Argegno-Lake Como | Churchill´s Watercolour Inspiration a Magic Sight.

Argegno is a splendid small town on a striking shore of Lake Como one of the most famous and special destinations of Italy and also well known to be Churchill´s watercolour inspiration a magic sight, a very picturesque place in which that notorious British Statesman found as many other prominent figures a fairytale site to execute one of his works but also loved by several ordinary people who find there a marvellous oasis of peace with the chance to be delighted by stunning, scenic and unforgettable views on that fascinating water basin which transmits divine sensations at first sight in a while.

With its 700 inhabitants that enchanting municipality  is situated on the western coast of that sublime marvel on a fascinating and sinuous curve among the most panoramic of that striking lake which in that point is highlighted by a magnificent opening with the images of the scenic and sharp promontory of Lenno and the sublime silhouette of the peninsula of Bellagio at approximately 20, 0 kilometres from the city of Como with the superb chance to visit that centre boasting a rich history and with a medieval core absolutely wonderful.

That enchanting resort is also located at approximately 60, 0 kilometres from the Capital of Lombardy and 2nd Italian city, Milan and all its boundaries are encircled by captivating hills, spectacular high rocky plateaus located beneath the stupendous  Monte Pigra, a height at the mouth of a wonderful and wild mountainous valley called Val D´Intelvi and also that presence is part of an unforgettable frame of that more than fantastic Eden.

Another further and unique highlight is the picturesque view of some houses perched on steep cliffs overhanging the banks of the lake, definitely a great place which will donate you images which will be preserved in your happiest and unforgettable memories.

The inhabited centre flanked by the suggestive blue calm waters of that wonderful water basin which delight the view of every visitor and a lake shore promenade facing the old monumental core with the marvellous presence of the  Telo  river which descends beneath a scenic bridge dating back the Middle Ages and embracing at end of its course the lake.

Also that view is simply magnificent enchanting a multitude of people at first sight in a divine natural environment in which those stupendous landscapes could be protagonists as a spot to elevate the splendour of nature in all its essence and beauty.

That geographical area is particularly attractive also for that because those eternally fascinating waters embraces the Prealps forming with several imposing and beautiful peaks a scenery which since a long time inspired many landscape painters who continue to reach numerous such place to immortalise images simply extraordinary.

 Argegno is a perfect start point offering and endless list of unforgettable excursions and one of them highly suggested is that one leading to the gems of the lake as Menaggio which is not far and from there after a pleasant visit of that shining jewel by ferry you will have the magnificent chance to reach the divine Bellagio the pearl of Lake Como. (In the case you are interested I wrote posts about those two places) 

Its excellent strategic location also permits to reach in a very short time driving along the coastal road, the distinctive and panoramic Via Regina the beautiful town of Tremezzo with the fascinating Villa Carlotta, a special place which shows a fantastic garden surrounding that iconic and stunning historic mansion and immediately outside it crossing the road you will be delighted by the radiant views of the Lario in another unique corner to remember forever.

Another brilliant site very recommended is towards south and it is the captivating Cernobbio highlighted by a superb lakeside promenade, a more than attractive historic centre with a great architectural and historic patrimony and its wonderful mansions among them the stupendous Villa D´Este which is nowadays a fabulous luxury Hotel. (I wrote about that destination a post in the case you are interested)

Not far from is situated  Cadenabbia, another fabulous resort which boasts an emblematic Golf Club of noble traditions with the chance to practise that very trendy sport and in that municipality you will also enjoy a local coastal stretch absolutely magnificent ideal to take thousands of unforgettable pictures.

All those places are more than indicated to practise water sports such as sailing, diving, rowing and wind surfing with prestigious traditions born a long time ago.

Como is a mandatory for its stunning monuments, a very long and scenic lakeside promenade, a great historic centre developed in the Middle Ages boasting superb marvels among them a Cathedral simply outstanding and in addition just some minutes walking from that wonderful monumental nucleus by funicular you can reach in just some minutes the stunning Brunate, a magnificent small centre nicknamed the balcony of the Alps for its striking views on the lake and those majestic mountains so fascinating.

If you want to discover much more marvels a great idea I recommend you and a short distance from Argegno  is visiting Porlezza a splendid resort on the shore of Lake Lugano in Italian territory.

During the journey before to admire the magic enchantment of that other striking basin you will be enchanted by a stunning panorama with breathtaking landscapes driving or also cycling if you love that activity on a spectacular road flanked by high hills and stupendous uncontaminated forests with a stupendous view of the Alps. (I wrote a post about that enchanting place in the case you are interested)

From there you can continue towards Switzerland ending at Sankt Moritz, that legendary Alpine Resort in the Canton of Grisons with great ski sloped enjoying the best regarding winter sports and shopping and the magic atmosphere of a site simply wonderful. (If you are interested I wrote a post regarding that Swiss resort)

The territory thanks to the presence of a myriad of routes and itineraries is perfect for all those who love cycling, mountain bike, trekking and photography in spectacular wild valleys scattered along the Italian-Swiss border but also further south with hilly trails in proximity of the nearest county of Varese.

Apart all that rich number of options, that lake resort is a calm and relaxing destination so appropriate for who love art, history, nature and greatly indicated for families and couples searching a romantic heaven to spend great times delighted by a special aura which that water basin transmits all around.

A delectable local cuisine, very lovely and hospitable people, comfortable accommodations with a peaceful atmosphere, extraordinary views which will delight every day of your stay and a mild climate all year are other stupendous features which make that site unique in its kind.

The current town also has an important historic past linked to relevant civilisations which populated that corner of Lombardy and that land according to archaeological excavations in its boundaries had a presence of human life since prehistoric times.

 The Celtic Insubri were the first settlers who founded a former village forming a unique ethnic group with another tribe, the Ligurians, other Celts coming from south and who settled in other different areas of the region. 

Those ancient inhabitants were mainly devoted to agricultural activities and fishing living pretty isolated in small communities with the main purpose to defend their domains by invaders.

In the following centuries all the area of Lake Como became an important Roman base and during that Imperial Colonisation the local territory was transformed in a relevant transit point between the Lario and the Swiss border due to the plan of the Gaul campaings and born the first stages of the imprint of the local Via Regina, the panoramic road which flanks the lake later officially established in the Middle Ages by the Lombards.

Excavations which took place in the nearest Brienno determined the discovery of some rests and plaques linked to Publius Caesius Archigene a prominent Roman Consul and also architect in charge to elevate temples in that corner of the Italic Peninsula and from one of his names, Archigene derives the current municipal denomination.

After the fall of Rome due to numerous Barbarian invasions and changes of rulers such as the Lombards and the Franks who governed that geographical area establishing marked and defined borders between a village and another, the seconds incorporated the current town in the Holy Roman Empire which was ruled by their successors with the notorious and influential Carolingian Dynasties.

The advent of the feudalistic system was one of the main highlights in the historic steps of the Middle Ages lived by the current centre was also often a battleground between the powerful local noble families Vittani and Rusconi both linked to the long war between Milan and Como to have the domain of the local territories.

After a long period which included several episodes of conquests and re conquests between the Milanese Duchy and that eternal rival created a pretty tense climate always protagonist of claims, disputes and revenges of those domains and the entire Lario and its communities also restarted after those rulers to be reoccupied by foreign governors in other different chronological stages starting with the Spanish Aragonese influence which endured a short time when the Spaniards were replaced by the French with the famous Napoleonic invasion.

That event generated a first fervent local patriotic movement facing that new occupant who established in that time a very rigid political system generally oriented to privilege just the noble social class closely linked to that influential leader of France and excluding the most humble population who lived years pretty dark.

Afterwards the municipality was integrated in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in that vast territory corresponding to the Regions of Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto Adige and Lombardy in a sub Reign governed by the Hapsburg House since the time of the Emperor Francis I.

As in the previous occupation that land was characterised by several popular riots with Argegno as a focal point of Lake Como despite there were some improvements in terms of communications and organisation of determined activities such as new agricultural plans and navigation from one shore  to the other increasing a local trade during the times of the Imperial Sovereign Ferdinand I.

The Austrian influence with Franz Josef I ended after long battles with the Savoy House troops led by the King of Sardinia and Piedmont Victor Emmanuel II culminated with the last which took place in San Fermo in proximity of Como, an event in which the former Sovereigns of the Italian Reign annexed that territory in their domains  joining the reunification of the Peninsula and incorporated in the Kingdom of Italy in the 19th century with its official proclamation in 1861.

The visit of the town is very attractive with a very a charming compact historic core highlighted by captivating arcades, a beautiful and marvellous Lungolago, a lakeside promenade with a tiny but charming harbour hosting boats and catamarans and one great attraction consists in a splendid and scenic medieval bridge on the river Telo built between the 12th and 13th century immediately visible from the local port and situated in the middle of the municipal heart. 

You can admire there a masterpiece consisting in an old fresco on a wall of a historic building depicting the Virgin with Jesus Child painted by the Maestri Comacini,  masters very active in that specific geographical area, excellent decorators and painters who left in that land  indelible marks consisting in several works of extreme value and relevance.

Those superb artists  next to the Maestri Campionesi and the Maestri Intelvesi and further others linked to the school of the distinguished figure of Bernardino Luini started to embellish several towns and villages along the lake before to reach fame and also a considerable international popularity.

After a notable success many of those talented artists were called in many Royal courts, Duchies and Counties all around Europe such as Austria, Hungary and including in Rome highlighting with notable masterpieces the artistic life of the Papal State in Vatican.

That centre despite its not huge size has relevant historic Religious monuments and one of them is that mentioned and well known Church the Chiesa di San Sisinnio which bewitched Sir Winston Churchill who depicted it in that famous watercolour.

You can visit that iconic sacred construction situated just outside the centre along a road leading to the splendid valley Val D´ Intelvi, a magnificent natural heaven which you can easily combine in brilliant excursions during a stay and particularly highlighted by its unforgettable landscapes so inspiring and highly recommended to admire something of extraordinary.

Erected in the 17th century by the architect Bernardino Barelli that beautiful building was completed in the 18th century and it was originally the local Parish Church.

The picturesque position and its magnificent architectural lines makes it as one of the best examples and gems of Religious architecture of that time erected along the entire Lake Como.

Developed on an irregular rectangular plan in a splendid Neo- Romanesque style, the front side presents three arcades with a stupendous portico formed by square columns placed on stoned pedestals and in correspondence of the central arch you can admire a beautiful framed wooden doorway.

Above it in thee higher section was inserted a further additional facade consisting in a gable front side adorned by a fresco depicting the Patron Saint Sisinnio and you will appreciate the notable eclectic execution of the design which links different architectural details in a very studied and creative layout.

Behind the central body was erected a high turret developed on the roof of the complex completed by a circular watch beneath the belfry.

The interior is highly interesting with a beautiful nave leading to a well defined and outlined apse and completed by Chapels on its sides. The beauty of that Church is also highlighted by a considerable presence of relevant works such as beautiful frescoes, fine stuccoes and great paintings by Lombard School and other artistic gems left by the Maestri Intelvesi.

It is not a case that such captivating building  surrounded by impressive landscapes was chosen by Sir Winston Churchill former Prime English Minister who immortalised that sacred construction in a famous watercolour.

That notorious and iconic British politician was a declared lover of the Italian lakes well known for his frequent stays on Lake Maggiore in the wonderful Stresa and when he landed on Lake Como in occasion of a pleasant stay in the 40s during a trip in the Northern Italian Peninsula he fell in love with that water basin and he decided to spend some very pleasant days in Argegno who bewitched him in a while for its immense scenic beauty.

Totally enchanted and extremely  by the fascinating aspect of that small centre and its unique and appealing scenery the English Statesman decided that such paradise was simply perfect to practise there one of his great passion ; Painting.
That famed character enjoyed his holidays in Villa Concetta, a splendid mansion dating back the early 20th century erected in that municipality and so in love with the marvellous images he could admire from the garden of that stupendous accommodation he painted the Chiesa di San Sisinnio located on that fabulous hilly terrace in a watercolour which became a sort of icon for that centre which entered in the glad memories of that distinctive iconic figure of Great Britain.

The former British Prime Minister was a very talented and keen painter, many of his representations were oils and painted landscapes, notorious are some of his works when he immortalised Marrakech, the Atlas mountains during a trip in Morocco in 1938 and also the beautiful landscapes of the charming English countryside another favourite artistic subject which saw protagonist Chartwell a centre in the County of Kent which was the residence of Sir Churchill.

It is said that he executed approximately 500 paintings and also Lake Como and Argegno entered in its beloved collection. For many people including eminent critics of art he  could be a professional landscape painter of extreme success and he also painted scenes of life, he immortalising in a watercolour his son Randolph sitting and reading in a garden, nuns at a convent and in addition also some portraits.

Notable was in his works were the choice of a large variety of different colours, well defined perspectives, some of them showing an extraordinary game of lights and shadows, beautiful shades combined with marked lines and an impressive alternance of vivid and soft tonalities.  
Apart that work by the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, that Church was also famous for another episode during its history when it became a sort of headquarter hosting in secret  the organisation of the local patriots who fought against the Austrian troops in the mid 19th century.

It was during the riots which took place in 1848 when those partisans used that Religious building as base to plan their operations descending along  the slopes of that hill towards the lake shore attacking the Austrian soldiers who never thought that they  used that sacred temple as refuge and site  to organise the resistance.

Continuing your visit you can reach another sacred construction younger than the previous but equally very interesting consisting in the Parrocchia della SS Trinità, which is the Parish Church dedicated to the Saint Trinity and built in the early 20th century situated just some metres from the local harbour.

Developed by the architect and engineer Cesare Nava, it was consecrated in 1929 and erected on a previous Religious structure. Despite its contemporary elevation it is a beautiful representation of Neo-Romanesque style loyal to the architectural canons of the Middle Ages also in terms of use of materials.

That stoned building was arranged on an ample rectangular plan and it presents a high gable facade highlighted by a magnificent rose window with three scenic pinnacles and a beautiful central doorway beneath an outlined arched portico formed by two columns placed on fixed pedestals reachable by a stoned step.

Behind the sloping gable roof covering the apse and the nave on a square plan was erected a stoned high bell tower characterised by a circular watch placed beneath a very stylish belfry. 

You will notice furthermore on its sides the presence of a a sequence of high and thin slots  and also those details definitely represent a perfect replica loyal to that traditional Romanesque style executed in different areas of Lombardy in medieval times but also pretty common in other Italian regions such as Veneto, Piedmont and also with stunning works in the Northern Emilia Romagna.

Argegno is on a spectacular bend of Lake Como in a geographical point simply unique, a magic sight very suggested for all photography lovers which can find in that site a sort of paradise to enjoy their passion, hobby or profession with a sublime scenery which offers from different perspectives sensational chances to take infinite artistic pictures.

In the immediate proximity of the harbour along the lakeside promenade in a corner facing the magnificent image of the medieval bridge creating a setting simply wonderful combining the lake to the course of the river Telo so close each other is a perfect point to immortalise something of highly captivating.

I suggest you a further point, from the lakeside promenade you have to move a bit immediately outside it and from there you can admire the magnificent opening towards the promontory of Bellagio and an unforgettable coastal panoramic view along the stretch leading to the picturesque headland corresponding to the boundaries of the municipality of Lenno with the stupendous sight of Villa Balbaniello located on a charming tip and that is absolutely a fabulous image you will remember forever.

A further stupendous image is represented by a scenic and captivating islet, the emblematic Isola Comacina a very suggestive place simply unique in its kind for its silhouette, another unforgettable sight which will remain imprint in your memories and with also an ancient historic past to narrate since the times of the Lombards and Franks with a Monastery erected on its soil in the Middle Ages. (I wrote a post about that latter enchanting place linked to Ossuccio if you are interested) 

Another stunning panoramic point walking just some metres more will show you on the other shore the striking silhouette of Lezzeno another charming town located on a spectacular small gulf on a ravishing coast highlighted by tiny inlets beneath high fabulous cliffs and tiny sharp headlands on the road leading to Bellagio.

Although less famous than other famed destinations previously mentioned Argegno is a splendid  place offering all those spectacular and unique views and surrounded by green forests, striking mountains, an environment which with all its immense beauty is very difficult to forget.

That lakeside resort is dominated by the stupendous and captivating Monte Pigra, a captivating mount characterised by the presence a small village with the same name situated at its foot and you and can reach that striking summit by a cable car in approximately 7 minutes reaching an altitude of 850, 0 metres and once there you will be delighted by a magnificent panoramic astonishing view of Lake Como.

I suggest you to visit that small municipality with less than 300 inhabitants, it is very captivating for its intact historic nucleus with important monuments as the Oratorio di San Rocco, a shrine erected in the 17th century in Renaissance style and containing relevant frescoes by Salvatore Pozzi depicting the Virgin Mary and some Saints, works dating back 1662.

Around the charming Piazzetta San Rocco, the small square on which was erected that sacred building you can admire some restored buildings dated the same period and the Fontana di San Rocco, a splendid stoned fountain developed above a step in a very scenic position.

Another historic attraction is the Chiesa di Santa Margherita, the local Parish Church elevated in honour of St.Margaret  probably erected at the end of the 14th century but enlarged and modified in the following centuries.

Developed on a rectangular base, the beautiful front side is highlighted by a stylish portico with columns beneath a charming canopy, very attractive is also the stoned gray sloping roof and the complex also boasts a beautiful  bell tower elevated on a square plan with a white circular watch with roman numbers placed beneath an ample belfry.

The interior accessible by a wooden doorway presents  three naves and  once inside you can admire fine works  consisting in refined decorations and stuccoes executed in the 17th and 18th century. 

A few kilometres from the centre of the municipality I recommend you to visit a very picturesque and charming site located in a wonderful woody area consisting in a small shrine, the Santuario di Sant´Anna established in a place which was previously occupied by another Sanctuary dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

That Chapel dedicated to St. Anne was erected in the 17th century and it contains a venerated image of that Saint inserted in a side of the altarpiece and you can also admire some frescoes of great value by Isidoro Bianchi a relevant exponent of the Campionese artistic school and other notable works consisting in wonderful stuccoes left in that sacred temple by the Intelvesi Masters. 

That Religious building is certainly a little pearl also for its architectural external layout with details boasting refined lines and a perfect symmetry of all its elements, definitely a great artistic masterpiece which deserves a visit for its relevant historic value and beauty.

In old times was possible to reach that site by a trail which still exists overhanging the local valley and It is believed that the construction of that shrine was originated by a vote of the people in the times of plagues with numerous pilgrimages which had protagonist that path for a long time.

The local inhabitants have a big devotion to St. Anne continue to relive their faith and veneration in an event celebrated and highlighted by a feast in her honor which takes place on 26th of July annually.

Mountain bikers and cyclists can find in that lake resort and its surroundings an authentic marvellous Mecca to enjoy their favourite activities with an wide range of magnificent routes crossing stunning corners of the local territory packed by challenging climbs alternated by steep descents all them immersed in a verdant and wild environment.

Very suggested is the ascent leading to San Fedele D´Intelvi, a great climb of approximately 8,0 kilometres with an average slope of 6,5% and in some points close to 8% and ending at an altitude of 728,0 metres and that itinerary is highlighted by a wild scenery with verdant forests, rugged cliffs and rocky spurs of a superb fascination flanking that scenic road.

Once there you can have the opportunity to admire the mountainous Swiss border with the nearest group of the Monte Generoso and also something of very attractive in terms of historic monuments as a beautiful Romanesque Church of notable value dedicated to St. Anthony. 

Another excursion I recommend you is from the previously mentioned hamlet of Pigra you can reach cycling the Alpe di Boffalora at an altitude of 1225, 0 metres characterised by wonderful green pastures and a spectacular chain of peaks. In that concrete point you will admire the beauty of a territory which is a stunning natural enclave between two lakes, Como and Lugano and two countries Italy and Switzerland.

Those places are also ideal for the most passionate photographers who can find there an Eden for their works with unique and striking views between lake and mountains and naturally a paradise for the most fervent trekkers that can reach along a striking path a refuge.

If you are a golf lover the prestigious Golf Club of Cadenabbia is definitely for you and it is situated just 30 minutes from Argegno.

It is an excellent opportunity to practise that activity in a complex which boasts a more than superb reputation with many English players frequenting it since a long time ago enjoying a marvellous environment simply unique, a destination with a long tradition started since the times of the first important incoming flows of British tourists on Lake Como.

Local cuisine is also something of great to take in relevant consideration which will delight your holidays with a brilliant chance to taste the most traditional and genuine local culinary art so rooted and loyal to the most  ancient traditions. 
Fish is certainly one of the typical gastronomic highlights with the delicious grilled Lavarello next to the equally tastefully perch also used as ingredient in a delicious Risotto. 

Do not miss to try the superb bleaks, a small fish very common in the Northern Italian lakes absolutely great fried and try the Missoltini, another famous and exquisite speciality consisting in little fish marinated and fried and served with the traditional Polenta which is another renowned plate of that area.

That latter recipe according the old gastronomy is often accompanied and combined with other plates such as Luganighe, local homemade pork sausages and the Spezzatino di Manzo a delectable beef stew in sauce or also accompanying a great Brasato,, a classical delight consisting in slices of stewed beef cooked in sauce or with vegetables. 

Another style is the Polenta Uncia prepared with melted butter and local cheeses which are a further delight with the excellent Gorgonzola, Zincarlin, Formaggella and Taleggio all magnificent dairy products of that territory often served in assorted appetisers and starters or used in different kinds of casserole and to flavour an endless list of recipes. 

The local area is also famous for the production of sublime Salami and Pancetta, a local bacon often present in starters or simply divine grilled and combined with aromatic herbs on a toasted fragrant slice of bread and boasting a notable reputation.

Do not miss another tastefully speciality as Gnocchi Burro e Salvia prepared with a sauce of butter, sage, salt and with an addition of melted cheese. 

Very famous is also the famed Minestrone di Verdure, a stew made with rice and different kind of vegetables such as celery, carrots, leeks, tomatoes, potatoes, parsley, pumpkins, onions, garlic, peas and also beans, adding olive oil, salt and pepper. All that is  cooked very slowly and served hot, a plat which is part of the oldest rural  traditions. 

The risotto apart the mentioned and classic combination with fish is another gastronomic highlight prepared in several styles such as with cheeses as that delicious Risotto ai Quattro Formaggi, Risotto Four Cheeses or Risotto ai Funghi another exquisite delight made with fresh porcini mushrooms collected in the nearest forest.
Argegno can be easily reached from Milan by A9 motorway and then taking from Como which is the exit, in that city you have to follow the indications corresponding to the SS Regina 340, the National road leading to Menaggio-St. Moritz and you will be at destination in approximately 40 minutes driving.

That town is undoubtedly a fantastic place to visit, a wonderful picture of Lake Como surrounded by magnificent landscapes with a suggestive and unique aura surrounding that charming centre in which was created that famous work Churchill´s watercolour inspiration a magic sight, a site extremely inspiring for a scenery able to conquer in just a second millions of visitors. 

Definitely that resort can be an ideal location to spend your holidays all year, that wonderful heaven of peace, serenity and beauty on that ravishing water basin will be so easy to keep inside your most pleasant memories for an eternity.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Argegno 

Hotel Villa Belvedere 
Hotel Argegno
Locanda Posta
Albergo Ristorante La Griglia
Albergo Ristorante Locanda Sant´Anna 

Recommended Restaurants in Argegno

Ristorante La Griglia 
Ristorante La Piazzetta 
Ristorante Locanda Sant´Anna 

Useful links

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