Capri-Italy | Sublime and Unique Mediterranean Wonder.

Capri is one of the most enchanting destinations of Italy,a dream for several tourists,that sublime and unique Mediterranean Wonder is a place which was identified since ancient times in Greek mythology as a Siren´s Island and it has always been a beloved desire of stay for Emperors and Kings due its immense beauty.
That stunning island was for an endless list of artists something of special where they found in that divine place all the most deep and outstanding inspirations to create something of great but also travellers,romantic people and couples in love always dream to land on that paradise of the Tyrrhenian Sea,a diamond unique and inimitable in its kind.

Unforgettable landscapes,history,crystalline waters that Eden with a mild climate all the year is a dreamland for everyone and it is very difficult to enumerate all its qualities and probably for a destination as that magic site the adjectives and praises could be infinite.

Facing the the Gulf of Naples with its picturesque cliffs overlooking a turquoise sea,Capri is anchored in the azure waters of a Mediterranean bay and chose in Roman times as a natural haven to spend golden stays by many Imperial leaders as ideal site for the repose of the spirit and the pleasure of the senses.

The amazing view of the Faraglioni iconic landmark of that Paradise is another splendid image and that other one towards of other Partenope island  Ischia is another detail showing the magic scenery there is also all around.

The island abounds in olive groves,rocky cliffs,hills,gardens and large terraces from which you can admire the most fascinating atmosphere of a marvellous island and at distance is also achieved by contemplating the magnificent city of  Naples and the captivating silhouette of the Vesuvius in a gulf crossed by ferries and hydrofoils which reach Marina  Piccola,the charming local harbour.

Subdivided in two municipalities Capri and Anacapri,that place is the only island in the Gulf of Naples which has not volcanic  origins.That wonder reveals its nature in the steep and rugged limestone walls of the Dolomites of  incomparable beauty and the several natural caves,making it famous throughout the world together with the striking peaks of the Faraglioni rocks,emblematic symbols of a place which also today can appear as a sublime corner of the globe inhabited by Gods.

Several are the etymological origins of Capri,one is linked to the eponymus Caprea or island of  rough stones for Strabo and also Capreae by Varro for its original profile as well as the predominant fauna precisely consisted of wild goats.Capri has been inhabited since ancient times when it was still an extension of Punta Campanella now some kilometres far away and which presents many geological  similarities.

The ancient Greeks who reached the the shores of that Eden in the 7th century BC,started to develop a settlement and it became a relevant settlement part of Megale Hellas as Naples,Sicily,Apulia and Calabria.

Evidence of the presence of the Hellenic civilation in Capri are the polygonal Greek walls close to the famous Piazzetta (little square),the Scala Fenicia (Phoenician Step),a long flight of steps carved into the rock,which links Marina Grande to Anacapri, and various inscriptions on stones.Despite all that it is not easy to reconstruct a chronological history of those ancient colonists on the island as in other places.

Capri began to have great importance in political and military aspects under Roman Empire rule when the Emperor Octavian, not yet Augustus in the 29 century BC disembarked on the island and he was immediately fascinated by the beauty of such place.

After Octavian,the Emperor Tiberius moved for ten years on the island and from there took care of the  interests of the Empire.The presence of that iconic figure linked to Rome who settled in Capri about 26 years B.C,was also related to a very flourishing artistic period in which were built many Patrician villas   houses of high ranking which the remains are still preserved. 

The presence of two Roman Emperors in Capri greatly influenced the development of the area and witnesses of all that are still clear with Villa Jovis,Villa Palazzo a Mare and Villa Damecuta,the other whose presence is less evident today were VillaTragara,Villa Marina,Villa del  Colle San Michele,Villa del Castiglione,Villa Truglio,Villa Marina Grande, Villa Aiano, Villa di Capo di  Monte now called Villa San Michele,Villa Monticello Timberino and Villa Anacapri,undoubtedly a very long list,but unfortunately not preserved as the previously mentioned.

After those unforgettable golden ages Capri moved under the domain of Naples and it also became the favourite residence of Emperor Augustus who settled there and linked the two towns of Capri and Anacapri.

In the middle age that magnificent Mediterranean place was frequently  exposed to the incursions of pirates and Moorish attacks forcing residents to move into the high areas on the top of the hills and in the local caves.

Dominated in different periods by Lombard,Normans and Swabians,Capri was also under Spanish Aragonese rule in medieval times in the year 1441, following the  struggle with the French Angevin, at which time,there was the division between Capri and Anacapri in two diversified areas.

In the year 1528 the island was sold to Girolamo Pellegrino, who became Governor of the island in a time in which the pirates attacks were intensified and the island lived years of terror and devastation.

In the 16th century it became an  important strategic base for the control of Southern Italy,a relevant cross point along the routes leading to Naples and start point of several local maritime operations in the Mediterranean.Due that increasing importance,it was constantly under siege by the Turkish Ottoman  fleet and in the year 1535 it suffered a violent assault  led by Khair Ad Din, known as Red Beard,devastated in major part the defencive coastal system,but the island resisted to such massive incursion including the Castle was in major part destroyed

In the year 1553 the same fate  had the Certosa,the Chartreuse of Capri attacked by the troops of the Ottoman Admiral Dragut and only in 1571 during the emblematic Battle of  Lepanto,the allied fleets of Western Kingdoms and Republic Marines (Venice,Genoa,Pisa and Amalfi) were able to defeat the Turkish fleet in that epic battle in the Greek Sea.

The island came back to be governed by nobles who were protagonists of some local disputes,but less violent than the past and the 18th century was a  period of recovery while at the beginning of the 19th century,exactly in the year 1806 the French new occupiers established on the island some military garrisons.

Due the long rivalry to have several domains also in the Mediterranean area the British took possession of Capri,developing  fortifications in the most strategical cardinal points.In the year 1808, Joachim Murat, Murat leading the French fleet started the reconquest of the island: and with the British surrender,he took possession of the territory which achieve substantial fortifications which are still visible with relevant traces.

Capri In the 19th century came to be known throughout all Europe its fame to being a strategic point and home of bitter struggles between the French of the reign of Napoleon,who succeeded the Bourbons.In that period were developed new numerous check points and fortified sections along the coastal  perimeter at the expense of Roman ruins,which had managed to survive until then.

Following,that period the  fame of Capri grew thanks to the interest for the first romantic tours,which brought to the island the first foreign tourists.After a period in which the island enjoyed that flourish activity,the spirit of the population changed in sad and unhappy under Bourbon rule due to the closure of some Monasteries,the abolition of the local Bishopric,developed in the year 1815 by King Ferdinand IV,

During the Spanish military occupation the island suffered an economic and general depression, furthermore entered in the political administration of the new rulers who obliged  the citizens to pay very expensive taxes to the Reign.

In that century there was anywat a sort of literary renaissance in all the Italic Peninsula ands also new waves of romanticism which exalted the beauty of such place and the glorious history and prestige of the times of the Classic Greece and the ancient Rome.

In those times landed on the island a queue of talented artists classified as School of Posillipo from Naples with major exponents Giacinto Gigante,Giuseppe Casciaro,Marco De Gregorio, and Angelo Viviani including in that period the first Hotel was opened and named Hotel Pagano. Also thanks that was a period in which Capri reborn as destination becoming favourite place for a multitude artists,mostly Germans belonging to the period of the bohemian epoque.

In the late 19th century with the reunification of Italy after the conquest of Bourbon domains corresponding to the former Kingdom of Two Sicilies of which Capri was part by the Savoy House with the opening of the other Hotel Quisisana,landed on that sublime Mediterranean wonder an increasing tourism,mainly consisting of nobles,Royal families and relevant figures linked to the highest political and industrial spheres and also several exponents related to the most prestigious Neapolitan social class.

The successful hospitality operations at that time were able to accept with the same care and discretion people of the most diversified categories.Capri hosted the  Russian exiled Maxim Gorki, the German painter Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach, the hermit Monk Miradois,who lived  next to the cave of Matromania,the Count Fersen Jacques and the writer  Norman Douglas among others.

In the island also settled the famous Swedish doctor Axel Munthe,who played a very important role in the cultural local life and he built the famous Villa San  Michele and Capri paid tribute to his famed novel The Story of San Michele.

In the mid-20th century many writers  became regular visitors of that divine place,such as Moravia, Ungaretti, Pratolini, Malaparte and distinguished Futurist artists such as Marinetti, Prampolini, Depero and Clavel were often guests of that beautiful Eden.

It is from there with that numerous colony of artists,that was launched the Manifesto of the  Beauty of Capri,thanks all that increased fame increased  which launched that site as a corner of Gods in a sort of new revival of the most classic literature exalting all the pure beauty of that place as a paradise of Italy.

 In a short time it began to be favourite centre for artists from around the world who can not resist to that promotion and much more once came there they did not want to leave that jewel of Italy staying long time also because it became  meeting place and world capital of Cafe Society and furthermore it developed as an important holiday destination.

Even today,Capri is a desired dream which is visited by tourists from every corner the globe it is enough only one day sitting in a chair of a cafe at the famous Piazzetta square to fall in love with the magic atmosphere of the island.

A Mediterranean warm sun and a cool evening breeze with that divine image of the Faraglioni at a short distance offshore the coast and the profile Vesuvius emerging close to the magnificent Neapolitan bay to think to stay there for ever in such divine and unique Eden.

All that inspired an endless list of writers,poets,painters those artistic times are still alive,even today you can meet some of them in the streets lonely,who paint,write and use the energy of the island to pour it in their next book or movie or album.

Capri is as immortal also ready to transmit the most deep inspiration and inside those artists with their stunning works there is always that sort of internal sublimation of sensations helping to find,magnificent ideas developing marvellous creations.

The island since centuries ago was also a place of meditation,contemplation for philosophers,the artist did not come on the island to look for popularity,they gained in other places,Capri despite was later reached by VIPs and Jet Setters was and is still  the residence of someone who drew inspiration for artistic works.

That unique site inspired a multitude of people,in the historic novel The Last Legion is leading that  island which is exiled Romulus Augustus,last emperor of the Roman Empire.That book was created in the 19th century and it depicted all the enchanting Capri,with a great success in France,Germany,England and America.

It was a publication titled Entdeckung der Blauen Grotte auf  der Insel Capri ,by German painter and author August Kopisch,who described during his stay in the year 1826 in Capri with the discovery of the stunning Grotta Azzurra the famous Blue Grotto.

The visit Capri and Anacapri is amazing,there are some many enchanting corners to admire and an endless number of attractions.You can start the visit when you are in Marina Grande (Great Marina) the Capri harbour,where the first impact is immediately amazing,transmitting you in which kind of paradise you are.Colourful houses which were the former fishermen residences,the island's largest beach and a stunning bay in  front of you.At the beginning of the pier is situated the Ufficio Autonomo del Turismo the tourism office a very useful place to collect information and all you need about the island.

Behind that building,there is the ticket desk office about all the shipping companies,the bus station and the funicular headquarter.You can book a Giro dell´isola (Island Tour) the  excursions which departures are from there and it is a must in Capri and the nearest public beach of Marina Grande the largest of Capri and from there you can reach the area of Palazzo a Mare.(Palace of the Sea).

On the left there is is Piazza della  Vittoria ( Victoria Square) where you can find a  taxi station,bars and restaurants.The location of Marina Grande is the centre of a large but shallow bay facing the Gulf of Naples ,from there the boats leave the port to visit the famed Grotta Azzurra the Blue Grotto the most  important attraction in Capri.

The town area boasts the oldest and most significant religious  architecture and the Chiesa di San Costanzo the Church dedicated to St,Constant which is one of the first historic monuments you can visit.Erected between the 11th and 12th century,it was largely rebuilt in the 14th century and then again at the beginning of the 20th century,the only original element of the former construction is the bell tower.

That Religious building was the Cathedral of Capri until the year 1596 when the title was assigned to the Chiesa di Santo Stefano the Church erected in honour of St.Stephen.

In the area of that historic building there are the remains of the tomb Emperess Cristina and west to  the beach,stands the Palazzo a Mare,( Palace at the Sea) consisting in the remains of what was probably the iconic house of the  Emperor Augustus.

The building was also one of the residences of the other Emperor Octavius Caesar,who was so in love with the island,for him was a real place of "dolce far niente",a sweet,doing nothing,relax and relax nothing more,Rome was far and for that Emperor that paradise in the Mediterranean was more important of the political operations and issues in the Capital of the Empire.

Today,only a few ruins are visible due some excavations by the Austrian Hadrawa,which robbed  the building of floors and art works,both because of the French troops,who in the 19th century during the battles against the English transformed the construction in a fort and furthermore Capri was severely sacked at the end of 18th century and after damaged during the clashes between the two contenders,also the hidden rests of the ancient Roman building were very ruined.

Further west of Palazzo a Mare,stand the imposing ruins of the Baths of Tiberius,consisting in a series of semicircular structures,a massive wall of substructures,some tanks now partially submerged  belonging to a large villa of the imperial era and the iconic Scala Fenicia.(Phoenician step)

It is improperly call  Phoenician step a steep path with over 500 steps most developed by the Greeks and then by continued in its construction and maintenance by the Romans,which was,from the 8th until the 19th century and which was in those times the only connection between Capri and Anacapri.

The name was conserved in honour of those settlers (the Phoenicians) who explored and visited the island despite the following two civilisations mentioned were the protagonists of such magnificent creation.

The nearest Via Colombo (Columbus Street) is  the street linked to the harbour,originally was also called Porto Fenicio (Phoenician port).From Marina Grande you can take the funicular to Capri and the journey is very short ; only 6 minutes.

In Capri the Piazzetta is the undisputed focal point and core of the social life,relax,a cool drink and to sit there to enjoy the warm sun and the lively atmosphere of a place which became an emblematic symbol
in spots,post cards and covers.

The real name of that charming  small square  is Piazza Umberto I,in honour to one of the Kings of Savoy House.It is not a wide space,but a lively stage in which all converge and where there are the rituals of local life and the sunny holidays times of Capri.

In the Piazzetta on one side,opposite a staircase,there is the Municipio the Capri Town Hall with a fluted column and a fragment of a circular marble base found  in the 20th century during the construction of the port of Marina Grande, probably belonging to the Augustan Villa  Palazzo a Mare.

Many years ago the square housed a very lively market of vegetables and fish and only  in the year 1938, the idea of a young Caprese called Raffaele Vuotto generated a substantial change in that place,fixing a few tables and chairs in that place.It is since there it became a famed and popular meeting point known worldwide.The iconic Piazzetta became the reference of social life which previously took place in Hotels and private houses.It is a great and captivating place to enjoy a coffee or a drink and much more the wonderful view over the  Gulf of Naples.

With a large terrace with breathtaking panoramic views of the Mediterranean simply fantastic,the famous bell tower and bar with outdoor tables is a must in Capri.A good Spremuta di arancia (Fresh squeezed orange juice) or a Granita al limone,a glass o flavored Limoncello,a cappuccino or a coffee at Al Piccolo Bar is a must.Coffee and newspaper,it was one of favourite places of the famous fashion designer Salvatore Ferragamo or also of Mariah Carey enjoying a cappuccino with brioche.

In the square there is also the famous Torre dell´Orologio the Capri Clock Tower and on the other side the staircase leading to the Baroque Chiesa di Santo Stefano the Church of St.Stephen,vaguely in Moorish style for some architectonic details in common,that splendid Religious building hosts a fine Roman floor,part of the ancient Villa Jovis the remains of  San Vincenzo (St.Vincent) and the tomb of Giacomo Arcucci.

On the other side you can admire Palazzo Cerio,(Cerio Palace) a reworking of  the ancient residential Angevin Castle who was once the stronghold of Joanne I of Anjou and currently place of the Centro Caprense Ignazio Cerio dedicated and devoted to the history of the island with an interesting collection of  archaeological   finds.

Via Matteotti is an important street which leads to the Giardini di Augusto the Gardens of Augustus,a beautiful green area overlooking the turquoise sea with beautiful views of the Faraglioni.and Marina Piccola.

The Gardens dedicated to that Roman Emperor born in  the old properties of the German Magnate Friedrich Alfred Krupp who bought in the early 20th century near the  Certosa di San Giacomo (St.James Chartreuse) a land to build his Villa.It was after the 1st World War in which they were renamed and they keep the main species of flowers and plants which you can see all around the island.

From Via Krupp name of the street in honour of the rich German businessman,you can enjoy the stunning Capri maritime landscapes,which carried down to the narrow cut into the rocks and  beautiful views of the gulf on the bottom left of the famous Torre dei Saraceni the Saracen tower

That stunning site consists a pedestrian  street built in the early 20th century,designed and developed by the engineer Emilio Mayer who cut the rock into the sea with a winding path so narrow as to appear  superimposed and it is undoubtedly a great highlight of the enchanting Capri,looking down or walking along it,such place gives an amazing impression,softened by Mediterranean vegetation which grows there spontaneously. 

Friedrich Alfred Krupp was very fond about marine biological researches and he often  loved to come to Capri with his yacht and stopping in the bay of Marina Piccola.Thanks to the easy access from the suites of the Grand Hotel Quisisana he decided once he purchased the land  to build that beautiful passage.

Via Krupp was closed to the public for a lot of years due to the danger of falling rocks,but currently the road has been  restored and reopened to all those who wish to leave from the centre of Capri or Marina Piccola and reaching in some minutes along it encountering a small gate leading to the Grotta Frá Felice (the cave of Felix the friar ).

Near the villa,a steep path leading down to another grotto the Grotta dell´Arsenale (Arsenal Grotto)  leading to Marina Pennauto and reaching Marina Piccola at last.

Marina Piccola the  Little Marina, is the southern Counterpart of of Marina Grande which repeats many  features,it is a small space of coastal land subdivided by a bifurcated rock called Lo Scoglio delle Sirene  the Rock of the Sirens.

Mediterranean legends says that Sirens came there from Sicily to rest before to come  back to the Ionoan Sea and Greece,which juts into the sea with an elegant natural arch,which already Roman used as a pier.That place is also the natural point of departure for all people who wants to admire the sights from the sea on the south  coast,the Faraglioni and  the magnificent Grotta Verde the beautiful Green Cave.

The three famous rocks eroded by sea water and weather,are the emblematic logo,symbol and guards of Capri,the icon of the island the Faraglioni.Each of those stunning cliffs emerging from the Mediterranean have a name.The first, near the coast, is called Stella (Star) it is 109,0 meters high, the second  is 81,0 meters high and it is called Di mezzo (in the middle) and it is crossed from side to side by a gallery while the third is called Fuori (outside) or also Scopolo name copied from Roman Sirenum Scopoli the rocks of the Sirens and it is 104,0 metres high.In that place lives the famous Blue Lizards,the Podarcis sicula coerulea and it is the only place where you can find it.It said to have taken those colours to blend from the sea and the sky.

Another great route enjoying Capri amazing landscapes is along Via  Madre Serafina,a trail sometimes covered and sometimes open which offers sweeping views of the town and  extending to Belvedere Cannone,a magnificent view point where the panoramic views are simply fantastic.

The Certosa di San Giacomo (St.James Chartreuse) is a beautiful Religious building now used multi-purpose centre for exhibitions and concerts.That historic complex was erected in medieval times in the 14th century by Giacomo Arcucci.

The building suffered serious devastation during the incursions of the Saracens in the 16th  century and following the suppression orders,it was transformed in a prison during the French occupation and  then in a military quarter.

It is one of the most important architectonic symbol of the island outside the traditional times showing a splendid nave with vaulted ceilings with traces of frescoes and next to it lies a convent set around two Cloisters,one dated 14th century and the other younger,erected in the 16th century.

From there you can reach La Casa del Priore,the Prior's house overlooking a terrific precipice with wonderful views towards the Faraglioni and Marina Piccola.The refectory of that building  hosts the Museo Diefenbach, named after the German painter whose some works are displayed and also  four statues found in the Grotta Azzurra. 

Marina Grande is the the start point for a beautiful cruise, Capri is not complete without a classic  island tour,a tour of the island's coastline to admire the colours of the sea,small coves and beautiful marine caves.
From that harbour,there are daily tours which allow you to make the trip around Capri in a few hours,  hours,generally the cruise has a duration of approximately 2 hours and half.The typical route starts from  the harbour and proceed westward (always recommended to book the cruise the day before much more in high season).

The first leg of the tour of the island is the iconic beach called Bagni di Tiberio,(Tiberius Baths),it was the former residence of the Roman navy later transformed in a natural salted pool used as fish nursery.After that beautiful place you will meet the Grotta  Azzurra the famed and stunning Blue Grotto probably with the Faraglioni the most emblematic natural  landmark of the island

When  you reach the Grotta Azzurra the typical rowing boats will take you inside that corner of that sublime paradise.You have to change boat because that one used in the cruise is too big to come inside the cave.That marvellous marine jewel, a ravine with a magical atmosphere was  already known in the ancient Roman times.

That  famous cave is so named because of a chemical phenomenon which gives the walls a turquoise colour.The light  penetrates only through an opening below the sea level which creates that tonality of blue and it gives immersed objects a silver tonality.That place was also known in ancient times,as shown by internal and external structures of  the Roman era.The entrance of the cave is 2,0 meters wide and only 1,0 meter high, the interior space is 54 x 15  meters and 30 meters high.The sea depth is between 14,0 and 22,0 meters and can be accessed by boat.

In a corner of the grotto you can see a gallery of pillars composed by stalactites and there stands a small port dating back the period of the Imperial Rome.The view of such marine paradise is something unique in its kind and absolutely a mandatory,an unique Mediterranean wonder where nature made a masterpiece,sea and colours,all seems something developed by a clever artist but all is of a superb work of all the best created in a natural way.

Continuing sailing along the western coast, you can admire the Baia di Rio e Limmo (bays  of Rio and Limmo) a good place for a dip in those crystalline waters until you see at distance the majestic silhouette of the Faro di Punta Carena,a  lighthouse overlooking a magnificent promontory called Punta Carena which is called La baia seducente tra le luci del tramonto sul mare which translated means The bay between the deceiver of the changing lights of the sunset over the sea.

The Lighthouse is situated at the south-west of the island on the Peninsula of  Limmo,whose name derives from the Latin limen meaning the border.Behind it rises the steep path from the Migliera defencive walls built by the British for the protection of Capri during the period of disputes against France.

The lighthouse is an impressive structure consisting in an octagonal tower built approximately150 years ago and it is among the largest in the Mediterranean Tyrrhenian Sea the second in Italy behind the famous Genoa Lanterna that famous Lighthouse in Liguria and symbol of that city.

Near the Faro di Punta Carena the sun setting over the sea and there are several bathing  facilities arranged in comfortable terraces with iron ladders to get directly in the Mediterranean water.It is a perfect place  for enjoying a day on the beach and also a drink or an ice cream on the terraces but also to dine by candlelight along that magnificent coast,something very romantic to enjoy totally the atmosphere of that unforgettable corner of the island.

Leaving that place the coastal aspect changes totally becoming impressively rich in caves and natural cavities and you will have the chance to admire many other Grottoes starting from Grotta dei Santi (Cave of the Saints),immediately after there is another one called the Grotta  Rossa ( Red Grotto) and in a magnificent succession a further called Grotta Verde the Green Cave.

That last one,despite the immense beauty of the others is among the most charming,a stunning marine corner with a magic emerald colour.The colour,lights and reflections of such marvellous place gives at first sight thr impression to be in another magic planet.

When you are reaching the beach of Marina Piccola you can admire  another cave called Grotta dell´Arsenale,(Arsenal cave) you can also see it from the mentioned Via Krupp but by sea you can have another fantastic perspective and furthermore with the view of the Faraglioni once again.

Once you see the Monacone,a thin promontory and Punta Massullo a small cape of which form a small peninsula,on a rock you can admire Villa Malaparte,the residence of the writer Curzio Malaparte.

Many times the tours stop for  a short time in the eastern side of the island where you can also see the Grotta Bianca the White Grotto it  is also possible to visit that cave going up up the stairs carved into the rock leading to that other attraction.

After Punta del Capo,a splendid and picturesque headland and the Scoglio della Ricotta,that curious  name because the form of that rock is like a cheese in colour and shape you are next to Marina Grande Harbour again.

Anacapri is of course another must when you visit the island.From Marina Piccola you can take the minibus to there and stopping in Piazza della Vittoria.The historic centre of that charming place is a charming complex of narrow streets,colourful houses with balconies adorned by flowers and little shops. 

Via Giuseppe Orlandi is the pedestrian street famous for small shops of artisans through the historic centre and going down along that street,a few minutes after you will meet the unique profile of the Casa Rossa the Red House a historic building painted in red tonality and characterised by different architectonic styles.

Since the year 1899 the Casa Rossa was the residence of the American Colonel John Clay McKowen.
The paintings depicted ancient paths,places,landscapes and moments of daily life in  Capri between the 19th and 20th century and also there are the statues recovered on the grounds of the  Grotta Azzurra,works well preserved that decorated the nymph Emperor Tiberius wanted to celebrate his  love for the otium in the island.

Near that emblematic construction is situated Piazza San Nicola (St.Nicholas Square) and the Chiesa di San  Michele Arcangelo the Church dedicated to St.Michael Archangel.That Baroque Religious building was erected between the 17th and 18th  century.

It is definitely one of the main attractions of the island thanks to the splendid majolica floor depicting the  expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Paradise,its architectonic fine lines and details,an outstanding project of the architect Domenico Antonio  Vaccaro while the floor is a masterpiece by the Neapolitan Master Leonardo Chiaiese.

Coming back to Via Orlandi, you can continue from there until reaching the Chiesa di Santa Sofia  the Church of St. Sophia which is the  main religious building of Anacapri.Erected in the 16th century on the site of the ancient parish of Santa  Maria di Constantinopoli.

That Religious construction is characterised by a restored barrel vault, the nave and the  facade are in Baroque style which partly hides the 'ancient bell tower completed in the 18th  century and overlooking a small square paved by red brick and highlighted by marble benches decorated by a local artist called Sergio  Rubino.

From there descending the stairs on one side,you can reach the square Piazza Boffe and there you are in one of the oldest districts of  Anacapri,a place in which you can still admire the ancient houses erected by master builders who enchanted  renowned architects such as Ignazio Cerio and Roberto Pane.

On 13th June every year Piazza Boffe is where takes place of the  procession dedicated to Sant´Antonio (St.Anthony), the Patron Saint of Anacapri, and that place is very lively with colours and lights during the festive days of September.

Coming back to Piazza Vittoria,near the square,there is the  station of the chairlift to the summit of Monte Solaro and Viale San Michele, the road which leads to the Museum of Villa San Michele and the Belvedere view point overlooking the Gulf of Naples.

Taking that chairlift,you will enjoy a splendid visit to Villa San Michele which was the house of the Swedish doctor Axel Munthe.That Scandinavian Swedish Gentleman wanted  to build his house on the island in one of the most scenic places of Anacapri, on the north-east,at 327,0  meters of altitude, just where once stood a Roman imperial villa and a medieval Chapel.

Very fond about archaeology,Munthe included some of the rests of those ancient buildings in the garden of his mansion,a building which stands out for its imaginative architecture.The man himself was the author of the alternation of mullioned windows with medieval details and the grounds of classical Roman capitals.The walls are the framework for an enviable collection of finds of Roman,Etruscan and Egyptian items collected during many  trips and also permanence in Capri.

Among the main masterpieces can be admired in that Villa there is a Medusa adorned which temple of Venus in Rome,sacred art objects dated the 18th century from Tuscany, frescoes and sculptures such as the Roman marble bust of the Emperor Tiberius,the table with marble slab style Cosmatesque the Sicilian wrought iron chandelier and a Egyptian sphinx.The  latter item became a symbol of that superb building and it is one of the most scenic spots of Villa San  Michele.

Also the garden is of an outstanding beauty,a great place where you can admire a series of typical Mediterranean plants such as camellias, hydrangeas, beautiful rose bushes,pines and cypresses trees surrounding a typical white columned pergola

.One of the features of that garden  is also the wonderful chance to enjoy a magnificent view over the  Gulf of Naples absolutely stunning.Villa San Michele is considered now a museum open to the public and it also hosts the prestigious summer music  festival Sunset Concert.

Coming back by chairlift  to Piazza Vittoria,if you are not tired and you have time, you can discover another attraction consisting in Villa Damecuta,situated just 15 minutes by bus from the square and approximately 40  minutes walking.

Taking Viale Di Tommaso,following to Via Pagliaro and coming until Via Amedeo Maiuri, next to the littoral of Via Grotta Azzurra,you can see apart the ancient marvellous Roman Villa,a great panoramic view of the entire Capri Bay and reaching that site which was one of the residences of the  Emperor Tiberius  in Capri. 

The excavations in Villa Damecuta  started in the year 1937 by Amedeo Maiuri,an archaeologists who was  also in charge of the ruins of Villa Jovis.Unfortunately the state of what was one of the 12 villas built by the  Emperor Tiberius on the island certify the destruction of that ancient masterpiece as well as at the Villa Palazzo a Mare due the fortifications and defencive military garrisons erected during the wars and including the Bourbon restoration.

From what it was recovered from more recent excavations at Villa Damecuta, there were the presence of fragments of marble columns and some stones.The construction developed by the Emperor in the north side of the island was rich of marble floors, plasterwork, decorations and  some fine artworks.

Coming back to Capri to the familiar Piazzetta,you can take the street Via Le Botteghe and then Via Benedetto Croce.When you are in that street taking Via Tiberio which connects to Via Maiuri and dt the end of that you can admire Villa Jovis  another jewel of the beautiful Capri.

It is a walk o approximately 35-40 minutes but it is great to visit that place,firstly for the history of that site,second for the impressive and magnificent view from an enchanting promontory.

Today you can visit the ruins of Villa Jovis, dedicated to the Goddess Jupiter located  at the top of Mount Tiberio.That is a complex which the Roman Emperor liked a lot,simply for the position which occupies the top of the island  known as Collina di Tiberio,the Tiberius Hill. 

He chose the island as a  permanent centre for the last period of his life, from 27 to 37 AD.During the Bourbon period many decorative elements were looted, although some can be seen today in the Museum of Palazzo Cerio and in the National Archeological Museum of Naples.

You can admire firthermore some paved steps with slabs of marble from the Roman Villa,the remains much of the structure was built providing  large tanks created to overcome the perennial lack of water on the island and the building was organised in areas connected by corridors,hallways staircases and tunnels.

In the northern section there was the Emperor's apartment overlooking the Gulf of Naples to the east there was a space to host distinguished guests,the baths were to the south and west sides of the accommodations and in addition there were also service spaces.Villa Jovis is located on an eastern headland of Capri ,off the famous Punta Campanella and the complex was adapted to the  nature of the soil building on slopes and cliffs forming terraces on the sea.

The large installation of the tanks was  the centre of that imperial residence and around them there were other areas south of the Spa,the neighbourhood west of the easement.In the tanks was collected rainwater and they could be turned on or emptied.

Part of the complex  is also an observatory,the place of Trasillo,the  astrologer of Tiberius and a watchtower from which was possible to transmit and receive messages.The Villa  had an area of about  5500 square metres and is elevated in height,a structure which was very unusual for its time,but necessary  for the particular location.

That building was also a sort of pioneer of other Patrician constructions which were erected taking as inspiration and example that masterpiece. The first excavations were conducted in the 20th century and brought to light a large complex that was developed on shelves and terraces.

.At the end of the avenue leading to that emblematic villa there is the famous Salto di  Tiberio (the drop of Tiberius) a place which according to a legend was used by the Emperor to make fall disobedient servants and  unwanted guests.

In the year 1937 after excavations carried out with scientific criteria by the archaeologist Amedeo Maiuri, was officially opened the complex of Villa Jovis,within the archaeological area of that great place,there is the little Chiesa di Santa Maria del Soccorso a Church and in a space in front of that small Religious building you can see a statue depicting the Virgin Mary.

.Taking the street Via Longano and then continuing along Via Sopramonte,in a  a nice walk of about 20  minutes,you can discover another fantastic place,L´Arco Naturale,the Natural Arch.It is a  large rock formation of the Paleolithic period almost 4,0 metres high and 6,0 metres wide.

The weather and geological  processes affected the island in the past,and that rock has acquired a curious arched form,that place is also a fascinating point where  you can enjoy an impressive view in front of the Penisola Sorrentina and especially the iconic and scenic  Punta Campanella with the islets which form the small archipelago of Li Galli.(I wrote something about that stupendous group of islands in a post about Positano in the case you are interested).

 The island offers the visitors apart the beautiful and stunning natural landscapes also a splendid nightlife.The Tavern Anima e Core (Soul and Heart) which is the title of a famous Neapolitan song,it is only 5 minutes walking from the Piazzetta in Via Castello,7.In that place you can listen there live music,Neapolitan, Mediterranean and Latin American music.

A great place in Anacapri is Lanterna Verde a Disco-Bar of the Hotel San Michele,a brilliant place to have some flavoured drinks,listening live music and to respire the air of Anacapri at  night.Taverna Guarracino is a great place to have a good cocktail drink,also enjoying there live music and melodies by excellent artists,the repertory is great with traditional songs such as from O  sole Mio,O´ surdato Nnamurato, Anima e Core, Core,Funiculi Funiculá, Tarantella rhythm and much more.

 It is not a mystery that many prominent people loved Capri.Pablo Neruda,Swedish Queen Victoria,  Victoria,Thomas Mann,Liza Minnelli,Sibilla Aleramo,Emil Von Behring,Jean Paul Belmondo,Brigitte  Bardot,Martin Scorsese,Sofia Loren,Marlon Brando,Michael and Kirk Douglas,Aristoteles Onassis and many others selected Capri as favourite destination.

Salvatore Ferragamo fashion designer lived many years in the island,Gracie Fields also had a villa in Capri and sang the songs,The Isle of Capri and also the famed singer Mariah Carey has a mansion in that sublime and unique Mediterranean wonder.

Capri hosts every year a festival dedicated to the cinema and it is  considered as a major  meeting between American and Italian cinema in the setting of the beautiful island and the event is not only limited to the meeting of directors but also involves people linked to Italian culture and it is a sort of special event also related to cultural interchange between those two countries,Italy.

That magnificent island inspired, painters,artists,writers and Cinema.Lotus Eaters,a story by Somerset Maugham with that protagonist from Boston going to Capri for holidays and so pleased with that marvellous site,left the job and decided to spend the rest of his life there.The French artist Claude Debussy refers to the hills of the  island in the title of his Prelude,Les Collines d' Anacapri.(the hills of Anacapri).

One of the most famous  foreign resident of Capri, Norman Douglas's novel South Wind is a description, finely-fiction carried by  residents and visitors to Capri,and furthermore the collection of reports on Capri include Elario di  Capri by Ignazio Cerio,which contains several historical essays about the island, including  a tribute to Norman Douglas.

But there are many other literature works about Capri, as,The Story of San Michele by Axel Munthe,An Impossible Woman by Elisabeth  Moor,Capri Kapri by the Latvian writer and novelist Janis Jaunsudrabi who represents the island as a  prison for Europeans who escaped from their lives and responsibilities, and more  I Love Capri by  Belinda Jones anong manu other works who inspired a multitude of artists from all around the world.

Capri offers you a great cuisine,typically Mediterranean,fish,seafood,clams,prawns,the typical Caprese, traditional plates as Spaghetti al sugo di totani (Spaghetti with a squid sauce),Ravioli Caprese prepared with basil,fresh tomato,cheese,olive oil,garlic and onion and the popular Chiummenzana which is pasta cooked with Pachini tomatoes typical tomatoes  from Campania,Calabria,Sicily,basil,parsley,olive oil and red pepper.

The Fritto di Parranza is a mix of fried  fish consisting in,cod,mullet and mussels while the delicious Cozze alla Caprese is a plate consisting in fresh mussels cooked with basil,olive oil and garlic.Also famous the Insalata  Caprese which combines mozzarella cheese,salad,oregano,salt,olive oil and d not miss to taste the great and classic Limoncello.

 It is very easy to reach Capri,when you are at Capodichino Naples Airport take a taxi to the Naples Maritim Station Molo Beverello in 30 minutes approximately you will be at the harbour.Or  very practical and cheap,the line of buses (Alibus ANM), which directly serves the airport,and providing  regular service every 30 minutes from 5.50 to 23.30.

Generally the bus takes between 50 minutes/1 hour depending from the traffic to reach Molo Beverello the Maritim Station.From there you have many options to reach the island by ferry and hydrofoil by companies as Caremar,Gescab and Snav.Those companies also arrange ferry and boat services to the other Partemope island such as Ischia and Procida as well.

A  famous song by Neapolitan Teresa De Sio  Voglia e turná"(I want to come back) dedicated to her city Naples says : Voglia 'e turnà,e voglia 'e verè comme 'o tiempo po' arrubbà tutte e culure int'a via.Translated from Neapolitan it means :Desire to come back,desire to see how the time can take all the colours in that place..Maybe that song dedicated to Naples is very suitable for that nearest island too.

Capri in its colours in its time is incomparable,the centuries have took its shining lights and colours,that sublime and unique Mediterranean wonder is today as in the past so enchanting,charming and stunning in spring,summer,autumn or winter a great destination to spend unforgettable stays all year.
Francesco Mari

Recommended Hotels in Capri

Hotel La Minerva
Grand Hotel Quisisana
Hotel Excelsior Parco
Hotel Villa Brunella
Hotel La Tosca
Hotel Relais Maresca
Hotel La Scalinatella 
Hotel Capri Tiberio Palace
Capri Wine Hotel
Hotel Casa Morgano
Hotel Villa Marina
Hotel J.K. Capri
Hotel Weber Ambassador

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