Origlio | Woody Eden Around a Scenic Swiss Tiny Lake.

Origlio is a very attractive small town situated in a beautiful woody Eden around a scenic Swiss tiny lake in the captivating Val Capriasca, a verdant valley of the fabulous Canton of Ticino, a land of immense beauty highlighted by a mild climate all year able to conquer immediately all people in a while who will be delighted by landscapes absolutely unique.

Situated at just 8,0 kilometres north of the splendid Lugano at an altitude of 432,0 metres
 flanked by a picturesque green hilly plateau called Pasture Genovesi, that municipality lies in proximity of the beautiful Colle San Bernardo, a captivating height which with its 710,0 metres dominates the entire scene, representing with its appealing silhouette a sort of splendid natural balcony offering from its summit unforgettable panoramic views.

A further scenic detail is the presence of several scenic vineyards cultivated in terraces since a long time ago on gentle slopes producing a wine very appreciated and in addition you will be enchanted by striking images of the unforgettable Lake Ceresio, other name of the famed and unique Lake Lugano, a landmark of that Canton, a top destination boasting a notable reputation worldwide since centuries ago.

That area is highly fascinating, packed by very suggestive corners at the foothills of the Lugano Prealps, a marvellous mountain range in the western part of the Alps and a fabulous hallway linking magnificent towns and villages to towering and majestic peaks. 

The wonderful local environment is greatly preserved offering the visitor the brilliant opportunity to enjoy a wild and intact land highlighted by the presence of several uncontaminated forests packed by pines, oaks and birches.

Many are the chances spending holidays in that splendid yerritory of Southern Switzerland to discover an area which also offers a considerable historic patrimony including in its smallest remote hamlets with architectural masterpieces ranging from the finest Medieval Romanesque architecture to the most refined Baroque style.

All that is visible in Origlio boasting superb artistic works elevated in its boundaries and immediate surroundings made by talented masters of a school strongly related to the Northern Italian region of Lombardy due to a very long historic relationship since centuries ago who left in that Swiss municipality very relevant monuments.

Those secular rooted links are furthermore enriched by many cultural affinities present in gastronomy, traditions, lifestyle and language despite there is a border dividing two different Nations.

Peace, relaxation and a virgin intact nature embracing the entire local valley are among other great qualities and one the main highlights of Origlio is undoubtedly its picturesque small lake bordered on its shores by a very appealing fairytale woodland.

That tiny but fascinating waters basin representing the symbol of the town was originally formed approximately 13000 years ago by glacier movements in the Rhaetian Alps and it is nowadays one of best local post cards deserving to be immortalised in several pictures by the most enthusiastic photographers for its picturesque image totally surrounded by fascinating heights.
Another special attraction of Origlio is its historic core highlighted by a captivating maze of enchanting narrow streets, winding cobbled alleys and tiny charming squares which all together form a beautiful setting next to splendid restored buildings mainly dated the 17th and 18th century.

Some of those very attractive constructions boast very lovely courtyards accessible by charming arched doorways completed with the presence in their architectural layouts of beautiful flowered balconies with wooden or stone decorative elements and attractive details reminiscent the former  old rural houses erected in that area in the late Middle Ages.

A pleasant walk in that captivating environment is also to breathe in total relaxation a reality in which the time seems to stand still, no noise and traffic, every corner is encircled by a beautiful natural frame in a scenery which could be narrated in a novel as a fairytale heaven  representing the true, genuine image and spirit of the most idyllic Canton of Ticino.

A place like that is particularly suggested for travellers and tourists who are lovers of environments like that but at the same time with the desire to discover a site also rich of art with that great appealing invitation in the immediate proximity of a great lake and  stunning city as Lugano with a considerable patrimony and a cultural calendar rich of notable events.

Two other magnificent waters basins such as as Lake Maggiore and Lake Como are very close representing a further incentive during a stay planning fabulous radial excursions to the nearest Italy admiring those two outstanding wonders, symbols of an iconic tourism which entered since a long time in the elite among the most emblematic destinations worldwide.

Cyclists and mountain bikers will find there a paradise with an endless network of mixed and dirt trails all around the boundaries of Origlio which is also a magnificent open gateway to the Alps of the Northern Canton not far to the stunning medieval city of Bellinzona, ideal and appropriate area also for trekkers.

For all those who love mountaineering activities the picturesque peaks consisting in the Cima dell´Uomo immediately west of Origlio and another as the wonderful Monte Tamaro are sites extremely fascinating characterised by green slopes mixed with rugged cliffs, mandatory you can not miss inserting also those attractions without hesitations in your itineraries filling your days with something of simply spectacular.

Another suggestion is to combine Origlio discovering the true beauty of the small centres of the Val Capriasca such as Cureglia, Canobbio, Lamone and Bedano which despite their reduced size will transmit you the suggestive beauty of places highly attractive with visits very significant which will donate you great memories.

In addition for those who love a romantic and tranquil oasis of peace, a site like that municipality is very indicated for its  colours, lights and landscapes of that geographic area are perfect to spend more than pleasant times. 

It will be enough to take a a look towards the coastline of Lake Lugano dominated by marvellous heights to feel yourself in a sort of Eden, highly inspiring, magic and absolutely sublime.

That marvellous waters basin is perfect for all the tourists who love water sports offering many opportunities to practise  sailing, diving, windsurfing, rowing and next to all that also perfect for the visitors who desire to spend a wonderful day enjoying a magnificent lake cruise admiring other several beauties scattered along the shore of that superb Swiss lake.

The presence of comfortable Hotels and accommodations thanks to a notable rooted Hospitality tradition is another aspect to take in high consideration. All those structures are located in strategic points permitting agile and quick movements reaching other destinations of the interior and along  Lake Lugano with extreme easiness.
Including for those who desire to taste the local delicious and genuine gastronomy is another attraction. In that place and its immediate surroundings you will have the brilliant chance to be delighted by the delectable cuisine of the Canton of Ticino offered in the famous Grotti, those typical iconic taverns arranged in a cosy and traditional environments delighting the most demanding palates with the best dishes of a very varied and exquisite culinary art.

The main resources of that town of approximately 1,400 inhabitants are nowadays mainly concentrated in tourism but also agriculture, the latter linked to a secular tradition especially related to viticulture which found a special habitat on the slopes of the hilly Pasture Genovesi which is also a geographic area well known for the production of  excellent delicious local cheeses and butter. 

Other activities which always had a relevant position in the economical ranking are those linked to farming, breeding and silkworm.

The history of that centre is very ancient and according to historic documentations and excavations which took place in the municipal boundaries the discovery of considerable artifacts certified the human presence since the Iron Age

The first official and recorded settlers who populated that land were Celtic tribes probably linked to Insubri, Ligurians and Cauni, the latter originally populated the nearest area of the Italian province of Como close to northeastern shore of Lake Ceresio in proximity of the beautiful lake side resort of Porlezza. (I wrote a post about that place if you are interested)

Those populations developed in the Capriasca valley small villages mainly devoted to farms and agricultural activities living pretty isolated in small groups with as main mission the duty to defend their territories  by other tribes and small local trades.

All that happened before the advent of the Roman colonisation in the 1st century BC with the campaigns led by Augustus who continued operations started by Julius Caesar some years before in 89 BC.

The influence of Rome endured a long time in the local territory until 493 when the Ostrogoth invasion changed the destiny of that area of the Canton of Ticino which moved in 568 under rule of the Lombards defeated and replaced by the Franks in 773.

The latter incorporated the land in the Holy Roman Empire and since then started a long cycle linked to a long feudalistic system established by the Carolingian dynasties with Counts and Marquises ruling counties and sub-counties.

A relevant historic period which highlighted the chronological local stages was in Medieval times when the current town was part of Lugano sharing all the rights and political life with that important centre living a thriving period of its history.

Since the 14th century the current Canton was ruled by the Duchy of Milan with the powerful Visconti and  Sforza families. Many current municipalities as in  previous times were incorporated in vast territories governed by local aristocrats who for familiar links or because protected by those  feared Dukes owned different villages with extreme authority.

That land was also protagonist of several disputes with the historic rival the city of Como always hostile to an expansion and influence of that enemy of the major centre of Lombardy.  

Long battles had as protagonists those hills around Origlio and Lugano with several clashes hamlet by hamlet often conquered and lost in a short time by those two contenders with often pretty unclear and provisional borders due to a situation in many cases not very defined with losses and re-conquests in just months or including days.

After a period in which Milan had the total control of those lands a new enemy emerged  to change the local historic destiny consisting in the alliance of the Cantons forming the Swiss League which defeating those former lords determined the end of the Milanese Dukes who in the early 16th century lost all their domains in the current Switzerland.

Including some Italic territories ruled by those aristocrats in those times were occupied by the troops of the Confederated Cantons in a period which also corresponded to the notorious Religious War between Swiss Protestant Calvinists and Catholics led by France with the famous battle of Melegnano not far from Milan with the victory of the French army in 1515, an event which re-established new borders and maps.

The town since then was part of the Confederation well known with its notorious an distinctive German name Eidgenossenschaft Swizerische but also called in Italian the official language in that geographic area Confederazione Svizzera. 

That new State also was was for a period until the early 18th century occupied by  France with Napoleon Bonaparte as leader. 

The end of the Napoleonic domain in 1815 after the Treaty of Vienna was another historic stage of Origlio which followed the history of the nearest Lugano part of its bailiwick just like all the small centres situated around that big municipality on that stupendous lake which also became one of the capitals of the Canton of Ticino next to Locarno and Bellinzona. 

The access to the town is by Via Cantonale, a pretty long road which runs east of the municipal boundaries flanking the inhabited centre and the small scenic local waters basin continuing towards north for a further 4,0 kilometres reaching other charming places as Capriasca and its appealing neighbourhood Tesserete. 

That artery also enters in the heart of Origlio changing name after approximately 300, 0 metres taking the denomination Strada dar Pian while Via Lugano is another important axis consisting in a sort of junction of that artery marking the easternmost side of that centre while two other streets called Strada da Lamon situated at north-west and Cara di Capin at south-west both flanking the local lake form together the western belt of Origlio.

Despite its small size that site has a relevant historic patrimony and it is Official Member of the Swiss Inventory of Heritage Sites part of a 1981 Ordinance of the Swiss Federal Council developed to preserve the Nature and Culturale heritage of the country certifying with that inscription in a very important archive its relevance highlighted by considerable monuments still visible nowadays in its territory.

You can start a very pleasant visit from the Chiesa di San Vittore Mauro, a Church located in a neighbourhood called Carnago considered one of the main attractions of the town.  

The history of that Religious building is full of events, probably erected on the rests of a previous construction dated the 8th century which was previously elevated on a small Roman burial temple.

That Church since the 10th century had a total reconstruction mainly due to a fire which devastated all the original trim and framework and it was furthermore largely rebuilt in the 13th century re-using the former foundations, some beams and a wall with laborious works ended two centuries later.

Further modifications were managed in the 16th century with an integral arrangement of the apse re-developed with a different shape when in 1570 it was officially consecrated as Parish Church  while the light bell tower erected on a square plan visible today was added in the 17th century. 

Its current aspect notably changed due to all those re-arrangements and restorations which took place in different periods and today it shows a pretty sober but fine Baroque image with a high light facade and a traditional gable roof surmounted by a small Christian cross.

Over the small rectangular portal you will notice the presence of a fresco and a sort of oculus which perhaps could be a Romanesque rose window of the former medieval structure or according to other historic supposition an unfinished attempt of that architectural decorative detail very common in several Religious constructions developed in Medieval times which had a notable artistic focal point also in the Canton of Ticino.

Inside you can admire in well defined spaces, sections highlighted by splendid marked architectural lines and a beautiful nave leading to a splendid Baroque altar. Worth a special mention a relevant fresco depicting St. Sebastian and some other paintings of considerable value dated the 19th century.

You can continue visiting the Parish Church of Origlio consisting in the Chiesa di Santa Maria Immacolata e San Giorgio dedicated to the Virgin Mary the Immaculate and St. George, a Sacred construction pretty young considering that it was ended in the early 19th century, exactly in 1809.

Despite that according to historic documentations that Christian Catholic Temple was probably elevated the 15th century, period in which it was officially recorded in a historic archive.

It was  rebuilt in the early 17th century  with some breaks probably due to lack of funds for the expensive costs of the materials with further works restarted between 1764 and 1769 adding a choir and the current apse.

Developed on a rectangular plan it currently shows a late Renaissance aspect, the high facade has in its layout a portal surmounted by a small pediment flanked by ample rectangular windows while on another level were placed others on both sides.

A further one was inserted on the top beneath the roof combined with a triangular block reminiscent a fine Neoclassical pediment.

Established with a nave and aisles with four Chapels, you will notice that some evident architectural canons are the result of a vague, partial Tuscan inspiration by masters and architects who ended the last works in the early 19th century.

The bell tower behind the main body was added in the 18th century and despite the difference in age it is in perfect harmony with the rest of the structure.

You will notice all that in the different kind of materials used but all is very well integrated, the old sections perfectly match the new elements present greatly assembled and cleverly studied to give a very stylish and uniform aesthetic image to the entire Ecclesiastic complex.

In its interior you can admire some relevant works by Ticinese and Lombard artistic schools such as a wooden statue depicting the Virgin Mary dated the 15h century, some very interesting frescoes as one depicting St.Anthony the Abbott, refined stuccoes of superb quality and splendid lines in correspondence of the vault covering the nave and the apse on which was established a beautiful Baroque altar.

In the charming centre you will notice on the walls of some houses votive paintings developed between the 15th and 18th centuries, works which certify a considerable active artistic life also in civil environments. 

Along Via Cantonale you can admire Casa Delorenzi, a contemporary house designed by the famous architect from Medrisio Mario Botta, a building elevated between 1981 and 1982

If you are interested in modern architecture you can admire that work by that eminent character who was strongly influenced by the iconic figure Le Corbusier  and he projected San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Casino of Campione D' Italia and La Fortaleza building, Maastricht, The Netherlands among many others.

The small but more than appealing Lake of Origlio flanking the core of the municipality is certainly one of the great highlights and it forms with the surrounding hills and the striking view of the Alps a very pleasant post card of the town.

With a surface of about 2, 0 square kilometres and a maximum depth of approximately 6, 0 metres that tiny scenic waters basin is surrounded by a beautiful green woody Eden, an image very appreciated by many photographers.

In addition it is an ideal place for relaxing walks around its shore enjoying tranquillity and spending pleasant times admiring enchanting landscapes with extraordinary views of a beautiful mountainous crown dominating it.

Part of the waters of that basin is occupied by small reeds with nymphs and populated by different species of birds which found in that place a mild climate, food and a convenient natural habitat for their reproduction.

In many occasions it is also a haven for other migratory volatiles which stop frequently there as provisional stage before to continue towards the Mediterranean lands.For that it is a site suggested for who is fond about ornithology because from time to time new presence of species never seen before appear there including different kinds of raptors and ducks.

A further detail regarding the local fauna are some rare kinds of dragonflies which found in those reeds a perfect refuge for their survival and in addition you can see some diverse species of amphibians.  

Since 1985 due to a plan of conservation and protection of the local natural patrimony was drafted a law with a further act emanated in 1991 in which bathing is prohibited. On that lake is possible to fish with permission and license paying the local Institutions in some offices in the case you are interested to practise that activity.

From that tiny picturesque lake I suggest you a great excursion along a very scenic path approximately 6,5 kilometres long immersed in green local forests leading to Tesserete, a fascinating neighbourhood of Capriasca.

That trail is developed along a pretty hilly environment but not particularly difficult or steep and in an intermediate stage corresponding to the locality of Sureggio at 614,0 metres of altitude, a hamlet part of the mentioned municipality of Capriasca you will enjoy a special point offering you very charming views on the valley admiring in addition stunning images of different peaks of the Lepontine Alps.

Apart that attraction and a striking natural frame along it you can also admire historic monuments of relevance as the Chiesa di San Pietro e Paolo, a Romanesque Church erected in the 10th century dedicated to the Apostles Peter and Paul well known for its medieval frescoes and a beautiful imposing stone tower.

Probably it was one of the most relevant Sacred buildings established in the Middle Ages in the local territory, notable are the superb architectural details inserted in the main facade, considerable works reflecting a notable resemblance with other constructions elevated in the same period in the Italian regions of Piedmont, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna including in the materials used for the construction and the development of the apse and presbytery.

That itinerary will lead you to another splendid attraction consisting in the high Torre di San Clemente, the outstanding medieval tower of St. Clement also known as Torre di Redde, denomination which identifies a small unhinabited village since the 16th century.

That stone construction was erected in the 13th century on an irregular square commissioned by the former Rusca family, a noble dynasty from Como which established that building as a check point.

Very close to that structure lies the small Chiesa di San Clemente, a  Church erected in the same period also dedicated to that Saint characterised by an ample light facade and fine architectural lines in its front side also highlighted by a charming gable roof flanked by a high bell tower.

That excursion is very suggested because it is a beautiful mix of nature, art and history, a  fantastic full immersion in a fabulous itinerary crossing a woody uncontaminated land with the opportunity to enjoy also those relevant historic gems of notable artistic value with many opportunities to immortalise in thousands of pictures that magnificent contrast art-nature which is always something of extremely appealing and fascinating.

Once reached the lovely centre of Tesserete I suggest you to visit the Chiesa di Santo Stefano, a beautiful Medieval Church erected in the 9th century dedicated to St. Stephen, officially recorded in 1078 becoming since the 13th century one of the most important and representative artistic jewels of the entire Val Capriasca.

According to historic documentations it was was elevated in a traditional Romanesque style but with several changes in the course of its history which highly changed its original aspect.

In the 15th and much more in the 17th century the structure largely mutated its image with a restoration of the walls and the addition of new vaults while in the 18th century there were some transformations in the interior with a re-arrangement of the apse, part of the nave and the addition of the presbytery.

That construction is highlighted by a beautiful high stone tower with slots and an attractive belfry established between a circular clock with Roman numbers and a magnificent red spire. Beautiful in the long roof covering the entire nave with a captivating portico formed by  fine columns with capitals.

Despite the several changes, that wonderful Ecclesiastic complex had preserved a perfect symmetry of all the elements in the layout with special mention to two splendid arched windows placed on the sides of the facade and absolutely great is the development of the  sloping gable roof.

That small but charming centre is very famous for its Carnival considered one of the most important of the entire Canton next to those of Bellinzona, Chiasso and Biasca. Its denomination in Ticinese dialect is “Or Penangin”, a name linked to old traditions linked to the word Penagia consisting in a wooden container used to prepare the butter, an activity which always had an important cultural relevance.

The nearest Ponte Capriasca and Vaglio situated east of Origlio and also Lamone immediately at west are also excellent points to start several excursions enjoying the natural environment of that valley born to delight the most passionate nature lovers.

In the first centre I suggest you a stop  in its tiny but extremely appealing core with the chance to see some beautiful restored buildings dating back the 16th and 17th centuries and worth a visit the Chiesa di Sant´Ambrogio,the local Parish Church dedicated to St. Ambrose.

That beautiful Medieval Religious building was erected in the mid 14th century boasting a stunning Romanesque bell tower developed on a Greek cross plan with a nave.

The great highlight is in its interior with a magnificent fresco executed by a pupil of Leonardo da Vinci who painted in that Church a superb replica of the famed Last Supper, that magnificent masterpiece you can admire in Milan in the emblematic Cenacolo next to Santa Maria delle Grazie Church.

Cycling on road and mountain bike are great outdoor activities in a more than appropriate territory very attractive and packed by challenging climbs with constant changes of slopes and  mixed routes, a Mecca for all those who love that activity on two wheels.

Thanks to to the presence of numerous dirt trails crossing beautiful forests reaching the summit of picturesque hills or ending near roads leading to other historic small centres of immense charm, every cyclist can find there a stupendous habitat and I suggest you for all that the area around Gravesano immediately south of Origlio which also provides magnificent itineraries leading to the scenic Alto Malcantone.

That place is a small neighbourhood of Lugano and it is a great oasis of peace apart the stunning panoramic sights it offers towards different Alpine peaks in a site totally surrounded by green forests where the word pollution does not exist.

 I recommend you to visit the Santuario della Madonna di Cimaronco, a splendid Sanctuary dated the 15th century, a magnificent construction erected in late-Gothic and Baroque styles.

 Apart its beautiful architectural development it is well known for its frescoes painted in the 17th century in its facade with others absolutely beautiful in its interior. Some of them are dated the 16th century and in addition another marvel is a splendid altar decorated by stunning stuccoes, a site highly appreciated by lovers of refined art.

That high plateau is highlighted in all its surroundings by several oak forests and many streams in a very scenic environment. From there you can descend towards Porza, a small picturesque centre situated along a very panoramic route with the impressive view of the Monte Brè, one of the iconic and suggestive heights dominating Lake Lugano.

I suggest you linked to that to visit the beautiful Gandria, a splendid neighbourhood of Lugano highlighted by charming houses nestled on picturesque gentle slopes above that stunning waters basin. That place is strongly recommend to visit because it was inserted some years ago in the Top Ten of the most charming and picturesque Swiss villages boasting an image which will delight you at first sight.

Equally captivating is a further itinerary towards north reaching Sigirino, an area very wild wilder and in some points extremely rugged. You will be very close to the heights of Bosco del Sasso and Monte Tamaro, two fabulous peaks dominating San Nazzaro, a wonderful municipality facing the marvellous Ascona on the opposite shore of the Swiss Lake Maggiore coastline. (If you are interested I wrote a post about that stunning resort)

All those sites are highly recommended for tourists who want to appreciate the beauty of Switzerland enjoying unique landscapes, trekkers and professional photographers who desire to prepare great works for their exhibitions.

Naturally they are also very indicated for Outgoing Specialists, professional of tourism who can plan a vast virtual dossier after an Educational to show the beauty of that Swiss area to potential clients with extreme success as great proposal because a simple image of those sites is simply flashing generating an immediate incentive to plan a trip there without hesitations.

Origlio could be a very lovely base during a stay starting from there day by day great routes but also ideal for those who prefer calm places to overnights in cities. 

Naturally the nearest Lugano is mandatory, but you can visit other places very interesting as Swissminiatur, enjoying also the very pleasant town of Melide and its beautiful lake side promenade where that site is situated and visiting the stunning Morcote, a marvellous small town I strongly recommend you. (I wrote posts about those sites if you are interested)

From there you can have an easy access to many localities of that Southern Swiss Canton which is also a fantastic hallway leading to the Italian borders reaching in a very short time the nearest frontiers of Bizzarone, Ronago and Gaggiolo entering in the Italian provinces of of Como and Varese.
In the area of Origlio you can find some excellent restaurants and Grotti, those traditional establishments which will delight you for their typical interiors arranged with traditional rustic furniture, chimney and typical objects part of the most rooted local culture.

Created to transmit a very charming and cosy atmosphere, they are definitely something you ca not miss during a stay in that area of Switzerland for their appealing environment and naturally enjoying a great cuisine.

The local gastronomy is superb with a strong local identity but with some influences from Northern Italy especially from the nearest Lombardy. All the recipes are part of a secular homemade culinary art and one of the main highlights is the traditional Polenta Concia with cheese.

Very relevant is the production of Salsicce, homemade sausages and Salami. The first are often used in stews combined with polenta or risotto but also grilled, baked served in sauce or in combined plates while the second product is present in assorted starters, perfect in appetiser accompanied by cured cheese, fragrant slices of fresh bread and a glass of fine white fine.

Of excellent quality is also beef meat used in the preparation of delicious casseroles, superb are some veal stews as the delectable Brasato prepared in sauce or with vegetables and stock and the Spezzatino, a traditional plate made with tender beef meat squares cooked with a delicious tomato sauce sauce using as variant veal, very appreciated and frequently combined with the mentioned Polenta or also with a Risotto.

Venison stews but also hare, pheasant, quails casseroles and grilled or spit wild boar are other delectable highlights.

The classical Minestrone di Verdure, a rice soup prepared with vegetables next the Zuppa di Zucca consisting in a pumpkin soup are other common traditional dishes.Notable is also the presence in the local forests of mushrooms especially Porcini, Ovoli and Chiodini used in stews or or minced and added in different kinds of sauces. 

Very considerable is the production of a superb butter boasting a secular tradition and cheeses with a special mention to the local iconic Formaggelle which are among the best of the entire Canton highlighted by a soft but delicious taste with a considerable reputation

Of high quality are also others such as Zincarlin, Buscion and Robiola, very versatile, perfect to be inserted in great starters or simply great spread on a toasted baguette, notable  in addition is an exquisite Ricotta which will delight you.

About wines thanks to the mild climate and a fertile soil not too dry  there is an excellent level of production of selected red wines with relevant grapes of local Cabernet, Merlot and Sauvignon. Thry are very appreciated, smooth, highly palatable and versatile, the first one is excellent and particularly indicated to prepare several recipes  or flavouring grilled meats while the second is often used in haute cuisine to elaborate a delicious risotto or perfect for a venison stew.

The successful result of those relevant wines is due to a meticulous choice of the cultivation of vineyards at a right altitude, several sunny days a year is an aspect which plays an important role next to cool breezes coming from the Prealps and Alps which support a superb maturation before of a productive and fruitful harvest.

I add some links below with some recommended accommodations in the area if you are thinking to spend some pleasant days in a land which will easily conquer you.

The proximity of Lugano is a great an option to reach Origlio in a very short time thanks to the presence of Agno International Airport situated just 20 minutes driving away from that centre.

If you are planning to visit Switzerland that woody Eden around a scenic Swiss lake is a place which will enchant you, a great idea to come in contact with a splendid area with a great historic patrimony discovering a land which greatly represents the beauty of that magnificentNation.

The picturesque landscapes of the Val Capriasca overlooking the stunning Lake Lugano will be your  daily partner during your stay in an extraordinary environment which will be a fascinating scene of your fabulous holidays. 

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Origlio and surroundings

B&B Garni al Lago 
Hotel Tesserete
Hotel Villa Capriasca 

Recommended Restaurants in Origlio

Ristorante Origlio da Manu
Ristorante Le Betulle

Useful links

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