Bever-Switzerland | Great Stays and Outdoor Activities in Engadin.

Bever is certainly an ideal and perfect place in Switzerland to enjoy great stays and outdoor activities in Engadin, that wonderful Swiss Valley among the most charming and beautiful of the entire country part of the marvellous Graubünden Kanton also usually known as Canton of the Grisons, a superb paradise in the  Alps and stupendous destination which delights every tourist all year for its outstanding natural frame highlighted by unforgettable landscapes.

That small, appealing and charming town is situated in the district of Maloja Bezirk which includes 11 municipalities located at an altitude of 1715,0 metres dominated by the majestic Piz Calderas which with its 3397,0 metres  is the highest mountain in the local territory.

In that concrete geographic area what is really impressive is certainly the striking beauty of the silhouettes of wonderful Alpine peaks, a land where you can admire spectacular images which can be narrated in a novel with protagonists towering mountains as the majestic Bernina, the scenic Albula or some equally captivating such as Plessur, Samnaun, Ratikön, Oberhalstein and Sesvenna among others.

That very pleasant centre is in addition a superb gateway to discover many enchanting sites and a sort of magnificent hallway leading to the fascinating, glamorous and prestigious Sankt Moritz which is just 10,5 kilometres away with the brilliant chance to visit that Queen of Winter Sports of the Upper Engadin Valley, a top resort among the most trendy of the entire Alpine arch with a renowned fame well known worldwide.(In the case you are interested I wrote a post about that superb and famed destination).

The imposing Rhaetian Alps in that territory of Switzerland meet in a pleasant embrace the Glarus and the Lepontine Alps forming a sort of Imperial crown around that Canton very close to Italy with the opportunity to reach in a very short time the stupendous Valtellina, not from Austria and the Principality of Liechtenstein and also that is a great incentive enchanting many tourists who can plan several itineraries taking the brilliant chance to visit other countries so fabulous and extremely fascinating situated very close to Bever.

Not far from Davos, Arosa and Pontresina which are among some of the most celebrated resorts  of that corner of the Swiss Confederation considered stunning destinations for Alpine Ski which can be practised at the highest level in a scenery simply fabulous with extraordinary pistes developed next to wonderful complexes boasting a notable appreciation.

Also that is certainly a further unique opportunity for a multitude of people who desire to enjoy that outdoor activity on snow in an environment offering all those varied options and apart that in a territory highlighted by a great natural preservation, another aspect conquering many visitors at first sight.(I wrote posts about Arosa and Davos if you want to know something more) 

In the immediate surroundings of the municipality there are other places for skiing as Zuoz, an excellent site located just 8,0 kilometres away which is in addition is highly appropriate to enjoy Nordic Ski thanks to the presence of several kilometres of trails developed in a fairytale paradise bewitching every visitor. for a vast surface covered by forests appearing in a sort of comparison a corner of Scandinavia in  Swiss territory.

Bever is bathed by the famous river Inn which has its source in the local valley and that long and famous waterway along its course of over 500,0 kilometres crosses important European lands such as the Austrian Tyrol and the Bavaria in Germany flowing in many important and notorious cities and towns such as Innsbruck, Rosenheim and Passau before to embrace the fluvial father of Central Europe : the Danube.

The presence of that river is undoubtedly another attraction completing a natural setting absolutely stunning flanked by picturesque paths, uncontaminated forests ideal place for people fond of fishing, rowing, rafiting, long walks along the beautiful shore of that watercourse which is also a great attraction for many enthusiast photographers who can immortalise its varied shape formed by sharp bends, ample curves and wild sections at the foot of the local iconic Piz.

The word "Piz" in that area in which the German and the Romansh are official languages means peak in the second linguistic expression and those mountains are mainly highlighted by their special summits with a very steep vertical wall in their final section corresponding to the border of their glaciers, something simply unique and highly attractive at first sight for their formation and elevated as landmarks of the Canton.

Many enthusiastic trekkers are absolutely fascinated by those mounts which offer along their slopes an endless number or fantastic paths with intermediate refuges and a change of scenery simply impressive immediately starting the ascent. Those peaks are also a Mecca for fervent climbers who can find an infinite range of challenging walls to enjoy their beloved activity.

When you are in Bever and its valley looking at all around, you can immediately understand in which kind of unforgettable Eden you are because every corner shows the visitor its most pure, genuine and stunning charm and all there is like to be in a dreamland.

That Swiss land in addition is every year protagonist during the prestigious Tour de Suisse and Tour de Romandie, cycling competitions among the most prestigious in the International calendar with stages highly spectacular ending in those places and also for that it is a destination extremely loved by  many professional and amateur cyclists who reach that heaven to test the routes with fantastic climbs and enjoying a large variety of routes with different coefficient of difficulty.

The Engadin valley is a perfect habitat for mountain bikers who will find also in the boundaries of Bever a magnificent and ideal environment to practise that sport thanks to presence of numerous mixed and dirt trails extremely interesting.

That site is also suggested for cycle tourism fans visiting stunning villages and hamlets in the immediate surroundings and great  for families with children cycling on very relaxing and peaceful easy sections on road immediately outside the inhabited centre in an area packed by green and immaculate spaces.

Another special detail is that no traffic or noise disturb the visitor who can have the brilliant chances to discover enchanting natural corners in peace and serenity immortalising in thousands and thousands of pictures taking home the best memories of great stays in Bever which is also a great climatic destination thanks to an uncontaminated territory with a total absence of pollution.

Golf is another great opportunity for those who love that activity with two iconic Golf Clubs at just some minutes from that Swiss town and the high quality of comfortable accommodations is another aspect which delights the tourists who also can also taste the exquisite cuisine of that Canton probably one of the most complete of the entire Nation with a large variety of flavours and many delicious homemade dishes very healthy and genuine. 

The history of that small town is very old and highly interesting. That land was inhabited since prehistoric times confirmed by some archaeological excavations which took place in the local territory with the discovery of relevant tools, items and ancient objects among them some notable high-quality bronze sickle.

All the surroundings were originally populated by tribes of Celtic origin and the first official settlers were the Romansh probably the direct descendants of those population, a local ethnic group who lived pretty isolated in those ancient times for the lack of communications and mainly devoted to pastures, farms, breeding and agriculture.

That community of the Canton of the Grisons during its former history had very limited contacts with other inhabitants of Switzerland before the Roman Empire campaign in the Alps when those Imperial Colonists coming from the Italic Peninsula transmitted them the use of the Latin language but the locals despite absorbed that new linguistic  influence continued to use the native adding it some words and expressions taken by the rulers.

The current municipality born as a former official village in the Middle Ages when in 1139 it was already present in the former maps and mentioned with the denomination Bevero. That tiny centre since those times has always been linked to the rural life of its inhabitants peacefully living beneath its Alpine giant, the emblematic Piz Calderas.

Bever in medieval times was a tranquil settlement which continued to be populated by farmers and later started an activity as handcraft  very rooted and transmitted in the centuries generation by generation thanks to skilled artisans, great wooden carving artists who started a local production manufactured objects of high quality.

That land was governed by local nobles who developed a traditional feudalism, the former village had as rulers Counts often protagonists of  battles and disputes to have more territories trying to increase power, influence and image in a land which was in that time a kind of mosaic of counties, sub-counties and small dustricts ruled by many aristocratic families.

Historically the upper Engadin Valley including the current town in the 12th century suffered an Austrian invasion when that nearest country wanted to unify all the territories of the valley of the river Inn under its domain in a unique region.The result was a notable devastation and an occupation which endured long time until the 17th century. 

After a period characterised by several disputes the Canton of Graubünden returned under Swiss administration exactly in 1802 an event generated by the union of the Swiss Leagues linked to the Bishoprics. All that territory including Bever was incorporated in the Helvetian Confederation except one municipality called Tarasp which after a treaty between the Austrian Empire and Switzerland returned to under control of the Confederation of Bern just one year later.  

The centre of Bever is mainly concentrated in proximity of its Banhof, the railway station situated in the heart of the municipal boundaries.That station is an important link of communication of the Rhaetian Railway connecting different places and Via Maistra. a long avenue flanking it corresponding to the most relevant artery and junction between the centre of the municipality and its extra radius.

That road meets two other streets called Cha Sur and Cha Sout which respectively are connected to Via Culognas and Fuschigna forming a sort of ring around the town limited in the northern side by another named Via Platz.

You can start a very pleasant visit with the Reformierte Kirche, the local Parish Church dedicated to St. James. According to historic documentations that Religious building was erected in medieval times exactly in the second half of the 14th century and it was restored and modified in the following centuries while the current bell tower was established later concretely in the 17th century.

The Church consists in a splendid building developed on a rectangular plan with a nave highlighted by a white facade and a rectangular doorway surmounted by a line of three windows. Between two of them with rectangular shape you will notice that there is one arched and higher than the others placed on its sides, a curious composition but harmoniously inserted and not ruining at all the aesthetic image of the exterior layout completed by a gray gable.

Next to the central body lies a high light bell tower elevated on a square plan in four blocks bordered by marked stoned outlines with a large watch placed in the second level beneath a curved belfry, an architectural layout very common in those times in many places of that Swiss corner and at its base was established a door.

The upper section was developed with a hexagonal structure placed on a square plan with a scenic window surmounted by a sort of small onion dome topped by a tiny cylindrical turret covered by a spire and highlighted on the top by a captivating golden pinnacle.

The old town was declared National Swiss Patrimony Heritage and you will immediately notice walking in its streets several charming stoned buildings with elegant arcades, attractive wooden doors, appealing windows with fine forged wrought iron railings and others smaller developed in correspondence of the top floors with coloured shutters.That fabulous image confirms why that little centre received that title boasting a very pleasant aspect extremely captivating at first sight. 

 In different corners of that town on the walls of various buildings you can also admire the presence of scenic lanterns reminiscent the old oil lamps used in the Medieval and Renaissance periods and also that is a splendid detail which increases furthermore the charm of a very appealing environment especially at evening and night when the artificial lights create a fabulous magic aura with those soft lights illuminating the facades of the houses and the cobblestone streets creating a more than romantic atmosphere. 

In different municipal corners you can also admire according to the traditional architectural style used in the Engadin valley wonderful wooden houses arranged on one or two stories with their captivating gable roofs highlighted by picturesque, chimneys, front sides with stylish painted doors and shutters and refined decorations. Some of them are furthermore embellished by flowered balconies and surrounded by beautiful small gardens boasting a great aesthetic aspect.

The local railway station, the Banhof is in its kind another local landmark and not just for its relevance in terms of communications. It was erected respecting the local tradition loyal to a clever plan of conservation of the environment  using timber as main material for its construction and after its elevation it started to be operative in 1903 becoming a symbol of the community.
That architectural style and the use of a concrete type of wood was studied and applied to conserve the image of the town without the development of a building of questionable taste ruining or altering the local aspect and you will notice that a wooden structure is in perfect harmony with the other structures erected in its proximity.

A pleasant walk along the river Inn and in the nearest forests is like a magnifcent dive in the beautiful Swiss pristine, relaxing and enjoyable nature highlighting Bever, something to enjoy anytime during your stay.

A very well preserved natural Alpine environment invites to several excursions immediately exploring all the splendid surroundings around the Piz Calderas, towering icon of the town considered for its picturesque shape one of the most enchanting mountains of the entire Upper Engadin furthermore located in a stunning position between the Julier and Albula Pass increasing its scenic beauty.

That marvellous peak with its 3397,0 metres is particularly unique in its kind in that Swiss land because it is highlighted by the presence of two glaciers called Vadret and Vadret D´Err the first is the southern while the second is that one you can see in its northern section, the last section is extremely steep and its image represents a giant pyramid in the Alps covered by snow

It is a beloved destination of many trekkers and climbers for its appeal with paths starting from Bever situated on its eastern side and Sur, a small village located in Val Sursette on the shore of the stream Gelgia a tributary of the Albula.

Along the trail you can have a magnificent view of Mulegns, a picturesque small centre highlighted by its compact fairytale agglomeration surrounded by verdant plateaus and forests and it is well known because it is a site founded in the 15th century by a group of Walser colonists coming from the Bernese Oberland. (If you are interested about that population I wrote something about them in posts of Gressoney, Bosco Gurin and Davos) 

During your stay I suggest you to visit that tiny but very attractive place dominated by the imposing Piz Platta which with its 3392, 0 metres is another peaks to immortalise in many pictures and it is a village where the major percentage of the population speaks Romansh. 

Next to those mounts you can also admire others equally spectacular for their special silhouettes such as the Piz Canal, Piz D´ Err and the Oberhalstein which are also part of that  great frame surrounding Bever. 

At an altitude of 2652,0 metres by a marvellous mountainous path you can reach the Refuge Jürg Jenatsch also called in Romansh Chamanna Jenatsch. That construction consists in a stoned and wooden building property of the SAC,  the Swiss Alpine Club and from that point there is the chance to take several beautiful trails with different destinations.
From there I suggest you an excursion reaching the wonderful Suvretta Pass enjoying spectacular panoramic views and ideal place for outdoor activities. That area is  ideal and perfect  for climbers, hikers in a corner offering a stupendous Alpine scenery with other trails for passionate trekkers.

That Alpine Pass situated at 2615, 0 metres of altitude and during the ascent there are impressive changes of scenery with fabulous verdant pastures at the beginning but starting over 1800,0 metres to enter in a rugged and rocky section  reaching an intermediate point simply stunning called Alp Laret at 2103, 0 metres of altitude with a fantastic view of some of the most stunning peaks of the Canton such as the Bernina group and another marvel called Piz  Nair which with its 3057,0 metres is a further marvel of the Engadin valley.

At the foot of that pass there are many trails for enthusiastic mountain bikers with great dirt routes and a spectacular in-out between forests and roads, very appreciated by many people loving that kind of sport.

If you love peace,relaxation and a full immersion in a natural Eden of serenity and nature, I recommend you to visit Spinas. a hamlet of Bever with the brilliant chance to admire the spectacular and iconic Tunnel of Albula Alps.

That site is situated approximately 3,5 kilometres west of the town in direction Bergun ,it is a very small village and the beauty of that place is that you will be at 1815,0 metres of altitude but also great because it is a perfect point to discover many other attractions along wonderful Alpine paths and particularly suggested for people who love photography surrounded by a marvellous frame of high peaks and green pastures where the contrasts of colours is simply impressive.

In winter that area is a Mecca for Nordic Ski and Ski Adventure with the chance to discover the charm of several picturesque corners totally covered by snow and it is also a favourite destination for several people fond of snowshoeing.

 An enchanting itinerary pretty recommended and extremely fascinating is along the route leading to Albula Pass which with its magnificent panoramic road, It is a unique outstanding opportunity to admire unforgettable landscapes with furthermore the brilliant chance to reach another stunning local landmark consisting in the magnificent Albulasee, a fairytale Alpine lake flanked by pine and firs forests dominated by a mountainous steep wall of superb beauty and in proximity of a large appealing Alpine plateau.

Albula Pass is situated at 2312,0 metres of altitude offers superb views and it also corresponds to a relevant cross road along a historic route of the merchants who started their trips from the Hinterrhein, the Posterior Rhine, a tributary of the famous Rhine river reaching the Italian territories of the Valtellina by a long itinerary crossing the Swiss Alps and reaching as last stage that Italian Alpine valley.

That  trail in ancient times was one of the first most important hallways for the trade of textile and manufactured goods developed since the Middle Ages and furthermore very active during the period of the Austrian occupation with the intention to increase an active commerce in Swiss territory towards the domains of the Hapsburg House. 

From there you can  continue towards Bergun another picturesque small centre with traditional Alpine houses and dominated by the Piz Kesch which with its 3418,0 metres of altitude is a further wonder which will delight your view.

In that municipality, I suggest you to take a look to the iconic Kurhaus Bergun, a great Hotel opened in 1906 becoming since its inception a sort of emblem thanks to its fine services and favourite destination of many ski and mountaineering lovers, a fantastic accommodation which nowadays provides 85 comfortable rooms and situated at an altitude of 1350,0 metres.

You can enjoy in those places and in all the surroundings several outdoor activities with relevant chances for mountain bikers and cycling lovers thanks to the presence of a multitude of mixed trails and climbs very challenging. It is an area very loved by numerous cyclists with quality of grimpeurs who can find in those places a more than suitable territory for training trying something of simply exciting.

Bever also offers other chances in terms of leisure, shopping in particular in the nearest Sankt Moritz, considered a sort of Alpine Milan or Paris of the Alps for its chic boutiques offering all the trendiest fashion articles by the most prestigious brands and other kinds of sports in particular Golf.
Bever is strategically located exactly between two prestigious Golf Clubs such as the Golf Club  Engadine Sankt Moritz which is about 4,5 kilometres away next to Samedan Airport while the other one is at less than 6,0 kilometres north between Maduloain and Zuoz. 

That is an excellent opportunity to practise also that trendy activity and all the area is naturally great to enjoy Alpine Ski with a wide network of stupendous pistes with Black, Red and Blue tracks and that means the opportunity for skiing for everyone.

Also that aspect aspect of the Romansh language is highly interesting to know something which is a notable part of the heritage patrimony with some details which are still object of study.

The Romanisation with the Latin and the Germanisation of many Cantons of Switzerland could highly influenced or partially changed the former autochtone language which is said to have as origin and source linked to some Gallic tribes directly related to those first Celts who occupied that geographic area.

Historically the meetings of different populations with the strong influence of the Latin spoken during the times of Imperial Rome and the first Germanic language in notable expansion all around the territory changed a bit the classic and pure Romansh used in ancient times, it is certain it had some morphological modifications in its structure but it is also very evident it kept its marked and rooted grammar and identity.

The Romansh had and has some similarities in phonetic, pronunciation and a pretty varied number of words in common with the the ancient territories of the Tre Venezie, the current Italian regions Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige and Friuli Venezia Giulia  and in some sounds similar to others of the Northern Lombardy dialects spoken in Valtellina in the County of Sondrio.

Despite a strong presence of a German speaking community in the same land, that population never assimilated the use of the three basic articles such as Die, Das, Der, female and plural the first, neutral the second and male the third which are also the basic grammatical elements to build phrases accompanying words and substantives. 

Curiosly including centuries ago the Romansch was also spoken in the major part of Tyrol which is today and since centuries ago a stronghold of German speaking people and it was also very common in other lands close to the Swiss-German borders which historically and culturally are territories that have always used the German as first language.

The mysteries linked to the origin of the Romansh are many for some historians and linguistic experts.It is certain there are many confirmed historic details but are also several controversial opinions and suppositions.

Someone consider it is a direct descendant linguistic form of a dialectal Latin which replaced the Celtic and Rhaetian languages while another opinion according historic researches is linked to strong influences of the Etruscan spoken by the first settlers of the Etruria in Tuscany who also reached some Swiss territories and they left there linguistic marks  A further version is that one related to the Ladin, a Romance language spoken by populations who also lived in Northeastern Italy and South Tyrol.

There are also historic documentations lined to some curiosities. The first Germanic speaking settlers who inhabited the Engadin in the Middle Ages thought that they were Slavic people escaped from the vast Region called Noricum founded by the Romans in Central Europe during the several invasions by the Avars but later they detected that population did not have links with that Eastern European linguistic group.

Today the Romansh in the Canton is spoken by a 30% of the population but since the 19th century it was over 80% while today the predominant is the German but despite that it is the second while the rest 10% of the inhabitants speak Italian due to an immigration from the nearest Canton of Ticino and some immigrants from Italy.
Despite centuries of population replacements and strong influences the reality is that nothing deleted the culture of the descendants of the early inhabitants in the Canton of Graubünden who kept with pride culture, traditions, costumes, gastronomy, typical local handcraft and language as an icon and cultural root ro defend and preserve. Also that is extremely interesting to discover as after long time with strong cultures surrounding that small land the locals have jealously conserved their roots.

The local exquisite gastronomy in the Canton of Graubünden  is the result of the local Romansh cuisine conserving its secular traditions with some German and Northern Italian influences.There is an excellent production of sausages, salami, ham and Bresaola, the latter is also one of the most typical products of the nearest county of Sondrio situated on the other side of the Alps.

All them together can be served in complete and assorted starters but also eaten as appetisers or snacks accompanied by several delicious cheeses and fragrant toasted  bread or crostini.

Another culinary highlight is a wide variety of soups with protagonist the local barley soup considered a very rooted plate consisting  is a sort of minestrone prepared with barley, minced meat, vegetables, beans and adding parsley.

Dried meat is also a very traditional speciality of Canton of the Grisons and very  famous is a appreciated dish called Capuns, a kind of pastry including eggs and flour adding sausages, ham and that dried meat wrapped in a leaf beet combined with vegetable and cooked with milk and stock and often accompanied by excellent and several cheeses produced in that area.

The Maluns is another old local delight consisting in grated potatoes roasted with flour and fresh butter. That speciality is prepared in every occasion, as appetiser or served with meat, cheese, ham or accompanying a soup. Someone also eats it with a glass of milk or a warm cup of coffee.

The Pizokeln isa further famed plate,consisting in  the Swiss replica of Pizzoccheri of Valtellina, a flat ribbon pasta similar to tagliatelle made with 80% of buckwheat flour and 20% wheat flour prepred with Parmesan cheese, lard, sage, garlic, butter and spinach and also you can try other national plates well known worldwide such as the famed Fondue and Rösti.

In the Canton there is also relevant honey production and that land is in addition rich of chestnuts. With those two ingredients many people prepares a wide homemade selection of delectable sweet cakes and bakery products.

Bever is located at 212,0 kilometres from Zurich International Airport and there are excellent services to Sankt Moritz by Shuttle Bus Engadina Express to that famous resort from Zurich. Engadin Airport situated in Samedan is just 5,5 kilometres and it is the highest in Europe for altitude but it provides just some special flights and some taxi flights services. 

That Swiss land characterised by its unique beauty, peace and serenity able to delight every tourist offering great stays and a wide fan of outdoor activities in that Eden called Engadin, a fabulous valley packed by shining gems will be certainly remembered in your best memories because that captivating corner of Switzerland will immediately conquer you with all its endless appeal with the desire to return soon once again.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Bever

Romantik Hotel Chesa Salis
Gasthaus Spinas


Recommended Restaurants in Bever

Restaurant Da Primo

Useful links


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