Sangiano-Italy | Attractive Birthplace of a Nobel Laureate, one step from Lake Maggiore.

Sangiano is a small, captivating town of Italy, attractive birthplace of a Nobel laureate,  one step from Lake Maggiore in the region Lombardy part of the province of Varese, a place surrounded by fascinating hills, one of them is the picturesque Monte Sangiano also known as Picuz, a scenic, rocky, hilly spur elevated as a landmark for its very special silhouette dominating the entire verdant local scenery giving that place a very appealing charm.
That municipality of 1,550 inhabitants preserved with pride its genuine, true identity is located at just 1,5 kilometres from Leggiuno and 3,5 kilometres from Laveno Mombello, two enchanting lakeside resorts on the shore of the eastern coast of the idyllic Verbano, other name of that magnificent waters basin.

That pearl is  considered one of the great attractions of the Italian peninsula since a long time ago, a desired destination for a multitude of people worldwide considered a pillar of the tourism industry of the country with a superb touristic  tradition since the times of the emblematic Grand Tour.

That pleasant oasis of peace is an ideal start point to discover several beautiful places all around its boundaries and that marvellous lake so close and inviting gives every tourist the brilliant chance to discover its incomparable beauty boasting a rich historic, cultural patrimony with shining diamonds as Stresa, the Borromean archipelago and Baveno admired destinations worldwide with the chance to enjoy an unforgettable lake cruise.

All around that Eden offering an endless number of marvels to visit many are the opportunities to practise different kinds of water sports and other great outdoor activities, undoubtedly a unique occasion to have unforgettable holidays.

 Sangiano lies at just some minutes driving from the iconic Eremo di Santa Caterina del Sasso, a marvellous medieval monastery nestled on a striking cliff overlooking Lake Maggiore, a site declared National Monument considered one of the most charming, architectural gems of Northern Italy, a stunning attraction which will enchant you for its image and the rich artistic treasures it boasts.

Not far you can visit the fascinating Angera with its emblematic Rocca, a fortress elevated in the Middle Ages facing the captivating centre of Arona on the opposite coast highlighted by a splendid, lakeside promenade and Ranco, a small municipality of notable fascination perched on a marvellous promontory offering panoramic views simply unique.

Many are the opportunities to know other very interesting sites in its immediate proximity also in the interior such as Caravate, Gemonio where you can admire Medieval and Baroque monuments of notable relevance.

The beautiful Città Giardino, the city garden as is nicknamed Varese situated just 20,0 kilometres away, a centre very famous for its sumptuous gardens, stylish parks, outstanding villas and a catptivating, small lake with the same name are further beauties which will delight your days during a trip across that province.
The stupendous location of that town is an ideal point of departure ofr many trekkers who can start from there great excursions with magnificent routes in the Prealps reaching the Sacro Monte and Campo dei Fiori heights, places of immense charm.

All the surroundings of that centre are perfect for all those who love cycling on road and mountain bike, its territory is a destination of daily trainings of many professional, amateur cyclists.

It is enough to mention Silvano Contini who was born in the nearest Leggiuno, a champion who competed from the 70's to 1990 winning important races such as Liege-Bastogne-Liege, Vuelta al Pais Vasco, Tour of Germany, stages of Giro D' Italia  and many other competitions and today that former professional cyclist is linked to Sangiano, leading a carpentry activity in the municipality initiated by his grandfather in the 40's.

The big, eternally vibrant metropolis of Milan with all its great attractions, historic monumental centre with a vast cultural calendar is not far, 75,0 kilometres is the distance which divides the second Italian city from that town.

The proximity of Malpensa Airport situated at just 32, 0 kilometres away is obviously a great incentive to visit that land and for all those who are fans of Dario Fo could be naturally very interesting to visit the birthplace of that talented artist, Nobel laureate in the 90's.

A genuine local cuisine, comfortable accommodations in the nearest, mentioned Leggiuno which is just five minutes driving from Sangiano also known to be the birthplace of a great former footballer of Cagliari and Italian National Italian team in the 70's, Gigi Riva complete a varied panorama with several other options for outdoor activities as cycle tourism, photography and an intense cultural tourism.

 Sangiano also has a long and great history to narrate started in prehistoric times according to artifacts found in the municipal boundaries after archaeological excavations.

Some centuries later it was a considerable settlement of the Insubri or Insubres, a Celtic population mainly devoted to agriculture, farms, a tribe which formed a unique, ethnic group with other Celts, the Ligurians who occupied a vast area of the current Northwestern Italy.

Including that concrete, geographic area was partially settled by a colony of very active Etruscans coming from their native Tuscany.

Those former settlers developed small villages with communities pretty isolated for a lack of communications in those distant times before to be assimilated during the colonisation of the Roman Empire ended in 196 BC led by Consul Marcus Claudius Marcellus.

Rome established in that territory important headquarters called castrum hosting legions establishing in addition important roads to start the notorious campaigns of conquest of the territories on other side of the Alps: the Gaul.

After the fall of that Imperial power many invasions by Goths, Ostrogoths, Marcomanni, and later by the Lombards changed the history of that Northern territory of the Italic peninsula.

The latter incorporated those lands in their Reign since the 6th century with a new territorial design, marked borders and fortified settlements. 

Those Germanic rulers were replaced after a long period  of domain by the Franks when they were defeated in 774, a historic chapter which determined the advent of Charlemagne who inserted Sangiano in the Holy Roman Empire.

The result was a total mutation in an emergent reality much more organised than in previous times when that territory acquired a new image, the population embraced in all its totality the Christian faith, it was also the time in which born new defined communities but also the start-up of a developed feudalism which was inherited in the Middle Ages by the successors.

In the medieval era the current town became a stronghold of the Lords of Milan linked to the powerful Visconti family, Dukes who were in constant war with the city of Como to have the domain of that geographic focal point considered of extreme relevance to be a sort of magnificent hallway between Southern and central Europe.

The former village was transformed in a very active agricultural centre particularly focused in the cultivation of cereals, mulberry tree, wheat and vineyards.

Those activities occupied approximately the 70% of the population while other resources consisted in breeding, small farms with just a reduced part of the inhabitants covering other professional positions as a small presence of artisans and traders. 

A special chronological step of the former centre was linked to the fall of the Duchy of Milan ruled by Sforza Family in the 16th century who lost all the territories of the Canton of Ticino in Switzerland pretty close to Sangiano during that famous war against the Swiss League which was starting its project to create that Confederation of the Cantons releasing its territory by foreign influences.

The defeat of the Milanese rulers was highlighted by an occupation of the village for a very short period by Swiss troops who penetrated in the Italic territory after long battles from the northern shore of Lake Maggiore in proximity of Ponte Tresa occupying some territories in the current province of Varese.

Those years were pretty hard for the locals also because in the meantime the landing on its soil of French military divisions called there as paladins to defend a Catholic stronghold from the emergent Protestant Calvinist influence spread in Swiss territory, an event which transformed that place in a battle environment.

The French Royalty was very active to face that situation sending several regiments in that corner of Lombardy and along the Alpine borders to stop that enemy, those events were mainly highlighted by very short truces and immediately after long clashes leaving the inhabited centres in conditions of a total desolation. 

All that created times of political instability, continuous looting, devastation, several troubles linked to a war which also became a Religious clash.

Those lands were witnesses of a war characterised in fights hamlet by hamlet in a period in which Gian Galeazzo Sforza incorporated Sangiano in the Pieve of Leggiuno arose in the late 13th century but much more developed two centuries later when it was linked to the Duchy of Milan controlled by the French Monarchy.

That historic stage of the settlement was also related to rulers corresponding to some noble families such as Cremona, Trivulzio and Besozzi who governed thanks to their links, good relations with the Milanese nobility receiving high assignments and tasks at the service of that powerful Dukes supported by France, defender of the Catholicism.

The French rule endured just some years and further less that one related to the Spaniards linked to the House of Aragon which did not leave strong influences or defined marks.

More pacific times were re-established more pacific times in the 16th century with the presence of an Order of Augustinians monks next to notable artistic movements highlighting the nearest Leggiuno, Laveno Mombello and all the coast of Lake Maggiore during the times of the emblematic Cardinal Charles Borromeo later elevated later Saint times which left a considerable, artistic patrimony in all that geographic area.

That site as the nearest towns and villages thanks a continuous flows of distinguished painters, sculptors, talented architects called to decorate and embellish several Monasteries Churches and Chapels scattered all around the present province many of them still visible nowadays lived a relevant, historic era with art and cultural movements as absolute protagonist. 

 A new French occupation in the 18th century endured until the early 19th century during the times of Napol
éon Bonaparte was another historical stage of Sangiano before to be incorporated after the fall of that leader of France in the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia officially founded in 1815 by the House of Habsburg.

In 1816  that centre during the times linked to the Austro-Hungarian Empire entered in the province of Como as part of the district of Gavirate having a sort of renaissance thanks to a re-establishment of a very productive agricultural system which had a decline some years before.

The former Austrian rulers especially during the times of Emperor Franz Josef I successor of Ferdinand I focused many of their efforts to create a revival regarding the cultivation of cereals, especially highlighted by wheat. 

Sangiano since then became an important cross point of trade with a notable transit of those products when it was inserted as stage along a busy route between Lake Maggiore and the city of Varese.

The local history continued when that place joined the new Kingdom of Italy ruled by the House of Savoy, former Sovereigns of the Reign of Piedmont and Sardinia after the events related to the reunification of the country culminated in 1860 with the official proclamation one year later.

The town currently situated in the province of Varese was originally since the early 20th century under provincial administration of Como. 

The establishment of that new centre as capital of a new geographic reality is dated 1927 due to a review of the regional maps generating the incorporation of many small towns, villages, several hamlets in that new emergent big municipality part of a Kingdom before and later of a Republic of which is still part.

In the most contemporary, local history there were not Kings, Dukes or Lords as protagonists or noble figures highlighting the life of Sangiano but an iconic figure who was in recent times crown at international level as a great artist and Nobel laureate called Dario Fo, a distinguished, illustrious son of the municipality.
That prominent, versatile figure of Italian literature, writer, composer, actor, playwright and eminent theatre Director was awarded for his brilliant career and stunning works with the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1997.

That superb master of Italian theatre who relaunched in Milan, the city where he moved to live and all around Italy the interest and the revalue of the old Commedia dell´Arte, the old comedy of art with new philosophies, deep, creative concepts linked to innovative inspirations which changed in their kinds many aspects related to the pure art in theatrical  performances and literature.
That famed character brought with his immense talent a sort of new spirit in a reality which for someone needed something of trendy, different for others his works were an additional cultural enrichment bur also identified as a term of comparison with other ideas, artistic waves while for someone else his works were a sort of alarm clock which woke up a movement a bit asleep.  

What is certain is that Dario Fo became a very influential character in the Italian and International cultural spheres and all that is greatly confirmed by a multitude titles and honours achieved everywhere.

Apart the mentioned Nobel Prize obtained in 1997, that eclectic figure received international awards in U.S.A as the prestigious Obie Award in New York among many others.

Very long is the list of other prestigious titles which awarded that genius such as the famed Sonning Prize received in Copenhagen, Denmark an the Honorary Doctorate by several famed Universities in the World such as Sorbonne, Paris, the University La Sapienza, Rome, Brussels University, Belgium and Wolverhampton University. England more other several prizes received all around the globe.

Certainly Dario Fo is a pride for that tiny town also because in addition he was named by many important international referendums which took place not a long time ago inserting him in the Top 10 of the genius of theatre of the 20th century.

For his distinguished, eclectic talent in that kind of art, Fo elevated his figure as one of the most influential characters able to transmit the pure essence of an innovative artistic vein with a  spirit full of new inspirations took as a divine example to follow for many young artists.

All those qualities were also a relevant instrument to capture the attention of a multitude of people who re-discovered the love of Theatre.
In opinion of many eminent art critic exponents, the talented spontaneity with brilliant, genial,  flashes of improvisation to create something of great in a while are unique and incomparable and it is not case that his works were translated in approximately 30 languages reaching a high audience in all the Continents.

Including despite a bit curious, the image of Dario Fo also appeared in an episode of the famous series the Simpsons, that American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company  as protagonist of a Theatre season.

Someone after that famous 1997 in which that man was crowned as Nobel laureate entering in the artistic Olympus for different reasons such as curiosity, interest or desire of fans to discover his homeland, that charming town started to be pretty visited and many people also discovered the great, historic attractions Sangiano offers.

Some tourists during a stay on the nearest wonderful Lake Maggiore took the chance to spend pleasant times enjoying several great excursions and visits discovering the beauty of many places and they visited that site.

That town is a place which transmits in all its essence the beauty of the traditional, rural Lombardy conserving the intact fascination of the past encircled by a natural frame simply enchanting and probably re-visiting more than once his birthplace that eclectic figure had further sublime inspirations for his outstanding works.

The name of the municipality has generated various debates with controversial opinions as in many places all around the world. 

According to a version it probably derives by local, linguistic influences or dialectal inflections from the words Sangiuan or Sangian meaning St. John for the presence of a former medieval Church erected in the early 9th century in the local boundaries and dedicated to that Saint.

Despite that there is a further supposition linked to a Latin denomination related the word Cingula transformed later by local expressions in Singia which means strip of a land.

A third one is connected to a pagan divinity called Giano Bifronte venerated by the Romans.All that is closely linked to the famous Edict of Milan by Emperor Constantine I sanctioned n 313 which permitted to all the citizens of the Empire to practise their religious faith and since then next to the first name of that old divinity was added the word San meaning Saint.
A further opinion is that it derives from a legendary figure named Giano di Cannero, a Celtic knight who lived in that area.

Surrounded by enchanting green forests once there entering in the small, idyllic agglomeration developed in a splendid rural area is like to breathe the air of the most fascinating, old Lombardy discovering a place which kept all its own traditional aspect without radical changes also highlighted by the presence of its kind inhabitants.

The municipal centre is developed close to the important Strada Provinciale 32, the Provincial Road which runs along east and south of the local boundaries while Via Vittorio Veneto is an important artery leading to Leggiuno, just one step from Lake Maggiore which with Viale Della Libertà represent two other relevant axes of the urban plan.

In the historic core lies the Chiesa di Sant´ Andrea Apostolo, the Parish Church dedicated to St. Andrew the Apostle from where you can start the visit.

Designed in the 20th century by the architect Antonio Casati, that Religious construction was erected on a rectangular plan in an architectural style representing a brilliant, Romanesque revival very frequent in that period in some regions of Northern Italy such as Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Piedmont.

The medieval replica of that Sacred building followed the loyal canons of the architectural marks left in several examples by that artistic movement spread in the Middle Ages all around the Italic Peninsula and its elevation was a desire to re-value a style which was starting to be a bit obscured by constant and eternally in vogue Baroque or Neo-Baroque influences.

It was  a sort of inspiration of numerous architects as a clear artistic message to return to embellish many local corners with new constructions reminiscent a former, predominant, distinctive style of the past which made history but due to restorations cause deterioration was in many places replaced by other most modern artistic works.

That Church boasts a high front side, it has three naves and you will notice that the gable roof established above the central body is totally independent from the aisles highlighted by the presence of an iron cross.

The central doorway is surmounted by a vault and a wide arched triple stained glass window, all is in harmony with fine colours used to paint the entire structure such as an attractive light red and a white tonality for the borders.

Splendid is the composition of a very balanced layout  with marked, refined outlines especially defined in its upper section, the wooden portals have a perfect symmetry and all is perfectly studied with a total respect of the spaces.

On one side just behind the aisle on the right was erected in 1909 the high square bell tower with a circular clock placed in its upper section beneath an ample, fine belfry while on the top was placed a red, conical spire established on a square block corresponding to the terminal element of the building.

The interior boasts a beautiful central nave flanked by a series of imposing, high columns with capitals beautifully highlighted by decorated ample arcades. 

A splendid altar established in a spacious apse beneath a wide dome with a large fresco is another attraction next to a big statue depicting St. Andrew.

The outstanding acoustic of that Sacred building is well known and appreciated by many people particularly due to an almost perfect balance of the environment and the presence of a relevant organ dating back the early 20th century made by the notorious family Mascioni, famed organists masters and organ restorers from Azzio, a small centre in proximity of Varese.

Since 1829 that company gained a relevant prestige and for generations they installed their relevant masterpieces all around Italy and worldwide in Churches of Rome, Avignon, Santiago de Compostela, Switzerland, including in the Far East in Macau, Tokyo and that other work placed in the Church of Sangiano made it a perfect place for musical performances.

The Parish Church was ended just two years before that centre received the official title of municipality, an event celebrated in 1906 year which also corresponds to an order of the Archbishop Andrea Carlo Ferrari to establish a local a Parish in the present town leaving Leggiuno.

That Religious seat was consecrated in 1934 by the Cardinal of German origin Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster Archbishop of Milan in that time.

The other local Sacred temple is the Oratorio della Madonna del Rosario dedicated to the Virgin of the Rosary erected in the 13th century and restored in different occasions. 

Reachable by a charming stone step, that construction was elevated on a rectangular base with a high facade with a large pediment fixed on the top. 

The front side is highlighted by a beautiful rectangular portal established beneath a refined, semicircular stained glass window. Relevant in its interior are some splendid frescoes by Lombard school in a fine, wide apse dating back the 15th century.
In the heart of the town you can see some other notable monuments as Casa Fantoni, an old, noble house former residence of a wealthy family elevated in the 18th century conserving in its facade in a small niche the trace of a a relevant fresco depicting the Virgin Mary with Jesus Christ Child

It is a splendid work dated the 17th century according to historic documentations probably painted in 1614 by an unknown artist while another highlight is a big arched portal used as main entrance leading to spacious traditional courtyard. 

Not far in a street called Via Puccini you can admire the old Lavatoi, significant granite basins served the local population to wash clothes, big stone sinks very common in old times where many local women came together and they  became a sort of main meeting point to have a chat increasing the social spirit of the community.

They became absolutely, historic symbols of the traditional culture of Sangiano, elevated as 
sort of main meeting points to have a chat increasing the social spirit of the community and you can see another one is visible not far from the Picuz hill exactly in the street Via IV Novembre.
The beauty of the area, the proximity of the lake, the elegant, stylish city of Varese attracted architects who developed the construction of several aristocratic houses as the famous Villa Fantoni which is another local icon.  

Former property of Fantoni family, that building is a patrimony heritage of the municipality received by Maria Enrichetta Fantoni in 1983 last owner of that refined construction.

The municipal Institution to give it much more spendour developed around it a large park open to the public hosting different local initiatives.

That building consists in a white, stylish huge mansion erected in a sober but attractive Liberty style with ample, arched windows completed by the presence of small decorated forged iron balconies and fine windows characterised by painted shutters in a dark green tonality.

The scenic hill nicknamed Picuz which in local dialect means rocky spur as for magic appears from far as a kind of cliff emerging from a verdant forest immediately lying beneath its summit at 532,0 metres of altitude.

The  Monte Sangiano for its special picturesque image has always been considered a sort of emblem by locals bt also immediately admired by many visitors.

It is also a beautiful view point because once reached its top you can enjoy great, panoramic views towards Lake Maggiore overlooking the nearest centres of Leggiuno, Laveno Mombello until the promontory of Ispra but also towards the opposite western coastline corresponding to the Piedmont shore with in addition a magnificent image of the Sasso Ferro, a height with a very captivating shape.

The Picuz with its more than captivating silhouette also confirms its emblematic importance with its presence in the municipal Coat of Arms next to the two churches of Sangiano and the ear of wheat symbolising the historic, agricultural spirit linked to that old productive activity.

On that rocky attraction close to the boundaries of the municipality of Caravate you can admire a splendid example of medieval Romanesque architecture consisting in a beautiful stone Church, the Chiesa di San Clemente, a Religious building dedicated to Saint Clement.

That masterpiece was erected in the 13th century in honour of Pope Clement Martyr considered in the Papal State history the third successor of St. Peter, it is well known to be one of the most relevant, medieval constructions of the entire province

That beautiful Sanctuary was developed in two blocks, one consisting in the main body established on a rectangular base with a gable facade and behind it was elevated another construction characterised by a rounded front side with a red roof  covering the section corresponding to the apse.

The perfect, harmonious architectural lines with spectacular details as the very strong defined, outlines make that structure a marvel considered as one of most relevant, refined Romanesque masterpieces by a talented artistic School very active in Lombardy in medieval times.

The interior conserves a superb patrimony as a stupendous floor with mosaics probably dated the first Carolingian times, an ancient Roman ossuary made with Baveno granite, and a tombstone which describes the history of that Sacred seat. 

On the right wall you can see a fragment of a fresco depicting Saint Clement while on that on the left you can admire others with some representations of animals.

The apse was totally restored after Austrian soldiers destroyed it in 1859 during a battle against the House of Savoy troops and another spectacular highlight is a beautiful, big barrel vault which with its sinuous lines gives a great appeal to that wonderful construction.

The image of that magnificent Church is very suggestive on that scenic hill next to a picturesque forest surrounded by mysteries and legends. 

One tells that such place was a Sacred site frequented by local Celts who venerated  a God called Giano or Gianno and probably also the Romans erected in that place a small temple for that previously mentioned divinity named Giano Bifronte

That second supposition could be confirmed for the finding during archaeological excavations of a funerary urn dating back the times of that powerful Empire.

A further historic documentations is related to a Roman officer who became a hermit and to expiate his sins escaped on that hill leaving the Imperial Army and he never returned to Rome.

An additional legend which perhaps gave the name to the town but not related to those divinities is linked to the cited Celtic knight called Giano di Cannero who according to a remote legend destroyed a manor erected on the Picuz inhabited by a noble, fascinating woman called La Dama della rocca, the lady of the rock who charmed and attracted noble men in that place killing them.

Many suggestive stories and legends fill many places like that hill with its picturesque, mystical profile boasting a very suggestive position in a peaceful corner at the foothills of the Alps which in addition offers magnificent images in sunny days of the imposing Monte Rosa, the second giant of that European mountainous chain.

For that it is also a very suggested destination for all people who love photography but including for all the mountain bikers with a great climb with slopes ranging 11% with a short stretch around 18% so if you are a great "grimpeur" you can combine a sporting activity with the chance to admire an artistic diamond in a place surrounded by history and legends.

Very recommended to visit at just a few minutes driving from the town is the famous Eremo di Santa Caterina del Sasso, I mentioned at the beginning of the post situated in Leggiuno a magnificent, unique masterpiece dating back the Middle Ages. 

That iconic monastery is a stunning marvel elevated the 12th century on a striking Lake Maggiore cliff declared National Monument in 1914. 

It conserves an incomparable patrimony with magnificent frescoes, some of them attributed to the son of the master Bernardino Luini, decorations of high, artistic value, a wonderful bell tower dated the 14h century, a stupendous portico developed in Renaissance style with marvellous arcades.

That wonderful place which also inspired filmmakers among them Dino Risi, and writers, it is one of the many wonders you can find in the immediate vicinity of Sangiano one step from Lake Maggiore.
Spectacular from that fabulous rocky headland the striking views towards the Borromean Archipelago with an unforgettable sight of Isola Bella, Isola Pescatori, Isola Madre, a divine, scenic image to immortalise in an endless number of pictures for your best holidays albums apart the relevant historic value of that site.

I also suggest you to visit the nearest, pleasant municipality of Caravate where you can admire the beautiful Chiesa di Sant´Agostino, a Church erected in the 12th century consisting in a magnificent stone Romanesque building boasting in its interior a fabulous cycle of medieval and renaissance frescoes.

In that town another attraction is a further Religious construction, the Chiesa di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Church dedicated to St. Mary of the rock probably erected in the 12th century but largely modified in the 16th century, an architectural gem for its beautiful facade with notable works dated different periods in its interior.

A very short distance from the municipality you can discover the magnificent beauty of the Parco Regionale del Campo dei Fiori, a beautiful nature park boasting a notable flora, ideal destination also for the challenging climb leading to its summit at 1227,0 metres, a great destination for very passionate cyclists and trekking lovers.

Varese, the capital of the province is not far highlighted by magnificent gardens, stylish villas with a historic centre highlighted by notable buildings dating back the medieval times next to others linked to a splendid Liberty style. 

 In addition it is a great place pretty suggested for shopping very famous for the production of trendy shoes considered among the best in the world.

The beautiful Sacro Monte, the Sacred Mount of that city is another recommended visit with the great chance to admire its magnificent, votive Chapels erected along a charming cobbled path leading to its picturesque, idyllic summit where lies its marvellous Sanctuary, a place which since 2003 is  inscribed in the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites.

From the top the visitor can enjoy unforgettable views of the entire city, several Alpine peaks among them the Monte Rosa and many heights forming the border with Switzerland with the chance to admire a large part of the marvellous Canton of Ticono.

The small but attractive Lake of Varese is also very close, a tiny waters basin very suggested to discover the formation of a glacial basin formed centuries ago with a relevant fauna consisting in a multitude of species of birds also favourite destination of many rowing lovers.

The wild and attractive valleys Valcuvia and Valtravaglia are also other special attractions for all those who want to discover stupendous landscapes with tiny centres, or remote hamlets having in their boundaries historic monasteries, convents, tiny medieval agglomerations scattered on the slopes of picturesque hilly corners, a Paradise for cycling on road. (If you are interested I wrote a post regarding Arcumeggia about that area)

From there you can reach Lake Maggiore coastline once again in proximity of another fascinating lakeside town, Luino on the northeastern shore a short distance from the Swiss border.

A destination simply great for photography fans I recommend you is another splendid centre called Ranco which apart of its beauty on a superb headland facing Lake Maggiore it hosts in its boundaries the notorious Ogliari Transport Musem, a great exhibition to admire diverse means of transport made in different times.

Another site you can not miss is the nearest Gemonio, with its stunning Chiesa di San Pietro, a Romanesque Church dedicated to St. Peter, a masterpiece elevated as National Monument, in a splendid centre encircled by a  fascinating hilly environment well known for the production of a famed, local Gorgonzola cheese.
All the surroundings of Sangiano are particularly suggested for all the visitors who love nature, peace, relaxation, walks in an uncontaminated nature crossing idyllic paths in the middle of splendid verdant areas with an endless network of trails crossing a fascinating woodland packed by oak trees, very rich of chestnuts and mushrooms.

A wide nerwork of challenging ascents reaching stunning panoramic points with magnificent views and also favourite place for training of professional cyclists

I added some links below with suggested accommodations in the area, some information and naturally do not hesitate to contact me if you need some suggestions more, it will be a pleasure to help you.

The traditional, genuine cuisine of that land is the result of the use of local products with links with the Como, Piedmont and Milanese gastronomies with flavours and ingredients coming from the nearest lake and mountains.

Excellent are the Risotti prepared in different styles with Porcini mushrooms, asparagus,  or Luganighe, a kind of local pork sausages very common in a big part of Northern Italy but also with herbs and cheeses. 

Well known is also the Riso in Cagnone, a speciality made with rice adding sage, butter, garlic, salt, Parmesan cheese and a good quantity of Riesling wine.

In the traditional culinary panorama, a protagonist is a special plate called Bruscitt, consisting in minced beef cooked very slow adding garlic, butter, fennel, lard, cloves generally accompanied by the typical Polenta.

The latter is also prepared with melted cheese, fresh mushrooms while in other cases it is cooked with a kind of ragu meat with tomato seasoned with garlic, onion and pepper.

Very appreciated is the Brasato di Manzo, a beef stew prepared in sauce or with carrot, other veal casseroles called Stufati are seasoned with aromatic herbs or also in a variant with asparagus and potatoes.

Another typical plate is the Cappone con Funghi, a roast chicken cooked with mushrooms and a gravy sauce.

Notable is the presence of a wide variety of Zuppe, soups as the famed Minestrone di Verdure prepared with rice in broth with carrots, celery, pumpkin but also potatoes and beans

Very popular is the Zuppa d' Orzo, a barley soup accompanied by beans, lard, potatoes, lard, pancetta, onion, leeks with a bit of milk in its process of preparation.

The Gnocchi di Patate which in some local families are still 100% homemade are generally cooked with butter, sage adding Parmesan cheese or Gorgonzola or using as variant a delectable ragu beef meat with tomato.

The nearest lake offers the opportunity to taste the typical local fish in particular bleak but also perch. The first one is often fried or cooked in Carpione style, marinated, fried and flavoured with vinegar and spices  while the second kind of fish can be combined with an exquisite risotto or also grilled with a touch of olive oil, salt and herbs. 

Notable are also the local cheeses among the most famed are the Quartirolo, an autochtone Taleggio, the previously mentioned Gorgonzola of Gemonio, and delectable Formaggelle very similar for taste to those produced in the Swiss Prealps.

About desserts and cakes very famous in the entire province are the famous Amaretti di Saronno, the Croccante di Mandorle, a crunchy almond cake.

The notable presence of chestnuts in the local forests makes that product ideal for the preparation of homemade sweet jams but frequently used in diverse bakery products or including as ingredient in some kinds special soups.

Milan Malpensa is the nearest Airport and you can reach Sangiano from there in about 40/45 minutes driving via Somma Lombardo along the Strada Provinciale, the Provincial Road in direction Laveno.

Another option is taking the Motorway E62 with exit at Vergiate, from that centre taking the same road despite the journey is a little bit longer in terms of kilometres you will avoid traffic.

All the area around Sangiano is a fascinating, natural mosaic highlighted by the beautiful nature of the Prealps of Varese combined with romantic, picturesque hilly plateaus, scenic mountains and many historic monuments of relevant interest in several centres.

If you are spending unforgettable holidays on the shore of Lake Maggiore one of the most beautiful lakes in the world one step from there you can take that chance to admire all that.

Sangiano is so close to all those marvels, that calm, attractive birthplace of a Nobel laureate as Dario Fo could be a further reason to visit discovering something of very pleasant filling and completing your great stay.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in the nearest area

Albergo Riva SNC Hotel - At Leggiuno
B&B Così Come a Casa-  At Leggiuno

Recommended Restaurants in the Area 

Ristorante Antico Lido - At Leggiuno 1, 2 kilometres from Sangiano
Ristorante La Dolce Vita - At Caravate - 1,6 kilometres from Sangiano

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