Turkish Airline | Tomorrow On Board Program for Sustainable Development


Turkish Airline from Istanbul Airport launches "Tomorrow On – Board", a new sustainable development program that aims to reduce the impact and environmental risks caused by aviation focused on zero carbon emissions by 2050 and on "Zero Waste" as a top priority.

In front of Entrance 4 of the Airport for the launch of TOB an exhibition entitled 41.2607° North and 28.7424° was inaugurated, inviting us to reflect on the responsibility of all for the issues related to the environment.

Turkish Airlines, with its fleet of 94 cargo and passenger aircraft, flies to more than 342 destinations around the world, and the airline's Chief Investment & Strategy Officer said that this program focused on environmental sustainability must leave an indelible mark for a better world for future generations.

Turkish Airlines' CEOs informed the company is already taking measures to combat noise and material pollution, minimizing waste, promoting recycling, and is aware of the aviation industry's climate change by conducting meticulous studies on sustainable biofuels to drastically limit air pollution.

The continuous modernization processes push Turkish Airlines to analyze in depth all possible data and research to increase fuel efficiency with the future generation of biological aircraft and focus with great commitment on achieving the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

The adoption of biofuels, the creation of infrastructure and the development of new technologies will be a key first step in this direction.

Tomorrow On-Board wants to keep planet and development  together because sustainability is an integral part of human rights.

Link https://viaggi.corriere.it/news/turkish-airlines-presenta-il-programma-tomorrow-on-board/

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