Greece | Tourism Revenues Notably Rise with a Balance Surplus

Greece, a country in southeastern Europe, very influential in ancient times, often called the cradle of Western civilization, an eternal beloved destination for many, highlighted by thousands of stunning islands throughout the Aegean and Ionian Seas, iconic bleached ruins under blue skies with an endless coastline showing all its magic charm and a rich culture that inspired and inspires a multitude of people is experiencing tourism revenues notably rise with a balance surplace and as relevant additional note air arrivals grew by 10.7%., while land border crossings increased by 8.9%.

2024 marked a milestone for Greek tourism, the country welcomed 35.9 million international visitors marking an increase of 9.8% from 32.73 million in the previous year boosting tourism revenues to €21.7 billion and according to the latest data provided by the Bank of Greece, the country’s travel balance showed a surplus of €18.900 million compared to €18.200 of the previous year.

Travel revenue grew by €1.1 billion, equivalent to a 5.4% mainly due to a 9.8% increase in tourism arrivals and an increased spending by visitors from the EU, which rose by 7%  to €11.9 billion while revenues for non - EU countries also grew slightly by 0.8% reaching €8.6 billion. 

Also travel payments increased by €352.2 million, a 14.5% to €2.8 billion and net tourism receipts offset 53.0% of the country’s trade deficit and accounted for 83.2% of total net services revenues while was recorded a decline of 5.1% in average spending per trip.  

Key markets drive tourism revenue, specifically from eurozone countries, the arrivals increased by 11% to 21.8 million which contributed €9.500 million with a 4.2% increase and furthermore there was also an increment of 12.1% among visitors from the euro area who increased their spending by 18.8%, reaching €2.490 million with in addition an increase of 8.9% among travellers from non - euro area EU Countries.

The key source of tourism revenue remained Germany, German travellers spent €3.7 billion marking an increase of 3.5% and the United Kingdom, despite spending fell 3.7% to   €3.2 billion. Revenue from French visitors fell significantly by 11.4% to €1.3 billion while Italian visitors increased contributing €1.2 billion with an increase in spending of 13.6%. 

Among travellers from non – euro area spending by U.S. tourists rose 15.1% to €1.6 billion, while revenue from Russian visitors fell 50.8% to just €15.9 million.

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