Montségur Castle | Cathars and Templars Histories in Southern France.

Montségur Castle is definitely a relevant, attractive but also mysterious, suggestive destination narrating the most captivating events linked to Cathars and Templars histories which took place in Southern France, an iconic fortress situated in a geographic point which offers numerous natural beauties next to a notable, historic patrimony in all its surroundings highlighted by picturesque landscapes.

That small centre of the region Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi Pyrénées lies halfway between the splendid city of Toulouse and the northern borders of the Principality of Andorra in the charming district of Foix part of the Canton de Lavelanet where  the Department of Ariège shows all its immense, charming appeal.

It is not a case that territory is able to enchant a multitude of tourists in a while because there is something of simply magic in the air transmitting a unique desire to know metre by metre that land repeating that experience of tourism without hesitations once again.
There are many mystical places in Europe in which history and legends surround magnificent castles, mysterious manors with protagonists enigmatic nobles who lived as rich hermits or Templar knights who after their heroic missions disappeared as for enchantment in some of those remote, golden shelters and the entire Continent is packed by many legendary sites.

It is enough starting from Scotland or Ireland eternally wrapped by several, captivating, Gaelic legends encircling  secular strongholds inhabited by elusive characters  or moving to the nearby England even there all around the territory of the old Anglia  numerous are the mysteries linked to iconic fortresses inhabited by lords hiding within their walls occult secrets.  
Also the Balkans or the Carpathian basin especially in a country as Romania with one of its more historic, distinctive regions Transylvania is famous worldwide for the legend of that emblematic manor linked to Vlad Tepes alias Count Dracula but you can continue to the medieval Italy with its scenic, picturesque forts erected on the heights of the Apennines in the regions of Tuscany, Umbria and Marche by legendary Counts and Dukes.

Including travelling to Spain in the extreme south of the country the several rests of Moorish Alcazabas or Ribat in Andalusia and Extremadura evoking battles linked to  the notorious reconquest of the Catholic Kings with protagonists those fortified structures encircled by a magic aura  reminding the times of powerful Emirs  later occupied by some Templars leaders of Orders loyal to the emergent Iberian Royalty.

The list is certainly very long but also France is a land full of those kinds of places in which mysticism, hidden secrets are highlights in many "Châteaux", superb castles scattered from north to south all around that stupendous Nation.  

In the major part of those sites in the southwestern territory of that country the most illustrious historians who perfectly studied all their chronological stages including in the smallest details reached some crucial points where appeared sort of invisible barriers, limits which generated many debates still open next to endless suppositions, opinions with the constant desire to discover more and more.

History in all its course has always met a wide maze of intriguing chapters often full of controversial details or dates frequently considered by someone incomplete due to things which were  partially revealed later or because there is always something hidden behind a door with many mysteries constantly in the air as eternal shadows with the need to be lighted.

One of those places which combine all those features is undoubtedly Montségur with its legendary Cathar Castle declared National Patrimony in 1862, a relevant symbol for all the historic stages, events, episodes highly captivating which took place within its walls since the Middle Ages.

Including when it was abandoned the myth of that site continued to be more alive than ever because started new researches, arose legends, were found confirmations but also followed by partial denials with series of information in determined periods never totally clear for many people who wanted to have more detailed clarifications.

That fortress attracted and attracts tourists from all around the world since a long time ago, it is today in ruins but despite that it is a considerable, French icon for all what it represented during its past.

It highlighted the history of an entire, big country in which an influential, charismatic Royalty found at home in the early 13th century an enemy very difficult to defeat which was for a pretty, long time a menace undermining its authority and power.

Montségur Castle was a focal point of those events which at distance of centuries continue to be more than fascinating, a historic chapter which transformed that remote village of Southern France in a top destination for many history lovers, including it was inserted in the famous Route des Châteaux du Pays Cathare, an enchanting, emblematic. tourist itinerary among the most charming of Europe.

Along it many tourists are constantly enchanted to admire outstanding monuments with obviously an extreme interest to know and learn more appealing medieval chapters rich of great surprises.

Historically that territory according to archaeological artifacts discovered in the local boundaries and immediate surroundings was inhabited since the Neanderthal era around 80,000 years ago, many centuries later occupied by the Romans who from there planned their campaign towards the Iberia or Hispania, the current Spain with also the discovery of some items related to that civilisation.

Stronghold of the Franks since the 8th century predecessors of the famous Carolingian Dynasties which left those lands as inheritance to the Counts of Toulouse originally vassals of the Frankish rulers with a dynasty founded in 778 with Chorson also Duke of Aquitaine loyal to the Holy Roman Empire.

In the 10th century that land entered in the sphere of influence of the Viscounts of Carcassonne represented by the House of Trencavel with its founder Ato I, former Viscount of Albi times highlighted by a strong feudalistic regime enduring for approximately three centuries.

In the 13th century the major part of that territory was ruled by the influential Counts of Roussillon who marked relevant, historic events linked to the future wars of succession between the Crowns of France and Spain but that specific area moved under rule of the Counts of Foix, a branch of that aristocratic dynasty founded in 1012 by Bernard Roger, Count of Couserans.

Montségur has always been thanks to its strategic position a desire of conquest, for the French Royalty it always represented a unique hallway considered a sort of golden  bridge between the southernmost point of the Kingdom and the Iberian Peninsula, a very strategic gate along the Pyrenees.

For the composite Crown of Aragon founded in 1035 by King Ramiro I son of Sancho II of Navarre linked to historic ties to the mentioned Counts of Toulouse originally rivals but later allied the loss of that important former stronghold, often claimed for a long time was something never forgotten.

For that Royalty was considered a legitimate domain especially when the Counts Raymond VI and his son Raymond VII members of that House married,Eleanor and Sanchia two daughters of King Alphonse II of Aragon, including fighting together against the French crusades.
That municipality is situated on a high, wild hilly plateau at 853,0 metres of altitude, a remote place but rich of fascination in an environment reminiscent the most genuine, old, rural France.

That  mountainous territory is highlighted by scattered, small forests, typical Pyrenean bushes covering a vast surface characterised by picturesque rocky spurs next to rugged gorges.

All those attractive, natural details form a stunning frame surrounding that former, fortified building transmitting in just some seconds deep feelings with the imagination of every visitor flying looking for to discover the incomparable, suggestive, mystical identity of that village.

The name Montségur derives from the Old Occitan language Mont Sûr which translated means Mountain of the south consisting in the Mont Pog while another version is linked to the Latin denomination mons securus meaning safe mount dating back the times of the Roman Empire.

That fortress was elevated in 1204 on the summit of that Pyrenean peak at over 1200,0 metres of altitude on a previous one abandoned for over 40 years with a third rebuilt later in the same place reusing the old foundations.

The local and national Authorities have preserved much of that structure part of the Historic heritage of the Midi-Pyrénées linked to those famous Châteaux Cathars elevated in different points of Southern France with about 16 official sites each of them with legends, curiosities, hidden secrets inserted for their immense value in a special route.

Simply taking a look during a visit in  the immediate surroundings, the view of that iconic castle belongs to a world of its own, it immediately seems different, mysterious, isolated and occult.

From different perspectives at the foot of that scenic height looking at it from some concrete points it is not often visible then checking out of nowhere it appears like for enchantment and despite it is largely in ruins that construction is  impressive dominating the scene from that arcane, high, arcane summit covered by a green forest beneath a rocky, rugged section reachable by a narrow, impervious path.

The topic regarding the Cathars is pretty deep with a long history to narrate, rich of several different, controversial opinions many historical records despite very detailed and precise are also related to various suppositions, writing something about that subject could be very long and we probably need kilometres of paper or perhaps hundreds of posts.

It is certain that population embraced a Religious faith since the times of the Byzantine Empire related to a movement arose in the Caucasus concretely in Armenia, in a very special period when Constantinople had diverse difficulties to propagate the Christianity in different, geographic areas of its Imperial domains.

According to historic documentations, the first Cathars were closely linked to the Paulicians well known to be part of a Christian Adoptionist Sect accused to be Gnostic for their ideology totally against the traditional, Religious schemes established in those times by the Ecclesiastic sphere of the Roman Empire of Orient.

That faith enlarged its roots in large scale in Bulgaria and Macedonia with the Bogomils, another sect born in the 10th century during the times of the first Bulgarian Empire led by Tsar Peter I declared enemy of the former Byzantium focused to spread the Orthodox religion in the Balkans after the split with the Roman Catholic Church with seat in Rome in that notorious East-West Schism dated 1054, times in which those heretics took that advantage to elevate their notoriety.

The Bogomilism rejected Ecclesiastical hierarchies, opponent of a state and Church as main authorities, they believed in a world within a body and in another world outside the body, the Bogomils spread their concepts in  a while in other areas of Easterrn Europe as Dalmatia that vast region of the current Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia with a further enlargement including entering in Greece and partially in Italy.

Many are the historic mysteries of that kind of curious route of expansion towards France  especially in its Southern territories which strongly embraced the Catholic Religion in a country which for many centuries defended as a loyal Paladin the Papal State interests and influences in the European continent.

For some eminent historians that was a historic challenge to undermine that solid bastion than a direct attack to Rome operations aimed to challenge a powerful former Kingdom which was for them despite not representing the official core of the Catholicism, the main defencive stronghold of that enemy.

Apart that there are other suppositions also linked to political strategies of destabilisation using the religion as instrument due to a notable discontent of a large part of the low French social class in those lands tired of a very rigid, feudalistic system in the hands of the Royalty which delivered powers and privileges to many aristocratic families.

In that case France was much more vulnerable than entering inside the Vatican, peasants and farmers could be easily influenced promising a radical change bringing them hopes, dreams of autonomy, freedom and development.

The Catharism at the beginning was not considered extremely dangerous, classified as a small sect very far to create big problems but many historic episodes changed that opinion when it was declared a heretic movement hostile to the eyes of the Roman Church.

It entered with a very strong influence in the regions of Aquitaine, Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrénées with the Departement of the Aude becoming the epicentre of a very large area.

Including the Cathars also reached despite with less resonance the borders of Provence and Côte D´Azur practically covering almost the entire western Mediterranean littoral next to a large part of the immediate inland of Southern France.

That Religion was very peculiar with a bipolar faith with a good and bad God while the Christianity was loyally founded on a traditional monotheism also for that the Pope started to see that heresy which continued its strong propagation  converting mass of people as the evil to be banned very quickly as soon as possible.

The main reason was since the beginning to delete the image of something and someone who could change not only the ranking of a predominant Religion in a specific land  but also the history, a serious menace which was trying to change the true, venerated Sacred Scriptures.

Those heretics had a very unusual interpretation of the Bible and the historic Old Testament with some points cited as examples  explaining that the devil helped Abraham to compose what he wrote, furthermore they believed that the figure of the human body was modelled by the evil and only the soul was a creature generated by God.

In addition they called themselves the Perfects rejecting the Sacrament of the baptism believing in the reincarnation as fundamental part of their concepts immediately sentenced as pure sacrilege by the highest clerical sphere of the Vatican.

The Cathars harshly criticised the Catholicism because for them did not exist a main Church as Sacred Institution all that for the Pope was a direct profanation of the image of St. Peter who historically laid the first stone when started the development of a seat based on the respect of the mystery of the Trinity according to all the teachings transmitted him by Jesus Christ but the Catharism considered the Holy Spirit an invention.

Furthermore the crucifixion of Jesus with the Christian Cross as symbol was in their opinion a sort instrument representing the narration of a torture very far from the Cathar ideology which did not see in that the salvation the human souls in addition for them the Eucharistic mystery with the Communion had not reason to exist. 

The Cathars believed in physical acts, human actions not in the divine messages as miracles or events written by the Saint Evangelists which were for them simply points of views, opinions and in many cases something absolutely not natural.

All those blasphemous concepts were obviously sanctioned as profanes causing the anger of the Pope, a sacrilege promulgated by the heresy which was undermining all the territories of a land with a continuous expansion.

Due to a geographical proximity the Papal State started to be very worried that the Catharism could spread to nearest Catholic countries as Spain and easily entering in Portugal two secular, faithful allies of the Roman Church.

The immediate reaction facing that menace was to study very quickly the situation because all that was not simply limited to a specific area but a big danger which needed to be stopped with an intense, fast operation aimed to delete immediately those preachers who were considered the messenger of a sect without basis to be persuasive.

Despite that there were in a very short time several cases of Catharism in other parts of France, Carcassonne, a very important became in a short time a considerable headquarter of that people.

A very complicates situation was furthermore highlighted when those heretics started a successful, intense activity in the entire area of Toulouse, another more than important centre generating a state of alert in a real alarm.

From there as previously feared the Catharism entered in Catalonia, Aragon, Navarre, Castilla and León, four important Spanish communities.

In the case of that territory of the southern Midi-Pyrenees in the Department of the Haute-Garonne the low social class was easily converted day by day and the French, pro-Clerical nobility started to understand that they had to find unity be ready to act fighting that enemy.
Despite that according to historic documentations there were many cases in which many influential aristocrats were practically hypnotised by the Cathar preachers who often had more power than many prominent Cardinals or Bishops.

Several nobles started to host those figures in their palaces, castles including many of those aristocrats embraced that faith.

The case of Montségur Castle is totally linked to that when the local lord Raymond de Péreille or Raimon de Perelha as he was known in Occitan language started to rebuild over the ruins of a former fortress a new one which in a very short time became a solid base of that people hosted by that man without hesitations.

The same happened also in the castles of Saissac, Puivert, Lastours, Durfort, Usson among others, all them with very similar episodes and stages of development.

With that presence in those manors was born a sort of new country inside another named later Le Pays Cathare, the Cathar country, used as denomination in more contemporary times for tourist guides, maps, historic itineraries, books to give another name to the Aude department, that stunning territory of Southwestern France.

The incredible escalation of that movement saw the intervention of the Bishop of Marseille Floquet who bitterly accused many nobles to protect that undesired people in their safe residences including writing warning letters often with also official convocations to explain that situation in the Bishopric palace of the capital of the Department of the Bouches-du Rhône.

Not getting any answers, totally ignored that charismatic Ecclesiastical figure in 1209 sent a detailed documentations to Pope Innocence III about that serious problem.

The voice of that influential character came very quickly in Vatican, it was since then started the time to act fighting an insidious danger which was expanding its imprint.

The reaction from Rome was pretty fast with the intention to eradicate the root of that movement after an accurate analysis of that exhaustive dossier rich of facts, evidences deciding to send in those French territories the famous, brave Templar Knights.

A military expedition  with the use of the Templars was planned with criteria, a selected solution in opinion of the highest ranking of the Roman Church sphere as the best antidote to return to the normality re-living a pacific reality.

The Templar Knights had already fought in several occasions in the Crusades in the Holy Land since 1095 always defending the interests of the Papal State which always paid them very well, with money, manors with a life with high privileges for their merits and loyalty.

Including later leaving the Order at the end of their  services they often continued to be important advisers due to  long experiences developed during many historic events serving a cause.

In addition to all that the Templars were well known and admired to be complete soldiers with  solid military skills, a sort of medieval, special corp, masters of, sable, sword, loyal to a ethical code, perfect instrument to release France by that spreading heresy.

It was since then the start of the mutual hatred with rivalry between those paladins of the Christianity and those heretics in a struggle which saw several, captivating historic episodes, with chases all around that vast geographic area, clashes, duels against  the Faidits who were the armed wing of the Cathars composed by aristocrats converted to that faith.

In a very short time many Cathar castles were attacked, devastated many of those profane believers were executed while the survivors for the stake of their preachings were accused, and sentenced as messenger of the heresy, classified as highly dangerous for the society.

That operation was called Croisade Albigeoise, the Albigensian Crusade started in 1209 a name deriving from the town of Albi situated in the Midi-Pyrenees, a beautiful centre on the Tarn river which was historically a stronghold of the Franks since the times of Emperor Charlemagne.

That place in which started the operative phase saw the presence of the emblematic figure of St. Dominic as prior of that event linked to the Inquisition.

Despite that the case of the Montségur Castle was very special in its kind because that crusade endured twenty years but it it was one of the last strongholds to resist to a long attack extremely strong able to destroy all the other seats among them some very developed, fortified structures including of major size.

That site as for a miracle resisted and it was name the Temple of the devil or the House of the heresy.  

That fortress was well known to be the place which hosted one of the symbols of the Catharism as Guilhabert de Castres, spiritual leader of that faith who including met the  representatives of the Pope, declared a "Perfect" and elevated as the Bishop of the Cathars in the area of Toulouse.

That character was the mind and brain of that movement, he organised synods calling all the preachers, it said he converted four influential ladies of very high aristocratic ranking, one of them was the daughter of the Count of Foix, a noble knight always loyal to the Catholicism.
The popularity of  of  Guilhabert de Castres reached high peaks of notoriety when he faced in 1207 with a very challenging attitude Saint Dominic, the Prior of the Albigensian Crusade in a notorious  meeting which took place at Pamier not far from the town of Foix.

Next to him there were the number two of that sect Bernard Marty considered his successor the previously mentioned Pierre Roger de Mirepoix  cousin of Raymond de Péreille or Raimon de Perelha both excommunicated because they embraced the Catharism.

The latter was very well known in the highest sphere of the French nobility while the first was well known to be a popular expert about military purposes. 

Pierre Roger de Mirepoix organised the castle as an impenetrable bastion which resisted to several attacks, he also created the Faidits the military section of the Cathars composed by lords severely accused of heresy with all their rich properties and noble titles confiscated many of them master of arms.

They killed in Avignonet some monks among them the Dominican Guillaume Arnaud, a leader of the inquisition with some collaborators well known to face in fights the feared Templar Knights.

Montségur became in those times due to the presence of those charismatic characters the  place of the Perfects who would reach their heaven faithfully fighting for a cause in defence of their ideals after the fall of the other headquarters destroyed by the Croisade Albigeoise.

After a further, long attack with pretty negative results the situation was becoming difficult in 1243 when the operations led by Pierre D´Amiel, Archbishop of Narbonne with the troops commanded by Hugues De Arcis with over 7,000 soldiers among them the best selected Templars  sent directly by the Pope were unsuccessful.
The siege lasted more than one year, many difficulties were due to those very high slopes to reach the castle, the cavalry divisions once on the top immediately met in front of them the imposing walls of that organised fortress with streams of hot oils launched by the Cathars also successful against the infantry troops and in addition that place was protected by an organised battery of artillery.

That Archbishop with his many contacts in the Iberian Peninsula facing a very complicate situation due to a very difficult position in front of Pope Innocence IV who constantly asked explanations related to continuous debacles having the best selected knights tried to play his last cards hiring some mercenaries from the Basque Country.

Those soldiers of fortune in different occasions were incorporated by counts, dukes or local lords during territorial disputes in Spain, they generally used to move along the Pyrenean Mountains pretty fearless often ready to face long battles in difficult situations.

That choice was the winning key of that Ecclesiastical figure because those Basques moved on that height transporting with them a heavy, huge catapult placed just some hundreds of metres from the main tower of the castle.

Despite many of them died during that mission it was possible to launch explosive against that fortified building destroying an entire side.

All that happened on 16th March 1244 the fall of that towering section generated the victorious entry of the Templar Knights in the fire there were more than 250 victims, many prisoners were tried with some of them forced to reconvert to the Catholicism.

Over 200 Cathars were executed at the stake as heretics just two days after the conquest of the Château de Montségur because they refused the conversion and all that happened in the meadow at the foot of that historic height.

That place was named Pratz dels Cremats which translated means the lawn of the burned, among those executed heretics according to historic documentations there were also the wife of Pierre Roger de Mirepoix, Filipa, Corva Hunaut de Lanta wife of Raymond de Péreille and one his daughters, Esclamonda.

That man was interrogated on 30th April and 09th May 1244 by the Court of the Inquisition led by a Catalan called Ferrer native of Villelongue-de-la-Salanque, a centre near Perpignan after his declaration Raimon de Perelha disappeared and nobody knows if he continued to live in prison or the  date of his death.

An archive of that declaration is preserved in the National Library of Paris in the manuscrpits department under the name of Fons Doat.

In that point lies a stone symbolising that tragedy, a remind depicting a phrase in Occitan saying: For the Cathars, the martyrs of pure Christian Love, 16th March 1244."

On 16th March every year is remembered that massacre and in the museum of the village are displayed the names of those vicitims.

About the structure, the castle was rebuilt just two years after its devastation reusing a big part of the remnants and the foundations of the old fortress to host a new local lord called Guy de Levis but it is not very easy to read the original architectural design of the castle because it was built in three occasions.

The Cathar structure was elevated in 1204 over a previous dating back the 11th century abandoned for over four decades of which there are not architectural traces, the destruction of the second  is dated 1244 and the third started to be elevated a couple of years later.

The remnants you can see today correspond to the last construction, it probably apart the reused some beams and pilasters of the previous structure occupying the entire perimeter without reductions of the original plan established with high walled sections highlighted by an imposing stone tower.

The previous main tower was totally destroyed including the major part of the walls, what is certain that the original building hosting the Cathars according to some historic documentations was a simple fortress built very quickly using several timber elements totally disappeared.

That construction had a very short life, according to deep researches it had a stone circular towering structure which housed Pierre Roger De Mirepoix with his family, the walls were probably lower, less impressive than those you can see today.

A relevant detail to take in consideration is the discovery of the trace of the foundations of the tower which was destroyed by the catapult in the final assault which was definitely the glue with walls established around a square irregular perimeter in a limited space without chances of an enlargement due to a limited surface area on the summit of the Mont Pog.

Visible are some frames of doors which corresponded to the entrance of some rooms of the guards, on the soil there are remnants of other small structures arranged in different position which hosted the servants, some warehouses and the stables.

The fall of that castle was the epilogue of that heretic movement although it is said that some of them survived and they fled abroad but some of them changed life.

There were two episodes of Catharism in France in the 14th century, one related to a figure called  Peire Autier who tried in the French Pyrenees and Languedoc-Roussillon to establish a sort of revival with some isolated cases consisting in attacks to monasteries and churches but in 1310 he was imprisoned and executed in Toulouse.

The second had a major impact linked to a character named Guillaume Bélibaste who according to documentations recorded by eminent historians was considered the last perfect. 

The history of that figure is pretty interesting in its kind, chased by the French army all around the region he escaped to Spain in 1309 living before in Catalonia, later in Morella near Castellón and afterwards in San Mateo, a centre as the previous situated in the community of Valencia. 

It said he changed his name in Pierre Penchenier fixing his residence in that site founding a pretty organised local Cathar community with the aim to spread the Catharism in the Iberian Peninsula but also planning to return to France.

That man was contacted by a secret agent of the Inquisition called Arnaud Sicre informing him to come back to Languedoc-Roussillon where it was possible thanks to the presence of a good numbers of "Perfects" to re-live a strong rebirth of the movement once again.

Sicre knew very well the Catharism because his mother, an aristocratic lady embraced that faith suffering the confiscation of all her properties and executed for that the man in young age lived without inheritance deciding to work for the Inquisition.
It said he had an extreme hatred towards the Cathars because he could not have a wealthy life with a very deep knowledge regarding that sect including in the smallest details.

Bélibaste was convinced by the words of that character who also met him in secret but he felt in a trap when he was captured during his trip to France near La Seu d´ Urgell in the Catalan Pyrenees, a splendid place with also a very comfortable Parador not far from the city of Lleida.

Imprisoned in the Castle of Castelbòn that Cathar was transported to Carcassonne where he was interrogated and sentenced by the Archbishop of Paniers Jacques Fournier, a notorious figure who became later Pope with the name of Benedict XIII. 

Bélibaste was taken later to the Castle of Villerouge-Termènes seat in that time of the Bishopric of Narbonne and burnt in that place. 

It said that that Sicre continued to chase many Cathars all around Spain always with that incredible grudge towards them, coincidence that emergent community near Valencia disappeared an event which according to some supposition was related to operations led by that Emissary of the Inquisition.

Other Cathars changed life, Olivier de Termes was converted to the Catholicism, enlisted in the French Royal Army participating in the 7th and 8th crusades in the Holy Land  helping in addition King Louis IX to keep the public order in Languedoc-Roussillon.

Geraud de Niort emigrated to Spain entering in the sphere of the Kingdom of Aragon while Bernard Oto de Niort including met the Pope in Rome to receive the absolution of his sins. 

Raymond II Trencavel after years in exile returned to France, he  was imprisoned but he declared loyalty to the French Crown participating to the crusade in the Holy Land in 1248.

There are not many information about Pierre Roger De Mirepoix who after the events of the devastation of Montségur Castle received fifteen days of time to accept the conversion after to be interrogated by the agents of the inquisition.

Some Cathars according to suppositions reached North Africa after a long trip through the Iberian Peninsula or ever some returned to their origins to the Balkans in a long way crossing Europe.

Other information narrated that a group of them reached the territories of Bohemia and Moravia in the current Czech Republic founding a sect with descendants who supported the Hussites led by Jan Hus, that figure linked to a Bohemian Protestant movement of Reformation leader of that former Czech Nationalism born in the early 15th century.

Further historic details are related to some others established in the 14th century in Great Britain absorbed into the Lollards that Religious, Political English movement which had as leader John Wycliffe, heretics who were protected by John Gaunt 1st Duke of Lancaster third son of King Edward III of England and high exponent of the anti-clerical English nobility.

Regarding their total disappearance from France there are suggestive legends dated some centuries later when it said that some direct descendants of the survivors  living in hiding participated with strong influences alongside the leaders Robespierre, Marat and D’Anton in the French Revolution between 1789 and 1799.
All that to fight against the French Monarchy as a sort of retaliation or revenge towards that  nobility who had directly supported the extermination of their ancestors.
Further suppositions are closely related to some "new Cathars" in more contemporary times who formed modern Masonic groups emigrating to other countries as America becoming the architects of  heretical movements in that other Continent.

In addition there are narrations that the Catharism also influenced prominent artists, painters, sculptors who in their works representated some of their ideas partially linked to the ideology of that faith.

Reality or suggestive opinions many historians are still studying the history of the Cathars, the Pays Cathare and the hidden mysteries surrounding them.

Further legends linked to Montségur Castle said that after the devastations of other castles it was the last stage of a rich treasure consisting in the result of the achievements in valuable with big coffers of gold coins with including the presence of the Holy Grail transported there by the Faidits.

Nothing of that was discovered there because perhaps a small group of them escaped during the attack hiding all that in a unknown place.

Many are the suggestive stories, a lot of them pretty controversial as one saying that the treasure is hidden not far from the ruins of castle ruins and that only a perfect Cathar can find it while there is also who said that it has been hidden in the Maghreb or in a corner of Scandinavia.

Someone according to other historic researches indicated that it was moved to an Italian town of Southern Lombardy called Cremona to keep it in a safe place  far from France but that was just a supposition because also in that place no traces.

That treasure was also mentioned by the Ahnerbe Group, an esoteric association developed in Germany in 1935 linked to the Nazi regime and Heinrich Himmler, famous figure who was Minister of the Interior, Police Commander during the period of the Third Reich investigated all that showing a high interest.

That considerable curiosity by that Officer came after reading a book titled Crusades against the Grail written in 1930 by Otto Rahn, a German author, fervent medievalist with deep studies, researches about the Catharism and the massacre of Montségur.

Rahn was supported in his operations by a French colleague from Tarascon called Antonin Gadal considered in that time the best historian, mystic and eminent expert about the history of the Cathars in Southern France.

In that collaboration they found a link between a notorious medieval German romance, a work by Wolfram von Eschembach dated the 13th century, the famous Parzifal narrating the epic history of an Arthurian heroic Knight focused in a constant research of the Holy Grail.

In those old manuscripts in opinion of Rahn there were clear signals that the Cathars held the grail in Montségur or somewhere around the Mont Pog, the mountain on which there are the rests of the castle.

Including those two characters travelled there leading in different occasions researches all around that place creating some important archives.

Himmler fascinated by all that also visited more than once that site, according to some  information he received from trusted sources the assurance it was the right place in which was hidden that treasure with that mystical cup containing the blood of Jesus Christ used during the Last Supper despite there are historic versions to its meaning.

That man with all the details achieved determined that item was stolen by the Cathars when it disappeared from the city of Troyes hidden in proximity of that fortress, for that Montségur became one of the hypotethical sites next to an endless list of others related to that mystery.

All that is just like the mysteries of the many hidden treasures in the Caribbean Islands never discovered or the history of Atlantis never confirmed or all what there is  and not already found under the soil of the ancient Rome.

Further legends also had as protagonists the Templars with narrations which said that after a period of the defeat of those heretics with the castle in ruins some inhabitants of the village saw ghosts or suggestive visions of mysterious silhouettes of knights.

Others described that place as a shelter of the last Templar Knights refuge when Pope Clement V suppressed the order.

The destiny of many of those Paladins of the Christianity had  different histories as serving noble lords or further who had a life as sort of a Robin Hood.

Some others including became adventurers or lived diverse situations researching in the present what they did in the past with a constant desire to re-live nostalgic triumphant times returning in places as in the case of that French fort.
That return for some of them was as trying to delete the sad event of the suppression which for many was the epilogue of a military career fighting for a cause.

That place is also linked to music especially to Hard Rock when the famous British Group Iron Maiden performed a song with the title Montségur inserted the Album Dance of Death released in 2003.

Also a French-Algerian guitarist  called Pierre Bensusan well known for his versatility as Chamber Jazz, New Age, Celtic, Folk, World music performer composed a work titled Montségur.

The Film Industry also shown interest about that castle with the South African film director and screenwriter Richard Stanley who fixed his residence in that French commune featuring the history of that fortress in two documentaries, the first dated 2001 titled The Secret Glory and the second made in 2013 named The Otherworld.

Both works by that filmaker were linked to a Neo-Cathar revival in the first decades of the 20th century with the legendary connections with the Grail.
Since 1862 the former fortress was declared Historic Patrimony of France inserted in tours of the Cathar Country, Routes de les Châteaux Chatares promoted in several International Fairs, Tourism Exhibitions by local Tour Operators and Tourism Institutions of the Aude Department.

The historic value of that place increased furthermore 70 years after the last restorations during some archaeological excavations with the finding of  ancient tombs much older than that medieval period confirming furthermore the presence of other settlers including dated before the Roman period.

Destination Montségur is also highlighted by a multitude of tourist options with chances to include it in special itineraries. 

That site is situated along a very famous tourist route the Way of St. James, the famous Christian pilgrimage itinerary well known as Camino de Santiago leading to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia in Northwestern Spain identified in a path called in French language Le Chemin du Piémont Pyrénéen.

That trail running at the foot of the Pyrenees starts in proximity of the city of Narbonne crossing  the area of Carcassonne and Lourdes entering into the Iberian territory crossing the mountainous French-Spanish border.

All that is undoubtedly a very interesting product very suitable for Tour Operator Product Managers who desire to enlarge their outgoing offer with an ample fan of destinations highly captivating for their high, historic profile with also a vast range of charming accommodations delighting more than pleasant stays in different beautiful places.

Obviously  all that is also a great opportunity for individuals, lovers of art, history who want to know better the historic past of those iconic places organising a great tailor made tour enjoying a fantastic Fly & Drive in that corner of France absolutely stunning.

Some years ago there were excellent Educational trips related to all that organised by superb, local Incoming Tour Operators with very long experience and a considerable capacity to arrange a multitude of routes on request are present there suggesting several special proposals including combining visits of some of those castles.

They are fascinating ideas not standard, the Aude is a mine of surprises and those offers are very indicated for those who desire to know deeply the history of a land including in the smallest details escaping by the usual and often identical tours, offering ample choices depending what a tourist wants in which kind of subject is mainly interested indicating with special tips itineraries with a great flexibility in terms of packages.

Some of them are connected to the visits of very important cities and towns of notable interest with noble traditions such as the previously mentioned Toulouse, Carcassonne, Narbonne but also Perpignan, Beziers including the stupendous Nimes enlarging a vast fan of options.

There are furthermore many others pretty well organised, planned with extensions after the visit of three or four castles across the Pays de L´Aude connected to superb gastronomic, wine routes or to Andorra, also entering in the heart of the Catalan Pyrenees or descending towards south towards the Alt d' Emporda and the Northern Coasta Brava.

Those diverse alternative the first related to the Andorran Pricipality is ideal for those who love skiing, hiking, trekking, the second mainly focused to admire the Mediterranean coastline, two different realities but equally captivating.

Many others are perfectly designed in base to the most demanding requests including some combined with specific tasting wines routes in the Languedoc-Roussillon with also extensions to the fabulous Camargue or along the magnificent Côte Vermeille, all that after or before  the visit of some Cathar castles.  

Some more are linked to the wonderful French Pyrenean Massif de Tabe, an extraordinary land highly interesting for its natural beauties also linked to suggestive legends, in many cases very underrated or almost unknown by many people.

The mild climate in that French area is an excellent feature to plan attractive Incentive Travel operations which can be extremely successful thanks to the presence of a vast range of very comfortable Hotels next the proximity of important airports, starting the tour from one point and ending in another.

Many are also chances of great shopping in different centres about wine, cheeses, different kind of foods, handcrafts, a delicious gastronomy to taste in remote but wonderful placeswhere the true French genuine culinary art has a secular tradition.
For those who love to stay in the immediate surroundings of Montségur  there are many interesting trails in the Pyrenean area simply great for trekkers, cyclists, mountain bikers  of fans of cycle tourism. 

In addition you can enjoy there winter sports and especially Alpine skiing, I suggest you the nearest Montferrier at the foot of the Mont d´Olmes which boasts a stunning Ski resort situated at an altitude between 1400, 0 and 1955, 0 metres, with 21 official pistes among them two black slopes, eight red tracks, 12 ski lifts services and a Snow Park.

In that point you are beneath the stupendous previously mentioned Massif de Tabe, ideal place for those who love nature and mountains with many paths leading to several scenic peaks of over the 2000,0 metres of altitude.

 I recommend you a couple of beautiful places to visit consisting in two marvellous small lakes.

The first is called Étang du Diable, a fantastic tiny lake located at just 20, 0 kilometres from Montségur, the starting point of the trail is located at the parking of Moulzonne at approximately 1300,0 metres of altitude and that spectacular excursion endures about two hours.

That wonderful small waters basin in the heart of the Pyrenees is situated on a scenic height at 1971,0 metres beneath am imposing vertical rocky wall from one side and a green high plateau on the other shore.

It is approximately 60,0 metres deep, a great place to take several pictures for its stunning blue colour with a fantastic contrast with the tonalities of the green environment and in addition you will be delighted by magnificent views towards the mountains of the Principality of Andorra. 

Its name translated means pond of the Devil because that denomination according to an old, local legend is that if you launch a pebble into its waters a terrible storm will come  so from that narration was identified as a sort of residence of the devil.

That basin is dominated by a fantastic pyramidal peak called the Pic de Soularac, a scenic mountain of 2368,0 metres of altitude flanking a sort of twin connected by a high crest called Pic de Saint-Barthelémy a bit lower with its 2348,0 metres and from that little, scenic lake has its source the torrent Lasset, a striking combination to admire the beauty of the Pyrenees in a nutshell.

Very close you can visit another small tiny but splendid waters basin, the Étang des Truites located at an altitude of 1857, 0 metres dominated by the same peaks of the previous lake.
Highlighted by stupendous turquoise waters surrounded by scenic and shaped rocks and typical Pyrenean vegetation with scattered pines and bushes all around its picturesque shape.

Its denomination means the pond of the trout but according to due to cartographic mistake its true name was Étang des Druids, the pond of the Druids because a legend related to the ancient Gaul said that those Gallic wizards organised a a sort of synod on the shore of that little lake after the release of a plague.

Many are the opportunities to enjoy other great local excursions admiring the beauty and the colours of that corner of Southern France an uncontaminated nature with magnificent landscapes. 

The Midi-Pyrenees is also a Mecca for all people who want to taste great fine wines with a vast selected choice of high class products boasting a refined quality.

All that is due to the combination of many factors such as a mild climate delighted by the breezes of the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean which reach that land next the implantation of excellent, robust grapes with vineyards cultivated at an ideal altitude on a soil not to dry rich of benign compounds.

The final result is a superb production of smooth, savoury, fine wines with texture, a vivid colour confirming the supreme level of the grapes easily detected at the first sip, very palatable with an exquisite taste and body.

You can try a notable number of them all ready to satisfy and delight your taste such as Estaing, Côtes de St. Mont, Cotes de Millau, Marcillac, Cahors, Fronton, Gaillac and Madiran among others.

About traditional gastronomic specialities you are in a land which since several centuries ago has kept alive its most genuine culinary traditions with a strong identity.
Very appreciated is the Agneau de Quercy, lamb of high quality next to another delectable product as the delicious Foie Gras excellent in starters, appetisers or snacks accompanied by a fragrant slice of toasted bread. 

Outstanding is the production of sausages very famed all around France boasting a relevant, among the most famous are certainly the excellent Saucisses de Toulouse often used also in the preparation of many casseroles.

The Cassoulet is one of the iconic local specialities consisting in a stew containing beans, aromatic herbs, garlic, goose comfit, salt and pork meat, absolutely excellent is the superb quality of Duck meat cooked in many styles you can not miss to taste during a stay in the Midi-Pyrenees.

The Garbure is another popular dish consisting in a mix of cabbage and potatoes cooked with pork knuckle, duck comfit adding to those ingredients, salt, onion, garlic and a small quantity of cured ham.

Absolutely delicious is the famed Mafret de Canards and Gésiers a plate made with duck breasts and gizzards served in slices combined with a fresh mixed salad.

Notable is also a wide selection of goat and sheep cheeses, very appreciated is an exquisite Roquefort ideal to be used on meats or in sauces but worth a mention others such as Rocamadur, Cabecou, Tomme de Pyrenees, Moulis and Laguiole among others.

Do not miss to try the Aligot a plate in which a delicious dairy product called Averyron is combined with mash potatoes. 

Those delectable cheeses are often present in different kinds of plates, sauces, appetisers, buffets also used in the preparation of traditional delicious Omelets also cooked with fresh aromatic herbs.

As desserts thanks to a relevant tradition of homemade specialities you can taste some excellent delights as Chassellas, Gateau a La Broche or others made with fruit thanks to the great quality of juicy melons, strawberries and peaches. 

Very typical in that area before to start a meal enjoying a drink as aperitif generally mixing a local white wine with liquor of Armagnac and in the surroundings of Montségur is very traditional to have a glass of Hypocras consisting in a medieval aperitif combining wine, cinnamon, sugar and spices.

If you are planning holidays or a tailor made tour in Southern France visiting that territory it is a great idea, a unique experience all year with the brilliant opportunity to enjoy the Routes de les Châteaux du Pays Cathare, a historic itinerary among the most interesting captivating of the entire country.

History, legends, magnificent landscapes, art, culture, a multitude of outdoor activities are undoubtedly a fabulous mix more than inviting something you will remember with pleasure for a long time visiting that site and its surroundings.

The captivating fascination of that land protagonist of historic events narrating Cathars and Templars histories in Southern France is something simply unique in its kind delighting tourists who want to return there once again to admire those places where everything is simply magic.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Montségur and surroundings

Hotel Couquet
Hotel Le Castrum- at Villenueve D´Olmes - at 9, 0 km from Montségur.

Recommended Restaurants in Montségur

La Patate qui Fume 

Useful links

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