Paraguay | Partnership between Senatur and EBY to Promote Sustainable Tourism in the Country


The Ministry of Tourism of Paraguay through the Minister Angie Duarte with Senatur the government branch that establishes the Paraguayan national tourism policy, guidelines and promotion and the Binational Entity Yacyretá EBY that operates the hydroelectric dam on the Argentina – Paraguay border have signed an institutional cooperation agreement with a project that aims to develop initiatives in promoting tourism in the area of influence of the binational entity composed of the departments of Itapú, Misiones, Ñeembucú and Caazapá.

These initiatives with projects represent a significant step towards strengthening the area surrounding the dam in the search to enhance tourist resources through an integrated approach that includes the improvement of infrastructures and the development of new offers.

The leader of Senatur highlighted the benefits of EBY's area of influence, the richness and biodiversity of the Paraguay and Paraná rivers and the economic importance with an impact in terms of social inclusion for communities.

The Minister commented that this agreement reflects the commitment to sustainable development and the well-being of local communities, with the conviction that this collaboration will maximize the benefits of the hydroelectric complex for tourism and economic development in the region.

The Director of EBY expressed his satisfaction with this partnership that will allow the coordination of actions with results at the tourist and economic level mainly in the beautiful destinations existing in the geographical area concerned of the institution emphasizing that tourism, the industry without chimneys will generate many economic resources and it is important that people know the natural and historical places of the country.

The agreement also provides for the promotion of local culture, the revitalization of recreational areas and the organization of events and activities that highlight the natural and cultural richness of the area.


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