Kokemäki-Finland | Immaculate Natural Environment and Land of St. Henry.

Kokemäki is a small town of Finland which reflects with its fascinating image highlighted by an immaculate natural environment the beauty of that Nordic country, a centre furthermore very famous to be the land of St. Henry.

That character is one of the most venerated, beloved Holy figures by Finnish people, elevated as a national icon to have written important historic, indelible pages of the history of that Scandinavian Republic entering in the hearts of the entire population for all what he was able to donate to a country which became his home.

Located in a fairytale territory in the region of Satakunta  not far from the Baltic coast at just 42, 0 kilometres from the active harbour town of Pori and at 205, 0 kilometres from the capital Helsinki.

The fascination of that idyllic place is magnificently characterised by a stupendous natural environment packed by several picturesque lakes, uncontaminated rivers, scenic streams encircled by a virgin, wild nature consisting in an impressive extension of marvellous forests, stunning symbol of that Nordic Paradise.
The town apart some industries devoted to metals manufactures has always had as main resources agriculture and fishing, the latter pretty developed along the local waterways while another important activity which has had a relevant development in the last three decades and a bit more is the tourism.

That industry  found in that town a very relevant source offering the chance to discover the holy places of Saint Henry but also to enjoy the genuine, wonderful beauty of its landscapes with a magnificent green countryside very inviting to practise many outdoor actvities.
At a short distance from that very attractive municipality you can admire two beautiful waters basins such as the Koylyö and Pyähajarvi, two gems in the middle of beautiful territory furthermore extremely scenic for the presence of  a large, magnificent verdant plain entirely crossed by the river Kokemäenjoki which gave that town its name adding it more appeal for its sinuous course ending in the Gulf of Bothnia,  that marvellous huge bay where Finland faces Sweden.

That mosaic of waters is an immediate, special invitation for all those who are fond about fishing, rowing, kayak, sailing and other water sports  with several options to fill fantastic days practising those activities in an Eden.

 Cycling on road and Cycle Tourism are since some years ago great highlights, no traffic with the chance to enjoy many scenic kilometres alongside numerous stunning water basins and captivating streams flanked by idyllic huge forests.

For mountain bikers the entire local area is a Mecca offering many diverse routes developed across a spectacular woodland, several are the dirt, mixed trails with the chance to be delighted by a unique scenery also a Paradise for the most passionate photographers. 

That immaculate natural environment is certainly a splendid attraction also for simple long walks entering in deep contact with a splendid nature with paths very loved by several trekkers and all those who love tourism adventure while another activity pretty rooted is horse riding with the opportunity to enjoy a different way to do tourism in the middle of a beautiful,uncontaminated scenery.
Springs and summer are the best seasons to enjoy a wonderful festival of colours all around with coloured flowers next to a vivid, green vegetation reflecting all the Nordic charm of the country which boasts thanks to clever plans of preservation of a divine setting encircled by an eternally inspiring atmosphere able to enchant anyone all around a large territory.
Also autumn and winter are seasons with a very special charm, the first is simply magnificent to admire the mutations of the tonalities of the leaves of some trees next to evergreen pines while in the second case the land is often covered by snow with unforgettable images exalted by splendid lights at evening and night creating all around the inhabited agglomeration a spectacular magic aura and much more when Christmas time is coming.

Winter is also a period in which many people enjoy Cross Country skiing that sporting speciality which at that latitude is almost a Religion for the many fans it has but also for all those who are fond of skiing adventure and ski touring with several kilometres of trails crossing endless plains or in alternative entering in the heart of unspoiled Nordic forests.

Many are the excursions very interesting in the immediate proximity of  Kokemäki as the village of Huittinen  part of a big nature reserve totally virgin, very recommended is also Kiukainen famous for its ancient tumulus and not far is situated Nakkila, nicknamed the Finnish Hollywood for its Cinema studios and a further suggested destination is the the splendid Sastamala with its beautiful Rautavesi and Kulovesi lakes.

A good range of very comfortable, fully equipped Hotels next to other kinds of accommodations as charming cottages located in very strategic points with an easy access to the main local attractions is another great feature just like the brilliant chance to enjoy during a stay of a very genuine, exquisite local gastronomy greatly highlighted by homemade plates linked to oldest traditions using healthy products.

The history of Kokemäki is very interesting closely linked to the Swedish Kingdom since the 12th century when the Swedes ruled Finland in a period in which the former medieval village was called Kumo and visited by the legendary charismatic Bishop Henry, who became a sort of emblem not just in that site but in the entire Nation which later was elevated as Saint.

That famous Religious character born in England left his motherland in 1153 accompanied by the Cardinal Nicholas Breakspeare in 1153 called by the King of Sweden Sverker I who ruled that Reign for 26 years before to be murdered in 1156 living those times also supported by his successor Eric IX, also known as Eric the Lawgiver or Eric the Holy.

That figure lived in the historic, splendid city of Uppsala  where he was consecrated Bishop participating to that famous Swedish expedition in Finland which had apart the aim to expand the influences of that powerful Realm was focused to convert the pagan Finns to the Christian Religion.

The history of that prominent man is particularly important in the historic events of Kokemäki because after his mission with a country which embraced in its totality the faith in Jesus Christ he never came back to Sweden where he was also highly regarded and neither to Great Britain his birthplace. 

He decided without hesitations in a choice of life to stay in the Finnish country where he was extremely by the locals and that peaceful former village was the first place visited by that Holy man who frequently returned there before to die in the nearest town of Koyliö in 1156.

Many are the legends in Finland and in Kokemäki related to that emblematic Religious character with several of them are linked to some miracles.  

According to stories narrated in that country he resurrected a couple of people, healed others who were dying, he made walking further who had not the use of legs and in other cases he changed attitude to thieves and criminals leading them to a honest life.

Highly revered by the locals, venerated by the Swedish soldiers, admired by the Royalty, that decision to remain in Finland was never challenged by the King of Sweden who never ordered him to return to Uppsala re-taking his relevant Ecclesiastic role as leader of that important Bishopric.

Kokemäki is so proud to have been the first site visited by that prominent man who became later Bishop of Finland and named Saint Henry of Uppsala.

The town to pay homage to that unforgettable character erected in its boundaries a small Church in his honour, addition the image of the Bishop is present in the Coat of Arms of the municipality and in the 13th century was written a Vita, a hagiography narrating the legend of St. Henry's life.

Apart that there are other historic legends linked to that place before the conquest by the Swedes in the Middle Ages. 

One of them tells that the current site was part of an epic town known all around the region inhabited by a powerful, wealthy people which including reaching popularity all around the territories of the Gulf of Bothnia too.

Its name was Telja considered a relevant, active centre narrated in literature and different mythological Finnish stories. 

After archaeological researches and excavations were found some rests of an important settlement  never been found before but the mystery of that legendary town which disappeared as for enchantment is still open, studies focused to look for more details with the real identity of the rulers are in the air hoping to dscover new pistes leading to a historic chapter of that land highly interesting.

Kokemäki had in the Middle Ages also had a fortress but it was destroyed in 1367 and its crhonological stages are closely related to the long war between the Swedish Kingdom and the Imperial Russia the current town was incorporated in the Russian domains in the early 19th century.

That historic period of the country is linked to the transformation of part of a Realm to a province which was called Grand Duchy of Finland during the times of Tsar Aleksandr I before to join the independence in that famous date corresponding to 6th December 1917.  

The centre of the municipality is arranged along the shore of the river Kokemäenjoki surrounding the Parish Church, Kokemaen Kirkko and you can see a bridge called Sillakatu connecting the central core to its rural area situated in the immediate extra radius.  

Approximately 300, 0 metres north of that Religious building runs Tulkkikantie consisting in the main road entirely crossing the boundaries of the town also leading to the southern municipal exit while the avenues Killkukantu at east next to Haapioknantu are two long roads representing the urban belts of that site.

You can start the visit from Kokemaen Kirkko, a Church situated in a pleasant green space representing with its  is attractive silhouette, a beautiful, traditional example of Nordic stone construction. 

Built in 1786 you can notice at first sight that there are strong architectural links highlighted by the execution of lines reminiscent a considerable Romanesque inspiration reflected furthermore by the presence of a huge rose window placed in the ample facade beneath a charming gable roof with a big Cross fixed and also the size of that element is pretty related to many works developed in the Middle Ages.

Beneath that splendid rosette were placed a series of five fine arched stained glass windows over a charming framed portal covered by a small vaulted arch flanked by two stylish stone columns. 

Notable are the fine outlines and on the left side and on the wall of a wing you can admire a splendid double ample vaulted stained glass window which is another refined highlight of the exterior layout.

On the right side lies an imposing bell tower erected on a rectangular plan characterised on its base by the presence of a beautiful portal surmounted by a small slot and a pretty large window established beneath a sort of niche with an irregular rectangular shape. 

The roof consists in a huge dark dome topped by a cylindrical element with inserted in its body a circular white clock.

The interior is very sober but at the same time charming with a small altar  placed in a semi-circular apse, some relevant paintings, a splendid organ situated over the entrance placed on a wide section supported by columns. 

The light walls are in perfect harmony with the darker floor with captivating crystal chandeliers, other special attractions are a splendid carved pulpit some large stained glass windows which transmit luminosity to the nave

In front of that Sacred construction in a wide green area is situated a cemetery and once ended the visit of that Sacred Lutheran site you can continue with another consisting in Kauvatsan Kirkko, a splendid white wooden Church erected in 1886 lying  behind a low stone wall in a huge park with trees. 

Elevated respecting the traditional architectural Nordic canons the building was developed on a long rectangular plan with a scenic ample light green gable roof and what is very interesting is to notice the perfect balanced symmetry of all the architectural elements present in the structure with criteria.

Simply beautiful are the refined lines and composition of the layout of the main facade but also the sections all around its perimeter with a charming presence of high and narrow stained glass windows on the walls with a portal established beneath a small, fine portico surmounted by a Christian Cross.

The square bell tower lying on the left side of the main entrance was elevated on two blocks, the lower section was developed as part of the Church body a  bit larger of the upper section surmounted by a spire. 

Notable is the perfect symmetrical execution of every detail on its sides, the roof is in perfect harmony with the entire structure in terms of size, not too big and neither too small covering almost the entire nave and an annexed architectural space.

Henrikyn Saarnahuone is a must during the visit Kokemäki, it is the iconic Chapel dedicated to St. Henry, a construction elevated in the 19th century in a fine Gothic revival consisting in a red brick cylindrical building surrounded by splendid, high stained glass windows.

On the top you can admire a grey low dome topped by a big Cross placed on a rectangular section, around it you can see a scenic series of pinnacles placed over polygonal brick elements and a further highlight is a beautiful arched vaulted portal surmounted by a beautiful rose window.

That emblematic Religious temple has a notable historic relevance because in its interior is hosted  a wooden Sermon Room built in the 12th century conserved in that construction as part of the historic patrimony heritage of Finland.

The town also offers the opportunity to visit some interesting exhibitions, one of them particularly suggested is Maatalouden Museum, the Agriculture Museum of Kokemäki opened in 1930 very famous because it was the first built in the country in a granary

Arranged on a three floors, in the interior you can admire a splendid representation of the Finnish rural life displaying utensils, tools, different kinds of objects related to harvest, cultivations with an extensive illustration explaining the cultural, agricultural spirit of the town.

It is certainly a very interesting visit because it transmits the chronological stages of one the main resources of the municipality since a long time admiring also that choice to establish it in a very representative structure closely linked to that making it a very scenic attraction.

Other interesting exhibitions are the Electricity Museum and another one considered in its kind for philosophy and idea similar to that famous you can admire in Oslo, Norway called Kokemäki Outdoor Museum consisting in a selection of typical and traditional Finnish buildings of Satakunta Region transported in the town in the 60's.  

That representation is a sort of live picture to transmit the cultural, architectural patrimony of the country with its typical, traditional buildings considered for that one of the best open air exhibitions of the entire Finland.

The river Kokenmänejoki is a local, distinctive landmark flowing for about 11, 0 kilometres in the municipal boundaries forming along its sinuous course several attractive bends offering a very pleasant image and along its shore you will ne delighted by the view of some small scenic islands and islets which with their presence are a further appealing accent of the local environment.
You can admire the bigger curve of that waterway at the end of the road Tulkkikantie a point in which it also forms a small natural canal in the eastern side of the town while in another point not far from Church Kokemaen Kirkko in a very pleasant walk you can admire some small inlets next to a couple of small coves.

That watercourse is with its 121, 0 kilometres the 4th Finnish river, on its course was developed an important hydroelectric power plant, it is also a great place for all people who love to practise kayak, canoeing, rowing, and swimming.

Apart that it is also very appreciated for fishing and many photographers who are in love with the images that waterway offers with many opportunities to immortalise from different perspectives several pictures for its very varied shape making it a great attraction.

Flanked by green forests with a good number of picturesque inlets during early evenings thanks the magic, inspiring Finnish sunsets that river is absolutely magnificent.

The nearest vast woddland is a further, splendid attraction, a magnificent invitation for long walks entering in immediate contact with an immaculate nature.  

An excursion I recommend you so much consists to reach the nearest town of Huittinen where you can visit Puurijärvi-Isosuo National Parks two gems all to discover metre by metre forming a bipolar verdant nature reserve of two vast surfaces highlighted by an uncontaminated environment. 

Established in 1993 on an area covering a surface area of approximately 27,0 square kilometres that Paradise is a magnificent succession of marshes, scenic paths, beautiful lake shores promenade, small streams very loved by locals and tourists.

Perfectly preserved you can have the confirmation in that immense green lung how the Finnish culture is able to conserve with great plans those marvellous huge verdant spaces ideal for families with children to spend outdoor weekends but also perfect for people who love cycling, jogging and footing.

In addition it boasts in its boundaries the fantastic Puurijärvi lake from which take part of its denomination, an ideal waters basin for rowing but and including swimming.

That park in addition boasts a bird watching tower, ideal point to admire different species of local and migratory birds such as geese, swans, different kind of ducks, black terns, hawks but also a local type of Marsh Harrier and a species of Bittern among others.

Winter in Kokemäki is particularly suggested for all lovers of Cross Country skiing that famous sport in which Finland is among the countries with the oldest traditions, an outdoor activity very loved by people of every age with a lot of fans. 

In that park but also in the extra radius of Kokemäki there are  many routes very suitable to practise it at a very good level, including perfect for who is a skiing adventure lover.

The nearest town of Samastala offers the opportunity to admire two beautiful lakes such as the Kulovesi and Rautatesi. 

 The first has a surface area of over 36,0 square kilometres, it is a shining gem flanked by virgin forests with some small, scenic bays and picturesque inlets, loved since a long time by many people fond of rowing and fishing. 

It has a depth of approximately 36,0- 37, 0 metres and it is connected by some wild streams to other waters basins, for that is very appreciated by those who like canoeing moving to an environment to another totally different also for the currents of diverse waters.

The second is also very charming, in winter season for almost four months it could be totally frozen becoming a beloved destination for ice skating but it is also very appreciated for its peaceful atmosphere, silence encircled by a stunning natural frame.  

That lake is a bit smaller than the previous and the nearest area is excellent for trekking, horse riding thanks to the presence of vast virgin forest.

In another small centre called Kiukainen you can admire a historic landmark of the entire region called Kuninkaanhauta. 

It is a tumulus which translation means grave of the King, that attraction is dated the bronze age attesting the human presence in that Finnish area since those distant times, a site closely related to an influential Monarch who ruled those territories because those structures having that size were developed just for powerful figures.

Tourism is also very active in other branches as the celebration of events, festivals and Kokemäki hosts several horse races in summer period with many people visiting that town to watch those competitions

Another event pretty popular is Pitkis Sport with the opportunity to practise different sport, an appointment particularly sensitive to the formation of children with a big camp considered the biggest in Finland in its kind.

Other cultural events are celebrated in June as Henryn Markkinoilla consisting in a lively market dedicated to the venerated St. Henry while in July takes place a day to pay homage to the river considered the big friend of the town celebrated as an eternal loyal allied of the community.

In the same month you can enjoy Koitakku Festival dedicated to the children but also Kustom Day, a special festival with protagonists classic cars and motorcycles

August is a perfect period for those who love music with several performances in occasion of  Satasoitto Festival totally  devoted to Chamber Music. 

Kokemäki is very active town despite its human scale, it is a great destination for all that attracting people with different tastes and interests. 

That is definitely a great highlight of all Finland and it is enough to check the calendar of cultural appointments also in many small towns in their Tourism Boards Offices to notice how that country is highly sensitive to have a lively cultural life.

Planning holidays in Finland it is always great for that, next to many things to do and see there is also that superb chance to enjoy those chances also in centres not too big assisting in many occasions to something of extremely interesting, captivating and obviously very helpful to know better the local traditions, folklore and much more.

I added below some links useful to plan your stay, itineraries, visits including with some suggested accommodations.
Cuisine in that Finnish area is simply excellent. The local river is certainly a great resource  supporting a vast culinary panorama very rich in fish prepared in different styles such as marinated, grilled, baked and fried. 

Delicious, always fresh boasting a high quality are salmon, herring, whitefish and trout. Very famous is the Lohikettio, a popular creamy soup made with salmon also very famous is the Nahkiainen, lamprey  highly appreciated cooked in different styles.
Meat is also very present with a notable quality of beef, pork, goose and reindeer. Notorious is the Lihapullat ,a speciality consisting in sort of meat balls prepared with butter, eggs, bread crumb pepper, garlic, onion accompanied by potatoes or boiled vegetables. 

The Kaalikäärylet is a further famed plate which has several variants. It consists in a cabbage roll filled with different kind of ingredients such as rice, garlic, eggs, cheese, mushrooms onion but also meat especially beef, lamb or pork adding to them some spices as pepper or depending of the local traditions homemade sauce.

The typical Mustamakkara is well known in other Finnish counties, it is a bloods pork sausage which according to local traditions is often accompanied by jam or by the Prerunamuusi consisting a pretty salty mashed potatoes or lingoberry jam.

As in other areas of Finland also in Kokemäki and surroundings you will find some traditional porridges as the Mannapuuro prepared with milk and semolina and the Riisipuuro which includes in the process of its preparation rice, sugar, cinnamon and prunes. 

Considerable is also a good selection of homemade cheeses and one of them very suggested for its high quality is the Lejpäjuusto.
One of the iconic local products is a special tastefully berry used as ingredient for sweet jams, cakes and biscuits and an emblematic bakery product is the excellent Kakko, a traditional barley bread boasting a high reputation.

Kokemäki is linked to Pori and the capital Helsinki by bus services. (If you are interested I wrote a post about the Finnish capital) 

Those lines cover the connection between the major centre of the country and that important town of the region with a stop in Kokemäki. The train is another mean of transport particularly used thanks to the local railway station providing an efficient service from and to Pori but also to the important city of Tampere.

Excellent is also the choice of different airports if you have an idea to visit in future that town. Tampere Pirkkala Airport is located at 110,0 kilometres east of the town while Turku Turun Lentoasema Airport is situated at 106, 0 kilometres, both approximately at one hour and twenty minutes driving.  

Helsinki Vaanta Airport  is a great third option, it lies at 194, 0 kilometres of distance, from there in two hours and half driving you can reach that centre. The fourth chance is Pori Lentoasema Airport situated at 40, 0 kilometres and it provides some flights connections from and to Helsinki.
If you are planning in future to visit Finland and the region of Satakunta that very interesting, charming town called Kokemäki is very suggested offering you several chances to discover the true essence and soul of an unforgettable country.

That marvellous land with its immaculate natural environment always transmits something of special and beautiful, furthermore you will have the great chance to discover in a nutshell the emblematic sites of St. Henry, a figure who is more than a symbol in that stunning corner of Scandinavia,all that and much more will be as a big box of surprises which will enchant you once starting to open it.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Kokemäki

Rural Apartment Maatilamatkailu Ali Ketola
B&B Kokemaen Seurahuone
B&B Jokirannan Majoitus
B&B Kartano

Useful links

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