Paraguay | Tourism Promotion of the Experiential Circuit of the Guarani World


Paraguay, landlocked country in South America crossed by the Paraguay and Paraná Rivers, highlighted by vast plains, wilderness comprising scrubland and savanna, home to large swaths of swampland, promotes the tourism of the experiential circuit of the Guarani world representing a very deep aspect linked to pure, local, native culture, a tourist attraction located in one of the last renmants of the Atlantic Forest of Alto Paraná.

As part of her work fay in the department of Alto Paraná, the Minister of Tourism of Paraguay Angie Duarte, visited the Experiential Circuit of the Guarani World in the Yguazú neighbourhood.

The Minister was accompanied by the Superintendent of Environmental Management of Itapiu Binacional Juan José Ozuna, with the aim of carrying out a survey of technical data that will serve for the development of future tourism projects in the area.

On the occasion there was the reaffirmation of the commitment of the National Secreatariat of Tourism to strengthen this destination as one of the main attractions of the Yguazú district.

During the tour, they talked about promoting the circuit jointly in order to strengthen this space for those who wish to learn more about the cultural richness, and at the same time enjoying the stunning biodiversity that the places offers.

This district near the river Yguazú is located along the Route PY02, a national highway that links the country's Capital District with Ciudad del Este, a Paraguayan centre on the border with Brazil, founded on 22nd august 1961 in compliance with a Migration Agreement between Paraguay and Japan and it was initially administrated by the JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency.

The so called "Circuito Vivencial del Mundo Guarani ", Experiential Circuit of the Guarani is geostrategically located within one of the last renmants of the Alto Paraná Forest within the Protected Wild Area of the Yguazú Natural Reserve, which borders the iconic Lake Yguazú.

Its main attraction is an 800 - metres interpretative trail with six thematic stations distributed within the forest and a floating pier that leads to an interpretation center.

 The Center is hosted in a building that has sustainability and inclusiveness criteria, with an exhibition area dedicated to talks, connferences, educational workshops, a specialized library, a temporary exhibition room, a souvenir shop and a restaurant whose tour in the middle of the remnant of the Atlantic Forest is accompanied by indigenous tour guides who work in the place.

Likewise the museographic installation that it has, invites visitors to an immersive experience that connects them with the tradition of the Guarani,that according to their original ethnic self - designation are a group of native South American people who are geographically located in part of Paraguay, northern Argentina, southern and southwestern Brazil, southeastern Bolivia and in some areas of Uruguay.

 An audiovisual room shows the biodiversity of the region, the ancestral culture, its rich history and the legacy of the native peoples.

The Guarani represents one of the deepest roots of the nationality identity and it is also the mother tongue of Paraguay representing the trusted communication of all the Paraguayan people, transmitted over the generations.

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