Peru | By the End of 2024, Tourism Will Generate 1.3 Million Jobs


Peru, country in western South America, destination of great importance for its rich historical and cultural heritage cradle of the Inca Civilization, relevant archeological sites, home of a section of Amazon Rainforest, in the shadow of the imposing Andes mountains and bathed by a long coast of the Pacific Ocean with pristine, attractive sandy beach through a declaration of the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism – Mincetur Desilú León Chempén will generate through the tourist activity 1.3 million jobs by the end of 2024.

During the central ceremony of the last World Tourism Day held at the Water Circuit in the Cercado of Lima, the Minister indicated that tourism is contributing 2.9% to the GDP, the Gross Domestic Product, up tp 2.5% recorded in 2023 and that in the current year Peru expects to receive 3.5 million international tourists which means an increment of 37.9% compared to the previous year generating more than $4.500 million.

Other estimated data are that by the end of 2024 it is expected to reach 43.5 million trips for domestic tourism, 16.9% more than in 2023 and thus generate an economic movement of $ 6.367 million.

Other excellent news concern the number of regions that have exceeded the pre-pandemic figures which is increasing, among which Amazonas Cajamarca, La Libertad, Huancavelica, Huánaco and Puno stand out.

Mincetur also reported that projects are being promoted in the historic center of the Peruvian capital Lima and in the Colca Valley in southern Peru, a famous area highlighted by the iconic river canyon famed as one of the world's deepest and renowned trekking destination and to be the habitat of giant Andean Condor.

Other project initiatives will be developed in the National Reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca, a famous protected area situated in the regions of Arequipa and Moquegua, an area which has the purpose to protect the local flora, fauna and landscape formations, all territories located in the department and region of Arequipa.

These projects will improve infrastructure and access to these beautiful locations and will also promote heritage conservation and sustainability; Protected natural areas that attract visitors from all over the world with their beauty.

In 2025 through the Copesco National Plan, responsible for coordinating, directing, formulating, executing and supervising tourism reversal projects and the national level providing specialized technical support for the development of tourism projects to Regional, Local Governments and others, 10 tourism investment works will be completed in the localities of Amazonas Ayacucho, Huánuco, Ica, Junin and La Libertad for an estimated value of 85.7 million Soles which seeks to improve the experience of more than 3.2 million of national and international visitors.

The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism then underlined that strategies are being promoted concerning the Community Tourism in order to generate greagter well – being for communities, which they support in strengthening the management of their organizations and also with the aim to positioning their products.


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