Sapri-Campania-Italy-Golden Refuge and Residence of the Emperor Maximianus,Loved Place by the Roman Patrician Elite,Often Visited and Admired By Cicero Who Called It Parva Gemma Mais Inferi,Small Gem of the Southern Sea.Magic Colours,Lights and Panoramic Views of the Magnificent Gulf of Policastro,the Historic and Tragic Carlo Pisacane´s Landing,the Iconic La Spigolatrice Sculpture on the Emblematic Scialandro Rock,the Captivating Borgo Marinella Quarter with its Old Houses and Narrow Streets,the Charming Silhouette of the Specola Tower Overlooking the Turquoise Waters of Sapri,Beautiful Resort on the Shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Many historic events are linked to Sapri,a beautiful town on the Costa del Cilento considered one of the the most fascinating destination of that territory where the Campania region embraces another very attractive region called Basilicata and not far from the wonderful Calabria.Sapri is an enchanting place in the magnificent Gulf of Policastro with an unforgettable waterfront on the Mediterranean Sea,approximately .203,0 km south of Naples and 145,0 km south of the capital of its county Salerno,Sapri immediately lies after that promontory which includes the magnificent Peninsula of Palinuro and the charming seaside resort of Marina di Camerota.  

The Costa del Cilento is a paradise,it is just like a chain of pearls,a charming resort of after another along the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea and Sapri is one of those pearls lying on a picturesque bay which can be framed in a beautiful painting from every perspective.Dominated by the Campania Apennines with its approximately 7,500 inhabitants,Sapri is a hymn to the beauty of the Mediterranean,a place which could have given the most deep inspiration to the great tenors Luciano Pavarotti,Jose Carreras,Placido Domingo or the legendary Enrico Caruso who have conquered the world of opera,Sapri is that a place to sing a hymn to the beauty of our world and transmitted in a great theatre.

It is not a case that Marcus Tullius Cicero,well known simply as  Cicero,famous Roman philospher, consul and orator which was probably one of the first master to teach tourism and the beauties of our world sublimating the scenic landscapes,the history of enchanting places.Cicero visited Sapri  in several occasions calling that Campania resort in Latin language Parva Gemma Mais Inferi which simply means small gem of the southern sea.Many other prominent people of the past visited Sapri and appreciated the shining beauty of that coastal town,such as Goethe,Wagner,Lord Byron,Ibsen,the King Victor Emmanuel of Savoy,including Napoleon Bonaporte born in Ajaccio in the wild and magnificent Corsica other paradise in the Mediterranean Sea fall in love with Sapri at first sight.

Sapri was visited and colonised by the Greeks,who stopped several times during their maritime trades in the times of Megale Hellas( the Magna Greece) towards the trips between the Aegean and Thyrrenian seas and visiting the first colonists installed in Neapolis the current Naples.Despite that ancient important period in the of Hellenistic era,it is during the Roman period the golden ages of Sapri,when the town became a famous port but in particular chosen as climatic and seaside resort by the Patrician Roman Elite thanks to mild climate all year and the picturesque environment transmitting peace and relax to the Imperial nomenclature.

In Sapri the Romans erected Patrician houses and villas and in a very short time it became a destination for distinguished and prominent figures of the Empire,one of them was Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus Herculius famous well known simply as Maximianus who after the self-proclamation as Emperor of his son Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maxentius decided to retire to Sapri in a large Patrician Villa  probably built two centuries before.He ordered to reshape and enlarge that building for his golden stay enjoying his retirement away from Rome and the new fate of the Empire.

That villa was not only a simple residence it had an ample area with a theatre,a harbour,a thermal space and other buildings for different use,it was just like a little town in a town.Sapri continued its history under several rules such as the Byzantine Empire under nobles of the area of Salerno,the Amalfi Marine Republic, the Normans,part of the  Kingdom of Naples, which ended with the the Bourbon domination,becoming an important symbol of the reunification of Italy led by Giuseppe Garibaldi giving Sapri in the hands of the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia ruled by the Royal  Savoy Family.

The history of the landing on Sapri,called Lo Sbarco di Sapri led Pisacane is known to all for the attempt by Carlo Pisacane,a Neapolitan patriot son of a Duke officer in the Bourbon army and then against the Spanish domination in Naples.Pisacane escaped to Paris where he was in the French Army during the campaign of Algeria.Pisacane under the guidelines of Giuseppe Mazzini for a free and united Italy disembarked firstly in the island of Ponza and then he hired on that Mediterranean island a troop of political prisoners,dissidents and common thieves,among them also some English and some adventures from Corsica.

Pisacane with about 300 men reached Sapri which he considered the ideal place to start with the help of the local inhabitants,the beginning for the liberation of Naples.The Bourbon authorities informed the inhabitants of Sapri which was coming a ship full of criminals,the ship was the famous ship Cagliari subtracted by the Italian patriots to the Bourbon Marine and that they said those criminals were ready to land and to attack the town .

The locals,in major part farmers unaware that it was an expedition with the intentions of the unification of Italy and indoctrinated by the words of the rulers,waited for the ship,the men of Carlo Pisacane which was backed by two patriots from Calabria Giovan Battista Giovanni Falcone and Nicotera were attacked with scythes,sickles and agricultural tools by the inhabitants.Many men died others were executed, others were turned over to the Bourbon guards who imprisoned them.

Pisacane with the survivors reached Sanza a village on the hills near Salerno,but even there they were attacked from local farmers who were also informed that there was that famous ship landed along the coast of Cilento and in the territory.The men of Pisacane were imprisoned or killed. Pisacane and Falcone committed suicide with their pistols and  not to be executed by the Bourbons.

It was the year 1857 only a few years before the unification of Italy, the land in Sapri in any case serve to boost the patriotic movement in Italy,transmitting that anything was possible with courage and above all unity.The expedition of Pisacane on Sapri was for many Italian historians and expert of the History of the Risorgimento an example for the famous Spedizione dei Mille,the expedition of the 1000 led by the hero Giuseppe Garibaldi in Sicily dating back 1860,when in a short time the leader with only 1000 volunteers and the cooperation of the locals were able to defeat a powerful military army as of the Bourbons.This is in short the history of Sapri and the famous tragic landing dating back 19th century.

The centre of the town of Sapri is arranged next to its bay and behind its charming harbour,Corso Italia is the avenue which occupies about the half or more of its urban coastline,from that avenue on the left there are many important streets leading to the centre such as Via Marsala,Via Falcone,Via Pellico and Via Umberto I.The Municipio,(the Town Hall) is situated between two of those streets,Via Marsala and Via Umberto I.Along the street Via Carlo Alberto,you can reach in a short walk the old centre of Sapri called Borgo Marinella and other important axis of Sapri are Corso Garibaldi,Via Cavour and Via Kennedy which cross the centre of the town.

One of the highlights of Sapri is its magnificent waterfront,a splendid promenade on the Mediterranean Sea and a charming small harbour,that image of Sapri from the sea is the main reason this town of Campania has attracted many distinguished people of art,literature apart the several tourists who fall in love with this gem of the Costa del Cilento.

In proximity of the Town Hall in its gardens there is the statue in honour of the hero Carlo Pisacane.It is a bronze statue placed on a stoned pedestal depicting the Neapolitan hero,a symbol of the town,and an icon of the unity of Italy.Sapri despite that tragic event and the unlucky land of the ship Cagliari on its shores shows with proud that monument and many guided visits of Sapri start from that point with the statue dedicated to that man who transmitted the courage to many people to try and want the freedom.The statue was erected in 1933 by the artist Gaetano Chiaromonte,a prominent sculptor from Salerno.

Borgo Marinella is situated a short distance from the Town Hall,at the end of Via Marsala.It is considered the core of Sapri,it is the ancient Borgo the old medieval district of Sapri when in the past artisans,sellers, merchants and traders had their own business.Borgo Marinella is a collection of old buildings,two-storey houses in a tangle of narrow streets and alleys called Vicoli that word gave the name to many streets called in the past Vico which means alley and which was used for many in that picturesque and historical neighbourhood.

The word Vicolo in a major part disappeared  replaced by new names due a new urban redevelopment, some still exist as the street Vicolo Stretto which means narrow alley.Borgo Marinella is one of the most characteristic places to visit during your stay in Sapri,the streets are most pedestrian traffic,many buildings have narrow stoned stairs located outside of the houses to reach the top floor.Not far from a house and the other,the families speak from a window to another or from one balcony to another or meeting themselves sitting on the steps of the house in the street talking,an aspect you can still see today.

Piazza Plebiscito is very close to Borgo Marinella and in that square according archaeological excavations was found  a relevant Roman funerary stone dated the 1st century A.D, confirming the presence of an active and relevant Imperial colony in Sapri.
Sapri also has an important patrimony about religious architecture,despite its construction dated late 19th century the Chiesa Santa Croce (the Church of the Holy Cross) is a small religious temple with a main nave a charming facade with a rectangular doorway surmounted by a fresco,the doorway is surrounded by two columns supporting a canopy covering the entrance,above it there is a beautiful rose window in the upper part of the gable roof, flanked by two polygonal elements with pinnacle and an iron cross.

The Chiesa dell´Immacolata is the Church dedicated to the Immaculate Virgin,historically is the most important religious building erected in Sapri and dated 18th century.It is a charming Baroque building in ochre colour with white columns and lines and the facade is flanked by two towers erected on two blocks,surmounted by a huge pediment topped by a cross.The Church consists in a main central nave with two aisles,the bronze portal was added in the 80s,the architectonic complex of this Church is a typical example of the Baroque art in Campania and it is in perfect harmony with the environment of the square where it lies.

Next to the Church on the left placed on a small stoned bridge with five arches you can see the Specola,a tower with Renaissance,Byzantine and Venetian details,that tower was built on on a square plan with decorated arched windows and it represents the Sapri Astronomical Observatory.Another monument of particular and special  interest is situated on the south side of the Sapri coastline,approximately,1,2 km from the centre,visible from the coast is a sculpture called La Spigolatrice.It is a bronze sculpture representing a woman leaning towards the ground action to collect ears.That statue has been placed on the rock of the Scialandro in 1994,a beautiful rocky outcrop which is the place where Carlo Pisacane and his 300 men landed on the coast of Sapri.

From that place you can enjoy a wonderful panoramic view of the bay of Sapri the Costa Cilentana and it is also the place where stands proudly for all the Sapresi the Blue Flag that Sapri and its inhabitants for many years have the honour with that title awarding the beaches of the municipality.The event which saw protagonists Carlo Pisacane and the men of the land on Sapri in 1857 is remembered every year in August with a replica representation of that historical date with people wearing customs of that period with an important participation of tourists and locals.

That historic event was remembered in a a poem by the famous poet Luigi Mercantini entitled La Spigolatrice he remembered the tragic expedition of Pisacane and its 300.Thanks that literary work it became the poem which inspired Giuseppe Garibaldi,a sort of anthem for the hero of two worlds, in undertaking its battles against the Bourbons for the unification of Italy.The event was also protagonist in the history of the cinema with a movie dated 1952 by Gian Paolo Callegari with the title Eran trecento meaning they were three hundred.

On the waterfront of Sapri there is another monument in memory of Carlo Pisacane and the expedition of Sapri,consisting in a obelisk placed on a triple pedestal on a square plan remembering that event of the 19th century.The Faro di Sapri is the little Sapri Lighthouse and from far it appear like the tower of a small castle,it is placed in a corner facing the bay,it consists in a small red tower with horizontal and vertical white lines bordering the structure surmounted by crenellated elements.

The incoming and hospitality services of Sapri are excellent,good hotels and a network of apartments and houses to rent.Since long time ago,Sapri is a seaside resort very appreciated by many people in particular for its picturesque environment,crystalline waters,mild climate all year,for quality of beach Sapri is the Top 30 in Italy concerning the Blue Flags and it is in the Top five in Campania beaches,the blue flags constantly wave on the Saprese coast for that,it  is a seaside resort to take in great consideration.The town of Sapri is well connected by railway,it has its station and it is an important stop on the line Salerno-Reggio Calabria of Eurostars and Intercity trains.

In proximity of Sapri there are several beautiful places,you can not miss splendid excursions to enjoy fantastic and panoramic treasures such as  the road leading to Marina di Camerota and Palinuro, mountains and the Mediterranean sea,that road is a sort of a stunning balcony  for the unforgettable panoramic view overlooking the Gulf of Policastro,Salerno,beautiful city is only 145 km away,Amalfi and its coast are at 177 km of distance and Naples at 203 km

From Via Villamare a short distance from Sapri along the coast in direction of Camerota you can take the Strada Provinciale 16 and a local road Via Bivonati reaching the magnificent Parco del Cilento a fantastic experience to discover a Natural Park awarded in Italy and in the World.It is a mine of beautiful natural treasures,very close is the region Basilicata and a place where you can have several opportunities of other great excursions towards west in direction of Lagonegro,enjoying the interior of the County of Potenza or towards south along the coast reaching the beautiful seaside resort of Maratea.

Sapri and Maratea have always had a link,a connection for the proximity and for a historical path of the past called in Campanian dialect Apprizzammñ u Ciucciu which means appreciate the donkey,or give value to the donkey.In the kilometres linking those two towns there was a picturesque path over the coast,many farmers used it with their donkeys to move goods and products from a village to another.Legends or reality in  medieval times,the name of that famous path,derives from the meeting of farmers on the path with another both riding donkeys.In some sections of the path it was not possible the transit of the two animals,the farmers so started to talk and to give a hypothetical value to the two donkey,for age,size,health and so on.The cheaper donkey was the victim,the owner of the more expensive donkey payed the half of the price to the other farmer and the poor cheaper donkey was sadly launched in the sea.

Sea and mountains naturally offers the opportunity to enjoy a multitude of activities outdoors,about water sports Sapri offers everything in terms of facilities,with ideal areas for swimming,sailing,diving,mountain bike and cycling along the coast on the road or also the interior is absolutely spectacular for mountain bikers.   

About cuisine,the gastronomy in this corner of the region Campania is typically Mediterranean,there is a rich use of olive oil,fresh vegetables and a fantastic quality of juicy local tomato,there are many kind of recipes with the pasta as protagonist Penne con Pescespada is one of them (Penne Pasta with slices of swordfish),Maccheroni con Scamorza fresca e melanzane (pasta with a fresh local cheese and eggplant) in some cases there is also the addition of the swordfish as well.Very typical the Pasta alla Pescatora,pasta cooked with seafood,pieces of squid,fresh tomato,olive oil,prawns,mussels,Cavatelli,Scialiatelli are other kind of local homemade pasta and very typical also the Fusilli al Ragu,pasta with a meat ragu accompanied by a delicious goat cheese on the top.In the pasta in some places of the Cilento there is also an use of artichokes,chickpeas and beans,a traditional example is the local homemade Lasagna filled with cheese and artichokes.

The fish is also a highlight,apart the swordfish,there is a big variety of seafood,scampi and prawns,the Alici of the family of the anchovies are cooked in several ways ,marinated,fried,grilled or in a sauce with tomato,parsley,goat cheese and eggs,You can also try the Ciauredda a plate consisting in a mix of potatoes,eggplant,tomatoes,peppers,parsley,garlic,olive oil,all that baked in the oven,someone add cheese or spicy pepper.

The eggplant is a vegetable to prepare the classical and famous Parmigiana di Melanzane, there is an excellent variety of meat in particular in the interior.Bakery,cakes and desserts occupy a relevant position in Cilento,the famous Zeppole are a highlight just like the Castagnaccio and the Struffoli.Excellent the fine wines,Fiano,Calpazio,Aglianico and many others.

Sapri is a destination strongly recommend for all people who loves relax and active holidays,enjoying the crystalline waters of this Mediterranean corner,many are the reasons,friendly people,a divine gastronomy and several outdoor activities,the mild climate all year,wonderful beaches,the spectacular Gulf of Policastro with its lights and reflects and colours forming unique and enchanting sunsets,the coast of Cilento and Sapri are something unique,to try,enjoy and repeat.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Sapri

Hotel Mediterraneo
Locanda del Trecento
B&B La Spigolatrice
Hotel Pisacane 

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