Ahtopol-Bulgaria | Quiet Sandy Stretch in a Special Promontory.

Ahtopol is a very lovely destination in Bulgaria highlighted by a beautiful quiet sandy stretch in a special promontory, a destination very suggested for all those who are searching an oasis of peace and relaxation in an intact environment along the very attractive Black Sea coastline at approximately 80, 0 kilometres south of the captivating city of Burgas and at a short distance from the lively coastal town of Tsarevo of which is a neighbourhood. 

That extremely pleasant seaside resort is the southernmost centre of the Bulgarian coast close to the border of Turkey and it lies within the boundaries of the stunning Strandzha Nature Park, a huge natural paradise considered for its greatly preserved environment, biodiversity, flora and fauna one of the best parklands of the Balkans and the largest of the country with a surface of 1161,0 square kilometres a great incentive for many visitors who during sunny holidays can enjoy that stunning attraction.

The fabulous setting of Ahtopol is formed by small bays and picturesque inlets, a stupendous beach lined by crystalline and clean waters beneath a scenic headland simply perfect to enjoy different kinds of water sports. Situated in a geographic area in which does not exist pollution making that site a fabulous climatic destination of notable level, all those features are immediately highly appreciated and in addition that place never had a big and massive tourism development, an aspect which many people love very much. 

No intense traffic and at the same time well communicated along the coastal road with an important airport at about one hour driving from its boundaries,comfortable accommodations with a delicious cuisine served in restaurants always ready to offer the best delectable local gastronomy are other aspects which certainly conquer every visitor.

A further attraction is the virgin and uncontaminated nature in all its immediate surroundings and the opportunity to visit other nearest resorts some of them with a notable historic patrimony settled by iconic civilisations which left important marks is another great opportunity.

Turkey is not far, it is enough to continue just some kilometres south towards Sinemorets
and in a very short time  immediately after the beautiful resort of Silistar, another place you can not miss you will be at the frontier of that big and attractive country and undoubtedly also that is very tempting visiting a nation with many historic, architectural and natural attractions and with a cultural patrimony very relevant .

A considerable incentive in addition is the vicinity of the picturesque and wild Balkan Mountains, a spectacular mountainous territory simply stunning boasting superb landscapes and marvels scattered everywhere, a land very appropriate for trekkers, photographers, nature lovers with a multitude of itineraries and routes of immense fascination.

The climate and the temperatures of the resort are undoubtedly other further great features. The average highest temperature in summer is around 27º-28º degrees with much ventilated evenings and nights, so not too hot and in late spring they are often constant around the 22º-23º and an additional important aspect is a total absence of humidity.

Including the history of that centre of a bit more of 1300,0 inhabitants is more than interesting, born as a humble fishing village which became later an important trade port in ancient times and transformed in the course of its history in a very attractive seaside resort.

During its historical past, that place was a notable cross road of different civilisations who played important roles on the shore of the Black Sea and the first traces left by them are those of a Thracian settlement developed in the boundaries of the municipality since the 6th century B.C confirmed by artifacts found after archaeological excavations.

Inhabited by a Greek colony approximately 400 years B.C, the relevance of Ahtopol was furthermore consolidated when it was often visited by Pericles, an eminent General, Politician and Orator in the period of the Athens of the golden ages and the presence of that prominent figure increased the popularity and fame of that place during the Hellenic era.

It was since then that the former village started its brilliant escalation becoming a wealthy site with a constant presence of merchants and traders who used its harbour as  frequent dock for the navigation towards the coasts of the Middle East. 

The Roman Empire continued the colonisation after the Greek predecessors inheriting all what they left as established routes and an active network of commerce especially concentraded in the trade of spices and pottery taking in that time the former Latin name Peronticus.

During that period the Hellenic descendants who continued to populate the land of their ancestors had several privileges in a sort of agreement with the Imperial Rome. Many of them could obtain the Roman citizenship including they were nominated officers of high ranking covering high charges in the politic life receiving important roles and  including many of them became local governors. 

Archaeological excavations in the area in the recent past confirmed all that with a very relevant discovery of some objects and rest related to a Greek fortress and in addition other items were found some years later consisting in utensils, jars and amphorae probably dating back the Roman period.

After several invasions by populations coming from North Europe including the Goths generated many changes after the fall of the Imperial Rome. The bustling harbour practically interrupted all its activities and started landings of the first Slavic populations who reached the coasts of the Black Sea from East.

The first Bulgarian and Byzantine Empires fought for a long period to have the domain of that land, notorious are the naval clashes, battles in the interior with several expeditions from Constantinople, treaties and territories ceded from both side but with the former Byzantium which had for long time the domain of Ahtopol. 

Linked to the Roman Empire of Orient is also the origin of the old former name of the resort, Agathopolis adopted since 323 BC which was later changed in the current adopting a Slavic denomination simply translating it. Probably that denomination according to recorded historic documentations derives from Agathon a Greek-Roman Byzantine ruler, a composition with that first word linked to that character combined with Polis which translated from the ancient Greek means city or centre.

In a further literary expression it also means City of Love and also that has generated some more remote suppositions. Another version according to a legend telling that it is is a name of a Goddess who landed on that coast and lived for a while there before to return to the Mount Olympus, the emblematic mountain of the Gods in Thessaly in the current Greece.All  that is linked to the mythological and classical Greek literature which narrated that further opinion still subject of study by many eminent historian expert of Hellenic history,

The medieval period despite the continuous disputes of the territory between Bulgarians and Byzantines with the defeat of the second was the time in which despite those numerous clashes the former centre lived its golden ages. During those times there was an increasing maritime commerce with several contacts with other populations all around the Black Sea coasts, the Bosporus and the Mediterranean.

The port was enlarged and developed with a notable capacity and including that harbour started to be visited by several merchants coming from the Dobruja that Region subdivided between Romania and Bulgaria in a territory which also includes in its northern boundaries  the Delta of the Danube.

Attacked by the Turkish fleet several times since the 14th century, after a long siege in the 15th century Ahtopol was conquered in 1453 by the Ottoman Empire and the former name was changed in Ahtenbolu.

In that time there was a radical change in the local profile, the former Agathopolis became a cosmopolitan place inhabited by different ethnic groups such as Turkish Greeks, Bulgarians, Byzantines, Tatars and Syrians but despite that due to a new organisation of the mercantile activities that strategic place lost a lot of importance when the Ottomans started to privilege bigger ports such as Varna and Burgas falling in a pretty sad decay.

The 19th century was protagonist of a partial renaissance and rebirth with a new established fishing harbour, the abandoned former port which was in precarious conditions and reduced to a dock of limited size was provided by the establishment of different piers for that activity.

All that year by year increased a new volume of traffic on the Black Sea and the settlement was included by the Turkish Pashas in the main routes towards the Mediterranean supporting in different stages the several ships which reached the local coastline and directed to the northernmost point of the Dobruja region.

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the late 19th century with the establishment of a new Bulgarian Monarchy, several pirates, the Lazi,Caucasian corsairs attacked several times that coastline and in particular the Balkans Wars when the active Greek community was replaced by new inhabitants in major part Bulgarian populations coming from the Eastern Thrace especially from the centre of Bunarhisar was a period pretty hard and of notable decay and the 1st World War determined an intense decline of a place which never returned to its glorious past.

After those events the main resource was fishing but reduced to local needs replaced as primary by agriculture with a pretty active cultivation of vineyards and different kinds of vegetables while a third despite with an inferior relevance was that linked to farms with goat and sheep breeding, an activity left by the Turks during their long rule.

After the 2nd War with the change corresponding to the advent of a Communist regime in a period in which was officially established the Republic Socialist of Bulgaria, Ahtopol was a bit marginalised and it became a secondary small resort, known for the beauty of its beaches but simply at local level excluded by the major promotion of the Tourism Institutions managed by the Party which preferred other coastal towns much more developed in terms of infrastructures and with a major population. 

Despite that thanks to the superb beauty of that quiet sandy stretch in a special promontory in some occasions that seaside resort was protagonist in some TV documentaries and including it was used as set of some movies filmed by countries of the Soviet sphere linked to the former Warsaw Pact.

The new era and the post communism times generated other new relevant mutations. Day by day that place conquered a relevant position with new proposals launched by the National Tourism Board and local Tour Operators as a successful destination, it was the time in which also new investors came and obviously the establishment of Hotels and a presence of incoming Specialists in International Fairs opened new gates to an increasing inbound Tourism with protagonist a network of stupendous seaside resorts.

Athopol since the mid 90's was inserted in products consisting in an ample block of new offers on the coast of Bulgarian Black Sea with pretty good results. Educational but also delivering of DVD and special videos were excellent instruments to place it in an official ranking gaining much more popularity than the previous decades.

The urban agglomeration is mainly concentrated above a side of the local beach which has a very good access and facilities, no barriers and the presence of green areas and forests in the immediate surroundings is a remarkable aspect of a very scenic frame.

Those features are very appreciated by many tourists who can enjoy pleasant walks in a splendid nature very close to that magnificent sandy stretch and some good restaurants offering typical local cuisine are not far.

Stari Grad the old town is arranged in a compact way behind the promontory and there are two long axes as Ulitsa Kraymorska ending on the cape from one side continuing towards Ulitsa Neptun in a point where they meet each other facing the local bay.

Other important arteries are Ulitsa Chernomore flanking the sea until the headland and connecting the centre to the coastline while Ulitsa Trakia crosses from west to east the core of the resort. Around them you can find other major important streets such as Ulitsa Vasil Levski, Ulitsa Veleka and Ulitsa Yana which form all together the local urban setting.

The main exit is along Ulitsa Sveti Nikola and from there you can reach the road running along the northern coastline towards the big cities of Burgas and Varna.

The beauty of Ahtopol is definitely that long and quiet sandy stretch over 2, 0 kilometres long which has the shape of a wide arch, forming a pretty large bay ending on one side with a small headland. Well maintained, clean with services and facilities of very good level and with an excellent quality of water it is highly appreciated by a multitude of tourists,

It boasts a deserved Blue Flag, ideal for families with children, the level of the waters close to the shore is not very deep, appropriate for water sports and a superb feature is its sand, soft and light. There are also fascinating places along it as high rocks in isolated corners, some of them are not particularly accessible but considered very attractive by someone who love those unmistakable places with a wilder aspect enjoying sunbaths on those scenic cliffs.

Another of the attractions which worth to be mentioned is its special promontory. The formation of that natural marvel is spectacular because in a space of approximately 3, 0 kilometres you can admire three bays, from its northern side there is a first one in proximity of Ulitsa Treti Mart, just 10 minutes walking from the centre.

The second one is at the end of Ulitsa Chernomore and that point is very lovely and panoramic forming a tiny gulf facing the core of the resort with a sort of double peninsula very picturesque. 

Along Ulitsa Kraimorska and continuing towards Ulitsa Neptun south of the centre you can see the third, very wide and covering almost one kilometre of coast. Next to the promontory is where ends the sandy beach and starts a pretty rocky section of coastline with small coves, inlets and a large number od cliffs.

Ahtopol lost a big part of its historic patrimony due to several causes as an earthquake which destroyed the fortified walls and fortress erected in the 16th century during the Ottoman rule, other reasons were the several  attacks by pirates, the Balkans wars and furthermore a big fire in 1918 which destroyed many buildings and houses.In that  event was destroyed a fortress which according historic documentations in a virtual reconstruction was approximately 8,0 metres high and 3,5 width.

A historic monument of interest is the Church of the Assumption dating back the 18th century and today part of the complex which included the ancient Monastery of Sveti Yani dedicated to Saint Ivan the Precursor and erected in the 12th century.

Less than 5,0 kilometres south of the resort in direction Sinemorets (in the case you are interested I wrote a post about that other splendid resort) you can reach the estuary of the Veleka river with the great chance to swim in fresh clean waters.

All that is  particularly appreciated by people who love the meeting between salted and fresh waters which provide toning effects with their different temperatures moving from a space to another and furthermore along that river starts a small paradise of flora and fauna particularly loved by ecologists and photographers with a wide number of birds of different species and other animals as deer among others.

That waterway ends its course in the Black Sea and you can see a curve similar to a snake cutting the territory and forming two beautiful beaches one on the side of Ahtopol and the other corresponding to another resort.

In the immediate proximity you can start to visit  the beautiful area of Strandzha Nature Reserve which has apart wide verdant plains boasts in its boundaries some of the most picturesque mountains of the Balkans.

Continuing along the coast towards south in a short time you can reach Silistar a beautiful seaside resort next to Rezovo and in that point Bulgaria and Turkey have their borders. In that stretch of coastline you will notice how the coastline changes its formation becoming pretty straight for many kilometres but equally attractive with pleasant panoramic sights.

If you want to see a coastal stretch richer of coves, inlets and jagged I suggest you to go in opposite direction to north towards Primorsko stopping in Lozenets which is becoming a pretty famous resort despite is size. In recent times it became a destination pretty loved by artists and VIPs or also in  Kiten famous for its beaches Urdoviza and Atliman very appreciated by many tourists and boasting a notable and increasing foreign demand.

Local cuisine is excellent with several plates which have considerable influences by Turkish, Greek and Slavic gastronomy. Fish and seafood are superb, in particular carp and mussels, the latter prepared in sauce or also used in salads.

The Slavic culinary art is mainly linked to plates very common in other countries of the Balkans as the delicious Sarma consisting in cabbage rolls which can be filled with minced meat, vegetables, and rice and also combined with yogurt. 

The Tarator is a cold soup very popular made with yogurt, minced cucumber, garlic, a good quantity of water and it can also contains pieces of potatoes and flavoured by olive oil.

The delicious Byurek is a speciality inherited by the Turks during the long period in which Bulgaria lived inside the Ottoman Empire and it is a sort of pastry including in its preparation cheese which could be the delectable and famous local Sirene and eggs. As appetiser, snack or in starters you can try the popular Lukanka, a spicy semi-dried salami also served in some Hotels in buffet services.

Very popular is the Dyuvech, a rich stew baked in oven with beef meat adding onion, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, aromatic herbs and other spices. A variant is using rhe delicious local Scampi replacing meat and in that case it is called Skampi Dyuvech.

The local Mousaka is a speciality left by the Greeks pretty similar to the Hellenic and generally present in the list of many restaurants. You can try the Chorba, a soup with several variants using chicken, lamb or other kind of meats including in its preparation  many kinds of spices such as sesame, cumin, chili pepper and coriander among others. It is a plate of clear Ottoman influence after centuries of domain in the land as the famed Kebab you can find very often in many catering establishments.

Many gastronomic specialities are as local tradition accompanied by stuffed vegetables,especially peppers and courgettes or by the Shopska a salad prepared with onion, tomatoes, cucumber, pepper adding Sirene cheese, olive oil, vinegar and parsley.

As desserts you can taste the famed Baklava, a sweet pastry filled with nuts, honey or syrup and do not miss the delicious Yogurt considered among the best in the world. 

About wines some relevant products such as Melnik, Mavrud and Pamid are very similar for colour, texture and raste to the wines of Serbia, Romania, and Montenegro, very smooth and highly palatable.

The nearest airport is the Burgas Letishte International Airport situated at 87, 0 kilometres from the resort and in approximately one hour and 15 minutes driving along the Strada 99 coastal highway in direction  Chernomorets and following towards Primorsko you will be at destination in a very comfortable way.

If you are looking for a relaxing place, you never visited Bulgaria and you love water sports and at the same time enjoying a quiet sandy stretch highlighted by a special Black Sea promontory Ahtopol offers all that. An ideal destination for sun lovers, couples who want something special and why not to spend there their honeymoon also very recommended for families searching a week or more in total serenity.

Group of friends who desire a kind of tourism linking peace, sea, cultural and a historic tourism in a wonderful scenery also highlighted by amazing green forests and the nearest mountains of the Balkans which complete an ample great panoramic environment so wonderful will be for them certainly a great choice. The same for all the tourists who love trekking, photography and outdoor activities alternating sunbaths to excursions.

That attractive seaside resort is the right place to plan special holidays on the shore of that beautiful Bulgarian coastline which always offers something of great to discover and a multitude of captivating hidden wonders which will totally surprise you.

Francesco Mari 

Recommended Accommodations in Ahtopol

Hotel Eskada Beach Ahtopol
Hotel Agatha Beach Ahtopol 

Recommended Restaurants in Ahtopol

Restaurant Agatha Beach
Restaurant Boruna

Useful links

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