Athens – Greece | Stop Issuing Licences to open New Short-Term Rentals from 1st January 2025

Athens, heart of ancient Greece, site which was the cradle of a powerful civilization and empire, a city dominated by 5th – century landmarks including the iconic Acropolis and ancient buildings as the colonnaded Parthenon temple through the Greek Government and following in the footsteps of the Mayor of the Spanish city Barcelona has announced that starting from 1st January 2025 no new licenses will be issued to open new tourist locations in the Greek capital.

This firm decision wants to some extent to remedy the housing and real estate emergency that is intensely affecting the Hellenic metropolis, which has become the target of the common phenomenon that afflicts several destinations particularly beaten by mass tourism.

Greece's Minister of Tourism Olga Kefalogianni declared that the time has come to find a new balance between the need of the tourism industry to generate profits and the needs of local communities.

In parallel with the stop of new licenses for the opening of new tourist rentals the famous daily travel & tourism portal for the International for the travel trade market since 1999, the Greek Government will increase the tourist tax for those who decide and choose to stay overnight in non-hotel facilities.

As reported, the tourist tax will go from € 1.5 to € 8.0 during the high tourist season from April to October and from € 0.50 to € 2.0 in the winter period.

As an additional relevant note, it is emphasized that these revenues will be reinvested in actions concerning the actions against the effects of climate change.

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