Hotel Los Seises | Enjoyable Sevillian Short Breaks in a Fascinating Environment.

Hotel Los Seises is definitely a perfect choice to spend enjoyable Sevillian short breaks in a fascinating environment if you are planning a trip having an unforgettable experience visiting a stupendous city as Seville, a Spanish gem boasting a great historic past with a monumental patrimony among the most captivating of the entire Iberian Peninsula.  

That centre of Andalusia more than attractive, eternally lively, highlighted by a magnificent sunny  atmosphere is well known worldwide for its incomparable Moorish and Mudejar architectural jewels and a multitude of artistic attractions scattered in its very large historic centre enclosed between the shore of the Guadalquivir river and the long, busy boulevard Avenida de Kansas City  which immediately delight every tourist at first sight.

That magnificent centres crossed by that waterway which flows next to many of its most distinctive monuments gives a further appeal to the local scenery creating with its sinuous course an additional fascinating detail which consists in that magic contrast between water and art extremely captivating, a special feature highly visible during a river cruise.

You will notice that with simply walking along the scenic banks in proximity of the Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza, the iconic bullring, with the chance to admire in a nutshell a superb network of masterpieces erected in different historic periods absolutely incomparable and also that is one of the secrets of the fascination of that city approximately 2,200 years old.

Birthplace of famous and prominent artists such as Diego Velázquez, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer and Antonio Machado to mention some illustrious sons of that marvellous diamond of Andalusia, certainly also that relevant aspect created by the myth of those iconic figures a very distinctive poetic and artistic aura surrounding a multitude of urban corners of the splendid Capital of that Iberian autonomous community with its over 700,000 inhabitants.

Definitely a shining treasure of Southern Spain with a unique charm eternally able to capture the imagination and admiration of the most inspired visitors who iimmediately fall in love for what it is and was that thriving marvel which shows with coquetry and pride all what different relevant civilisations left in its wonderful boundaries.

For all those reasons and much more it is highly captivating spending an enjoyable stay in a special accommodation as a fascinating Sevillian Boutique Hotel which will make your experience even more pleasant in a destination simply magic and certainly Hotel Los Seises by Fontecruz is a very appropriate accommodation to be delighted by a marvellous stay.

Seville thanks to that endless list of fabulous qualities and fantastic features in terms of  history, culture and architecture offers several charming Hotels which with their captivating  image and spirit are superb delights, many of them totally reflecting the image of the city in all its spirit and essence.

Those appealing structures immediately show very accentuated features closely linked to the aspect and profile of a centre which was born to enchant everybody in a while, they boasts divine, splendid architectural frames, charming settings extremely fascinating as to introduce the guest the marked coquetry and everlasting beauty of the city also inside their magnificent environments.

The tourism and hospitality industry in Andalusia since a long time ago is very sensitive to all that providing a vast range of enchanting establishments classified as Hotels con Encanto, a terminology which translated means Hotels with enchantment linked to a rooted philosophy of the local Hospitality Industry born and focused to satisfy the visitors transmitting them the bewitching, unmistakable visual essence reflecting the most refined Sevillian and Andalusian appeal. 

You will admire in many of those accommodations stunning decorated patios, typical Moorish layouts with magnificent Sebka and Zellij terra cotta tile works covered with enamel, handmade painted tiles loyal to the finest Mudejar artistic movement, ceramic panels and  Arabesque inlays among others.

All those architectural and decorative elements were inherited by the Arab-Berbers during the times of the emblematic Caliphate of Al-Andalus, including geometric patterns and polychrome painted stuccoes executed to create a glitzy aesthetic image but also with the aim to transmit peace of mind, something very rooted since the times of the notorious Umayyad dinasty in the 7th century.

Several  of those very attractive accommodations in addition are situated in historic buildings of considerable charm elevated in relevant urban key points which also for that are structures boasting the true and real identity of the most characterful Seville and the Hotel Los Seises definitely boasts all those stunning features.

I recommend you that structure very much because many people I send there in operations of incoming tourism when I lived and worked for many years in that city they felt fantastically enchanted for many aspects.

We can start from its location in a narrow romantic street called  Calle Segovia at the civic number 6 in the Tercer Patio of the Palacio Arzobispal consisting in a courtyard of the beautiful and iconic Archbishop Palace.
That building is immediately a fabulous highlight and incentive considering its immense artistic, historic value in one of the most captivating corners of the old centre close to the core of one of the most inspiring and astonishing quarters of Spain, the picturesque and charming Barrio de Santa Cruz.

That wonderful district is considered one of the most fascinating and scenic  existing in Europe consisting in the former Antigua Juderia, the old Jewish quarter which was in medieval times for relevance the second in the entire Iberian Peninsula just behind that of Toledo.

That marvellous borough inspired poets, writers, thinkers, painters, including emblematic Moorish philosophers  as Averroes, Maimonides but also the Film Industry, a suggestive site  well known to be an enchanting labyrinth of scenic alleys, winding narrow streets, flowered, decorated patios, fine houses, refined palaces surrounded by stone walls erected in the Middle Ages before and after the famous Reconquista, the reconquest of the Catholic Kings.

Undoubtedly an enchanting environment ending next to the imposing Alcázar with its  sumptuous gardens consisting in the oldest Royal Palace still in use in Europe declared in 1987 a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, originally established by the Moors, during the times of the Almohad Caliphes when it was called Al-Muwarak denomination which translated means The Blessed, linked to the history of that dynasty which affirmed and praised the Unity of God considering themselves as the selected favourite sons of Allah.

That marvel is situated in front of the majestic and shining complex formed by the imposing Cathedral, the third Christian temple in the world for surface area just after St. Peter Basilica, Rome and St. Paul Cathedral, London containing in a catafalque the remains of Christopher Columbus  and the iconic Giralda, a high tower which was originally a majestic minaret 104,0 metres high erected in 1184 for desire of the Almohad Caliph  Abu Yaqub Yusuf.

 Next to those wonder simply crossing the Romantic, monumental square Plaza del Triunfo lies the emblematic Archivo de Indias containing the historic archives of great navigators among them those of the previously mentioned Genoese explorer.

All those amazing places, wonderful landmarks of the ancient Roman Hispalis, as it was called Seville since the times of the Imperial Rome led by Julius Caesar after the conquest of Scipio Africanus defeating the Carthaginians are established in the secular beating heart of one of the most shining diamonds of Spain are extremely close to the Hotel Los Seises.

For charm, location, comfort and services that accommodation is certainly more than appropriate to give a tourist an immediate sublime sensation with great vibrations for the presence of that divine environment as a direct message of great welcome enjoying in that specific area the most distinctive and traditional Sevillian atmosphere during a short break which will be very difficult to forget.

The Hotel Los Seises by Fontecruz is arranged on three stories providing 42 very comfortable rooms fully equipped, furnished with bathroom, air conditioning, high speed Internet connection, satellite TV, harmoniously decorated with taste in all the smallest details providing furthermore an exquisite choice of furniture to complete a very attractive layout. 

A very scenic, peaceful, refined garden with protagonists beautiful azulejos Mudejar as decoration consisting in those typical tiles so famous related to that kind of post-Moorish artistic design which made Andalusia and especially Seville one of the cradles linked to that outstanding movement give an additional captivating appeal to the common areas.

In addition the presence of charming strong, imposing columns with refined capitals surrounding that attractive space, placed in correspondence of a charming bar  forming an idyllic setting loyal to the most traditional Andalusian patios but at the same time also reminiscent with a touch of Neoclassical art to a courtyard of a Roman Domus, those noble Patrician Houses well known in the glorious times of Rome is certainly a further great attraction which could capture the attention of the most inspired talented thinkers.

The great choice of all those fine and stylish elements, elegant arrangements inserted all around the exterior layout are perfectly studied to transmit the customer an immediate enchantment because in a while the guest will have the awareness to have selected that accommodation as perfect to spend unforgettable days in a very fascinating hospitality heaven

A further great highlight which worth a special mention is the beautiful presence of a rooftop terrace with seasonal pool boasting an extraordinary view facing the emblematic Giralda tower which with its majestic and superb silhouette delights everyone. 

Hotel Los Seises is an ideal romantic haven for couples including for those who want to spend there special days during a honeymoon trip enjoying a charming environment but it is also highly suggested for travellers who desire to live 100% the essence of a destination as Seville continuing to breathe the unmistakable Andalusian air of the past in the present in that more than appropriate accommodation.

After visits and excursions returning at evening or spending relaxing times during a day inside that structure, the aesthetic features of the Hotel Los Seises are simply fantastic to keep constantly alive in your feelings the stunning and distinctive local spirit because all there is deeply and integrally designed to represent what the city transmits.

Spending overnights in that kind of structure will immediately transmit you delightful sensations starting to live more than enjoyable days surrounded by a sort of magic aura and once returned home that experience will remain inside your mind with pleasure with magnificent memories which will be for long time alive as an enchanting reality lived as a dream which are aspects in their kinds representing something of highly emotional to remember forever.

For all those who have the intention to organise something of relevant such as Companies, Enterprises, Tour Operators, MICE Specialists, Associations but also individuals who are thinking to plan a celebration, the Hotel is a perfect place to host banqueting, gala dinners, special events, weddings and it is a great site to plan Meetings, Conferences and Conventions because it provides two well equipped meeting rooms. 

Thanks to its enchanting, captivating and scenic spaces the final results will be more than successful because the choice of an idyllic and charismatic environment is since the beginning one of the keys of a winning operation.

Other services available are 24-hour front desk & Concierge, Luggage & Storage Laundry Service, Dry Cleaning and Currently Exchange and in the Reception area you will find all the tourist information about Seville and province to plan different kinds of visits, sightseeing tours and leisure activities in the metropolitan area and its immediate surroundings.

A further detail highly appreciated is that the staff is more than kind and lovely, helping you in every request or enquiry and always ready to satisfy your needs also cases of special suggestions as recommended restaurants, Flamenco shows or a cultural event.

All that is a further joy for the customers because they will feel as at home, the high sense of hospitality and good manners are always appreciated because they are an eternal great accent delighting everybody.

In addition Hotel Los Seises is not a giant structure which in that kind of topic in many cases is something attractive conquering the taste of some visitors who take in high consideration that aspect if they prefer to select a cosy accommodation not too big.

Apart the monumental complex and the adjacent Santa Cruz quarter, the magnificent urban location of that hospitality structure also permits to reach in just 10 minutes walking one of the liveliest places of the city such as Plaza de la Alfalfa, a very animated square adjacent to Calle Galdós, a bustling street in the core of one of the oldest areas of Seville with the presence of excellent taverns and "bares de tapas" constantly frequented by locals and tourists.

The nearest vibrant and always bustling Plaza del Salvador, an iconic square just two minutes walking from there highlighted by the wonderful Iglesia del Salvador, one of the most iconic Churches of the municipality consisting in a Baroque masterpiece of immense beauty completes as protagonist an urban corner well known for its incomparable vibrant nightlife with its many trendy bars and restaurants.

That specific zone is furthermore very suggested to taste and enjoy the exquisite local cuisine and why not trying the classical, famous and traditional Tapeo, a sort of typical tapas tour very common in Seville changing different catering establishments delighted by the most delectable gastronomic specialities, a brilliant experience to try once in a lifetime in an environment absolutely more than captivating.

Just 15 minutes walking from the Hotel you can easily reach other magnificent monuments such as the emblematic Torre del Oro, the Golden Tower, one of the most distinctive symbols and architectural treasures left by the Moors erected in the early 13th century by the Almohad Governor Abù I-Ulà.

Just in front of that marvel you will see La Maestranza, the famous Plaza de Toros, that famed bullring considered a sacred temple of the most legendary taurine tradition located just two minutes from the shore of the river Guadalquivir.

Facing those two relevant attractions on the other side of that waterway is situated Calle Betis, a very lively long street packed by fine restaurants, bustling bars, a great place very recommended to enjoy unforgettable evenings and nights.

From there you will be at just some metres from the hearth of the Barrio de Triana, that historic district notorious to be the cradle of one of most captivating arts born in Seville, the Flamenco

That quarter also boasts a considerable historic past linked to the ancient Roman Empire and it is in addition famed for its emblematic Puente, a bridge which represents in its kind another emblem of that lively district offering beautiful panoramic views.  

On the opposite side of the mentioned Calle Betis crossing the nearest square Plaza de Cuba you can enter in one of the most elegant neighbourhoods of the city, Los Remedios, an ideal district to find excellent boutiques and stylish, fine cafes where you can taste a typical and sweet chocolate con churros between the visit of a shop and another.

The Hotel offers thanks to its strategic and perfect location all the chances to reach in a very short time all the most important leisure centres in the core of the capital of Andalusia and also for all that is more than appropriate and suggested.

I added some links which could be interesting to discover more and more Seville during a stay searching what you prefer depending from your tastes and it will be a pleasure to support you if you need more information about the city so do not hesitate to contact me.(In the case you are interested I wrote a post regarding it)
That kind of accommodation is certainly a stupendous choice absolutely guaranteed for fabulous and  pleasant overnights and  for all the tourists who love to find something totally and closely related to the most rooted marks and essence of that fascinating destination called Seville.
Hotel Los Seises will be certainly a very glad memory of unforgettable and enjoyable Sevillian short breaks staying in a more than appealing and suggestive corner of that magnificent Spanish centre which since centuries ago was  born to bewitch everybody with all its indisputable and unmatched charm.

Francesco Mari

Useful links 

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