Karlovy Vary-Czech Republic | Classic Spa Resort Since Medieval Times.

Karlovy Vary is one of the most popular destinations in Czech Republic,a classic Spa resort since medieval times and the famed old Karlsbad or Carlsbad how it was originally called is behind Prague the most visited place of that country of Central Europe,a town which has a lot to narrate for its captivating history in different chronological stages which have characterised that iconic site.

The noble traditions of that beautiful centre with an important and relevant past with constant touristic incoming flows established that town on the river Tepla in the top ranking of historic relevance and interest in Central Europe thanks to its prestigious name linked to its baths and hot springs.

It is not a case that the Czech resort reached popularity and fame also on the other side of the Ocean in America and some USA sites took its name such as Carlsbad- New Mexico,Carlsbad-California and including Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

Capital of a district with the same name Karlovy Vary is situated at approximately 125,0 kilometres west from the Capital of the country Prague (I wrote a post about the Czech Capital) and its former name Carlsbad is of clear German origin and heritage and it is the composition of Carl in honour of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV and Bad which means Bath so the result is Bath of Charles.

That Monarch visited and founded the current town in medieval times concretely in the 14th century giving the resort notoriety since then consecrating it as one of the most notorious Spa centres of the Continent.
Historically famous for its hot springs consisting in 12 main sources and about 300 secondary,the largest with the hottest temperatures of the water reaching 73 ° C are called Vrdlo in Czech language or Sprudel in German language.

Located at the foot of the mount Krušné Hory around that relevant activity which made famous that site were developed numerous prestigious Hotels immediately able to respond to all the most demanding requests to accommodate famed guests who chose that place for its fame and considered among one of the most important destinations in Europe and in the World also linked to a very animated cultural life.

Despite its ancient prestige,the most significant peaks in terms of incoming tourism came in the 19th century when a big number of characters linked to the highest international nomenclature were seeking the best place for therapies but at the same time enjoying tourism and leisure.

The thermal activity after glorious years of a continue consolidation became the main resource and thanks to the proximity of the magnificent Prague,close to Germany and easily accessible from other countries thanks to its strategical geographical position in the hearth of Europe it was reputed one of the trendiest places to spend relaxing stays and also enjoying its relevant historic patrimony.

In different periods the town hosted famous and prominent people of culture,politic and art, some of the most famous figures despite the list is endless and almost interminable but worth to be mentioned Johann Sebastian Bach,Ludwig Van Beethoven,Frédéric Chopin,Antonin Dvorák,Niccoló Paganini, Johannes Brahms,Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,Edvard Grieg,Franz Liszt,Richard Wagner,Sigmund Freud,Georges Clemenceau,Karl Marx,Leonid Breznev the great Tsar Peter,Madeleine Albright among others.

All that certainly certifies the consideration of such distinctive resort which also has a long history and it is also embraced by legends and one is linked to its birth which tells that the Emperor Charles IV also King of the Reign of Bohemia who loved that area was hunting in the nearest forest when he saw a deer on a rock.

That animal escaping started to jump landing on the ground and from the impact between the deer and the soil emerged a big gush of water and the Monarch immediately understood that such land was an authentic mine of treasures in terms of thermal waters.

The Sovereign decided to establish a town in that place with his name Carl and Bad was added in honour of those emblematic natural sources which started to be used since then.After that superb discovery the Emperor granted a charter to that place in the year 1370 and in the former Karlovy Vary furthermore were discovered in the basement of the territory a great quantity of minerals apart other thermal waters and large presence of other hot springs.

Those waters were used later for the former Spa establishments and the first concessions sources were documented in the year 1522 and was in that period in which the former Carlsbad became an Elite destination.

Not many places in the European Continent could have in those times such number of therms so developed and organised with outstanding baths networks much more that developed tourism which called in large scale a multitude of people linked to the most of high social class who flocked there.

Sixty years later in 1582 the town suffered a sad inundation due to a huge flood caused by the overflowing of the river Tepla and after a difficult reconstruction Karlovy Vary was also destroyed by a fire in the early 17th century, exactly  in the year 1604 and those disasters generated a slow re development of the entire centre,the recovery was very laborious because many infrastructures suffered severe damages.

In addition to those sad and unlucky events,Karlovy Vary was also totally devastated during the Thirty Years War and all that was the beginning of a decline which included some year of decay before a renaissance which came some years later.

In the year 1707 the Emperor Joseph I gave the former Carlsbad all the privileges and the title of Imperial City.The rights of the baths were established in occasion of the visit of the Tsar Peter I of Russia in the years 1711 and 1712 and those events gave a new image to the town which reborn.

The first municipal Spa Institution was developed in the year 1711 with a notable success despite another fire in the 18th century,concretely in the year  1759 destroyed almost half of its centre but in that occasion due to the recovery was pretty fast saving the image and aspect the resort.

The relevant value for therapies and Spa treatments were established scientifically by the work of the Doctor David Becher an important local figure author of a treatise on the institution of the baths of Carlsbad when he introduced the value in terms of healthy minerals and significant compounds contained in those thermal waters of the territory.

Karlovy Vary gained further notoriety in occasion of the Conference of Carlsbad celebrated in the year 1819, a meeting which saw as protagonists the Austrian Chancellor Metternich representing the Austrian Empire and the German States.The terms of the decrees were passed between the signatures on censorship of the press and the repression of demonstrations liberal perennials in countries which were part of a declared war against France.That event in its kind was practically the start up of the town as Conference destination.

In the late 19th century that classic Spa resort reached one of its top historic periods in terms of flows of tourism and in the early 20th century it had a great artistic development with the construction of the major part of its most relevant buildings.

One of them was the famed colonnade known as the source of the  mill designed by the architect Josef Zítek who had already achieved the National Theatre of Prague and the prestigious Grandhotel Pupp.

The events linked to the 1st World War created a crisis of affluence of tourists which lasted until the fall of the Austrian -Hungarian Empire in the year 1918.

Despite the former Carlsbad was mainly inhabited by Germans including all its surroundings and many centres the region became part of the new Czechoslovakia created by the Treaty of St. Germain.
That event led to unrest between the German and Czech and in the day 4th March1919 in occasion of a manifestation organised by German people ended with the death of six of them killed by the Czech troops.

That latent confrontation between those communities was not completed by the annexation in 1938 of the Sudetenland during the period in which Germany lived under Nazi rule.In the year 1945 at end of the 2nd World War there was a massive expulsion of the majority of the German speaking population which also created several diplomatic troubles and consequent claims.

The event linked to 2nd World War and the immediate effects the post war period limited the flux of western tourists due to that infamous period related to the the obligation to have tourist visas arranged by the new regimes linked to the Soviet sphere.Those operations were often slow and not always granted,the tourists continued to flock but from other countries such as Poland,Hungary, Hungary,DDR the former Deutsche Demokratik Republik,Romania and Bulgaria.

All in that time all was planned by the Socialist parties of those countries which organised meetings in the most representative locations to keep alive the relationships inside the Pact of Warsaw during the Cold War
a new kind of incoming which due all that generated that the the town also for its relevant past gained importance as holidays resort and tourist destination becoming a recreational favourite meeting point of the Communist Elite during that period.

The fantastic thermal qualities and the illustrious guests hosted in that resort during the course of its history is undoubtedly one of the main highlights of that Czech centre but it is also particularly fascinating its outstanding architectonic style consisting in several majestic and beautiful buildings the visitor can admire in every corner of the former and legendary Carlsbad.

Magnificent and impressive Victorian buildings,enchanting elegant palaces and an elegant urbanisation give that place a special grandeur and a stylish image like few other places in the world.

Walking in some of its distinctive streets such as Sadova,Zamecka and Triszta is as a walk in the heart of the splendid Victorian London and the local architecture is really indisputable,all the buildings are very well preserved and perfectly intact giving Karlovy Vary a more than splendid aspect.

Apart that sublime Victorian and that distinguished "British air" air you can breathe there that centre has other examples of magnificent architecture with elegant and sophisticated Art Nouveau and Baroque buildings and all around marvellous parks,stylish flower beds and huge green spaces all them really well cared.

The several luxury and stylish Hotels show an enchanting Renaissance aspect and all together are also part of a perfect picture making that place a Top Class destination to appreciate immediately at first sight.
The centre is mainly developed south of the river Ohre in which a street called Vitezna leads to the eastern side of the town while another named Horova is the main artery connecting the core of the municipality to the western area in which is situated the Dolni Nadrazi the local railway station located at a short distance from Josef Becher Museum.

The long avenue flanking the river Tepla denominated Zarhadni  is a sort of long hallway considered the main axis running from north to south ending in proximity of Sadova a charming street located in the vicinity of the famous Mill Kolonada.

The most relevant area is around that iconic colonnade and the main access is by the pedestrian street Tržište,a point which also corresponds to an easy access to market square.That zone is one of the most lively and busy in the core of that Czech municipality packed by shops especially devoted to glassware,crafts crystals,glass art and porcelain works.

You admire in that corner the beautiful Baroque Church Svaty Maria Magdalena erected in the 18th century by an important architect called Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer.It is definitely one of the most important Religious buildings in contrast with the several Victorian buildings in its proximity.The Church has a splendid ample light facade flanked by two imposing towers with relevant architectonic lines and also impressive is the design of the central body considered a masterpiece of the most stylish Central European Baroque architecture.

Close to that beautiful Church you can admire the Castle Colonnade subdivided in two sections,the upper spring Colonnade and the lower spring.

Looking over that splendid colonnade you will notice the Castle Tower is the only remnant of the original Gothic fortress erected in the time of Emperor Charles IV as well as covering the spring of the Monarch and also the Market Colonnade is hiding the relief depicting the discovery of the first spring.
The most important building is the famed Kolonada the Mill Colonnade.It is a long and majestic row consisting in a succession of 124 Corinthian columns and under the roof along that more than stylish long portico you can find  five sources of mineral waters.That authentic artistic masterpiece it is an architectonic structure almost perfect,elegant and imposing giving the avenue an image suitable for the most sublime parades.

The oldest sources of warm water called Vrdlo flows in a modern colonnade called Vídelní Kolonada erected in the year 1975 at the turn of the river.The baths include an outdoor swimming pool from which comes natural hot water.David Becher notoriously involved in the modernisation of the thermal activity with his studies and researches of those water sources until when he died in 1792.

The springs also served for bottled mineral waters,very famous was the Mattoni watered at the court of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary and it was also consumed throughout all the current Czech Republic.From 80 sources,15 of them have open access and there is a daily flow of 6 million litres of water with high mineral content at temperatures ranging between 30º and 73º.

For their healing properties those waters are suitable for the treatment of diseases related to the digestive system or diarrhoea and much more.Those waters could be considered as a sort of magic potion,the warmer are very appropriate and scientifically tested that they to care gastric juice production and  to solve problems derived by bile secretions.

The colder are perfect for a long series of diseases such as diabetes,gout,obesitis,pancreatitis,metabolic disorders,very suitable also for different liver problems and furthermore particularly indicated for oncological and neurological therapies and also used in specific programs linked to determined diets.

Karlovy Vary as Prague and Bohemia is very famous regarding a fine crystal production and the area called  Ryba is a highlight in which you can find establishments dedicated to marvellous artistic works of that kind of material.One of the most representative and distinctive factory is definitely Moser Crystals well known all around the world for its masterpieces .Moser is an iconic symbol since 1857 about the manufacture of authentic jewels and you can visit the gallery in which you can admire magnificent works all handmade.Moser Muzeum situated in the street Kpt. Jaroše at the civic number 46 is an exhibition illustrating and introducing the history of those stunning products and creations which conquer the globe.
Those superb masterpieces made by that great factory are called crystals of the kings because many of those fabulous works were bought and then displayed by the most important Royal families from Austria-Hungary to Holland from Great Britain to Denmark and Norway.

Many of those handmade jewels include the use of porcelain with blue cobalt and all made by a stylish design.The secret of that prestigious company is the combination of class and style and for all that the items produced by Moser factory are always highly appreciated,.They are something unique with premier masters able to satisfy the most refined tastes.

Not far you can admire the splendid and elegant Grandhotel Pupp.That magnificent establishment is so famous in the course of its history because it  had a great successful prestige hosting prominent people in  different periods.It is a luxury accommodation offering an outstanding service providing all the comforts,large rooms all decorated with refined style,a charming bar and located in a more than excellent location.

The fame of that famed Hotel is linked to the famous Film Festival. The indisputable prestige and reputation as Spa resort,high class and exclusive destination of Karlovy Vary is also linked to the world of Cinema and that tradition closely linked to that art continues to be alive nowadays.

In the year 1946 was organised  the International Film Festival of Karlovy Vary which  is one of the oldest film festivals in the world.That notorious event  held annually in July is with Berlin,Venice and Cannes among the most important in Europe and the prestigious event is hosted in that majestic and emblematic structure considered a sort of icon in the Cinema industry.

Originally the Festival was established in the early post war in collaboration and cooperation  with the town of Marianske Lanske.Later during the years of the Communist Regimes the Festival started to have less audience and a sad decline because the major centre became the International Film Festival of Moscow in Russia.

Despite all that in the year 1956 that icon of Karlovy Vary was awarded as Festival of category A equivalent to an event of International interest.In the 60s there was a splendid revival with a significant goal targeted to a relaunch of the Film Festival which celebrated a new successful edition but it was also a period coincident with the 1968 an infamous year related to that sad event of the spring of Prague.

The several problems with the former Soviet Union and that very complicated situation in the old Warsaw Pact established a new decay of that event in the following years.The Festival regained prestige in the 90s thanks to the presence of the famous Cinema Director Milos Forman and the participation of stars as Robert De Niro among others.

Since the year 1998 the Festival organisation is held by the company Film Servis Festival Karlovy Vary and the Czech town was set for movies well known worldwide as Casino Royale that famed movie with protagonist James Bond.
Very close in Divadelni Manesti a charming square you can see Divadlo Karlovy which is the iconic local theatre and not far on the other side of river you will notice another distinguished building the Hotel & Spa Imperial built in 1912.That superb luxury accommodation is an awarded Hotel famous for its splendid services and famed Spa treatments and proximity of that prestigious building is situated Karlovy Vary funicular.

Worth a visit if you want to know better the history of Karlovy Vary Karlovarske Muzeum in which you can see through the permanent exhibition the history of Carlsbad and all its prestige as Classic Spa resort,the stages of thermal therapies and learn more about the largest resort in the country linked to that topic step by step in an exhibition which is very sensitive to explain the visitor the chronological periods in which the town
became a Classic Spa  resort since medieval times.

It is a  very interesting exhibition to learn more about all the events which gave popularity to that splendid place and undoubtedly worth a visit.

The town is also very famous to be the site of production of the famed liquor Becherovka Karlovarská which is produced and bottled with pride and it is another notorious product made in Karlovy Vary.

Josef Becher the famous doctor was the first who started the processes of distillery of that emblematic drink which was also called the thirteenth spring.The original name was in reality Becher Bitter invented by David Becher distilled in a secret recipe since 1807 and the  factory was acquired not long time ago by the famous company Pernod Ricard.

If you are interested to know more regarding that beverage worth a visit Becherovka Muzem located in the street Masaryka at the civic number 57.That exhibition offers the opportunity to know integrally the history of that famous Czech drink and the visit includes cellars,an extensive introduction of the production and a space in which the museum is devoted to show historic premises articles,bottles,wraps and many other objects.

Obviously in that place you can also buy a bottle of Becherovka taking home a product which is another symbol of the resort with a long history and very appreciated for its aromatic flavour.

Park Dvorák is a splendid green area very suggested for ideal relaxing and pleasant walks situated next to the street Sadova overlooked by a parade of houses in the stable period connecting the valley with the Russian Orthodox Church of Svaty Petr Pavel dedicated to St.Peter and St. Paul which was built in the late 19th century.

That religious building was erected as a Russian Church developed on the model of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow which generated a massive presence of Russian visitors in in pilgrimages visiting that Temple becoming one the most emblematic in Central Europe for Orthodox believers .
Near the park very settled dominated by the statue of the Czech composer Antonín Dvorák, there are some other attractions such as the Colonnade Park,the Military Spa Institute and Spa III.

Apart the several attractions the town also offers opportunities to practise Sports.Golf which is a traditional sport in the resort practised since 1904, when it was built the first golf course.Golf and Racing Club S.R.O situated in kpt. Jaroše 29 very close to Moser Museum in the outskirts of the town is accessible by bus and it provides a magnificent 18 holes course.

 Another one is the famed Golf Resort Karlovy Vary located in Pražská 125 a 18 holes Golf Course with a notable prestige and reputation.If you want to play tennis the most important Hotels as the Hotel Imperial which provides tennis courts is a great occasion to play a set with friends also in that Czech town.

Trekking and hiking are two other activities in the nearest hills Loket Andellská,Horní Slavkov and Jáchymov and in that marvellous verdant territory encircling those three peaks there are beautiful paths crossing green forests with magnificent panoramic views.

They are splendid and suggestive silent places and along those trails Ludwig Von Beethoven the famed German composer spent a lot of time enjoying several excursions during his stays in that resort.

The famous musician went to Karlovy Vary for Spa treatments several times and during his relaxing sojourn,he loved long walks talking and spending his free time with his friend the famous writer Johan Wolfgang von Goethe who also visited in many occasions the town.On those hills the two artists found the ideal places in a a sort of oasis of peace to reach the peak of their inspirations helping themselves to create many of their major works.

The town also hosted in several occasions Karl Marx the famous German socialist philosopher who visited Karlovy Vary in many occasions due to to his health problems was one of his favourite destinations and today the only museum in the World dedicated to such figure is present in that classic resort of western Bohemia at the confluence of the rivers Ohre and Teplá.

Local gastronomy in that area is a mixture of influences from Germany,Austria and Czech cuisines.You can try Knedliky which is one of the traditional and most popular recipes consisting in a sort of dumplings similar to gnocchi which can accompany potatoes,vegetables,meat or also served in soups.

The Svickova Smetane is another popular plate,a kind of roast beef with a sauce produced  by carrots, parsley and cream often served with the Knedliky with a dollop of cream and cranberry sauce and lemon slices.

Another notorious gastronomic speciality is the Spanelský Ptacek which translated from Czech it means Spanish bird and it is a roll usually filled by beef meat.Very popular is also a soup called Kulajda made by mashed potatoes which is often flavoured with dill and garnish.

As a main course is often served the typical Vepo knedlo Zelowith a kind of  roast pork combined with pasta and cabbage.About fish you can enjoy an excellent baked trout accompanied by salad or boiled potatoes.

Excellent are the Czech beers such as Branik,Straroprame,Budejovický Budva and Pilsen Urquell and in the restaurants you can also find the excellent fine wines of Moravia.

Located at 125 kilometres west of Prague you can reach that resort in approximately two hours by car from the centre from the Czech Capital.In the case the resort is your main destination at you land at Prague International Airport Vaclav Havel Ruzyne which is situated 120,0 kilometres away you can reach the resort driving along the E48 motorway in approximately one hour and half.

Karlovy Vary is one of the most visited sites in the Czech Republic,a magnificent place to visit in Central Europe considered since medieval times an indisputable classic Spa resort which also became a Top Class destination,a great suggestion is to combine Prague and that centre,you will come back highly satisfied.
The several attractions,history,art and nature are melted in a sublime complex of beauty and definitely the old Carlsbad is a special site which always transmits great sensations in which you can discover the charm of its glorious past enduring in the present.

A place like that is something simply unique and great making it a magnificent destination able to conquer every tourist at first sight delighting the most pleasant memories of everyone.

 Francesco Mari

 Recommended Hotels in Karlovy Vary

Hotel Savoy Westend
Grandhotel Pupp
Hotel Embassy
Parkhotel Richmond
Hotel Imperial Spa
Hotel Romance Puskin
Hotel Humboldt Park & Spa
Hotel St.Joseph Royal Regent 

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