Honduras | New Record for Cruise Passengers Driven by Roatan Island

Honduras, Central American country with Caribbean Sea coastlines to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south, nation highlighted by its pristine beaches, rainforest with a relevant Mayan heritage, varied landscapes and a rich biodiversity with about 8.000 species of plants, around 250 species of reptiles and amphibians, more than 700 species of birds and 110 species of mammals distributed in different regions will end the year 2024 with a flourish and it is estimated that it will be registering 1.700.000 cruise passengers. 

Many of these cruise passengers have chosen as their destination a protagonist driving this new record, named Roatan, idyllic island in the Caribbean Sea, the largest of the Bay Islands of Honduras situated between the islands of Guanaja and Utila, approximately 65 kilometres off the northern Hondurian coast. 

Roatan is home of the world’s second largest barrier reef, a stunning playground for many scuba divers and a multitide of beach and water sports lovers and of course an ideal destination to enjoy as stage of a cruise or for vacations in the Caribbean.

The shipping agency Anacaribe, renowned and trusted company operating in the Bay Islands for port agent services, customer broker, and all the maritimal procedures announced that by the end of 2024 a total of 447 ships will have docked in the ports of Mahogany Bay and Town Center, both located on the island of Roatan.

A further relevant detail is that for the first months of 2025 between january and April more than 200 cruise ships have scheduled their arrival on this idyllic island demonstrating that the arrival of cruise ships in this paradise of Central America is growing unprecedentedly due to the charm of this location that attracts more and more travellers.

Over the years Bay Islands, a paradisiacal archipelago elevated itself as one of the best destinations worldwide and it is not a case it was highlighted by famed, international magazines such as Condé Nast Traveler, Forbes, New York Times and Travel Leisure among others, for its unique scenery, natural beauty, rich culture, pristine beaches and endless activities ranging from adventure tourism,  water sports, relaxation and much more.

Recently Business Research and Economic Advisors announced that Honduras is positioned among the 10th countries with the highest income in the cruise industry, leaving an economic spill of $180 million during the cruise season 2023 – 2024 with in addition generating 3.386 jobs.

The Deputy Minister of Tourism of Honduras Luis Chévez commented that the cruise tourism industry represents 30% of the generation of foreign exchange from tourism in the country and highlighting that in the coming years it is expected to develop this dynamic and vibrant sector on the mainland.

Link - https://www.expreso.info/noticias/internacional/103684_un_nuevo_record_de_cruceristas_en_honduras

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