Puglia – Italy | Tourism System Reorganization with a Programme and New Projects

Puglia, southern and eastearnmost region of Italy bordering the Adriatic Sea to the east, the Strait of Otranto and Ionian Sea to southeast and the Gulf of Taranto to the south with a coastline of approximately 865 km highlighted by alternating rocky stretches, cliffs and sandy shores well known for its relevant historical and cultural heritage, dramatic landscapes with protagonists whitewashed Hill Towns, Extensive Olive Groves and Centuries - Old Farmland is reorganizing its tourism system with the primary objective of developing efficient management models through the concept of DMO, Destination, Marketing Organization with the programme "Puglia Destination Go – Organizziamo il turismo" and new projects.

Bound to all that, from 11th November to 4th December 2024, the region's tourism entities are promoting 10 territorial meetings with public bodies, institutions and private operators facing as main themes analyses, case studies and operational models.

The Councillor for Tourism of the Puglia Region Gianfranco Lopane said that with the project "Puglia Destination Go – Let's organize tourism" the aim is to inaugurate a new phase for Apulian tourism, combining marketing and communication with a fundamental pillar as governance and tourism organization.

All this will be done alongside local administrators and operators by collecting ideas and experiences in a reflection that starts from the characteristics of tourist flows with the; The aim is to enhance the peculiarities of each destination.

They will be key moments to build an integrated network overcoming parochialism and sharing a system vision through a dialogue with local administrators and operators with institutions and private companies to define or reason, for example, on how to innovate and optimize the integrated tourist offer and on how to face the challenges of the present related to climate and sustainability,  but also on how to manage reception and tourist information or even at what level to activate promotional initiatives.

The tour in the territories of "Puglia Destination Go" will be held in the Municipal Houses and headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce as follows:

·       13th November - Otranto

·       14th November - Lecce

·       15th November - Gallipoli

·       19th November - Vieste

·       20th  November - Foggia

·       25th November - Bari

·       26th November – Brindisi

·       2nd December – Alberobello

·       3rd December – Taranto

·       4th December – Barletta

Link - https://www.ttgitalia.com/incoming/la-puglia-riorganizza-il-turismo-al-via-il-tour-nei-territori-KA21742392

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