Podgora-Croatia | Paradise of Bright Pebbles and Azure Sea.

Podgora is a beautiful seaside resort of Croatia, a paradise of bright pebbles and azure sea situated on the magnificent Dalmatian Coast, a stunning Eastern Mediterranean littoral boasting a mine of natural treasures and packed by historical towns and villages protagonists for centuries protagonists of many historic events and in more recent times they are fantastic tourist destinations enchanting for their beauty and a marvellous maritime and marine environment millions of visitors who once there hope their holidays never end.

Located at approximately 70,0 kilometres south of Split, the splendid city in which the Roman Emperor Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletanius Augustus simply known as Diocletian born in the nearest Solin choosing it as one of his favourite residences and where he died in 311 AD called in that time Spalatum and 144,0 kilometres north of the ancient and charming Ragusa the current Dubrovnik, pearl of the Croatian Adriatic coastline.

With  a mild climate all year, that dreaming place lies in a magnificent geographic point at a very short distance from the famous resort of Makarska on a magnificent long stretch lining emerald and crystalline waters and facing a group of striking Otoci, as the Croatian and Slavic people call those astonishing islands scattered in that stupendous sea among them the picturesque, wild Brac and Hvar not far from the local shoreline in a very strategic location halfway between two other marvels such as Gradac and Baska Voda. ( I wrote a post about the latter in the case you are interested )

Simply the presence of all those fascinating attractions it is a marvellous incentive to land on that Eden called Dalmatinska Obala as the wonderful Dalmatian Riviera is named by locals, a marvellous mosaic of inlets, small bays and gulfs of different size, stupendous long and short beaches some sandy and some others highlighted by pebbles with high cliffs and rocky promontories of a unique charm immediately behinf them.

Podgora is dominated on its eastern side by the picturesque and scenic presence of the Dinarske Gorje, the Dinaric Alps which form a natural imposing wall between the interior of the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina and those striking peaks gave that site its name because the denomination of that centre of approximately 3,000 inhabitants is the composition of two Slavic words, the first Pod meaning beneath and the second Gora which means mountain.

Also those shaped and attractive heights add that beautiful seaside resort a stupendous appeal with incomparable contrasts of colours bewitching everybody in a magnificent sunset or in a splendid sunrise admiring those natural wonders overlooking the charming local harbour and the inhabited core of that site.

That more than scenic mountainous image for a multitude of people is like a dream because those mounts change their tonalities depending of the intensity of the sun rays falling o them during different times of the day offering absolutely spectacular views mixed with those spectacular of the Adriatic and that stunning scenery could be selected for a stunning work by the most inspired landscape painters.

Podgora was transformed in the last decades from a former pleasant fishing village in a very charming tourist destination but keeping and conserving its captivating aspect and identity despite the Tourism Industry is nowadays the main activity and engine of the local economy.

Despite the boom in more contemporary times, that Dalmatian seaside resort provides a very good range of comfortable accommodations  with an excellent tradition in terms of hospitality services since the times when the tourism started to have interesting signals with some incoming operations in the 20's with the construction of the first Hotel called Hotel Praha erected in 1922 in a period which was characterised by a new joie de vivre just after four years that sad event corresponding to the 1st World War.

Despite that the main development had pretty high peaks in the 70's in the period corresponding to the former Republic of Yugoslavia led by the Marshal Tito who managed an efficient Tourism Board which promoted that coastal destination in different countries such as Great Britain, France but was Germany since then the main market which has always covered an important niche in terms of incoming flows.

Since then the answer from those countries was extremely positive immediately attracting several tourists also for the excellent and convenient rates extremely inviting.The 80's were the years of a notable consolidation with some interesting launch of proposals in relevant International Tourism Fairs such as Frankfurt, Paris, Milan and London while the 90's after the war which determined the end of that Socialist Republic were protagonist of  a pretty difficult period to establish of a new tourist organisation but with excellent results five, six years later after that infamous event.

With a laborious  start-up in a country which was looking for a new dimension inside the European panorama, new investors and Tour Operators relaunched and consolidated many destinations with excellent operations focused to attractive packages with also the creation of special DVD, Video Clips and an extensive material delivered in the major tourist events to show a constant progress and that all was perfect to welcome a multitude of tourists.

In addition to all that were also organised several Educational along the Dalmatian coast highly interesting to have live a confirmation, visiting the four major centres of that territory such as Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar and Sibenik with extensions to different resorts reaching the northernmost points of Dalmatia south of the Istria peninsula or also the wonderful southern side at the border of the current Republic of Montenegro. 

Some very captivating options were also aimed to combine the opportunity of a stay choosing the first overnights in those important cities continuing in a selected seaside resort which could be chosen in a list of preference offering a wide fan of destinations in a coastal resort but also in the striking islands of Korcula, Drvenik, Vis, Mljet, Lastovo, the mentioned Hvar, Brac and others.

Podgora was also part of innovative operations, introduced in detailed confidential catalogues with FIT fares and it entered in a large business linked to a management of allotments in terms of accommodations delivered to foreign Tour Operators covering almost six months with notable incoming flows from June to September.

The last decade has had important signals of an intense increasing due to a notable demand and there was the construction of new structures with well equipped Hotels, apartments reaching the excellent capacity of almost 5,700 beds in a town which has a bit less of 3,000 inhabitants and that is  is certainly a great number for Podgora.

 Definitely a brilliant revenue for a seaside resort of that size which in addition to complete a very inviting offer opened in its boundaries a good number of restaurants , bars,clubs and a notable improvement in terms of new services, facilities and communications.

Next to all those relevant dates there are many other reasons about that success, a highlight apart those beaches and that desire of summer holidays in a paradise of crystalline and uncontaminated waters make Podgora an ideal destination for all the sea and sun lovers  with many chances to practise water sports, such as diving, snorkeling, swimming, sailing water skiing, wind surfing, a Mecca  for those who love all those activities also excellent to enjoy in spring.

 Ideal for family with children for its serenity and because that site is not a giant resort, a mild climate is a further delight, that resort boasts many sunny days a year  summer, it is never too hot with very ventilated evenings and nights thanks to the cool breezes coming from the Dinaric Alps embracing those of the Adriatic delighting the tourists. 

A total absence of humidity is another detail extremely loved by a myriad of visitors and in high season it is a destination which receive a high request and it is very demanded for all that.

Unforgettable landscapes with that stupendous contrast sea-mountain make that place a heaven for photographers and those charming peaks which delight the visitors in a while offers many chances for all those who are fond of trekking to combine that activity with a sunny holiday and that Dalmatian pearl is furthermore  a superb climatic destination thanks to a total absence of pollution.

 Podgora is in addition a fantastic destination for who love cycling and cycle tourism in its immediate interior around the Biokovo mountain but also in the inland of Drasnice and Igrane, great places for mountain bikers and in addition those areas are very picturesque, wild and rugged in a wonderful scenery enchanting all those who love nature and to be delighted by suggestive and divine intact forests escaping for a while by the sublime seascapes.

Historically that land had as settlers several relevant civilisations which left important cultural marks in architecture, archaeological sites and monuments and also that is something which immediately capture the attention of many visitors who can admire marvellous artistic masterpieces scattered all around that land including in the smallest centres which boast an immense beauty and a considerable patrimony and for that Podgora is a very indicated destination for all those who love art and history.

Closely linked to that you will have the chance to admire many historic Religious buildings, the Christian Roman Church has always had strong roots and it played an important role in Croatia and Dalmatia since the beginning of its history continued with a relevant secular link during the times of the rule of Venice with very strong historical and cultural ties since the Middle Ages with the Papal State.
That land became one of the most active Franciscan centres in Europe, there was an intense construction of Monasteries and Votive Chapels also in remote hamlets and villages on several hills, mountains and all around the territory.

Christianity in Croatia reached since medieval times very important peaks with almost the entire population embracing that Religion and just a low percentage having a different faith, a special case than other realities in the Balkans

In the course of the Croatian Catholocism cycles the local Ecclesiastic historic stages were extremely connected to literature, preservation of Sacred documentations and archives conserved in many of those temples which were also places which in addition inspired cultural movements and deep studies of theology.

A delicious cuisine is another highlight, offering a varied gastronomic panorama with fish and seafood great protagonists but with many restaurants which also offer the delectable specialities of the interior and also that attracts many people who can taste different kinds of delights knowing in a complete way the traditional national culinary art.

Highly relevant is the local history of that area since the times when it was explored by the Phoenicians and Greeks and also settled by Illyrian tribes before to be colonised by the Romans.

The Imperial Rome during its operations of conquest of that territory had to face several problems due to the presence of numerous pirates who often created many troubles to the predecessors consisting in the Liburnians, a population probably descendant of a branch of the Illyrians who mainly lived of raids, pretty belligerent and untamed.

The Romans fortified the entire area which continued to be a relevant Byzantine stronghold in the second cycle of the Roman Empire of Orient with Constantinople as capital and during those centuries there was the land of the first Slavic tribes coming from east ancestors of the current Croatian inhabitants.

Despite the famous division of the Christian Church with many lands of that powerful Empire with major centre the current Istanbul with many people who embraced the Orthodox religion, the Dalmatia remained loyal and faithful to Rome.

The 10th century was highlighted by the quick and influential ascent of the first Croatian Sovereigns with important dynasties as that of the Trpimirovic with Tomislav I, Stjepan Drzislav and Kressimir IV who strongly resisted to the pressures and attempts of conquest of new influential and emergent Reigns in Eastern Europe such as Hungary and the Kraljevina Srbija the first Reign of Serbia which were in that time in constant and continuous expansion.

Despite that the entire Dalmatia in the middle age became a consolidated territory of the "La Serenissima", the Marine Republic of Venice when the Doge Enrico Dandolo conquered in a crusade the last bastions of the Byzantine Empire such as Zadar and Dubrovnik and including penetrating in the core of Constantinople.

In the early 13th century a large part of that long coastline was totally incorporated in the Venetian domains, a period in which the city of St. Mark developed a large flourishing network of culture and trade often in contrast with the emergent Ottoman Empire which conquered a vast area of the Balkans geographically very close to the coastal strongholds of Venice.

The considerable local history started to have great relevance in the 16th century when the Republic of St. Mark used the former fishing village part its territory of influence to manage some of its most important military operations after several clashes in the Mediterranean area from Istria to the Bosphorus with the Turks.

An event very famous which includes the history of Podgora as absolute protagonist when in its boundaries Sebastiano Venier Doge of Venice hosted the Spanish fleet led by the Admiral Alvaro de Bazan and it was also the site in which that iconic Venetian character found an alliance with the eternal rival Genoa with the famous and emblematic Genoese Admiral Giovanni Andrea Doria to face the Turkish Empire.

Genoa as you know has always been rival of Venice for centuries often meeting themselves as enemies by sea but inthat remote coastal settlement there was that sort of treaty of peace and cooperation between those two Italic powerful Marine Republics, a pretty peculiar and unusual historic episode after thousands of clashes in the Thyrrenian, Ionian and Adriatic seas between those two iconic cities.

Those meetings were the prelude of the  notorious and legendary battle of Lepanto which took place in 1571 when Venice flanked by Genoa, Spain, the Knights of Malta, the Duchy of Savoy and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany supported by the Papal State defeat the Ottomans fleet in that epic clash in Western Greece with protagonists over 600 warships and approximately 200,000 soldiers.

That event was important for Podgora because it also started to be mentioned and written on maps and known by several Heads of States, Kingdoms and Duchies becoming in a very short time extremely popular in Austria, France and Spain.

In that place was also erected later Toranj Roscici. an impressive tower among the most important of the entire Eastern Mediterranean basin which was elevated on the Roscici Gora a very strategic hill used as check point and also that construction attests the extreme relevance acquired by that place in the 17th century along the Dalmatian coast.

In addition in that period that site hosted several prominent Venetian Generals and also a community of artists directly coming from the current capital of Veneto and it was since then when that centre started to live a notable artistic life.

The former town lived other gistorical periods with important events and changes of rulers such as for a brief period suffered a French occupation linked to a massive invasion of the Napoleonic troops in the times of Napoleon Bonaparte and many years lived in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire which replaced Venice in the late 18th century occupying those territories.

After the 1st World War with the fall of the Hapsburg House was the beginning of a new era when Podgora was incorporated in the new Reign of the Serbian, Slovenian and Croatian, a Kingdom which previously always found a strong opponent in its creation by the Imperial House with capital Vienna constantly contrary to the establishment of that Realm considered a menace for its interests in the Balkans.
During the 2nd World War in 1942 that site directly lived another more than notable episode of its chronological stages when in its boundaries was formed the Jugoslavensku Ratnu Mornaricu , the Partisan Navy a creation by the Marshal Tito, future leader of the former Yugoslavia who was in that period the commander of the National Liberation Army. 

 At the end of that event, that centre was incorporated in the former Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia with capital Belgrade. In 1962 a big earthquake devastated a large part of Dalmatia including Podgora which was completely oriented towards the sea and the locals re-established their houses close to the Adriatic than to restore their former residences in Gornja Podgora corresponding to upper territory of the municipality. 

After almost three decades of a notable tourist development, the seaside resort left the former disappeared Yugoslav Confederation in 1991 with the declaration of independence and it started to be part of a new established State called Hrvatska Republika.

The urban organisation of Podgora is the result of a group of five Sela, former independent villages such as Podgora, Podgora Gornje, Igrane, Drasnice and Zivogosce.

In the past those centres had their autonomy lost with that new redesign of new maps due to the sequence of different rulers and especially during the times of Josip Broz alias Tito who started in the 40's to give a new image to the entire Yugoslavian country with territorial subdivisions, new borders and including elevating as official municipalities very small villages or in some cases forming a unique municipality in fusion with others.

Despite nowadays they form all together a town, they are characterised by their strong identity and each with its history and past.
The lively core of the seaside resort is mainly concentrated close to Podgora Luka, the local port which is arranged in front of the inhabited centre.The important avenue Ulica Makarska is another municipal focal point crossing the boundaries continuing south meeting another important boulevard called Ulica Ujevica which ends on a gently coastal promontory next to a road called Ulica Rudera Boskovika at north, a relevant artery subdividinging the extra radius to the centre of the municipality.

The major part of the  Hotels, apartments, villas and the most important accommodations are mainly located in proximity of the coast and close to the main waterfront. You can start the visit from the local charming harbour established on the shore of a scenic bay enclosed by strong stoned quays and on the left side flanked by a car parking while on the other side it is bordered by a double stoned bank and that place is in its kind a sort of historic icon for those events linked to the creation of the Yugoslavian Navy.

That place is in addition since a long time ago is an usual meeting point of locals and tourists and it also continues to be the main fishing hub since then that activity was the predominant before the advent of the tourism as main resource. That site created also a sort of bipolar marina called Porat Caklje which can approximately host 360 vessels, a very interesting capacity considering the size of Podgora.

Pomorski Promenada the maritime promenade is another highlight offering the visitor the opportunity to enjoy a pleasant and magnificent walk with splendid sea views and leading to a small cape boasting a lovely beach.

On that boulevard there are some bars, cafes and restaurants ideal place to have lunch or dinner tasting the excellent local cuisine and a delectable fish which is always fresh and inviting.

You can see some relevant monuments in the town and one of them is  Spomenik Galebova Krila dedicated to the Jugoslavenski Partisani, the former Yugoslav partisans who fought in that area in 1942 next to the Partisani Mornarica a military division which was like the mother of the former National Military Marine against the German troops which occupied the town.
That sculpture was exactly elevated twenty years after that event in 1962 depicting the wings of a seagull in remembrance of the events of the 2nd World War and it was placed on a large platform on a verdant woody hilly plateau overlooking the Adriatic, ideal place from that point to take excellent panoramic pictures.

The ceremony which highlighted its inauguration was a solemn celebration with all the military honours and a parade in presence of the Marshal Tito, leader and prime minister of that former country and also for that it represents in its kind a historic landmark.

Another attraction is Spomenik Sirene, a sculpture depicting a mermaid placed on a rock along the local coast giving the resort a touch of fairytale and allegoric image reminiscent a bit the Danish Capital Copenhagen which is the notorious  city boasting the most famous mermaid in the world represented in art and that monument of Podgora is one of the most photographed also for its scenic position.

 Many are the Religious buildings elevated in that centre, one of them is the Parish Church Crkva Sveta Tekle dedicated to the Saint Thecla, the martyr follower St. Paul the apostle. That Sacred building erected in 1630 is a sober construction without special decorations but boasting fine lines a well balanced front side and it is very famous to be a venerated site for the fishermen who reac h that Sacred place to pray that Saint Patroness in a sign a faith to bring home a rich catch.

Another one you can visit is Crkva Svih Svetih, a Baroque Church devoted to the All Saints. It a historic construction built in the 18th century exactly in 1764 with a strong central European profile highlighted by marked outlines and an austere but attractive facade and there is a further Religious construction, a Chapel dedicated to the Holy Heart of Jesus erected in 1804 by the family Mrkusic.

The beaches of Podgora are undoubtedly great highlights, there are many with a different development for length and width and the major part of them are covered by bright pebbles and gravel, a special feature pretty common along the Dalmatian coastline.

Not far from the marina there are a couple not very long and behind the port a further one one approximately one kilometre long .For space and length it is pretty loved by locals and tourists because it offers an easy access, it boast a blue flag,very close to the centre and it provides a beach bar while the last part is a naturist section.

Plesivac is another famous beach situated after the fishermen harbour, it is a pebbled beach less busy than the others and very easily accessible from the hotels and the Promenada. It is approximately half kilometre long, next to it there are a restaurant and a bar and it is flanked by pines and also for that it is very appreciated by many people spending holidays in that resort moving after sunbaths in a very cool environment in the shade of those trees.

Another one very famous is in direction of the village of Caklje and it is called Sutlika. It is a beautiful pebbled stretch over 1, 5 kilometre long lining an azure sea and it is one of the most loved by locals since a long time ago highly appreciated by many tourists for its superb crystalline waters. Generally it has a high occupation in especially in the first section where it flanks Obala Promenada, the pedestrian Maritime Promenade.

A place very suggested is Tucepi, that site is very pleasant because in that point the coast form a splendid scenic bay next to another marvellous beach which is a sort of natural prolongation and furthermore in that coastal point you can admire fantastic landscapes with the marvellous Adriatic on one side and the Dinaric Alps immediately very close to the shore.

Drasnice is a very attractive neighbourhood of the municipality you can not miss situated approximately at 2, 8 kilometres from the centre and it deserve a visit because it boasts a great historic patrimony and superb marvels in its boundaries.

According to archaeological excavations in that area were found some prehistoric rests discovered in proximity of the current village which was also an important Illyrian settlement.

In its territory were also found rests of a fortification related to the Greeks and the Romans and the Byzantines who continued the colonisation of that place developed in thst site an active social life and also in the case of that civilisation were discovered other artifacts attesting the presence of those rulers.

According to historic information an old official centre probably existed almost nine century ago and it was already depicted in the ancient Venetian and Genoese maps including also known in the old logbooks of the Ottoman Empire many years before than Podgora.

The major part of the first Slavic inhabitants during the occupation of that land mainly lived in a small agglomeration situated between the coast and Biokovo Gora, the mountain dominating that neighbourhood of the resort.

During the Ottoman rule in Bosnia Herzegovina that site was considered an important refuge for people who escaped from that nearest countries as Bosnia and Serbia because they did want not to be converted to the Muslim religion asking protection to the Republic of Venice.

Another very important historic detail is that  Drasnice  was also inhabited for a period by an influential Order of Franciscan monks who built there a Monastery hosting in several occasions those populations and they were very active teaching theology and to develop historic archives to preserve the local Christian heritage. That activity very developed all around Croatia with the spread of the Catholicism all around the territory was particularly managed to create apart a new generation of Religious figure to leave important cultural marks remebering the secular loyalty to the Vatican.

The beauty of Drasnice is also its splendid wild coastline with superb cliffs, spectacular inlets and scenic small coves and behind the inhabited centre you can have the chance  to discover the beauty of virgin and intact forests at the foot of rugged mountains in a spectacular wild scenery exalted by the charming image of the Dinaric Alps dominating the entire scene.For all that  it is an area particularly loved by trekkers who can start from there several excursions and it is also an ideal place for mountain bikers.

That place in particularly beloved by many visitors because it offers that beautiful combination of that activity with water sports and it is a great place highlighted by a fascinating natural bay beneath wonderful heights with magnificent pebbled beaches. 

The most suggested beaches along that striking stretch are those of Rat, Tila Lucica, Vodice, Soline and Izbitac which are among the most popular and notorious since a long time ago among others.

One more I recommend you is that of Komejaca situated in proximity of a magnificent promontory, along it you will enjoy fantastic views towards the islands of Hvar and Brac. it is in its kind a sort of paradise, the colour water is simply fantastic ranging from emerald to azure with contrasts of tonalities simply magnificent, great place for photographers and a very romantic corner at sunset and what is also impressive is it is great preservation.

If you move towards south towards Igrane, I suggest you a further simply wonderful called Potpoje. It is not extremely long but in a fantastic position behind a sharp headland in a spectacular gulf with wonderful light blue waters and spectacular views towards different Adriatic islands and islets and in its kind it reflects all the features of a traditional Dalmatian beach.

In addition to al those marvels if you love art and history you can visit the centre of that fascinating site which is mainly arranged around its Parish Church called Crkva Svetog Juraj dedicated to St. George and the famous road Jadranska Magistrala which runs along that Croatian coast linking several resorts.

There are also a couple of other small Religious buildings such as the tiny Crkva Sveta Katarina a Church dedicated to St. Catherine and another one named Crkva Svetog Rok elevated in honour Saint Roque.

That neighbourhood has always had in fishing one of its main activities although today the tourism is its main incoming revenue thanks to its unforgettable enchanting intact shoreline and surrounded by stupendous landscapes which make that place a sort of dreamland. 

In Drasnice you can also find a marine cave called Medividine and that marvel in the recent past was protagonist of a special event with a notable flow of monk seals between the island of Hvar and that place and day by day the colony of those marine mammals was pretty numerous frequently reacing that specific site.

They are present mainly in the Greek Aegean Sea and they reached that Dalmatian coastal stretch stopping for a period thanks to the presence of a rich fish fauna in that corner of the Adriatic and after a period of stay they leave but returning in other occasions and for that the site became a destination of zoologists to study their attitudes and movements.

Just 4,5 kilometres after Drasnice on a picturesque headland you can reach the neighbourhood of Igrane another gem of the municipality. That place changed a lot in the last decades, in the 80's was still pretty wild and also at the beginning of the 90's was not very developep, it was mainly a fishing village, that activity still continues following the former historic traditions but in the last two decades it became a very touristic area.

It is a very recommended place where you can find other enchanting beaches and it is also one of the favourite destinations for photographers because it is from there where you can admire probably in the best way from its local splendid promontory a magnificent frontal view of the wonderful island of Hvar.

The enchanting image is highlighted by its most extreme and suggestive points admiring the sharp cape of Sucuraj, a stunning view which will delight you, a marvel will remain in your memories for a long a time.

Igrane also boasts a long beach pretty sandy but with pebbled sections and it is approximately 1,5 kilometres long. Its harbour despite it is not too big can host some yachts and in addition to all that it is an ideal site for different kinds of water sports such as sailing, scuba-diving and snorkeling thanks the excellent visibility of its  azure waters.

The village consists in two fractions, one small agglomeration of old and restored houses facing its port and another established of a high plateau at the foothills of Dinaric Alps called Igrane Gora. It is very suggested walking up on the hill because it dominates the entire shoreline with fantastic images from its summit of Hvar, Brac and  Korcula islands.

Also that site is historically very important, it was a former Illyrian settlement confirmed by archaeological excavations with the finding of items related to that civilisation and in addition were also found some relevant Roman rests consisting in ancient tombs but despite that considerable past confirming the presence of those important settlers the first official settlement recorded on the maps was dated the 16th century.

Very interesting in proximity of the local harbour the presence of some charming old houses remembering the Venetian-Dalmatian architecture and take a look to Zgrada Simic Ivanisevic, a splendid Baroque palace dating back the 18th century.

There are other very interesting monuments in that neighbourhood, one of them is Crkva Svetog Mihovil, the medieval Church dedicated to St. Michael erected in the 12th century. That medieval religious building is probably the most attractive old construction of the entire municipality for date of construction and fine architecture. 

Although restored in different occasions it has kept during its long history its original aspect, the structure is not very big and it consists in a charming facade with a nave covered by a splendid gable roof but it is undoubedtly the majestic tower the most attractive architectural element in the layout of that masterpiece established in the Middle Ages.

That high stoned construction was erected with a sequence of five blocks, it is highlighted by a series of mullioned windows placed on different levels and a hexagonal towered element on the top completed by a fine upper section with a circular white clock.

In that area  you can also see Kula Zale, it is a defencive watchtower elevated in a period in which the Ottomans attacks were very frequent and intense. That denomination nam”Zale" is in honour of the local hero Zale Anticic who led the defence of that place which suffered a long siege but despite that it was never conquered by the enemy and also for that it was declared a national and historic monument of interest.

The surroundings of that place are a festival of an intact nature and vivid colours with stunning preserved forests, picturesque hills, rocky outcrops and beautiful paths leading to the nearest heights perfect for all those who love hiking. 

The scenery is furthermore highlighted by picturesque olive groves and vineyards and from Igrane starts a trail leading to the mountain of Biokovo Gora, a splendid occasion to discover in steps the hilly and mountainous territory of the Dalmatian interior in a while starting that journey from the coast an experience absolutely stunning to know better that fantastic Dalmatian territory.

Also Zivogosce situated approximately 11, 0 kilometres towards south is very attractive and once there you will be in the magnificent shade of that magnificent mountain and it is another neighbourhood of the resort highly interesting and packed by great attractions.

The village lies on a small arched bay boasting stunning crystalline waters enclosed between two headlands in a paradise of bright pebbles lining a scenic corner of the Adriatic. It has a pretty long beach very loved by families with children also because it also provides a restaurant and it is easily accessible.

In the local area the tourism constantly developed in the last decades a pretty busy place in summer seaso but also for its special territory is very loved by many people fond of hiking, trekking, photographers all  a year for its scenic environment to immortalise in thousands of pictures.

Just like the previously mentioned neighbourhood of Podgora also that place is an excellent start point for wonderful excursions crossing magnificent forests of oaks and pines and with paths flanked by picturesque olive groves before to reach the Dinarske Gorje with peaks of over 1100, 0 metres of altitude with a fantastic double view on wild valleys and the stupendous Dalmatian coastline.

Historically that site was a very relevant cradle of cultures with three important civilisations such as the Illyrian which established the first village, the Greek when the Hellenic colonists founded a trade harbour and later when it became a pretty developed Roman settlement.

The Romans started there the main trade activities with a dock inherited by the predecessors and since then it was probably the most flourishing place of the entire current municipality developing that activity with a secular history although due to the invasion of several populations coming from East and the numerous attacks by the Liburnians in many occasions was largely devastated.

Unfortunately a large part of its former relevant patrimony was severely damaged by the terrible earthquake in 1962. Despite that sad event once there you can see some very interesting rests in the surroundings attesting the presence of important activities of those settlers.

You can find some archeological renmants in its boundaries and in Blato and Mala Duba and much more on a hill called Suzina Gora where there are important rests of Illyrian constructions, probably one of the first big villages established in the local area by that population of the Balkans.

They consist in ruins of buildings and tombs of that civilisation that chose that hilly place as one of their main bases thanks to its strategic position and due to its unique position it was probably selected as main check point, centre of social life and also cemetery due its safe location far from the coast more vulnerable by invasions.

Very interesting also what the Roman civilisation left in that site. During the times of that Empire that village became an important destination of noble Patrician families and high figures linked to the noblest Imperial dynasties and closely related to that were discovered remnants of domus, aristocratic houses of an important dynasty probably linked to the Emperor Diocletian who was born in the Roman province of Dalmatia which included that area.

Another important monument of Zivogosce is Crkva Sveti Kriz, the Church of the Holy Cross. It is a splendid example of Neo-Romanesque Church consisting in a beautiful stoned building with a high front side and a beautiful rose window placed between two mullioned windows above a wooden portal.

On its right side you can also admire a stunning high tower characterised by a large belfry, it is a very imposing building with strong, defined and marked lines covered by a pyramidal roof topped by a pinnacle. The interior is simply wonderful with a large nave leading to a magnificent altar developed on a spacious apse beneath a majestic arcade and you can admire several fine marble works, a refined decorated ceiling and a notable carved pulpit.

Another cultural mark left by Rome is in Pokrivenice and it is an epigram in Latin language carved in a rock dating back the 5th century in which the Roman-Byzantine Questor and Governor Licianus dedicated a hymn to a spring of water which still comes out from the local rocks and another attraction is an old monastery dating back the early 17th century.

The delicious cuisine of Dalmatia is mainly concentrated on excellent fish and seafood. Very typical is the Brodet, a delicious fish soup and try the traditional and tastefully Mornarski Rizot, a kind of exquisite seafood risotto able to conquer all the most demanding palates.

The Italian influence played an important role in the use of pasta. The Rezanci s Jastogom is a sort of Tagliolini or bavette prepared with a sauce of lobster simply superb. Other iconic specialities are the delectable marinated sardines and the notorious Riba u Kruhu consisting in fish cooked with breadcrumb and  boasting a very high reputation are the superb Skampi, the supreme Sipa, cuttlefish used in different kinds of stews and casseroles and do not miss the emblematic Przenj Lignje served with fresh mixed salads.

Also other kinds of food have an excellent presence. The Dalmatian Prsut is a very famous and appreciated ham with a long tradition while the Kulen, is a notorious spicy salami, both are excellent as snacks, appetisers or served in assorted buffers.

You can to try the famed Dalmatinska Pasticada consisting in a delectable meat stew cooked with spices flavoured by a notable quantity of fine wine and excellent are also the Fuzi, kind of gnocchi cooked with vegetable sauces and meat ragu.

As in Slovenia and in other Croatian areas very famous are the Štruklji  rolls filled with different ingredients as cheese, jams, fruit and walnut, the famed Rožata, a sweet custard pudding and also well known is the   Kroštule a typical pastry made by deep frying dough.

The  local wines are excellent there are many of outstanding quality thanks to that superb climate which characterises that land and you can taste an ample variety of reds and also whites, the grapes cultivated on the local hills are robust and resistant

Thanks to a very mild climate with many sunny days, warm but ventilated temperatures and cool nights  with a soil rich of properties and compounds all those favourarable features complete a great process in a superb harvest and production of very smooth, palatable, and savoury and versatile selected wines. 

Colour, texture and body are other excellent qualities and  some of the most suggested in a long great list are Plavac, Faros, Postup, Babic, a local Merlot, Posip, Bogdanusa among others.

Split Resnik Airport is situated at 70, 0 kilometres from the resort and in about one hour driving via Jesenice and Baska Voda along the coastal road you will be at destination.  

Podgora is a little divine paradise, if you are planning your holidays with the Adriatic coast of Dalmatia as one of your future priorities, that resort is definitely a brilliant choice and highly suggested.

The beautiful Croatian Riviera with its azure sea and those magnificent bright pebbles has always conquered many people, enchanted by that special land which is always and eternally remembered with pleasant and enjoyable memories and very difficult to forget.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Podgora

Apartmani Kunac
Apartmani Gudelj
Villa Mozart
Villa Marija
Apartmani Primordia
Apartmani Borak

Recommended Restaurants in Podgora

Restaurant Roko
Restaurant Ribar
Restaurant Klemic

Useful links

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