Tourism Businesses in Sicily on the Rise


Despite the problems related to drought with a tail of controversy, tourism is growing in Sicily both in terms of presences and in terms of the number of workers, according to the data reported by Unioncamere Sicilia. 

The sector with the greatest concentration of companies and with the greatest growth compared to the first quarter of the current year is tourism and services with 105,578 activities employing 403,096 employees and a growth rate of 1.09%.

Messina is the province with more new activities, the number recorded is 176 activities. while at the bottom is Enna with 2.

Tourism and services continues to be the sector that is a candidate for the driving force of the Sicilian economy.

The President of Unioncamere Sicilia declared that these figures show a strong ability of entrepreneurs to respond to a constantly growing demand both in terms of hospitality and in the catering sector and in relation to the needs of investments in training, education and research.


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