Champclause-France | Scenic Auvergne and Historic Vercingetorix Land.

Champclause is a small centre of France situated in the scenic Auvergne, a region extremely attractive well known to be the historic Vercingetorix land but also for its beautiful, appealing landscapes, a great highlight of stupendous territory conquering the visitor for its enchanting atmosphere including in its smallest hamlets which can exalt the imagination of the most inspired thinkers.

Situated at 157, 0 kilometres south of the beautiful regional capital Clermont-Ferrand, at 585, 0 kilometres from Paris, the charming Saint-Étienne the major centre of Department of Loire is only 70,0 kilometres away, that commune of a bit more of 200,0 inhabitants part of the Canton of Mézenc lies at the foot of the scenic Massif du Meigal, a mountainous range of the famous Massif Central highlighted by the charming silhouette of one of its emblematic peaks, the Mont Testavoyre with its 1436,0 metres of altitude.

The old Auvèrnha as it was called in ancient times that geographic area is packed by many stunning towns, attractive remote villages with relevant monuments, a marvellous architecture with several medieval masterpieces, a picturesque scenery marked by a true, genuine beauty and Champclause as other nearest sites in the Arrondissement of Puy-en-Velay will show you all that and more.

In that French land you can find fantastic places absolutely ideal to enjoy a great and complete tourism, a destination eternally highlighted by a a sort of mystical and suggestive aura evoking in every corner an unmistakable air closely related to an ancient historic past. 

The time seems to stand still in Champclause because everything appears as some centuries ago but greatly living the present with a magnificent preservation of an architectural and natural environment unique in their kinds with protagonists fascinating stone buildings surrounded by a magnificent verdant nature. 

Those special details conquer every visitor in a while next to many other attractions, a place which offers a lot of things to do born to be discovered and enjoyed metre by metre exploring all its boundaries and immediate surroundings packed by an endless number of great surprises.

Green Valleys, uncontaminated and virgin forests, wild rivers and the presence of the magnificent Massif Central which transmitted several inspirations to many keen landscape painters who immortalised in many occasions those charming images highlighted by a stunning variety of colours in which every detail is protagonist of a perfect, idyllic frame, very appropriate environment for passionate photographers.

It is also that aspect which completely fascinates the tourist absolutely enchanted to stop in contemplation admiring a  territory which capture the attention at first sight and it is an invitation for every traveller who facing all those beauties is is never tired to plan a new great itinerary the day after during a stay.

Champclause and all the magnificent places in its immediate proximity offer many chances to enjoy several outdoor activities all year,  spring, summer but also early autumn are splendid seasons to practise trekking, cycling, mountain bike, fishing, horse riding with many sunny days and cool breezes at evening and nights delighting for that many people who find in that mild climate a sort of magic potion to live fantastic holidays with energies and freshness.

Winter is a great period to practise Nordic, Mountaineering and Adventure Skiing with many kilometres suitable for those activities also great for those who are fond of snowshoes and in addition you will also find a notorious Alpine ski resort at a short distance, a presence which completes a very interesting winter sports offer.

For those who love a very active cultural tourism many are the unique opportunities to discover a multitude of sites boasting a notable historical, cultural patrimony of special relevance linked to the Middle Ages with monuments and buildings of a relevant historic and architectural value, also that is a further chance to admire something of extremely interesting filling your days with great visits.

Magnificent cities such as the previously mentioned Saint-Étienne but also the captivating Vienne, the beautiful Lyon second centre of the country, superb options to plan during holidays in that beautiful corner of Auvergne visiting those important centres which made the history of a Nation conserving in their boundaries stunning artistic and monumental marvels.

Once in Champclause you can also enjoy special itineraries following the historic Route des Fromages, a magnificent chance to visit farms and producers tasting superb local cheeses or I also suggest you that of the Châteaux d´Auvergne, a well known route highlighted by the magnificent presence of different imposing, marvellous castles and fabulous manors, wonderful constructions erected in different periods, an experience simply great for everybody admiring unique wonders.

Highly interesting and beautiful is the Route des jardins du Massif Central, characterised by enchanting gardens, marvellous nature reserves and protected parks all around the area of the famous height Puy-de-Dôme often included in stages of the notorious cycling race, the Tour de France or in addition I recommend you without hesitations to visit the wonderful department of Allier, discovering a striking natural Paradise and a biodiversity absolutely fantastic.

Comfortable rustic and traditional accommodations with a delicious gastronomy closely linked to the oldest culinary traditions rich of flavours, genuine products, all homemade are certainly further great highlights very inviting, an incentive for all those who plan a trip to satisfy the enjoying an ample gastronomic offer.

Other great details which deserve to be mentioned are the peace and serenity you can breathe all around Champclause, the presence of virgin wild forests and an uncontaminated atmosphere make that French land since a long time ag an outstanding climatic destination very appropriate to recharge batteries returning home totally happy and rested.

That is a site pretty underrated which totally reflects the best of the most genuine old France in all its spirit absolutely ideal for all the visitors who love all that, in addition it is very appropriate for romantic couples who are searching a tranquil haven with unforgettable sunsets because there when the sun falls on those fascinating peaks, fabulous green plateaus them and illuminating the traditional charming stone houses with painted shutters,the reflections are simply magic creating images absolutely magnificent.

Also families with children can live there a beautiful experience in a place which will donate them great memories with several attractions for the young and very recommended for all the visitors who are interested in a specific historical themes.

The history of Champclause started according to historic documentations in prehistoric times confirmed by archaeological excavations which took place in contemporary times with the discovery of numerous items and artifacts detecting many traces of a human presence corresponding to that ancient era.

Despite that the most important period  in that magnificent corner of France is closely related to the 3rd century BC when born the history of an autochtone population, the Arverni also known as Arvernes, the first local former recorded settlers who established their stronghold in that concrete territory.

Originally that population was a solid and compact ethnic group later subdivided in different tribes which governed and defended their lands often with internal disputes and fights due to reasons linked to tribal hierarchies and rankings.

 Luernios was in that time probably the most relevant leader of an influential group which acquired more notoriety with his son Bituitus.
Those two characters in different periods expanded their domains fixing determined borders to identify their predominant influence linked to victories in battles with the conquest of new territories with provisional alliances to delete a potential enemy, a situation pretty similar in many other places all around the continent in those times.

Bitutius was the first to challenge the powerful Rome but that belligerent character suffered a big defeat against the Consul Fabius Maximus  in the 2nd century BC in a long battle which took place on the Rhône river, an event which stopped his desire to face that powerful Italic Empire once again due to the loose of over 120,000 men in that clash dated 121 BC.

Many things changed in the 1st century BC with the advent of that iconic figure called Vercingetorix, that figure undoubtedly reached much more popularity and fame of those predecessors becoming a charismatic and feared leader of that ancient civilisation well known to be a sort of icon of that ethnic group.

According to historic documentations he was named as the first official King of the Arverni, considered for that a kind of distinctive  father of all those tribes which elevated him as a local hero, he become the indisputable, legendary leader of the old Arvernia, a character who was able thanks to his charismatic influence to unify the Gallic tribes in an epic war against the Roman Empire. 

That time was particularly famous because the powerful Rome was moving all around that territory several legions, events linked to the conquest of the Gaul, but the iconic Statesman and General, Julius Caesar experienced  one of his most difficult military operations once met that untamed enemy.

That kind of myth in those times was able in a sort of miraculous operation to manage and establish a strong alliance not only with the different local Gauls but also with other Celts coming to support him from other current  regions of France, something never happened before  and all that to face an undesired colonisation.

The occupation of that land by the Romans was not very easy during the times of Vercingetorix, the well planned Imperial strategies found a surprising rival who found a strong unity and despite the operations of occupation by Rome were led by skilled Generals among them some decorated veterans of the North African campaigns the difficulties increased day by day finding a more than strong resistance in mountainous and wild territory practically unknown.

That wild and impervious territory did not permit an agile and fast movement of the troops which in addition suffered attacks from different cardinal points something of extremely new for the Centurions leading the legions because in that era in the major part of the cases there was a frontal clash facing the enemy in a concrete area.

The military divisions of Rome did not have many accesses along the rough local mountainous passes of the Massif Central and furthermore all those tribes led by that emblematic figure complicated the attempts to establish camps, bases to start a  defined and official rule in a specific geographic point because Vercingetorix adopted against those operations continuous guerrilla actions.

The call of further tribes by that man surrounded the Roman divisions often in a circle and that was also one of the Arverni strategies which took positive results.

All that was generally organised before the massive landing of the enemy with immediate attacks to the Imperial camps during their development and when the number of the Roman soldiers of the legions was inferior.

Many problems had the in pioneer reconnaissance troops and all that continued with further assaults the day after with the lines of the invader totally opened and unprepared to face a new further unexpected clash.

The victory of Gergovia in 52 BC in an area corresponding to a  high plateau located in proximity of the city of Clermont-Ferrand was for Vercingetorix a reason to believe in his final success but unfortunately in the same age his legend ended with a famous defeat which took place at Alise in Bourgogne

The myth of the King of the Arverni had after that event its final epilogue, after that battle he was captured and imprisoned in Rome for five years publicly shown in chains in the Roman Forum to celebrate the triumph of Julius Cesar.

Despite that defeat after several battles the Roman army was greatly weakened with the loss of selected soldiers and charismatic centurions.Those years of struggles were for many illustrious historians one the first signals and prelude of the definitive fall of Rome in the Gaulish territories.

That strong resistance by those belligerent Celtic tribes so difficult to tame had changed in its kind the history, for Rome was a tactical and real victory on the field but in its kind a strategic defeat because the number of troops used in that campaign weakened other fronts of the Empire.

The son of that emblematic character called Celtill tried in a desperate,temerarious attempt to emulate the legendary father aimed to re-establish the dissolved Kingdom of the Arverni but with very unsuccessful results.

The young successor was not able to repeat the exploits of his predecessor probably for a lack of charisma and that intention of a constitution of a new Reign ended when it  was immediately neutralised by the Romans since the beginning.

The heroic Vercingetorix was depicted in some statues and sculptures in different places of France such as the previously mentioned Clermont Ferrand and  Alise, place in which was defeated but as a myth, his image was historically represented as instrument also in more contemporary times as a symbol of fervent French patriotism.

The figure  of that character was particularly used and elevated as a kind of emblem in that well known secular rivalry between France and Germany started in the first half of the 19th century and the legend of Vercingetorix became in that time for many French citizens a sort of flag to exhibit facing possible conflicts and a war with that nearest country.

Including his name represented an emblem for several patriots due to its literary composition which according to historic documentations is the etymological combination  of the Gaulish  words Ver meaning Great and Cingeto which translated means warrior so great warrior and also that strongly entered in the spirit of fervent defenders of the motherland.

That mythical leader despite Napoleon Bonaparte for many was and is historically considered a feared warlord able to elevate a Nation as an international power with influences and conquests all around Europe is not for others at the same level of the iconic image of  that ancient Sovereign of Arverni who reflected the soul and spirit of the first real, true and charismatic historic leader born in France.

Vercingentorix much more than that notorious figure linked to the relevant French history in the 18th and early 19th century  was an emblem of an unitary struggle for the defence of a territory which was not still a Nation but with a strong spirit of identification.

For some eminent and illustrious French historians that man was a charismatic figure who found unity, admired and respected by his lieutenants, representing a symbol for the entire population who saw in him a unique and eternal hero, constantly supported in the victories and defeats.

Napoleon despite was equally highly considered for his numerous successes with the victorious battles of Austerlitz, Rivoli, Dresden,Jena among others, he took the national pride to very high peak of enthusiasm when he faced and challenged great powers of those times as the Austrian, British and Russian Empires but he had different clashes with many of his officers and including in a period of his leadership he was not extremely loved in some corners of the Republic especially after his defeats in the Russian Winter, Leipzig, Waterloo and Trafalgar.

The history of the Auvergne including that of Champclause after those events which strongly weakened Rome due to its efforts during those hard and intense campaigns was the start of a series of invasions culminated by the conquer of the territory by the Vandals.

Those invaders took the great advantage of that situation despite they mainly concentrated their operations in looting, raids, devastation of villages and towns but never oriented to establish a solid political society.

The Vandals despite very feared for their belligerence did not have a very organised system with specific military strategies and later they were easily defeated by the Franks who became with their Carolingian dynasties the powerful Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire with Charlemagne and Lords of the entire country also ruling the local territories for a long time.

In medieval times the region lived a traditional feudalism period characterised by the presence of local aristocratic governors descendants or linked to the noblest Carolingian families and later closely related to the House of Bourbon who for a long time governed the counties in that geographc area which is also well known for other historic events as scene of battles between French and English troops during the war of the 100 years.

The chronological historic stages will continue as the rest of France when the village was incorporated in the first established French Monarchy following with the famous chapter related to the French Revolution  and the new proclaimed Republic in the 18th century of which is still part.

Champclause is a great and more than pleasant surprise for every visitor, extremely attractive at first sight. That fascinating rural small centre is completely surrounded by beautiful forests and a charming verdant countryside situated in a splendid natural environment east of the wonderful Rhône Valley at an altitude of 1200, 0 metres.

What is simply impressive once you come in its centre is its very picturesque image highlighted by traditional and captivating stone houses showing in all their charming appeal beautiful details such as beautiful small wooden doors, painted shutters, scenic sloping roofs with chimneys and tiny well cared gardened spaces at their entrances or established between a building and another.

The first feeling looking at a fairytale scenery like that is simply fascinating as all is prepared to live a novel. In a pleasant walk strolling its splendid narrow streets characterised by a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere immediately the first vivid impression is to be in a place in which nothing changed since a long time ago.

Its very charming aspect is greatly marked by an attractive local architecture magnificently preserved perfectly combined in a fascinating harmony with the view of the stunning shapes and scenic silhouettes of the nearest peaks such as the Mézenc, Lizieux and Testavoyre which are part of the Meygal Massif, an enchanting mountainous group simply great to enjoy fabulous excursions along captivating panoramic paths crossing stupendous woody intact environments. 

The core of Champclause is arranged in a point in which three roads converge all together in a same point such as Les Teyres  running from west and north of the municipality while the others two are called Le Bourg and Les Vialettes.

Absolutely charming is the main square of the village in which stands the Église de Sainte Marie, a splendid Church dedicated to St. Mary consisting in a construction erected in the 12th century .

Relevant highlights of that splendid Religious building are a carved slate depicting a Via Crucis, the Way of the Cross of Jesus Christ to the Mount Calvary and a beautiful Romanesque portico reflecting in all its architectural details and elements the most traditional style used in Auvergne in the Middle Ages.

The most picturesque corner of the village is undoubtedly the neighbourhood of Boussoulet with its captivating houses elevated using stone as main material of construction, arranged on one or two stories greatly highlighted by beautiful wooden painted shutters, captivating roofs and completed by small courtyards.

Officially the municipality of Champclause born in 1801 and since then that fraction has always been part of it despite approximately 40 years later the inhabitants decided to establish their independent Parish Church.

That local Religious Temple you can see nowadays consists in a stone building erected in the 18th century totally restored and it is currently one of the most important attractions for its very attractive architecture perfectly integrated with the rest of the local constructions elevated all around it.

That structure was developed on a rectangular plan with a wide and high stone facade boasting a splendid arched doorway and providing an ample courtyard  subdivided in two wings. 

That Ecclesiastic complex in addition is flanked by a charming bell tower located on its right side highlighted on its frontal section  by a circular white clock and completed by a long conical roof placed on a square block.

The interior is very scenic and attractive in its kind reflecting a special architectural style strongly linked to the local traditions for an use of specific materials. It consists in a nave with strong stone walls and a floor arranged on a long rectangular space with an ample nave covered by a huge wooden ceiling.

The apse is totally occupied by the altar which has  an unusual layout composed by processed tree trunks placed in a horizontal line covering the width of a space in which was also placed a crucifix fixed one of those timber elements. 

You will also notice a big carved stone block consisting in the altarpiece lying in front of those trunks and worth a mention a beautiful stained glass window which completes the architectural setting of that special Church which deserves a visit.

Around Champclause there are very suggested excursions simply wonderful discovering some corners of extreme beauty and fascination. 

A few kilometres from the municipality I suggest you to visit a magnificent nature park called Parc de la Lauzière, a fantastic huge parkland which has as emblematic symbol the wonderful Le Lac Bleu, the blue lake, a charming and scenic waters basin considered one of the most beautiful natural attraction of the entire Auvergne and Department of Haute Loire. 

Its colour despite the name is "Blue Lake", is pretty green, a special tonality generated by volcanic rocks and stones present in its bed and another magnificent highlight is all what you can admire around it consisting in a marvellous forest showing its wild and coloured appeal forming a perfect frame surrounding that spectacular marvel.

That fairytale tiny basin is furthermore highly attractive and inspiring thanks to a rocky wall on one of its shores with some trees on its summit and it is historically famous because some decades ago was a very relevant site for the extraction of slate. 

Another attraction of that magnificent Nature Park is the Villages en Miniature situated in a splendid verdant environment introducing you over 50 monuments of typical local villages with an outstanding reproduction of the originals using in those tiny replicas materials as stones, timber, rock fragments used to represent the most iconic landmarks and landscapes of the territory.

It is certainly a very interesting site enjoying something of alternative admiring in a  scale 1 : 10 the major local attractions, in addition the presence of models of trains is another highlight, a visit which could be a great idea to spend part of a day in an alternative way, very suggested for families with children enjoying a special natural setting of magnificent beauty.

That Park also has a Museum displaying in an extensive illustration with old pictures and archives the most relevant highlights of the territory also providing a video introducing the history of that Auvergne corner, undoubtedly a more than interesting site simply appropriate to learn much more about that land in a nutshell.   
All that the local area is very recommended for all people fond of photography, the scenery is absolutely wonderful with green hills and stunning panoramic views of towering peaks.

 That site is a Mecca for trekkers because from there considerable is the chance to start very interesting itineraries crossing a unique hallway  with protagonist spectacular scattered rocky spurs, kilometres of uncontaminated high plateaus of immense enchantment, a virgin woodland at the foot of rugged mountains and it is a place especially appreciated by many horse riding lovers, an activity you can practise there if you love it.

The mountains of the Massif Central and in particular the Mount Testavoyre and Mount Mézenc are among the most scenic of the entire area offering all around them a beautiful natural environment and a wide network of paths including reaching their summits which offer outstanding panoramic views.

The first peak has an altitude of 1436, 0 metres highlighted by the presence of pines and trees scattered around its high rocky crests or perched on imposing walls and at its foot, not far there are some picturesque small hamlets. Around that mount you can find several mixed and dirt trails, ideal places for mountain bikers who will find there an Eden for their beloved activity.

The second height is higher reaching an altitude of 1754, 0 metres and it is pretty notorious next to its striking beauty because on its slopes was established a ski resort called Les Estables frequented by many people fond of Alpine Ski, Snowboarding but also by several fans of  Cross Country, Adventure skiing and Snowshoe trekking.

For those who want to practise Nordic Skiing there is the great opportunity to enjoy 52, 0 kilometres of tracks at the foot of picturesque mountains of over 1500, 0 metres of altitude such as Chastelas, La Roche Pointue and La Grosse Roche while for Alpine ski excellent are the pistes in proximity of the Mont Alambre which with its 1691, 0 metres is a further attraction.

Alll those heights with others are part of a mountainous group of volcanic origin created by movements of the earth approximately 11 millions of years ago or perhaps more. They are characterised by large sections of basalt and a special kind of phonolite rock which are certainly other highlights often object of study by geologists very interested in that very special formation.

For those who love Golf at just 20 minutes from Champclause there is the chance to enjoy that trendy sport in the magnificent Golf Club du Chambon sur Lignon located in a striking environment surrounded by forests, a little pearl which also offers a stylish restaurant in its complex, so an excellent occasion to play that trendy sport in a superb Golf Course and after that enjoying a delicious meal.

In the boundaries of that small commune called Le-Chambon-sur-Lignon you can admire some interesting historic monuments as the beautiful Église Protestant, a splendid stone Church elevated in the early 17th century, destroyed in 1679 and rebuilt in the 19th century.  
That tiny centre despite its small size is pretty famous because it was an important Huguenot Protestant stronghold since the 17th century and in addition during the times of the 2nd World War  the locals hosted in their houses many Jews escaping during the Nazi regime helping them to reach the neutral Switzerland.

As further detail in 2011 the village hosted the French National Team of Rugby which was concentrated there to prepare the 2011 World Cup which took place in New Zealand. 

Around that place you can admire several attractions as the beautiful Monts du Vivarais, a wonderful mountainous group part of the Massif Central which is another highlight inserted in the stupendous Nature Regional Park of the Monts d´Ardèche, an outstanding marvel which will enchant you during a stay in Auvergne.

Another notable aspect which surprises and delights every visitor during a more than enjoyable holidays in that land is that next to the several opportunities to discover an endless list of natural and historic marvels you will also delighted by a delicious gastronomy.

The local culinary art is deeply rooted in very old traditions transmitted generation by generation highlighted by a use of very genuine products offering a vast range of very delectable specialities, very considerable is the superb quality of local cheeses.

The great tradition regarding the diary industry in that French area is secular, that land produces the renowned cheese AOP, one of the iconic gastronomic symbols, highly appreciated are others such as Cantal, Laguiole, Savaron and Gaparon, part of a vast choice and a long list ready to satisfy all the most demanding palates.

If you are interested a splendid chance is to visit producers knowing their history, having a chat, learning many interesting thing about their preparation and obviously tasting them.

Those excellent cheeses are very versatile, simply excellent in assorted starters, appetisers, melted on rice, meat, pasta, mixed in different kinds of sauces, the secret of those delights apart a great tradition derives by the genuine and unique quality of the milk considered by many people among the best of the France.

Often present in varied buffets or snacks is the delicious Jambon Auvergnoise, a cured ham with a delicious taste, not too strong, simply perfect if it is accompanied by a slice of one of those selected cheeses, white toasted bread and a glass of fine wine.

Beef meat also has a considerable reputation, very famous all around the country, worth a special mention the Boeuf de Mézenc, an outstanding beef meat highly appreciate for its superior quality while another delight which could be elevated as a sort of further regional emblem is the Sausicce de Saint Pourçan, a very tastefully sausage which is another 100% original product.

Les Lentils du Puy is another main gastronomic source of the land boasting a considerable prestige. Those lentils loyal to local secular gastronomic traditions are often present in many stews and soups, accompanying meats or sausages, combined in an endless list of flavoured casseroles and including served with salmon or mixed with salads.

Do not miss to try another dish absolute protagonist of the culinary history of that land called  La Potée Auvergnate. It is a very typical plate consisting in a stew prepared with sausages, cured bacon, beans, cabbages, potatoes adding to all that pork meat. 

It is certainly a very complete main course especially served in winter but present in different catering establishments and restaurants also in other seasons offering the chance to taste one of the most emblematic specialities and a further one pretty popular is the notorious Pounti, a terrine of pork meat, prunes and chards.

Also fish is present in the local cuisine of Auvergne, the local rivers are very rich especially of trout and pike cooked in different styles such as baked, grilled, boiled, seasoned with aromatic herbs and often served with boiled potatoes or mixed salads.

Notable is the wide selection of local fine, supreme red and white wines with an ample choice of excellent level. Next to a local superb Pinot Noir and Chardonnay very appreciated for their palatable taste, texture, body and pure immaculate colour are also the very suggested Gamay and Tressallier among others.

The result of that great success is due to a cultivation of robust grapes pretty resistant to cold temperatures with vineyards cultivated at a right altitude and a considerable factor consisting in a very fertile subsoil rich of properties, special compounds not very dry.

Springs are generally very mild followed by many sunny days during summer season, cool evenings are perfect to prepare a superb fruit and all that permits in autumn a very productive and outstanding harvest.All that is furthermore combined to a secular tradition which always tested the best implantation to create noble and prestigious products.

Regarding accommodations all the area around Champclause offers a very good selection  of traditional Auberges, sort of local B&B many of them established in restored old houses, rustic charming buildings very comfortable so pleasant to enjoy a great stay, many of those structures in addition are located in picturesque and scenic environments delighting the visitor at first sight.

Auvergne is a more than splendid region, a very suggested place all to discover and recommended for a multitude of tourism niches starting from historic and gastronomic routes combined to a vast range of outdoor activities and much more an ideal destination for many tourists who next to that love to find peace, tranquillity organising magnificent tailor made tours discovering hidden jewels in uncontaminated natural spaces.

That relaxing atmosphere you can breathe in every corner of that land is simply unique highlighting the desire to fill your days with a multitude of things to do without stress also because there is not traffic, noise and the communications are excellent.

That Region is pretty underrated but it is a superb mine of surprises who can bewitch many Destination Managers, Travel Specialists and Tour Operators who have Outgoing operations with main product France with many options to create something of extremely outstanding for the variety of packages to offer for individuals in exciting Fly & Drive or for small groups.

I added some links if you have an idea to discover that magnificent, scenic French land, in the case you are thinking in future holidays with the chance to discover something of extremely beautiful and if you need some information more, a pleasure to support you. 

An excellent option to reach that place is landing on Saint- Étienne Boutheon International Airport situated at approximately 80,0 kilometres of distance and in approximately one hour by National Route N 88 you will be at destination without problems.

Champclause is certainly a great vacation idea for many tourists who are searching a stupendous holiday with a combination of art, history, amazing landscapes, outdoor activities,  and much more to live day by day unforgettable times  spending an enjoyable magnificent stay waking up very happy and at evening ending a magnificent day you will be extremely enthusiast to think what to do the day after.

That superb and attractive place in the scenic Auvergne offers those feelings, a charming destination in the emblematic and historic Vercingetorix land, a wonderful corner of France that you will never forget. 

Francesco Mari 

Recommended Accommodations in Champclause and surroundings

Auberge de La Tortue
Auberge du Meygal - (At Champelause very close to Champclause)

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