Peru | 41% Growth in Incoming Tourism in the First Seven Months of 2024

Inbound tourism in Peru grew by 41% between January and July 2024 compared to same period of the previous year, according to Minister of Commerce and Tourism Elizabeth Galdo.

According to the latest monthly report on tourism,1.874.800 international tourists visited the Andean country in the first seven months of the year and the most important markets were in order Chile, the United States of America, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia, the same countries that represented 67% of visitors from abroad, as commented by the senior exponent of Mincetur.

On the basis of these data obtained through the control offices of the National Migration Superintendence, the recent Monthly Tourism Report shows that in the same period 431.657 visitors from Chile arrived in Peru representing 23% of the total international tourists, 360.006 from the United States of America representing 19.2%, 154,296 from Ecuador who identify with 8.2%, 108.091 tourists from Bolivia which are 5.8%, 107.793 from Brazil representing 5.7% and 93.831 tourists from Colombia which are the 3.8%.

Regional bloc level statistics recorded the arrival of 977.467 international tourists from South America representing 52.1% of local visits, 459.720 visitors from North America representing 24.5%, 301.499 from Europe accounting for 16.1% and 70.541 from Asia representing 3.8%.

As for the month of July 2024, the flow of visits by inbound tourism saw an increase of 17.2% compared to the same period of the previous year when the entry of tourists from abroad had reached 308.427 units.

Based on information shared by the Ministry of Culture and the National Service and Protected Natural Areas of the State, the Sernanp report shows a growth in the number of visits to some tourist attractions in Cusco between the months of January and June of 2024.

The Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu recorded an increase of 102.8% in relation to the flow of visits compared to the levels reached in the first six months of 2023 with an entry of 648.268 people between Peruvian citizens and those coming from abroad.

Also very relevant are the statistical data concerning the Explanada de Saqsayhuamán in Cuzco with the entry of 401.726 national and international visitors in the first half of 2024, a number that exceeded the corresponding values of 2023 by 97.1% in the same period.

A further figure comes from the Archaeological Park of Ollantaytambo where the growth of visitors saw an increase of 111.8% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Very significant data concern the Ballestas Islands in Ica which saw an increase of 42.9% in the first six months of the current year with compared to 2023 data in the same period with an entry of 273.962 national and international tourists.

As the latest figure reported in the Colca Valley in Arequipa were recorded 124.861 visitors, which means an increase of 90.6% compared to the data collected in the same period of 2023.

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