Serrania del Chiribiquete National Natural Park - Colombia | Protected Area with Constant Investments


The Serrania del Chiribiquete National Natural Park located in the Colombian Amazon region, specifically in the departments of Caquetá and Guaviare is the largest national park, and the largest tropical rainforest in Colombia established in 1989 has nowadays become the first protected area in the South American country to have a program of constant investments through international cooperation.

With the implementation of the project "Chiribiquete un Paisaje para Siempre" Chiribiquete a landscape for ever, as reported by the Ministry of Sustainable Development of Colombia, $1 million will be invested every year in the aforementioned site, which represents a quarter of the annual budget necessary for its management.

The funding of the program was obtained through LLF , the Legacy Landscape Fund, a German initiative which aims to raise significant and sustained funding, from both public sources and private donations, to improve the management of the protected areas and landscapes together with their abundant biodiversity which is of such local and global significance focused on the long -term conservation of habitats, species and ecological processes.

This International Foundation established in 2021 headquartered in Frankfurt am Main has included the Park in its portfolio after a formulation process led by PNNC, Colombia's National Natural Parks and together with the non-governmental organization Frankfurt Zoological Society will be in charge of administering the resources.

With the funds managed by PNNC, through international cooperation, it will be possible to develop ecological restoration processes, prevention, control and surveillance activities as well as threat identification.

The Serrania del Chiribiquete National Natural Park is home to 20 different ecosystems, more than 70,000 cave paintings and is a refuge for indigenous groups living in voluntary isolation in the area.

This park is an exceptional natural and cultural landscape, its ecosystems contribute to water and climate regulation, contributing to the connectivity and ecological integrity of the region and it stands out not only for its impressive extension of almost 3 million hectares but also for its rich biodiversity.

Its Management plan contains the regulation of permitted activities, which contribute to maintaining its ecological integrity through monitoring, knowledge generation and the control of environmental authority.


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