Davoli-Calabria | Agreeable Seaside Centre Former Colony of Magna Graecia.

 Davoli is a stupendous coastal municipality of Calabria,an agreeable seaside centre and former colony of Magna Graecia,the ancient Megale Hellas a land corresponding to a large territorial area of Southern Italy where the Hellenic colonists found several important centres.

There many beautiful and captivating coastal towns along the Eastern coast of Calabria on the shore of the Ionian Sea and is definitely Davoli is one of them,with its 5,500 inhabitants,it is a splendid  beautiful oasis of peace bathed by that sea which transported coast to coast the mythical Greek legends and the civilisation on that paradise of Mediterranean coastline lined by crystalline waters and called Costa degli Aranci,the Oranges coast,thanks to a Mediterranean vegetation rich in citrons and where the sun is always shining.

Located  approximately145,0 kilometres north-east of the capital of the Region Reggio Calabria and just 42,0 km north of Catanzaro the Cittá dei due Mari,(the town of the two sea the Thyrrenian and the Ionian) and only 67,0 km from the town of Lamezia Terme with its airport.

The geographic position of that seaside town is simply unique and beautiful lying on a charming promontory at an altitude of 400 m towards a plateau called Le Serre at the foot of the Mount Trematerra, dominating  the magnificent Golfo di Squillace,a marvellous gulf narrated by Aristoteles and Virgil a,beautiful and  heavenly large bay but feared in those ancient times by sailors of the ancient Greece who then founded the colonies even on those shores,legends,traps,boats in their opinion drifted perhaps by mysterious currents generated by the anger of Neptun against other Gods.

The Gulf of Squillace is definitely a marvellous  Eden to discover and enjoy beach by beach metre by metre with its several inlets and splendid coves and where the wind often blows in a very particular way,not only those great and prominent philosophers of our history mentioned before have wrote or talked about it,also local writers,sailors and fishermen who were  protagonists sailing on that gulf,with its transparent seabed,turquoise waters and high waves which all together are part of the beauty of that corner of Southern Italy.

Some legends say  that Davoli was one of the places visited by Ulysses the hero narrated by Homer who shipwrecked in the Ionian Sea and  he  on the coasts of the current town which was populated by  a colony of the Phaecians probably coming from the Greek island of Corfu,although Homer mentioned that population came from the Mythological island of Scherie.

That population was famous for a life full of leisure,good food and music it is said that Nausiacaa daughter of the King Alkinoos saw on the golden sands of Davoli the legendary Ulysses and informed the father to welcome that new guest.According the narrations by Homer,Ulysses thanks that meeting was invited to enjoy the banquets and feasts of that Hellenic population continuing along the the isthmus of Marcellinara Isthmus (I wrote a post  about Tiriolo and that isthmus if you are interested ) before to restart his trip during his long odyssey.

The Greek colonisation gave Davoli its current name which derives from Daulis an ancient town of the Central Greek famous during the wars against the Persians and Thebes.Incorporated in the territories of the Imperial Rome,the settlement which thanks to its strategic position and a relevant maritime activity became a land of disputes between the Romans and Carthaginians.

During the famous and epic  Punic Wars,Carthage led by Hannibal conquered various places of Calabria and he was planning to attack Rome from there,in the surroundings lived a local population the Bruzi ancient inhabitants of some areas of the region probably coming from the nearest Lucania (the current Basilicata).

They were belligerent people hostile  to the Roman Empire colonisation and the use of Latin language, warring and proud of their local conquests,the leader of Chartage tried to convince them to join a cause which in the case of alliance was a donation of a vast territory and to march together towards the conquest of Rome but the operations did not have success with the defeat of the powerful North African divisions of Hannibal along the coasts Northern Calabria.

The fall of Rome due several invasions was a period also in Calabria very tumultuous with many incursions among them that one by the Goths and in particular by the Moorish which had conquered the nearest Sicily.The new Roman Empire of Orient based in Constatinople (the current Istanbul )  when the Byzantines created a stronghold in that region with several fortifications along the coasts and those times were periods of long disputes among Byzantine,Arabs and Saracens.

The local  territory started to be populated by monks of the Basilian orders who built Churches and Monasteries,often those Religious constructions were erected on the hills and far from the coasts and  they frequently became a refuge for the populations who escaped during the several Saracens incursions along the coastline.

 The new protagonists of the conquest of southern Italy were the Normans who landed in Calabria and Sicily and became the rulers of an ample area and developing in those territories a feudalistic system with local lords who had total power in political administration and organisation of the lands and boundaries.

The history of Davoli and the region continued under influence o the French Angevins in in the same way the noble families who governed were often tyrant and selfish and the town which has always had its autonomy was for long time under influence of the nearest Satriano.A terrible earthquake in the year 1783 generated several damages.

The locals mainly lived of agriculture and fishing,many nobles among them the Prince of Satriano,who developed the construction of palaces and and summer residences for the nobility,loved to enjoy the mild climate of Davoli since those period.

The prestige of Davoli increased becoming the most important centre of the area thanks also to the continue presence of prominent people and came new rulers in the early 19th century the Bourbons who incorporated Calabria and Davoli in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

After the reunification of Italy with the Southern Italian territories conquered by Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1860 in the name of the Royal Savoy House Sovereign of the Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia,
 Davoli continued to have an intense activity in agriculture,producing fruit,vegetables,wines,olive oil,other activities were concentrated in handcrafts and a new source came from the silkworm and in the 40s furthermore the town also became a famous centre for the discover of an important quartz mine.

That new resource developed a commerce towards important cities of the Central and Northern Italy in particular providing the development of optical industries which had one of the leading suppliers in Davoli.

Davoli is a very picturesque place with its medieval small centre and the beautiful town of Soverato is only 10,0 km away along the splendid coastline which connects that town to Marina di Davoli and from the Marina starts a long,beautiful beach.
The historic centre  is arranged around its Municipio the Town Hall,with three important streets such as  Via Vittorio Veneto which form a sort of ring around the Borgo the old town,Via Morante and Via Benzi which  flow into Via Veneto coming respectively from south and east. 

Marina di Davoli,as says the name is the Marina part of the municipality and it is approximately situated at 8,0 km east  from the centre along Via Veneto first and then crossing Via Roma and Via XXV Aprile two other important local arteries leading yo the Ionian coastline.

The ancient main access of the town is by a beautiful stoned step flanked by strong walls and leading to an ancient stoned arch,from there you can start the visit of its "Borgo Medievale" considered one of the gems of the entire region.The centre is very charming with cobblestone narrow streets,ancient charming houses restored with wooden doors,captivating small picturesque courtyards and tiny patios and flowered balconies.

The Chiesa di Santa Barbara is a Church which was erected in the 15th century,restored and arranged with Baroque details keeping some original and former Renaissance elements.Developed on a rectangular plan,it has a gable roof with a wide pediment topped by a cross while the facade has an ample rectangular portal surrounded by a decorated mark contour,flanked by others two.The interior consists in three naves and different chapels arranged in the aisles and a splendid wooden roof.

Another interesting religious building is the Chiesa di Santa Caterina,dedicated to St.Catherine,it is a medieval Church erected in the 14th century on an irregular rectangular plan dated.The Byzantine influence  has left important marks in the local architecture.

That temple is a typical example in particular evident in its magnificent bell tower which shows perfect lines  in perfect harmony with that adjacent building.The interior consists in three nave and on the main altar there is a statue depicting St.Catherine.Another highlight is the very relevant baptistery.

The third Church of Davoli is the Chiesa di San Pietro,erected in the in the 17th century,dedicated to Saint Peter,it is the younger of the three local Churches.The facade is very sober with a tympanum containing three reliefs depicting face of angels.The interior is arranged on a nave,notable is the marble altar and also a wooden crucifix.

In the territory of the municipality of Davoli there are some votive Chapels and the Santuario della Madonna Immacolata,the Immaculate Virgin which is protagonist of a a feast in September.That Sanctuary in different times was restored and  in the past site of pilgrimages belonging the other Monasteries and votive Chapels erected in the areas of the Monte Trematerra,Soverato and the Costa degli Aranci.

The monks erected different monasteries on the surrounding hills of the county of Catanzaro and today you can see some ruins as those,as the Chiesa di San Michele (Church of St.Michael) which was probably inhabited by the Monks just like a couple of other ruins present in the municipal territory.

The beach of Davoli is about 5,8 km long a spectacular golden sandy beach,wonderful small caves and inlets loved and appreciated by tourists who find in that place an oasis of peace and relax,space and furthermore a sea which is like a mirror thanks to its magnificent crystalline waters.

In Marina di Davoli you can reach along the coast the estuary of two rivers ending their courses in the Ionian Sea,one is the Vicinale which form a sort of natural barrier between the local beach and the splendid promontory of Soverato while the other one is the Fiume Secco adjacent to the coastal road Via Lungomare.

Sea ,beaches,hills and mountains,a great combination to enjoy several outdoor activities,you can enjoy a mild climate all year,the winters are not cold,autumn has excellent temperature,springs are wonderful with a blooming flora and summer season with temperature of over 30º degree,in but with ventilated evenings.All that is a hymn of that sunny Italian Region called Calabria and the Costa degli Aranci which offers long days of sun,ideal place to enjoy water sports as swimming,diving and sailing.

Trekking,hiking,mountain bike and cycling are other fantastic outdoor activities in that area and there are a multitude of unforgettable excursions on the coast visiting the wonderful resorts of Soverato,Montepaone, Montepaone Lido,Squillace reaching Marina di Sella at north,or towards south San Sostene Marina,Badolato Marina,Monasterace until  the beautiful coastline of Gioiosa Marina and Siderno. 

The interior is a great chance about discovering the picturesque wild and charming Calabria with small villages perched on rocks,hills and mountains visiting  picturesque towns such as Satriano, Badolato, Cardinale,Trecroci but also Serra San San Bruno and discovering the county of Vibo Valentia until the magnificent seaside resort of Tropea on the Tyrrhenian coast.

Cuisine in Davoli is the result of the rural area which occupies the interior combined by the traditional Mediterranean gastronomy of  its Marina on the Mediterranean sea,so fish and meat,both and a cuisine of high level,typically based on olive oil of high quality,fresh vegetables,the tomato of Calabria is juicy and ready for starters,accompanying entrance and pasta such as Maccaruni,Scialatelli,Lagane which are typical kind of local pasta.

 Pasta a lu Furnu which is pasta prepared with ragu of tomato and meat,hard eggs,olive oil,garlic,adding a series of cheeses as a divine salted pecorino,local caciocavallo and provola,someone also add spicy sausages as the famous Nduja or the Suppizzata (the famous Soppressata of Calabria) and baked in the oven.In Calabria is tradition to prepare homemade pasta,which is best in the Mediterranean diet, healthy,genuine, great with different kind of sauce.

The famous Pasta cha Muddhica e Alici is very traditional and very easy in its preparation,the homemade spaghetti are prepared with a sauce consisting in extra virgin olive oil,salt,garlic,onion,fresh anchovies all that mixed with breadcrumbs a little bit toasted.

Very common is also the Pasta N´casciata,prepared with eggplants which are before to be added among layers of pasta,fried,they are added later with the sauce combined as a lasagna and cooked in the oven.Also common is the Pasta cú Brucculi prepared with garlic,olive oil,salt,onion and broccoli.

The famous mentioned Suppizzata,is a very traditional sausage of the region,it is generally very spicy, spicy,prepared in different style depending of the area,the classic is with hot local chili pepper,salt,black pepper,salt and pork meat,it served as starter,appetiser,snack,combined in sauces,a very versatile sausage very appreciated for its very spicy flavour,including is excellent on pizzas and focacce.

Do not miss to try the Nduja,a great product made in Calabria,a very spicy salami,excellent as starter or snack,in a sandwich or simply some slices as appetisers combined with cheeses,excellent also added in sauces for pasta giving them a very spicy,strong and flavoured taste or also a good ingredient added minced or in thin slices on a  homemade pizza.

 U Morzheddu,a kind of bread roll with veal meat,tomato,laurel,pepper,hot chili pepper,excellent and the traditional Pruppetti,are a sort of meat balls prepared with grated bread,fresh cheese,eggs,parsley and spicy pepper.Of relevant quality is also the Agnello,the lam cooked in different styles,including baked with olive oil garlic,capers and olives.

Fish is present as a highlight,U Piscispata the swordfish is something is a must to try along all the coasts,just like U stoccu,stock fish prepared in different styles and with different sauces,excellent are the Alici, anchovies,mussels and squid are always fresh and there is also a wide selection of soups.

 Caciocavallo,Provola and Pecorino are excellent cheese,including a delicious salted Ricotta present in many preparations of several plates.

About dessert and bakery there are many specialities,the Cupeta is a traditional cake of the area,preapred with honey,nuts and sesame,other typical and very popular are the Pignolata,Mostaccioli and the Pastiera very similar in its preparation to the famous Neapolitan.
About wines Calabria,the region in every county has a rich variety,the excellent Mediterranean climate with the marine breezes and hilly plateau with the cultivation of vineyards at an ideal altitude produce very robust grapes,Scavigna,Ciró,Savuto,Bivongi and Lamezia are simply excellent.

In addition to them some very smooth red wines of high quality such as Magliocco and Tisaloro the same for some whites such as Contessa,Lamezia Bianco and Dragone very aromatic and versatile wines.The choice of a wine from Calabria in a meal is always great,they all have a pure colour,at the first sip they are immediately palatable and ready to satisfy the most exigent tastes.

The nearest airport is Lamezia Terme Sant´Eufemia situated at 65,0 km  north west of the town and in less than one hour driving along the National Road Strada Statale SS280 following the indications Catanzaro, you will reach the town.

Davoli is a splendid combination of wonderful sandy golden beaches,sun,excellent gastronomy,you can breathe in the narrow streets of its medieval borgo the atmosphere of the old Calabria,furthermore the town is located in proximity of  splendid wild mountains, everywhere you look the panoramic views are simply unique.

A land of colours,flavors,aromas,sun and love,because you fell immediately in love with that part of Italy,a region which has always something to show and say in every corner and in all its essence and Davoli is a great destination where the warm Mediterranean sun shines almost every day.

If you are planning holidays in that beautiful land is of course a great choice,that Southern Italian region offers everything and more,Davoli is one of its classic examples all to discover enjoy and remember and of course you would like to come back,the Costa degli Aranci and the Golfo di Squillace are very difficult to forget and very easy to remember,probably for ever.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Davoli

Residence Aquamarine
Hotel RistoranteVilla Susy
Borgo Antico Hotels & Resort Spa
Hotel Daulia
Agriturismo Calabrisella
(note - some accommodations establishments in Davoli open only in high season)

Recommended Restaurants in Davoli 

Ristorante Hbarh
Ristorante Piani di Bella

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