Maresme Go ! | Project to Promote Tourism Participation and Co-Management


The Consortium for the Promotion of Tourism on the Maresme Coast in the territory of the region of the same name, which extends from the municipality of Montgar to the river La Tordera, in the province of Barcelona, in the autonomous communities of Catalonia in Spain, has launched the project “Maresme Go !”

This pioneering initiative aims to promote participation, co-management and co-governance of the sector and includes the creation of multi-disciplinary working groups to solve problems and implement concrete actions in different areas.

Maresme Go ! is linked in giving continuity to the Strategic Plan for tourism development launched and presented in 2021.

In the first phase of the project, three themes have been proposed, for which three small teams will be created, composed of 5-9 people, who will work independently and in parallel.

The process will start with a team entering into action with the responsability for creating tourist experiences and products that promote the deseasonalization of the offer, thinking of specific proposals for the current season.

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