Clerkenwell Design Week (CDW) | London | Contemporary Interior Design Fair 21 – 23 May 2024


CDW, Clerkenell Design Week is the important fair dedicated to Contemporary Interior Design as every year attracting a large audience interested in new lines and trends in furniture.

This fair is considered the most important of its kind in Great Britain, which is why it has elevated London as a global capital of design.

 The highlights and main themes of Clerkenell Design Week are focused on innovative lighting, furnishing of sustainable objects, new and latest trends concerning commercial interiors, contract furniture and of course contemporary and very trendy furniture.

There will be numerous exhibitors from various sectors such as textile designers, furniture manufacturers, interior decorators, specialists in the field of lighting who use the platform to present the latest proposals in design solutions and innovations.

Visitors will be able to visit various stands which offer a varied range of products such as textiles, accessories of various kinds, lighting, furniture and much more from all over the world.

Clerkenwell Design Week provides interactive installations, seminars with specialists, meetings with experts, workshops, product presentations, technology illustrations and much more.

Surely an event which will offer the opportunity to numerous professionals in the sector to learn about the latest news, staying up-dated, interact with the creators of the projects of an industry in continuous expansion and progress.

Undoubtedly CDW offers professionals and a wider audience the chance to learn about the latest trends and innovative products and of course to interact directly with the creators of several projects, a unique opportunity you can not miss.


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