Banyalbufar-Majorca-Spain | Eden of Desirable Bright Secluded Coves.

Banyalbufar is certainly a great spot of the Balearic islands extremely inviting to spend marvellous holidays in Majorca  one of the most captivating islands of Spain and of the entire Mediterranean greatly highlighted by an Eden of desirable bright secluded coves one of the symbols and icons of that fascinating resort with in addition a more than notable historic patrimony linked to a considerable secular past with protagonists different civilisations which left in its boundaries notable marks.

Located on the Northern coast of that sunny island the biggest of a marvellous archipelago which includes the stunning Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera at approximately 32 ,0 kilometres from the capital Palma via Esporles crossing the spectacular interior highlighted by a picturesque mountainous territory also that presence is something highly scenic and fascinating.

That  spectacular high plateau called Sierra de Tramontana is  greatly characterised by the silhouette of the the Mola de Planicia , a charming height with an altitude of approximately 940,0 metres offering from its summit an unforgettable view of that splendid coastal municipality a great destination immediately very attractive at first sight for its radiant image able to conquer everyone and  very appropriate to combine sea and a mountains so close each other bewitching for that a multitude of visitors.

That is certainly a territorial aspect fascinating many people in a while who can have the extraordinary opportunity to enjoy a very varied natural scenery during a stay delighted by unforgettable views between those two so different realities.That more than appealing environment is a great succession of enchanting images simply seductive for all those who have photography among their favourite passions with such large alternation of marvels to immortalise in an endless collection of extraordinary pictures.

The local coastline is certainly one of the great attractions of Banyalbufar consisting in a wide stupendous promontory highlighted by three marvellous bays which marks the municipal boundaries starting from Racó de S´Algar and ending in proximity of  Port des Canonge, another distinctive point which worth a visit and mandatory for its natural beauty.

A special highlight of that wonderful natural setting is a striking coastal stretch packed by tiny bays, high cliffs, small inlets, stupendous rounded and sharp small headlands dominating bright secluded coves, in a scene born to donate special feelings and dreams admiring as mother nature could be so generous to offer the chance to admire those unique panoramic views.

Tourism, sun and several outdoor activities make all together that place a superb and ideal choice to enjoy anytime thanks also to a mild climate  boasting 290/300 sunny days a year, a site simply fabulous for water sports lovers but at the same time Banyalbufar is also a beautiful heaven for all people who want to spend exciting stays practising trekking.

Many are the brilliant options to explore the enchanting inland which offers a wide selection of fantastic paths with the chance to discover virgin forests in an unforgettable scenery full of enjoyable surprises.

That Majorcan resort offers a very vast fan of things to do around its boundaries and in its immediate vicinity, cycling and mountain bike are some of them thanks to a large presence of routes on road, dirt and mixed trails, simply perfect for the fans of all that, with very challenging climbs and long straights on roads flanking the Mediterranean and entering in a while in hidden mixed sections bordered by forests and reaching in a short time an environment where wild rugged rocky hills mutate an impressive scenery.

Further considerable features are undoubtedly a captivating offer of very comfortable Hotels and accommodations offering the best in terms of fine hospitality and in addition the superb presence of an exquisite cuisine offers the best loyal to the most typical Mediterranean culinary art is undoubtedly an additional detail to satisfy the most demanding palates.

That corner of paradise is since a long time among the best sites to discover the immense beauty of the true and genuine rural Majorca and an additional appreciated quality is its peaceful and relaxing atmosphere you can breathe all around that place with a total absence of noise and traffic for many moths in a year naturally expect summer season when the resort and the entire island receive high flows of tourists.

In the immediate vicinity you can visit some small centres but very attractive as Estellencs, a place which will show you some corners of immense beauty between that splendid coastline and the rugged Sierra de Tramontana and I suggest you in addition another very interesting as Esporles, a centre with a considerable historic patrimony including archaeological sites of incredible value dating back prehistoric times.

Very close is also the municipality of Puigpunyent with its several natural and historic attractions among them some Churches erected in various historic periods and highlighted by fantastic landscapes and I recommend you a little gem called Galilea, a small village and neighbourhood of that town. 

All  the coast until Port de Pollença is a succession of jewels with Port de Sóller, Deià and Valldemossa among others and all that means to fill your holidays filling your days with always something great to see day by day during your stay.All that is simply perfect for all those who love a complete tourism including radial excursions admiring historic sites showing great architectural masterpieces and to know the local culture and traditions deeply entering in a very fascinating reality.

With all those options many Tour Operators and Outgoing Travel specials with all those options can find there a magnificent fertile soil to implant many proposals for tourists who want more than the standard summer holiday offering a complete product with very flexible and varied tailor made packages and obviously the superb climatic conditions all year are absolutely appropriate for all the professionals working in that fantastic niche called MICE planning without hesitations successful Travel incentive operations.

The history of the town is highly interesting and just like the rest of the Balearic Islands is dated the Neolithic age about 3500 years B.C. After the Phoenicians who were the first most important civilisation settled that land in the 8th century B.C, the entire Majorca was a stronghold of Carthage that powerful Reign of North Africa founded in the current Tunisia which had a big expansion all around the Mediterranean basin with a strong influence in the Iberian Peninsula and its islands too.

Al that happened before the defeat in the 2nd Punic War with the Roman Empire victorious after along clash against that secular rival and establishing in Majorca and Banyalbufar one of its strategic domains with frequent connections and traffic with the old continental Hispania and all the western territories conquered all around that southern European sea.

In 123 B.C the Romans occupied the entire Archipelago during the times of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Balearicus, an important Consul linked to the Caecilia Dynasty, an important figure who was previously governor in Sardinia.

During those times started several flourishing economic activities such as trade, the construction of developed settlements with the presence of skilled artisans, an active political social life and a notable highlight was agriculture mainly focused in the cultivation of olive and grapes while another resource which played an important role was concentrated in the considerable success of salt mining.

The first Roman cycle endured until the occupation of the Vandals in 427 endured just 38 years before the return of the former rulers who had a continuation with the Byzantine Empire in the 6th century when during the times of Constantinople, Apollinarius a loyal lieutenant of the General Flavius Belisarius was proclaimed Governor of Menorca, Majorca and Ibiza in 534.

That period was also very relevant for the reactivation by sea of interrupted commercial activities, for the intense elevation of many defencive fortified sections and much more highlighted because the entire population embraced the Christianity with a notable construction of Religious temples and Churches.

Those centuries under the Sacred Roman Empire of Orient was also characterised by a long defence of that domain due to the continuous attacks by the Moors who in 902 conquered Majorca with an impressive expedition led by Issam Al Khawlani member of the Umayyad Dynasty who linked the history of those territories to the influential Caliphate of Cordoba ruled by the Emir Abd–ar-Rahman III who proclaimed himself Caliph of the Islamic Iberia.

 The current name of the resort is of clear Moorish origin and it derives from the composition of two words such as Banya meaning foundation and Bahar or Bahera which translated corresponds to sea in the ancient and classical Arabic language later transformed in Bufar by local linguistic influences so the result of all that is a place founded on the sea.

Those powerful rulers established very organised operations particularly concentrated in considerable agricultural plans which previously never had a notable relevance as in those times.

The new system of irrigation created in the former village and all around Majorca was one of the masterpieces of that civilisation consisting in a network of tanks collecting waters with the establishment of several channels and wells increasing the processes of production of the already existing olives but enlarging the cultivation of numerous vegetables, activities extremely favoured by a mild climate all year and including was introduced the cultivations of citrus and saffron.

In addition to all that was also developed in Banyalbufar a small harbour pretty active in trades with the Iberian mainland and all that happened from the 10th to the 13th century a long period in which the former settlement lived a very flourishing era.

The Count of Barcelona Ramon Berenguer III with the support of the Marine Republic of Pisa conquered the land for a brief period after a siege of over eight months but he lost that territory due the advent of the new Moorish Almoravid Dynasty with Ali Ibn Yussuf who led the reconquest. 

Those new governors due to an internal rivalry of some noble families with Emirs having different targets and ideas  were replaced by the Almohads, a Moroccan Berber Caliphate also known as the Uniifiers who were more sensistive to a Moorish union than futile and trivial jealously creating instability and   ruled until 1229 during the times of Abu-al Ala Idris -Al Mamun simply known as Idris I .
That noble Berber considered by eminent historians a controversial figure who reached a treaty with the enemy King Ferdinand III of Castille who helped him sending 12,000 Spanish soldiers for the conquest of Marrakech dethroning Yayaha al-Mutasim who despite the support of the population was not considered by him the legitimate Caliph.

The local history continued after the fall of the Arab domination and continued under rule of the Kingdom of Majorca with its famous Sovereign Jaume I King of Aragon and Count of Barcelona.

The entire island during that time was repopulated by Catalan colonists who replaced in a very short time the Moorish community who was entirely and quickly expelled. Those new inhabitants left in Majorca a strong influence and marks still visible nowadays in language, architecture, culture, gastronomy and traditions. 

It was in the 13th century when the Royalty of the Archipelago delivered local politic power to those former settlers who established a territorial subdivision in counties with a marked feudalistic system. 

In that century the cultivation of vineyards in the local boundaries was particularly promoted by Jaume I and his successor Jaume II of Aragon who also sent specialised winegrowers from other Spanish communities to increase that activity introducing a plantation of vineyards arranged hilly terraces a short distances from the coastline and later with further in the immediate interior.

The viticulture was since then and for a long time the main engine of the local economy with the production of a popular and fine wine, a local Malvasia of a very good quality. The perfect climatic conditions of the local territory favoured all that for many centuries but it had a decline and it was largely replaced by products such as tomatoes and with a notable revival regarding olives and citrons abandoned for a period.

Despite Banyalbufar has a relevant access to the Mediterranean and a vast area of its boundaries is situated on the coastline, curiously the fishing has never been the main local resource and it occupied and occupies a secondary business before behind agriculture and later in a more contemporary era after the emergent tourism industry.

That centre was also governed by the aristocrats Ramon Sa Clusa and Gilabert de Cruilles who for a long period continued to lead that land until the time of the Barony of Banyalbufar who ruled that territory in another chronological stage until the 17th century.

During that period the town was several times assaulted by Saracen pirates and in numerous occasions by the fleets of France and the Ottoman Empire and those two enemies tried to occupy that site with massive military operations in different occasions.

All that gave Banyalbufar and the entire Balearic archipelago an eternal image of a land of conquest due to that unique strategic geographic position in the middle of the western Mediterranean as a sort of bridge between the Iberian and Italic peninsulas and every time considered a relevant desire to be elevated as a busy cross road of trade, commerce and military operations.

The continuation of the local history was highlighted by the Spanish war of succession, a famous event which determined the reunification of the Iberian crowns in a unique Royalty until today with some years lived with the dictatorship of the General Francisco Franco until the 70s of the 20th century.

Banyalbufar is a destination which is also symbol of serenity with its approximately 570 official inhabitants and you can immediately breathe there very pleasant sensations of peace and calm in a simple walk.

The centre is mainly arranged around its Ajuntamient, the Town Hall situated next to Carrer Comte de Salient a street continuing its course embracing Carretera 710 the road leading to the interior and towards the famous seaside resort of Pollença one of the most distinguished destinations of the northern Majorcan coastline.

On the other side of that artery you can see the central hallway called Carrer Major considered for its position the municipal heart located west of the other main avenue Carrer Barona which has along it one of the emblematic and historic local symbols consisting in a noble house which is since many centuries a local icon.

On the north side of those streets start the main accesses to reach the local coastline such as Carrer de Font and Cami des Molí both spectacular gateways leading to superb view points great places to admire the marvellous coast of that sublime site and the eastern exit of the resort is by Carrer Miramar also connected to Carrer Baronia in proximity of the centre.

One of the historic buildings and highlights of the town is undoubtedly the Baronia de Banyalbufar also called La Baronia and it is from that former manor where you can start your visit a stylish construction that was originally the residence of the governors of the town since the 15th century, a site strongly linked to the nobility established Banyalbufar.

Developed on an ample polygonal plan you will notice a large arched doorway facing another with a rectangular shape and a raised walkway.The architectural design is simply magnificent with a perfect and balanced order of all the elements inserted in the exterior layout with a refined execution of all the outlines in every space.

Very scenic is the image, Torre Sa Baronia, a tower part of the complex facing a wide courtyard with a well in the centre flanked by wings with light walls highlighted by charming painted green shutters.

In addition to that very fascinating architectural masterpiece you can also appreciate in the splendid central body a sort of balcony bridge connecting the two sections of the structure which is in its kind a further attraction for its very pleasant aesthetic image completing a setting very well studied and executed with refined taste.

Today that historic place is a fabulous accommodation boasting nine comfortable rooms in a very charming environment very appreciated by many tourists for its unique position, charm, fine hospitality service  and for what historically represented and represents that fascinating noble house.

The tower is one of the secular local emblems for the role played during the times of the defence of Banyalbufar. That imposing high stoned structure erected in the 17th century as check point during a period in which were frequent several attacks by pirates and later it was furtherly reinforced and used to protect the local coast by an intense and long siege by the Ottoman fleet.

Elevated on an irregular square that former military watchtower was built to lead the same operations of a traditional Torre Almenara and from its strategic summit as in other similar constructions part of defencive systems erected in the Mediterranean basin in that era from its top were launched signals of smokes and fire in the case of an incursion by sea which were the alert of an imminent assault informing the population and the Army immediately ready and prepared to defend the territory.

The project and establishment of that structure in that point was due to its unique location boasting a complete ample view on the sea and it was placed behind a high stoned wall established above a hilly plateau which was used as additional bastion avoiding an iimmediate assault due to its altitude.

Taking a look from the top of that structure you will immediately notice why that choice enjoying a complete and unique panoramic view overlooking the Mediterranean and its entire splendid horizon. from every cardinal point.

The nearest Cafe Bellavista located in Carrer Comte de Sallent is a great place to enjoy a warm aromatic coffee, a cool drink or also a snack, an ideal and appropriate site for an enjoyable break anytime.The magnificent terrace has an impressive view over the local coastline and it is a lovely place to sit for a while very suggested at evening enjoying the cool breeze which gives the desire to spend relaxing times tasting a glass of fine wine in a very pleasant atmosphere.

The Torre De Vergers also called Torre de ses Animes, the Tower of the Souls is another distinctive icon of the history of the resort consisting in an imposing watchtower developed in the 16th century with further works ended in 1579 and it was nicknamed in Catalan language Sa Torreta, meaning small tower.

As the previous defencive building also that construction was part of the organised network established to as defencive element of Banyalbufar and it was elevated on high cliff in a very strategic corner in the highest point of the town and used with brilliant results during the Ottoman and French attacks that Majorca suffered since the century of its elevation.

Torre De Vergers was guarded day and night by soldiers who sent signals of fires as in the times of the Marine Republics Pisa, Genoa, Amalfi and Venice or in the old North African Ribats, those fortifications established along the coasts of the Maghreb by the Moors and later by the Turks and in  1669 it was provided by a small cannon and a couple of pieces of light artillery.

 Thanks to its unique location it was in constant contact with the other towers built in Puerto de Sóller, Valldemossa, Deià and two established on the islet Sa Dragonera and all together played an important role to defend the entire island .At the first signal from one of those towers the entire local population was notified in case of an attack from the sea and iimmediately evacuated in the interior of the local territory.

 The strategic point where it was elevated allowed a wide visibility on every cardinal point and towards the open sea for several kilometres offshore that Northern Majorcan coastline. In 1875, the tower was sold by the Spanish Government and purchased by the Archduke Luis Salvador and some years ago it was largely restored.

In more contemporary times it became a tourist attraction to show the visitors the historic defencive system of Banyalbufar and today you can visit it by a stoned step and once onthe top the views are simply outstanding.

The resort is very famous for its wild and beautiful beaches and in many corners of the municipal boundaries you can find an enchanting Eden consisting in many hidden and desirable secluded coves, those fascinating Calas as they are called by locals.

They are some sandy others covered by pebbles and gravel many of them are part of small wonderful bays and spectacular inlets between cliffs dominated by a typical Mediterranean vegetation.

All them have a very special charm, there is not one equal to another, the strength of the sea formed in that geographic area a sort of spectacular puzzle showing a wide variety of different marvellous images.

You can move from a tiny cove covered by sand and discovering immediately at a short distance another completing packed by stones or rocks and almost inaccessible and others which are a mix of sand and gravel, some of them totally hidden and isolated.

Many of those marvels could be discovered descending by the heights of the Sierra de Tramontana which is another beautiful attraction of Banyalbufar with astonishing surprises of wonders you can not see including from the highest points of the surroundings.

Some of those natural gems are behind high cliffs, a vertical rocky wall or including secluded in the shade beneath a huge promontory which often does not show a total visibility in its low section. Some of them can be accessible by paths or steps and they are are authentic true wonderful spots of the beauty of that corner of Majorca.

Cala Banyalbufar is probably one of the most scenic and famous, it is pretty narrow, not very long, its length is approximately 100, 0 metres and it is a stretch covered in major part by gravel and small stones with a tiny magnificent section of bright sand.

Situated beneath a fabulous cliff and lined by crystalline waters in an astonishing tiny and picturesque arched bay it is also highlighted by a stunning natural frame consisting in a low height with scattered trees and on one side by a picturesque woodland above a charming rocky plateau.  

Son Bunyola is equally very attractive with similar features, part of its surface is pebbled and the other has several rocks. It is approximately 85, 0 metres long with a major opening than the previous highlighted by a beautiful tiny tip in a section and it is also characterised by the image of scenic hills immediately behind it. Its maximum width is approximately 20, 0 metres and not far you can admire a picturesque sharp headlandcompleting a fabulous environment to immortalise in several pictures.

Sa Galera is one of the most loved calas by locals since sa long time ago and in the last decades by many  foreign tourists, it is not very long with a length of  about 50,0 metres and not extremely wide with its 15,0 metres, a small wonder facing a natural splendid tiny bay of emerald waters characterised by pebbled sections and cliffs emerging immediately offshore of from the shoreline. Very impressive along that cove is the very wild conformation of the coast extremely wild and intact appearing as something of remote and never explored.

Es Corrals Fals is another marvel, it is a pretty isolated, approximately 90, 0 metres long formed by a pebbled bright stretch, a magnificent arched cove enclosed between two magnificent spurs and greatly highlighted by deep azure waters, a desirable Eden by all the sea lovers.It is pretty beloved by many tourists for its varied colours and tonalities especially at sunset when the sun lights fall on it generating stunning reflections.

Es Port des Canonge is a very charming place and as tells its name it was since its origin occupied by a small fishing harbour.That cala is approximately 70,0 metres long with a width of 20, 0 metres formed by a stretch of bright sand and gravel lining crystalline waters very tempting and inviting.

Wonderful is the natural environment of that place with gentle slopes descending towards a magnificent shoreline and it is is very appreciated by a multitude of people, photographers and romantic couples for its image which is often immortalised in pictures as local tourist spot.

There are many other very suggested sites to have a complete idea of the beautiful local coastal conformation.I recommend you one of them starting from the town along the road Cami de Moli you will reach S´Arenal and in that point the coastline form a sort of double gulf east of the municipality.

In that concrete point you will be on a spectacular rounded headland and immediately on the western side starts a splendid wild stretch offering a magnificent succession of virgin coves.
From that promontory in a pleasant walk of approximately 500, 0 600,0  metres you can reach furthermore a stunning space highlighted by two very sharp tips and in front of you the view of the Mediterranean in all its splendour greatly delighted by the presence of a couple of tiny islets.

For passionate photographers to immortalise something of really great  taking Carrer Font starting close to Carrer Baronia in a walk of  approximately 700,0 metres you can reach a a fascinating point facing the sea above a wide bay absolutely spectacular and under you the unmistakable and incomparable turquoise waters of Majorca.

Immediately west behind a rocky promontory starts the wild scenery of the panoramic Sierra de Tramuntana, another wonderful corner, perfect site to take multitude of pictures with stupendous contrasts and different colours and that area is practically the gateway leading to the wild and rugged interior of the island. 

That is another stupendous feature of Banyalbufar consisting in the great chance to move from those spectacular views of several secluded Mediterranean bright coves to places very rugged and extremely wild which became a wonderful destination for trekkers and lovers of fabulous mountainous landscapes with the opportunity to enjoy in a while unforgettable excursions.

I particularly suggest you one for its spectacular natural charm, a very scenic route consisting to start from the road Carretera C-710 descending along a path running between pine forests crossing areas packed by shaped rocks with beautiful view points and leading to the previously mentioned Port des Canonge and the name of that trail is Sa Volta des Generals.

That Catalan denomination derives from Volta which means curve because the itinerary starts from a point where the road forms a wide bend and Des General which translation is of the General because that land was an old property of a military officer with that rank who lived in that area.

From there descending you will admire an enchanting typical Mediterranean vegetation walking along a natural Eden highlighted by the presence of high cliffs, enjoying superb views and you will be in the heart of the wildest scenery of the most hidden sunny Majorca.

The path has an average difficult, you will meet along that trail several stones and in some points it is a bit steep. It is suggested to take with you water because there are not sources of water or bars and it is very recommended to wear ideal shoes and do not smoke cause possible fires.

That excursion endures approximately one hour and fifteen minutes and it is a unique experience to discover a corner of that Balearic marvels simply enchanting reaching from one of its fascinating heights the striking coastline, a beautiful opportunity to enjoy two different scenes in a very short time, mountain and sea, two different realities moving from one natural world to another in just 75 minutes.

Not far from that resort there are many other stunning places to visit, I suggest you another one in its immediate vicinity.It is a little municipality previously mentioned and called Estellencs. That very small centre boasts a wonderful image, its tiny agglomeration is totally dominated by the splendid silhouette of the Puig de Galatzó which with its 1026,0 metres is one of the great local attraction and there is a path to reach its summit from where you can enjoy beautiful views. 

Another highlight I strongly recommend you is to visit and enjoy is Cala Estellencs a fantastic secluded cove lining crystalline waters, it has not sandy sections, just gravel, its wild and intact image is of immense beauty.

It is approximately 80, 0 metres long and its width is approximately 15, 0 metres, you will see there a small pier and a superb attraction is the wonderful presence above that small stretch a very steep height on one side very rugged and on the other a pretty high plateau covered by trees.

Banyalbufar offers the visitor excellent chances to enjoy in its vast network of water sports different kinds of activities and one of them is  scuba diving  among the most loved in that place but you can also sailing and to practise windsurfing at very good level and snorkeling.

The roads of Mallorca including the mentioned C-710 are also an Eden for cyclists and mountain bikers with challenging routes with climbs and steep straights while for the second there are many dirt and mixed trails of wonderful fascination offering spectacular views with a multitude of magnificent corners all to discover metre by metre.

The local cuisine is absolutely excellent. The old gastronomic traditions have a strong Catalan influence extremely rooted and they generated a typical Mediterranean gastronomy rich in flavours and using genuine ingredients.

The Peix al Forn is undoubtedly a superb local highlight consisting in baked fish adding some vegetables, excellent are the Callmars farcits, squid filled with meat and aromatic herbs.In the case you are a lover of special flavours try the Peix en Escabetx. That plate in the process of its preparation consists in fried fish adding it onion, olive oil, salt, pepper, a large quantity of vinegar and served cool.
The Frit Mallorqui also called by locals Freixura is a very famous and delicious plate consisting in fried lamb or pork meat with potatoes, onion, pepper, garlic, laurel, red chili and fennel and there is also a variant with fish using the same vegetables in its preparation.

The famed Paella despite is typically from the area of Valencia is also prepared in many local gastronomic establishments but much more traditional is the exquisite Arros Caldos, rice cooked with vegetables and meat and a popular alternative is with Marisc, using seafood as main ingredient.If you love rice do not miss to try another iconic speciality, the famed and tastefully Arroz Negre, a kind of delectable risotto prepared with fresh cuttlefish.

Very famous and considered a sort of gastronomic symbol is the Coca, a sort of Focaccia completed with an addition of parsley, peppers and other vegetables. and very popular is a speciality called Albergínies Farcits, a combination of eggplants filled with meat and covered by a tomato sauce.

 An appetiser very traditional is the notorious Sobrassada Mallorqui, a blood pork sausage produced with a big addition of spices and paprika, it can be served as tapa with slices of bread or accompanied by the Pan Amb Oli very similar to a Catalan Pan amb Tumaca of Catalonia or a Tuscan Bruschetta consisting in toasted bread seasoned with olive oil, fresh tomato juice and salt.

The Ensaimada is a notorious pastry made with water, sugar, eggs, flour, mother dough and the sëim from which derives its name which is a reduced lard pork. The Greixonera is another speciality pretty common in all the Balearic Island,a kind of bun prepared with eggs, milk, sugar, lemon, butter and cinnamon. 

Son Sant Joan Majorca International Airport is situated 35, 0 kilometres away and in approximately 40/45 minutes in normal conditions of traffic by Ma-10 road via Sa Garriga and Esporles you will reach that fascinating resort.  

Banyalbufar is definitely a fantastic destination for all people who want to link an unforgettable seaside resort which also offer something of very special as those numerous and different outdoor activities and not only water sports.

The very relaxing atmosphere surrounding that place, an authentic oasis of calm and relaxation with that incomparable Eden highlighted by desirable secluded bright coves which are definitely a unique attraction for every sea lover, a perfect cocktail to enjoy 365 days a year delighting every tourist who desire to live something of extremely great. 

There are many beautiful places on that stupendous island and that resort called Banyalbufar is certainly one of them. During a stay in a place like that you will return home remebering an unforgettable experience, those fabulous landscapes will be deeply inside you, in your mind and eyes so alive  keeping with you very pleasant memories of an enchanting place of Majorca you will desire to re-see once again.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Banyalbufar

Hotel Sa Baronia
Hotel Sa Coma
Hotel Mar i Vent
B&B Can Busquets

Recommended Restaurants in Banyalbufar

Restaurant Son Tomas
Restaurant Can Paco
Restaurant Pegason y El Pajarito Enmascarado

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