Uruguay | Tourism Generates 7 Points of GDP and $1.200 Millions in Annual Salaries


Uruguay, South American Country well known for its splendid Atlantic beaches and vast, verdant plains in its interior south of the Rio de la Plata River which marks the border with Argentina with its estuary formed by the confluence of the Uruguay River and the Paraná River at Punta Gorda, a landform in Colonia Department, is experiencing notable progresses in the tourism industry with new proposals,  advantages for international tourists, development and improving of infrastructures and the Uruguay's Minister of Tourism Eduardo Sanguinetti, highlighted the economic impact of the sector at year - end event of the Punta del Este development and Tourism League.

The Minister made public the data that shows the importance of tourism in the national economy of Uruguay, a pillar and relevant resource for the country representing 7 points of the GDP, the Gross Domestic Product of the country, underlining the magnitude of the activity.

In addition, the Minister of Tourism explained that the sector generates 125.000 direct jobs and up to 300,000 indirect jobs.

Regarding financial terms, the Minister stressed that the tourism contributes $1.200 millions in annual salaries, in addition to $790 million in taxes, a very important industry for Uruguay.

Link-  https://www.expreso.info/noticias/internacional/104198_el_turismo_en_uruguay_genera_7_puntos_del_pib_y_1200m_de_dolares_en

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