square.
You can start the visit from the Railway Station which is very famous for the legendary Jacobite Steam Train linking the town to Mallaig.From that important railway junction  there are other destinations,trains from and to Glasgow,the South and East of Scotland and also departure and arrival point of the famous Caledonian Sleeper Train which connects Fort William to the Capital of Great Britain,London.

Along High Street one of the main highlights is the West Highlands Museum, arranged in a building of three floors and opened in the year 1922 by the founder Victor Hodgson.That exhibition displays all the historic events in a chronological illustration about the West Highlands,such as culture,traditions,history,an extensive collection of documents about archaeology and the history of the former fortress.

In addition to that very interesting full immersion in the Scottish historical events you can have the opportunity to discover something more with additional details about the history of the Jacobite Monarchy and in that very interesting museum there is also a portrait depicting the Prince Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimir Stuart well known with the nickname of Bonnie Prince Charlie.

In High Street you can stop in the Ben Nevis Pub,in that place you can feel the pure essence of a traditional and typical Scottish Pub tasting a cool beer or a traditional shot (if you like) of local Scotch Whisky
In that point you are also in a perfect place to enjoy along the promenade the beautiful waterfront with a magnificent panoramic view on the lake and the mountains and also admiring the charming old gable houses and buildings which are part of a charming frame.

Including in the vicinity you are very close to two parks,one is flanking Bank Street where you can see St.Andrew Church,a beautiful Neo Gothic religious building originally erected in the year 1817.It was called Rosse Chapel because a Countess with that surname commissioned the construction of that Church.

In the year 1876,due deterioration it was practically rebuilt and dedicated to St.Andrew.The building was designed by Alexander Ross was erected using a fine granite,it presents a charming facade with a vaulted arched portal and beautiful mullioned symmetrical curved windows.

Imposing is the high bell tower, with a majestic conical roof and pinnacles and very relevant is a slate roof which approximately reaches the half height of the tower.Consecrated in the year 1880,four years after its new construction it is nicknamed the Queen of Highland Churches. 

The Parade is the other park immediately after bordered from one side by Parade Road and on its northern point by Middle Street is one of the most important green lung of Fort William,you can enjoy a pleasant walk in that verdant oasis and on its eastern exit you can reach Duncansburgh MacIntosh Church facing the park.

That Church was erected in the year 1792 by the Duke of Gordon,it was used for less than one century when inthe year 1782 it became the Town Hall coming back to be a Church some years later.It is a splendid example of Neo Gothic construction with an ample facade under a wide gable roof with a big decorated stained glass window.

The central body of the Church is flanked by an imposing stoned tower with a rectangular portal under a vault while you will notice that the  upper section has a  crenellated summit as a castle surmounting a scenic curved window.

The lake is another source of tourism and activities,Fort William since the 50s has its Yacht Club which organises some interesting activities.

Walking along Carmichael Way you can reach a panoramic point on the promontory and from there you can have a beautiful view overlooking the river Nevis with a couple of islets situated at a short distance from the coast and the splendid riverside with a curve entering close to Inverlochy.

A beautiful excursion is to reach the nearest Corpach,from a splendid natural headland you can have a fantastic and unforgettable  view of Loch Eil in front of you and to admire the narrow course of that lake entering towards Fort William.

The Ben Nevis is the highest peak of the United Kingdom and Fort William is a great point to start beautiful excursions around that mountain.There are many chances to enjoy wonderful paths and routes all around and since 1989 is also possible skiing on that mountain with a station in Aonach Mor providing services and facilities such as chair lifts and a Gondola all that is definitely a further incentive apart the many spectacular activities as hiking and trekking.

Visiting the Ben Nevis also means to admire the wonderful places you watched in the movie Braveheart,a peak which with its silhouette and its surroundings conquers the imagination of everyone entering with a simple look in that Gaelic Culture which is a treasure of mysteries,you are in a land of legends,a superb and perfect base to continue to explore that magic territory combined with the history which wrote important pages under that mountain which is called by locals Beinn Nibheis.

 The Ionat Nibheis Centre,the Visitor centre of the Ben Nevis offers the tourists all the information about several routes, including an excursion to the famous Steall Waterfalls with the wonderful chance to take several photos and to enjoy the local wild and picturesque landscapes.

Ben Nevis area was a stronghold of the Cameron Clan one of the legendary families who always populated all the surroundings and today in the area the descendants of that famous Clan,continue to live there.They also organise excellent services of hospitality and incoming services,including accommodations with the Glen Nevis Holidays.

Other activities you can enjoy around Fort William  are rafting in the Inchree Falls with vertical descents, a fantastic experience for all people who loves that activity on on waters and in the immediate proximity you can not miss a visit to the Distillery of Ben Nevis Whisky,it is a a way to discover the secrets of the famous and traditional Scottish Whisky so famed worldwide and national pride of Scotland.

For all people who loves to discover that so fascinating land enjoying nature and other magnificent landscapes the Great Glen Way is a spectacular road linking Fort William to Inverness.That route was inaugurated in the year 2002.

It consists in over 120,0 kilometres immersed in a a spectacular natural scenery with many people enjoying it, cycling or also walking starting a great adventure crossing picturesque places as the wild forest of Abriachan,crossing hilly areas,green plains and reaching the coast on the North Sea ending to the city of Inverness.

The Castle of Inverlochy is another emblematic local historic symbol.It was erected in a place where the current town of Fort William merged.There,you can admire the ruins of that famous fortress built in the 13th century by John Comyn Lord of Lochaber,who decided to erect that stoned fort on an ancient Picts fortress devastated during a battle by the Vikings.The Castle is also very famous to be the former stronghold of the Clan Comyn but also of Robert the Bruce.

Very close to the ruins of the fortress took place the famous Battle of Inverlochty dating back 1431 between James I of Scotland and Alexander of Islay supported by the famous and powerful Clan MacDonald.  

Another place worth a visit is Banavie (I wrote a post avout that so pleasant place),to admire an engineering masterpiece the Caledonian Canal one of the most important waterways in Great Britain,famous for its locks and the iconic Neptune´s Staircase,furthermore that place is also 
famous to be the possible birthplace of St.Patrick.

Apart Cinema which found in Fort William one of the traditional places as set of legendary and historical movies also the Television has found in that town a perfect place to film series as Rockface.

The town is also very active hosting several events from culture to sport.Fort William Mountain Festival is a very important event,a great way to promote with Films and documentaries the area of the Mount Ben Nevis and the town as tourist destination.

Sport found in that Scottish centre a more than splendid place to celebrate several competitions as Mountain Bike World Cup which is since the year 2001 a classical stage of a sport so trendy and day by day so loved by many people and the UCI embraced Fort William thanks to a very challenging route,one of the best round of its calendar.

All that obviously increased the desire of the visitors to enjoy spectacular Mountain bike routes and also cycling on road discovering practising those sports beautiful corners of that Scottish territory  which also offers many other activities such as trekking,hiking and climbing.

Cuisine in Fort William is simply excellent.The salmon is one of the highlights of Scotland and of the Highlands tastefully and of high quality and prepared in many styles,grilled,baked also boiled,very recommended is the Tweet Kettle,boiled salmon with in addition salt,wine,laurel and other spices and also excellent is seafood,in particular oysters and soups as the Mussel Brose.

Another gastronomic speciality you can taste is the Porridge a traditional meal and beef meat in that area is among the best in all Great Britain with its excellent grilled beef  steaks and of roasts including Roast Beef accompanied by potatoes and vegetables.

A very popular plate is Minced and Tatties a traditional culinary recipes prepared with minced beef meat and mash potatoes and other delicious local plates are the famous Roast Venison.Also the Rabbit is cooked in different styles such as roasted,in stew or in sauce and different Pies made by lamb,pork,fish and chicken are part of the traditional local cuisine.
Roast potatoes and the the typical Stovies (potatoes fried with butter and onion) are often present on the Scottish table.If you want to taste something more and 100% Scottish,try the Baps,very famous all around Scotland.They are a kind of sandwiches filled with grilled bacon and fried eggs.
About bakery,cakes and desserts,Scotland is very famous for its traditional Shortbread and the traditional Pudding.Among the drinks,apart the famous Scotch Whisky there is a great variety of excellent beers such as Sinclair,Fyfe,Armageddon,Highland and many others.

Inverness Dalcross International Airport is situated at 120,0 kilometres from Fort William and in about one hour and 40 minutes you can reach that great destination starting a splendid tailor made tour discovering that land packed by legends and history. 
Visiting that town and its surroundings  is of course a brilliant way to know the best of Scotland  and a great choice with the chance to discover the tradition,culture and history of that enchanting land,a perfect base and start point living a unique an experience every tourist has to try once in their life.Fort William is a magnificent gateway giving you the opportunity to discover something you will never forget.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Fort William

Hotel Nevis Bank Inn
Myrtle Bank Guest House
Hotel Lime Tree
Hotel The Moorings
Hotel Clan Macduff

Recommended Restaurants in Fort William

Restaurant Crannog Seafood
Restaurant & Hotel Glenfinnan
Gastro Pub The Grog & Gruel
Restaurant Claghaig Inn
Restaurant The Lime Tree

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