El Salvador | Expectation to Reach 4.2 Million International Visitors by 2025


El Salvador, country of Central America, bathed to the south and west by the Pacific Ocean, the smallest state, but the most densely populated in the Central American region, a very emergent destination with a significant growth in incoming tourism has an expectation to reach 4.2 million international visitors by 2025, as confirmed by the Minister of Tourism, Morena Valdez.

The Minister said that after approaching four million visitors with a month of high flight between excursionists and tourists, the Central American nation intends to overcome deficiencies, increase the hotel plant and the preparation of the staff to respond to the demands of an increasingly numerous tourism.

In order to support the tourism industry, the Ministry of Tourism planned to expand international events especially linked to sports, such as surfing competitions, of which five will be held on Salvadoran high - level beaches, as well as two golf tournaments, including one of the Mexican Professional League.

The Minister of Tourism said that in 2024, El Salvador received 3.9 million visitors and in 2025 the country would be receiving around 4.2 million, continuing this growth trend and also highlighting that 80%, equivalent to 3.2 million of people, stayed in the country for one night or more, a figure above the 2.4 million counted during the 2023 financial year.

Link - https://www.expreso.info/index.php/noticias/internacional/104454_este_ano_el_salvador_superara_los_4_millones_de_turistas

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