Letojanni-Sicily | Constant Sun Rays Warming a Magic Seacoast.

Letojanni is a very charming resort in Sicily, a sunny place where constant sun rays warming a magic seacoast, a great incentive for many tourists to enjoy a unique and wonderful climate all year in a divine Eden situated  immediately after the bay of that prestigious destination called Taormina well known worldwide for its immense appeal and fascination.

That stunning Mediterranean diamond lies on splendid coastal stretch leading to the city of Messina with an unforgettable view of the scenic promontory of Capo Mazzarò taking the national road SS114 crossing Spisone and Mazzeo located in one of the most scenic and beautiful places of the eastern Sicilian Coast where the eternally azure and inviting Ionian Sea appears as divinely  painted dominated by fascinating gentle hills highlighted by a typical vivid verdant Mediterranean vegetation.

The history of Letojanni is the novel of a small old former fishing village transformed in a very demanded and loved destination,a sublime paradise which since a long time ago attracts for the beauty of its natural environment and turquoise waters many tourists who once visited want to return there as soon as possible without hesitatioons.

Those approximately 290/300 days of sunshine a year combined to several historic places in the immediate surroundings and that unmistakable smell in the air of citrons conquering everyone are the essence of a heaven which bewitched in the times of the classical Greece the ancient Hellenic colonists who could not resists to the extaordinary charm of that Sicilian marvel. 

The view of that magic shore of the Ionian in the shade of the charming Monti Peloritani, that range of picturesque and wild mountains in the immediate inland part of an idyllic scenery constantly highlighted by an always warm sun is one of the several magic secrets which make that place simply irresitible.

With that panoramic paradise formed by sunny beaches, picturesque mounts and gentle hilly slopes descending on a striking shoreline, captivating plains packed by lemons and oranges many people immediately fall in love with the mesmering image of Sicily unique in  its kind with its strong identity showing all its natural beauty at first sight and that oriental coast is a hymn to the most charming Mediterranean beauty, something totally authentically true surrounded by a suggestive aura highly inspiring.

Historically that area of Sicily was a mosaic of Cultures who settled that land characterised by superb landscapes and marvellous colours starting from the first inhabitants the Siculi and the Greeks colonists who developed the first great historical stages of that land but also continuing later with Romans, Moors, Normans, Swabians, French and Spaniards all civilisations which left important historical and cultural marks in that Southern Italian island adding much more appeal in architecture and in its monumental profile.

The beautiful  local long beach of Letojanni is situated just 46,0 kilometres from Catania and in approximately 45 minutes driving you can reach that place from the Airport Vincenzo Bellini -Fontanarossa  and only  33,0 kilometres is the distance from the capital of the province Messina all  places established along the ancient Consolare Valeria, the Roman cosular road which linked in ancient times those settlements.

Letojanni was an ancient Siculo settlement before to be colonised by Greeks and the  history of the site is connected to that of the nearest Taormina and Giardini Naxos inhabited since the prehistoric era.

The first local inhabitants was the Siculi who settled the island in the Iron Age, according to a version they could be an autochtone ethnic group while for another they were settlers from the iconic city of Troy also known as Ilios, that legendary site founded in 3000 BC which arouse in the current Northwest Anatolia reaching Sicily with their ships chased after the fall of that site in 1184 BC by the Achaeans, a Hellenic tribe native of Achaea in the northernmost part of the region of Pelopponese.

A further hypothesis is that they came from the Italic peninsula and concretely from the current regions of Apulia, Lucania and Campania pushed south by the Opici, a population who established their main settlements around the current city of Naples and meeting after their exodus the Sicani, an ethnic group which populated a large part of the island.

Important Greek colonies landed on the Sicilian coasts entering in contact with that population probably for the first time in 756 BC and they founded on that wonderful soil the unforgettable and shining Megale Hellas,the Magna Graecia, cradle of culture, art, trade and superb architecture admired and regarded all around the Mediterranean basin.

They mainly came from Chalkis,that legendary ancient town of Central Greece mentioned by Homer several times in his masterpiece the  Iliad and it was since then the start-up of a development among the most artistic impressive in the entire continent all time.

 A large part of Sicily was conquered by the Romans in 241 BC   just after the first Punic War against the eternal rival Carthage but the eastern coast with Letojanni remained until 212 BC a Greek domain under rule of Siracusa .

That relevant date sanctioned that all the inhabitants of the island were loyal allies of Rome and the former village was called in Latin language Letum Ianum. During the times in which Sicily became an official Roman province was established in the local boundaries a sectioon of  the Consolare Valeria for order of  the Consul Valerius as it said its denomination.

That new Roman site was mainly used as point of transit towards Taormina populated by officers, centurions and legionaires in a strategic point which always had a notable movement of troops

The fall of Rome was highlighted by different invasions and conquests since 476 by Odoacer King of the Heruli,  Vandals and Ostroghots before the advent of of the Byzantine Empire in 535 with the victorious conquest of the General Flavius Belisarius during the times of the Emperor Justinian I.

The rule of Constantinople endured until the early 9th century, in 827 started the landings the Moors which continued until 902 with the occupation of almost the totality of Sicily in that year with a final capitulation of the last Byzantine stronghold called Rometta, a current municipality in province of Messina in 965.

Under Moorish influence was developed in the local boundaries and in all the immediate surroundings an advanced agricultural system organised in channels, tanks and cisterns permitting with a clever technique of irrigation especially devoted to the cultivation of citrus, especially lemons and oranges an new flourishing activity.

They became since thenthe first products but also there was a notable productions of different kinds of vegetables mainly developed during the times of the Aghlabid Emirate and continued during the period of the emergent Fatimid Caliphate later.

The Muslim rule lasted in 1091 with the last conquests of Noto and Agrigento by the Norman Count Roger, youngest son of Tancred of Hauteville, Lord of an important House direct descendant of the Norsemen established in the current French Normandie.

That man became Count Roger I of Sicily and he started the cycle of the Norman dynasty which made of that island one of the most relevant strongholds of their domains in Southern Europe with including the conquest of Malta. 

 The current resort was later part of land of different rulers such as the heirs of those rulers the German Hohenstaufen Swabians  with Frederick II son of Constance descendant of the Norman House who became Holy Roman Empire and King of Sicily,  French Angevins moving later under Spanish Aragon House rule.

In the 17th century the current municipality was part of Taormina and  Forza D´Agró and in 1637 became a territory of Gallodoro under rule of the Marquis Francesco Reitano for desire of King Philip IV but that aristocrat lost his properties and the noble title during the revolt against the Spanish rulers which took place between 1674 and 1678 because he supported a French influence in Sicily.

In 1812 during the times of the Bourbon House with the abolishment of the Feudalism Letojanni which was a very small centre reached its autonomy  despite remained under a determined influence of that nearest town and it joined the unification of Italy in 1860  with the proclamation of the new Kingdom in 1861 under Savoy rule with the King Victor Emmanuel II.

During its historical stages the resort has always been a very peaceful place populated by fishermen and people  mainly devoted to agriculture and that former village was for a long part of Gallodoro but considered the simple marina and fishing village of that municipality.

In 1879 only 18 years after of the Italian reunification, there were new political reforms and Letojanni was recognised as an official neighbourhood,  and in that period also started the works of the National Road SS133 and the railway along the Ionian coast.

Definitely those works were very positive for the resort who started to be visited very much with many people immediately bewitched for that marvellous sandy stretch offering large spaces and many kilometres of intact Mediterranean coastline.

The 50's were the years when the seaside resort started to become well known by tourists especially coming from Great Britain,Germany,France and Switzerland who next to the beauty of Taormina appreciated the peace and the long virgin beach of Letojanni lining limpid and crystalline waters in a paradise totally uncontantaminated.

That period also corresponds  when Letojanni left Gallodoro and became an independent municipality in 1952 and it was since then the tourism became the main local resource with further development in the next decades.

The name Letojanni derives from the composition of two words, the first Leto is from the Latin word Laetum taken during Roman rule meaning happy while the second is probably of Moorish heritage deriving from ahyan meaning source or course of a source.

The Moors occupied Sicily as you know from the 9th century,concretely in 827 and they stayed until the late 11th century on that Southern Italian island and a goof number of places took Arab denominations.That Moorish word was due to the presence of  the old Fiumara of Letojanni, a small river crossing the village and from the fusion of those two words is the current name.  

With its 2,800 inhabitants,today that seaside resort is very famous worldwide with a high occupation in summer,  but some clever Tour Operators have to to know that there are many chances and opportunities to create new proposals on that coast with Educational discovering how it is possible to create  great operations transforming from simple incentive tourism all year ..the Key is ..It is enough to want an do.Letojanni is not only beach holidays and the beauty of the Ionian Sea and its wonderful coastline.

That Sicilian municipality offers a wide of combinations of activities and brilliant options, many chances to spend beautiful holidays spending unforgettable days along its marvellous sandy beach, it has excellent restaurants serving a more than delectable cuisine, superb comfortable Hotels, the famed Taormina is only 8,0 kilometres away, all that is a great incentive and great attraction to choose it as destination also for all that but there is much more.

Sicily is a paradise not not just for a seaside escapade but furthermore it offers a unique chance to enjoy 100% a historical and cultural  tourism, Greek theatres,temples,ruins, Roman walls and superb anmphitheatres, Moorish architecture, Byzantine mosaics and Norman palaces elevated in the Middle Ages periods.

 All that next to the local Mediterranean architectural masterpieces of the Late Baroque largely present in particular along all the Oriental coast one of the best destinations in Italy and Europe to discover and enjoy that kind of fime Art with eight towns declared and awarded by UNESCO, World Heritage sites located in Val di Noto, Noto valley.

From Messina across Catania until Siracusa you can discover a big mine of artistic  treasures left by different civilisations, something simply unique and also for that Sicily thanks also is mild and Mediterranean climate all year is a destination of great relevance to take in consideration 365 days a year and the resort is a perfect base, headquarter for all that.

The centre of Letojanni is mainly arranged along the local coastline and the agglomeration was largely developed at a very short distance from the beach behind the Motorway A18 and the long National Road.

 Via Nazionale is a street situated only a few metres from Piazza Durante,the main municipla square bordered by two main avenues,the most important and busy is the boulevard Corso Vittorio Emanuele while the other is Via Luigi Rizzo, the first  is an artery which crosses the entire centre while the second runs along the maritime promenade.

Via Messina is another relevant street crossing those two arteries,a strategic cross point and around it you can find a good number of Hotels, apartments, fine restaurants and lively bars.

Piazza Durante is the heart and core of Letojanni, a charming square with a typical Mediterranean aspect, flanked by scenic high palm trees very close to the splendid sandy beach and usual lively meeting point of locals and tourists.

Its name with a monument is in honour of one its most famous citizen : Francesco Durante.Who was Francesco Durante ? Francesco Durante was a prominent figure in Sicily,very well known in all Italy and abroad too. Born in that fishing village in 1844, he was an important Doctor, Surgeon and also Politician during the times of the Savoy Kingdom in Italy.

Francesco Durante was the first surgeon in the history who operated a patient with a brain tumour in 1885.In a short time that illustrious figure was appreciated and invited in Switzerland, France,Germany and America and furthermore he was the responsible to organise the relief during the Messina earthquake dated 1908 which devastated a large part of that city

That relevant character was awarded as  Knight of the Kingdom of Italy and Knight of the Duchy of Savoy, two titles of relevant importance in that period during the period of the Monarchy and today apart that square also the capital of Italy has wanted to remember that unforgettable Sicilian Doctor of Letojanni calling the Centre of Scientific Research  of the Policlinico Umberto I of Rome, Centro di Ricerca Chirurgica Francesco Durante.  

The bronze statue you can see in in the middle of that square was placed there on 13th May  1923 in occasion of a solemn ceremony to pay homage to one of the great personalities born in Letojanni with a presence of Ministers of the Italian Government.

It is a work by the artist Ettore Ximenez, a talented sculptor from Palermo famous for several monuments executed all around the world,such as Rome,Rio de Janeiro,Kiev,Sao Paulo,New York, Washington,  Buenos Aires, he worked a lot in Sicily but  also with works in other important Italian towns such as as Parma, Aquileia and Brescia among others.

That monument  is the least that the Ionian town could do for its most famous son,a genius of medicine and surgery of the 19th and 20th century. Durante brought significant reforms and technology  in medicine in Italy and in the national public health and he founded the prestigious Policlinico Umberto I in Rome.

The tragic earthquake of 1908 unfortunately included also Letojanni and the beautiful Baroque Church Chiesa di San Giuseppe dedicated to St. Joseph Patron of the town was largely destroyed and due to that natural disaster it was totally re-built.

That Religious building was originally erected between the 17th and 18th century disappeared in the early 20th century and inaugurated 19th March 1931 in occasion of the day of the celebration of the Patron Saint.

Worth a mention that the Church lies in the concrete place where originally born the former Roman Civitas of Letum Ianum and partially on the rests of the former palace of the Marquis Reitano who established there his residence.

The current construction is a fine architectural expression of Neo-Gothic revival  with frescoes adorning the roof, a refined facade with a central nave and two aisles with arched portals and a beautiful rose windows iinserted on the top of the front side while on the right was erected a bell tower.

The interior developed on three nave has in correspondence of a spacious apse beautiful contemporary mosaics dated the 80's and 90's by a Florentine group called Eredi depicting sacred images as the Virgin Mary and bible scenes. 

Relevant is a painted canvas of the 19th century, representing the agony of St. Joseph by Salvatore Frangiamore, a painter from Mussomeli, a centre situated in the province of Caltanissetta and that superb work was a donation to the Parish Church by the Doctor Durante.

In Piazza Cagli, a very pleasant flowered rotunda highlighted by the presence of beautiful Mediterranean plants you can see the Diogene, a sculpture by Corrado Cagli, and the square bears the name of that sculptor since 1980.

That famous artist who was also painter from Ancona an important city in the region Marche  worked for a long time in Rome and he emigrated to U.S.A in 1938 due to his Jewish heritage during the Mussolini regime becoming later American citizen, including he was elisted  in the U.S. Army participating in 1944 in the Normandy landings.

Cagli returned to Italy in 1948 and totally in love with Sicily made that monument in Letojanni you can admire a short distance from the beach.

The Palazzo della Cultura, the Palace of the Culture hosts the Museo dell´Arte e Cultura Siciliana di Letojanni, the Museum of Sicilian culture and Art located in the square Piazza Matteotti and of course worth a visit entering in a building which originally hosted the clinic of the Doctor Durante.

It is a very interesting and educational full immersion for all those who want to discover and learn more about Sicilian Culture in all its forms such as art ,history, culture,  traditions, hadicraft and much more present in that special and beautiful exhibition.

That place offers the opportunity to know many aspects about fine crafts of embroidery which since many centuries ago is an extraordinary local highlight and in that museum you can admire authentic masterpieces with embroidered tablecloths, dresses, wedding dresses all works of great precision, talent, patience and dynamic creativity with laborious processes of preparation.

Those superb works are linked to a loyal long tradition transmitted with extreme enthusiam as something of extremely culturally rooted and preserved from mother to daughter since many generations ago.

The exhibition also hosts cloths and vestments with sacred effigies and images, and also all that is part of cultural traditions born centuries ago ,the veneration and devotion of Saints and the Christian religion in Sicily is very strong embraced by the major part of people and representated in those marvellous craftworks.

There are also sections displaying paintings, objects in terracotta ,a material very common in Sicily to create artistic masterpieces very known worldwide are the stunning creations made in Caltagirone near Catania.

 Another space displays tools,utensils and accessories linked to the traditional local culture of the professions especially devoted to agriculture, fishing and the marine world due to a secular presence of farmers in the interior, sailors and fishermen working along that coast.

The town is deeply linked to the figure of Francesco Durante and the Palazzo della Cultura to pay homage to that illustrious and distinguished character hosts a room containing many books,documents and objects of the famous Doctor

For all people who knew the Doctor or knows his history or also young doctors is undoubtedly a great experience to enjoy a visit in  that museum because it is in its kind  a sort of pilgrimage due to the prestige and fame of that great man.

The section in honour of that superb surgeon displays old  surgical instruments that genius of medicine used during his operations including some very specific for certain types of medical interventions and also that is really very interesting to learn more about the history of that prominent figure.

The ground floor hosts the Biblioteca Comunale Bianca Garuffi, the Municipal Library bearing the name of a native writer well known for one great literary work dated 1959 in a fantastic collaboration with a great master as Cesare Pavese, a novel titled Fuoco Grande, Great Fire.

Palazzo Durante is another highlight situated partially on the square and on the maritime promenade. It is a refined imposing palace elevated in 1902 on an irregular polygonal base with a surface of 400,0 square metres and it was the former residence of the Doctor Durante. 

That stylish construction has a scenic central crenellated tower and a large central body with big arched windows  and an ample courtyard developed on approximately 300,0 square metres. The heirs sold it to an the Order of nuns of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ who inaugurated in 1958 an Institution called La Casa del Fanciullo, the home of the child.

The local tourism today has reached excellent levels,Letojanni boasts comfortable Hotels,a wide selection of bars, fine restaurants offering the best Sicilian cuisine ,all the facilities to spend pleasant holidays with many chances to practise different kinds of water sports.

The town due to its smaller municipal area has not a capacity at the same level of the nearest Taormina and Giardini Naxos but  for its beauty and services it is not less than its famous sisters.

About summer holidays it was discovered by many famous characters in the 50's for the proximity of the famous nearest and famed resorts previously mentioned and by the activity of a German-American nutritionist called Gayelord Hauser who moved from Germany to Illinois.

Mr. Hauser studied in Vienna,Copenaghen and Zurich, he spent several holidays in Italy and in love with the sunny Sicily he decided to buy a villa in Letojanni.

The patients of the Doctor Hauser were many stars of the cinema, entertainments and nobility and that notorious nutritionist invited in his mansion famed figures such as Ingrid Bergman, Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, Grace Kelly and including others related to Royalties and high aristocracy as the Queen Alexandra of Yugoslavia and the Baron Philippe of Rotschild among others.

It was since then that the humble fishing village started its brilliant escalation reaching a notorious  popularity. The proximity of Taormina,virgin sandy beaches lining inviting crystalline waters, a mild climate all years with constant sun rays warming a magic seacoast and the frequent presence of VIPs coming to meet that that Doctor elevated Letojanni as a destination of international level.

The charm and beauty of that resort attracted several people and that site started to develop a very active tourism began with renting houses followed by the construction of villas and of the first Hotels and with a very good promotion directed to people who desired to spend sunny and relaxing days during many months a year in that place.

After unforgettable experiences of many visitors with an outstanding feedback  automatically increased the demand and the desire of many other tourists to visit  that splendid corner of Eastern Sicily.

Today Letojanni offers several opportunities for a very active tourism ,water sports is a fantastic highlight with superb chances for sailing,diving, water skiing, snorkeling, scuba-diving, windsurfing but also excellent spaces to practise beach volley and soccer.

Many are the facilities to enjoy other sports as tennis and horse riding but also paragliding and hang glider with a local school of prestige and fame in a hilly area outside the municipality.

Cycling along the coast or at the foot of the Monti Peloritani is a unique and beautiful experience and  for all the lovers of that activity on two wheels, mountain bike is another with spectacular trails on dirt roads and challenging climbs including at the foot of the Volcano Etna and around its valley, a great place also for trekking and hiking and that active stratovolcano with its 3350,0 metres of altitude is just just 40 minutes away.

Immediately outside the town there is also a special route called Forza D´Agró- Taormina really beautiful with spectacular and unique views and all that will explain you why the ancient Greeks were so in love of that land just like many Roman Emperors.

The presence of the Palazzo dei Congressi, the Palace of the Congresses, a modern structure with an excellent capacity providing a high service in terms of technology, technical facilities, advanced audiovisual equipments, modern device systems, rooms and stage offers a great opportunity to host conferences, events of relevant importance ,seminaries and meetings at the highest level.

That superb complex in a special scenery as the shining Mediterranean Letojanni transformed that little pearl of the Oriental Coast of Sicily as a destination for Incentive and Business  trips on that magnificent Ionian coastline and with many possibilities and chance to develop an endless range of successful operations linked to the Tourism and Congress Industry.

Cinema,events and personalities have also made the recent history of the Sicilian resort,some movies were filmed in that resort as one with protagonist Roberto Benigni awarded some years ago with an Oscar and the famous Theatre Director Mario Pavone,very active in Rome and London decided to come back to his native Letojanni.

The town also organises Cinema Sotto le Stelle,cinema under the stars, an outdoor Film Festival with the chance to enjoy some great movies in the splendid Mediterranean scenery of the Letojanni coastline.

 Theatre events,concerts and musical performances and the Prize Durante in honour of the great Doctor since 1986 are other great chances to enjoy the active cultural calendar of the resort.

 In addition an important appointment is the Religious feast dedicated to San Giuseppe St.Joseph Patron of the town celebrated every year on 19th March and that event is lived with extreme passion in a very lively atmosphere.

The first sunday of of August takes places a procession after a mass with a band starting to play music and the statue of the Saint is placed on a boat and from there with a big participation of many people began  a procession of boats sailing in the Mediterranean sea and the images are absolutely fantastic.

There are also many places which offers stupendous views for photographers along the southern side of the resort you can have an unforgettable scenic panoramic image of Capo Mazzarò,, that unique cape which is the spectacular headland where behind lies the marvellous Isola Bella of Taormina one of the most amazing pictures of Sicily at sunset or in a splendid dawn is something of simply sublime.

On the northern side of the municipality along Via Nazionale you can have beautiful views with a long coastal straight where the nearest mountains embrace the stunning maritime littoral leading to another magnificent promontory that of Capo Sant´Alessio in proximity of Santa Margherita along the road leading to Messina, a wonderful rocky headland with a superb and scenic silhouette.

Letojanni has a rich typical and traditional healthy cuisine.Very famous are the traditional bakery,cakes,ice creams and fresh products such such as the famed Cannoli,Cassate and Cassatelle famous worldwide just like the traditional Granita Siciliana you can taste today everywhere.

Other traditional plates traditionally Mediterranean are among the Pasta N´Casciata prepared with eggplants,a ragu of meat,basil,olive oil,onion,tomato, Parmesan and Provola cheese,the Pasta Ca Muddhica,with fresh anchovies, black olives, garlic ,parsley, olive oil, grated bread and chili pepper.

The Parmigiana di Melanzane is another popular plate just like the  Piscispata a Ghiotta, swordfish cooked with capers,boiled potatoes,green olives,onion,parsley,olive.Excellent are also the exquisite Calamari Ripieni,big squid filled with olive oil, pepper, anchovies,eggs, garlic,capers, parsley ,tomato and parmesan cheese.

Notable is the offer of eternally fresh seafood and mollusks with protagonists superb mussels, prawns, scampi, clams and lobster. Naturally do not miss to taste specialities as  the famous Arancini,U Maccu,the Polpettone and the Custaddeddhi fritti. Absolutely great is the Agnello Arrosto an exquisite baked lamb seasoned with aromatic herbs.

  The fine wines are absolutely outstanding, very suggested are the excellent Mamertino,  Caporosso, Capobianco,Turomenio and Myle.T hose wines thanks that unique Mediterranean climate with fantastic temperatures all year are very smooth,with body,robust selected wines boasting a velvet and vivid colour, texture, fine and elegant to celebrate a successful lunch or dinner.

All that is the result of grapes totally healthy which inside have all the compounds and features of sun,marine breezes, the vineyards are cultivated at the right altitude and those wines are palatable,versatile,ideal for meats ,fish,Haute cuisine, to combine in sublime cocktails and also to enrich desserts and special plates.

Letojanni is a splendid destination,the Oriental coast of Sicily is all to enjoy, it always remains inside to all people who spent holidays and stays on that ravishing coast where the sun is always shining in a blue sky and the sea has a unique and inimitable colour.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Letojanni

Hotel Olimpo
Hotel Antares
Park Hotel Silemi
Hotel Fondaco Parrino Mare
Hotel San Vincenzo
Hotel Le Terrazze
Casa Famiani
Casale Praia

Recommended Restaurants in Letojanni

Ristorante Arco Rosso
Ristorante La Polena
Ristorante Flamingo
Ristorante Nino
Ristorante Buom Gustaio
Ristorante Pizzeria Anna

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