Liguria Region | Sold Out in Mid - August with Hotels 98-99% Occupancy

According to data released by the Regional Councillor for Tourism of Liguria Augusto Sartori, occupancy in terms of hotel rooms in this week has reached 97% in Genoa and 98% in Sestri Levante and in Santa Margherita Ligure.

These data say that it will be an intense time about Ligurian accommodation with a tendency towards sold out.

According to other specific data reported by the Regional Authorities, in addition to the percentages mentioned above, the rooms are 99% occupied in Diano Marino, 98% in Alassio, 97% in Varazze, 99% in Monteresso and 99% in La Spezia.

The Regional Councillor for Tourism then commented that there has been a surge in bookings in these hours, that a strong point has certainly been the arrival of international tourists who have booked their stay for some time but also many Italians from neighboring regions are choosing Liguria as a holiday destination to escape from the unbearable heat of the plain.

The summer had started slowly with the June data that had revealed a drop compared to the same period last year mainly due to bad weather but drawing up an initial balance there are positive prospects.

From the first data arrived for the month of July, everything went very well and even August is not betraying expectations with the considerable tourist flows arriving.

Expectations for September are also positive, an ideal period for those who want to enjoy the summer period in tranquility with lower temperatures and less muggy weather situations.


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