Aprica-Italy | Magic Alpine Spot of the Enchanting Valtellina.

Aprica is a stunning destination of Italy,a magic Alpine Spot and highlight of the enchanting Valtellina,a land packed by  beautiful mountains in the County of Sondrio.That wonderful corner of Italian Peninsula not far from Lake Como in correspondence of its Lecco arm very close to Switzerland immediately offers the visitor so pleasant sensations and vibrations at first sight.

From the town of Teglio starts a beautiful hallway corresponding to the National Road SS39 leading to Aprica which is originally on the former road leading to Tirano which links the Valtellina to the beautiful  Swiss Grisons Canton reaching first the captivating Brusio and after the fascinating Poschiavo two little pearls in the heart of the Alps.

It is in that Alpine paradise where it is possible to admire the majestic eastern side of the Bernina Massif of and furthermore the charming silhouette of the Mount Adamello and simply those two iconic names with their incomparable silhouettes are the coronation and an award of a resort to remember for ever after a visit or spending holidays admiring such unforgettable scenery.

With approximately 1,700 inhabitants that resort has an ancient past to narrate.Inhabited since prehistoric times in the medieval era Aprica was an important cross point of merchants who travelled along the upper Lombardy reaching the Canton of Graubunden in Switzerland and Via Ponte di Legno at east crossing the Alps of Brescia County they continued towards the Region of Trentino Alto Adige and ending their trips in Austria.

Aprica is also a sort of more than  pleasant passage between the Valtellina  a wide and wonderful valley and the splendid Val Camonica a land also famous for the constant presence of many artists who stopped there to embellish and painting Churches in several small towns and villages and leaving relevant marks with several example of Romanesque Architecture present in the local territory and continuing later through different historic periods with stunning Renaissance and Baroque masterpieces.

Situated on the homonym pass the first inhabitants of Aprica were the Vennoneti,a population of Celtic-Alpine heritage who were mainly dedicated to agriculture,livestock and farms.That population then joined the Ligurian,other Celts who taught them the cultivation of the vineyards which was also assimilated during the Roman colonisation through contacts with Hellenic people,colonists sent by the Empire to expand that kind of activity.

Thanks to all that all the territory of Valtellina is since long time ago also a land which produces excellent fine wines due to a secular tradition,a favourable climate and naturally superb local grapes.

The Roman era with practically was a complete assimilation of the local former Celtic settlers also left important marks especially in terms of communications,roads and relevant major centres such as the ancient Tellium, the current Teglio mentioned at thee beginning of the post of which Aprica was originally part included in its boundaries.

The fall of the Roman Empire in a period in which several Barbarian invasions changed the maps and borders of the Continent but without a concrete establishments of a social life and activities due to the nomadic and belligerent attitude of those populations corresponded to a period of desolation with centres almost uninhabited in a land which in just some days could be a domain of a new invader.

The arrival of new occupants,the Lombard who established an entire domain in the valley was also the period in which started to be marked determined borders and a subdivision of sort of counties with centres who had a notable importance with strong influence over villages and hamlets.

The following rulers the Franks once conquered those territories managed different operations,leaving a determined autonomy to productive settlements,a better organisation of local governments and thanks to the Carolingian dynasty to transmit to the entire population the Christian faith.

The Duchy of Milan was also in the Middle Ages another historic stage of Aprica and Valtellina and the  Milanese Dukes developed in all the local area a very strict feudalistic system in which the humble farmers were often totally under the dominion of tyrannic landlords with no rights and freedom.

Despite all that  there were positive aspect was a notable increasing of agriculture and a new network of new communication due to the domains of those rulers in some territories of the current Switzerland corresponding to the Canton of Ticino and including a very active artistic life.

Aprica and Valtellina became at the beginning of the 16th century  part of the Swiss Canton of Graubunden  when Milan lost  many territories at north.The Calvinist Swiss after defeating that powerful Duchy of the most important city of Lombardy avoided the Spanish Aragonese landed in that Italian Region to get up to those lands as defenders of the Catholic Religion and the Valtellina next to the Canton of Grisons were in those times scene and theatre of many battles between Catholics and Protestants also in the surrounding of Aprica.

The history under Grisons influence ended it in the late 18th century with the invasion of the area by Napoleon Bonaparte who after his escalation of conquests along Lake Como came in the local territory with his numerous divisions although he had to face in many occasions insidious attacks by the Swiss who never wanted to lose those lands.

There is a curious history about the French occupation which did not endure long time.When the territory was a domain of France the territories of Valtellina including Aprica in the early 19th century occurred a strange historic episode.

Swiss and French troops for long time continued to fight over Tirano near the Italian-Swiss border and the Swiss wanted to regain the lost territories attacking the enemy established all around  that area ready to face all the possible invasions.

The Swiss found during the battle a sort of corridor towards south and  descending along the valley in proximity of Aprica found  a surprise.All the local territory was not occupied by French soldiers but by the Austrian Army which who easily defeated the few divisions still in that area due the massive movements of the French army towards the border.

The Swiss divisions did not fight against those new occupier a little bit surprised and for an inferior number of soldiers.Austria and Switzerland sought an agreement and the Austrian government promised that in case of non-belligerence Valtellina would return one day under Grisons rule.

Despite several Swiss claims for long time and a conference celebrated in Vienna,the Valtellina was officially incorporated in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and never came back under Swiss rule.

Furthermore The Austrian Emperor started to develop a strategic control of all the Alpine Passes once  incorporated Valtellina into the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia and he decided to establish an important defencive line with divisions of artillery and with a big presence of mountain infantry regiments along all the Swiss borders.

The Valtellina remained under Austrian rule until the unification of Italy culminated in the year 1860 when the Savoy House troops of the Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia conquered the territory incorporating it in the new Kingdom of Italy.

 The former Austrian rulers left important structures in Valtellina and Aprica too.During the period under Hapsburg influence there were continuous improvements in terms of communications rebuilding on the ancient Calzate Romane the roads the Romans developed several centuries ago and creating long passages crossing valleys and new accesses towards the current counties of Lecco and Como.

Other works were established in a connection from a valley to another opening the Alpine Pass of Aprica towards the Alps of Brescia linking the resort to the Valcamonica and the centres of Edolo and Ponte di Legno.

Those operations were determined to have a direct access to  Austria via Trentino without to move across the Stelvio Pass far and often without the chance of transit for snow and very bad atmospheric conditions especially in winter.

In more recent times Aprica thanks to its strategic importance became an independent municipality in the year 1927.In that time there were in Italy many reforms with the establishment of new counties,changes of the borders and further subdivision of municipal domains and it was when Aprica left the town of Teglio. 

Enjoying tourism in Aprica means many things.Situated at an altitude of 1172,0 metres the town offers a multitude of outdoor activities such as winter sports and in particular skiing in winter season.

The resort boasts over 50,0 kilometres of splendid slopes,spring and summer are the months thanks to a mild and ventilated climate with excellent temperatures to allow all those who love the mountains to enjoy many activities such as hiking,trekking,mountaineering and climbing.

All that is managed by the CAI the Italian Alpine Club which has organised in many years of active life a superb network of beautiful paths and trails where it is possible to discover a fairytale environment in an uncontaminated nature. 

The Tourism Board of Aprica can provide every kind of information,multilingual services,maps and suggestions and the efficiency and professionally in all the Valtellina are part of a sort of local code so sensitive to receive the tourists who feel themselves as at home.

Apart a warm welcome,the visitor has to know that discovering and enjoying that wonderful Alpine land will be the result to come back in future without hesitations  and also that is the secret why every tourist appreciate a lot that kind and hospitable incoming service offered in the Valtellina.

Also important events are protagonists in that territory as the Giro D´Italia  one of the most prestigious stage races of the world of cycling scene and Aprica with the climb of its historic and iconic Alpine Pass is a highlight of that iconic competition.

Visiting that Valtellina Resort is a reason more for several cycling fans to come and try that ascent where many champions of this sport are and were protagonists and also for that it is a destination which became as a sort of emblematic Sanctuary calling every year a multitude of cyclists which apart that challenging climb and obviously taking the opportunities to enjoy other routes in the Alps and a magnificent stay with enjoyable days of tourism.

The presence of a multitude of pathways downstream easy and flat,Valtellina is a very green area with forests of pine and fir trees,crossed by several rivers and streams and a vast range of steep and mixed itineraries making that territory an ideal place for mountain bikers with beautiful dirt trails.

For all the photographers the Valtellina is something special and unique.A paradise of Nature with captivating peaks everywhere an unique scenery also highlighted by magic colours of dawns, magnificent and stunning   sunsets with impressive images to take millions of fabulous panoramic pictures with tonalities absolutely unique  making that land a magic Alpine Spot.

The tourism in Aprica started in ancient times linked to the transit of merchants and traders and that resort had since medieval times accommodation for that people and including patrols of soldiers during the time of the different occupations enjoyed that kind of pioneer of the hospitality in the area of  Ospitale where there was a structure hosting several  people historically becoming a sort of former  first Hotel or Hostel.

The iconic Hotel Aprica was opened in the 19th century exactly inn 1870 in a  period in which the resort was an important passage of pilgrims who travelled to visit the Sanctuary of Tirano situated in the same county and the ancient Monastery of Piona situated over Lake Como crossing the cities of Sondrio and  Morbegno and reaching the shore of that magnificent waters basin.

Tourism Industry also developed as a destination of Elite,writers,artists,nobles flocked there and spent enjoyable stays in that resort of theValtellina.It is the case of the Doctor Camillo Golgi who was awarded Nobel Prize in the year 1906 and fascinated by such magnetic beauty decided to live for 23 years in Aprica after a visit in that splendid Alpine resort.

Another highlight concerning tourism is the Gastronomic aspect with  great local culinary tradition and some creative Tour Operators and Outgoing Managers Destination after a splendid Educational have planned great tailor made routes,linking gastronomy to wine tasting,art,history,outdoor activities,pilgrimages fragments of itineraries also linked to cycling and obviously Winter Sports.

For every Tracel Specialist or TT.OO Product Manager an Educational in the Valtellina and considering also Aprica as point of departure or arrival for an itinerary or as base with radial excursions,that valley also boasts comfortable and super equipped accommodations and that land it could be considered as an authentic mine of surprises.

It could be combined in a very easy way with the Alto Lario the High Lake Como,with Switzerland,the Canton of Grisons visiting also the iconic Sankt Moritz (I wrote a post about that destination) and the county of Brescia which offers a vast natural and historic patrimony.

About the chapter Gastronomic Tours the Valtellina is very famous for delicious specialities as the Pizzoccheri a kind of pasta very special born in the territory and the Bresaola of Valtellina is known all around the world and there is a great tradition about deer and beef stews ,beef,excellent sausages and salami.

Those recipes and products could be tested during specific visits in typical and traditional restaurants,B&B and farms next to those delights you can also taste the famed Polenta Concia and Taragna served in many of the local gastronomic establishments with the opportunities to have also a chat about the kinds of that product is used and much more a deep Educational about the selection of delectable cheeses the land offers
and how they can be combined in different plates.

Scimudin,Casera,Bitto,a local Ricotta,Latteria,Val Lesina,Pizzocheraia,Magnuca and many others are part of vast range of dairy products of high quality and very interesting to discover as they are versatile for their specific flavours and extremely eclectic as combined ingredient,served as starters or appetisers,
melted in sauces or added to a wide variety of recipes such as rice,pasta,over meat,minced in salads and in many other styles.

Next to them another operation simply great is that consisting in tasting wine.With a secular and prestigious traditions the fine Valtellina wines are considered among the best of the entire Lombardy region.The micro climate of that territory is simply perfect for the cultivation of robust grapes which can receive many hours of sun during a year combined with a very fertile and appropriate subsoil which transmit the plant all the major
substances of development and that natural bastion formed by the Alps which protect by cold winds from North which is another fundamental aspect.

The result is that those wines immediately after the harvest show all their magnificent qualities such as very smooth,a divine colour and a sublime texture,extremely palatable and versatile wines and also more than recommended for an use in the Haute Cuisine and including in stylish cocktails.

Wines as Sassella,Grumello,Vagella and Inferno could be included in the Elite,totally suggested to enjoy a great lunch and totally satisfying a guest in the case you invite at home someone at dinner.Excellent to complete that supreme list are also the Rosso Valtellina D.O.C and the Valtellina D.O.C.G.Naturally as the cheeses also in terms of selected wines it is possible to organise meetings with experts and producers delighted by that unique and exciting operation called tasting wine.

The area has an excellent production of  honey and the entire valley is also rich of  chestnuts.About bakery Valtellina is famous for its Canestrelli delicious biscuits produced in the local area.An idea on the roads of the Valtellina is also the chance to organise great Gastronomical Tours or Educational which will open an ample fan of solutions.
Aprica and skiing are linked as a sort of happy marriage since long time ago and the resort has a considerable reputation and prestige and the resort could be classified as an icon of Winter Sports and Alpine Ski,it hosted in the 70s and 80s the Alpine Ski World Cup,the Europe Cup,several editions of Italian Championships and the World Series Games.

Thanks to its approximately 52,0 kilometres of marvellous and superb slopes arranged in four sections such as Magnolta,Campetti,Palabione and Baradello the network formed by those numerous tracks is so loved by a multitude of people including professional skiers who chose Aprica as destination with their teams as  favourite base of training also thanks to its excellent geographic position.

 If you think Aprica is situated at 164,0 kilometres from Milan,138,0 kilometres from Como,150,0 kilometres from Sankt Moritz and 111,0 kilometres from Brescia and  the capital of the county Sondrio is at just 30 kilometres away and with a very easy access via Edolo and Ponte di Legno  all that explain that clever and brilliant choice.

In addition to all that there is a great communication to the Region Trentino Alto Adige with the opportunity  
to admire the magic charm of the Dolomites undoubtedly another incentive for everyone who wants to discover the magic charm and fascination of the Alps.

The official slopes of Aprica are 23 subdivided in blue,red and including three black tracks.All that means skiing for everyone and the presence of 18 ski lifts in the complex Aprica-Corteno is certainly a great attraction to choose without hesitations that wonderful place for that superb offer in terms of services and facilities.

The area Campetti is ideal and very suitable for beginners,families with children while Baradello is the most modern section with a service of chair lift reaching approximately 2000,0 metres of altitude.

Palabione is the historic space for Alpine Ski and skiing of Aprica with about 21,0 kilometres of slopes and reaching the considerable 2300,0 metres of altitude.It is undoubtedly is a great place because it gives the opportunity to ski from the peak of the tracks starting from an altitude of approximately 2300,0 metres and descending to the 1172,0 metres of the town and naturally that highlight is very loved for skiers who can ski at those altitudes as departure and arrival points.

In that space there are slopes for all levels,some very challenging but also sections for intermediate skiers and beginners.An important feature in Palabione is also the excellent preparation of the tracks,the snow is never too soft and all the slopes are always well battered in the best way every time.The skis slides without obstacles,the snow is never that sort of soft "butter" or "flour"which often conditions or disappoints all the people who loves prepare the skis with some special ski wax or having materials with specific sheets.

Magnolta is also very appreciated by many people,it has very challenging slopes at an altitude of over 2000,0 metres the highest peak on the summit of the track reaches approximately 2100,0 metres and  since the 80s it reached a very high reputation when  it was inaugurated and it is one of the most frequented area next to the previously mentioned Palabione.

The snow on those tracks is every time in excellent conditions,the slopes very well designed,services and facilities are outstanding and also the Snowboard is practised at high level and all the lovers of that spectacular speciality find in Aprica a superb destination.

Magnolta is furthermore an area with Trivigno and Pian di Gembro ideal for people who loves other activities as that trendy speciality called Adventure Ski year by year so popular with the chance outside of the official slopes to discover enchanting places and for who loves snowshoes those three mentioned areas are a mecca for everybody.

Nordic Ski is also very well practised in Trivigno and Val Di Gembro with almost 15,0 kilometres developed on a track of a spectacular ring in a fabulous natural space and the resort also provides a great Ice Rink for all people who wants to have fun with family and friends skating and to have fun on ice.

Aprica is not only skiing,winter sports and outdoor activities but much more.The town also has a relevant historical patrimony rich of artistic monuments and sites of important and considerable value.

The centre of Aprica is mainly arranged around its Municipio the Town Hall while the Tourism Office and the Ski Club Aprica are situated along the National Road Statale 39 which crosses the resort from west to east,both places are excellent to collect information,maps and and everything to plan your visits and obviously to have detailed information about the state and conditions of the slopes and all what you need. 

Via Italia and Via Stelvio are two other important streets,the first runs south of the National Road while the second northern and together they form a sort of belt surrounding the municipal core.Via Palabione is the street which is a kind of hallway linking the southern border of the municipality to the heart of Aprica while Via Europa is the central axis running along the inhabited core and leading to different Hotels and complexes of accommodations.

You can start the visit form the Chiesa di San Pietro which is the Church dedicated to St.Peter and it is one of the emblematic local historic symbol and It is a medieval building erected in the 12th century over a previous Sacred construction probably built six century before and it was consecrated as Parish of the community in the 15th century.

With its light facade in general the aspect of that Church has a pretty sober silhouette and it consists in a three nave covered by a gable roof,a portico and a portal topped by frescoes.The building has had some restorations in different periods in particular in the 17th century when it was enlarged and embellished later by other very interesting frescoes.In its interior relevant are the altars and many splendid wooden details all elements which confirm the active artistic live which Aprica hosted in that time.

Close to that Church you can see another one dedicated to St.Mary the Chiesa di Santa Maria which is  a new Religious Temple erected in recent times concretely in the year 1999 and the main highlight is in its interior consisting in a relevant organ made in Germany

The other historic local Church is the Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta which was originally a Renaissance Sacred building erected in the late 16th century.Restored more than once it became Parish Church of Aprica in 1906.Very interesting in its interior the presence of a relevant baptismal font,mosaics and an important highlight is of course the splendid Baroque portal added to the complex in the late 18th century.

The centre of the town is decorated by some interesting Murales which with their presence give the core of the Municipality a more eclectic and charming aspect mixing the ancient architecture with those most modern works depicting scenes of flora and fauna highlighted by images of animals protagonists with  Alpine backgrounds.

All those murals are placed in particular and special corners of the town as the Contrada San Pietro is a quarter which reflects the old charm of the old Aprica you will notice as all those modern works
arranged in strategic points and in totally harmony with the former and restored captivating houses and buildings form a very captivating scenery.

All people fond about skiing and winter sports but also all the visitors who wants to enjoy a splendid corner of Italian Alps close to Switzerland and Lake Como can find in that territory a magic Alpine spot in that corner of Lombardy.

The enchanting Valtellina has fabulous and picturesque places,an ancient,rich and captivating history to narrate to all the tourists who are searching unforgettable holidays and something to remember for ever simply for the natural beauty of those magnificent landscapes absolutely unique in the County of Sondrio enjoying a great destination called Aprica.

Francesco Mari

Recommended Accommodations in Aprica

Relais villa Brioschi
Hotel Larice Bianco
Hotel Saint Martin
Meuble Hotel Ambrosini
Hotel Residence Serenella
Hotel Aurora
Hotel Club Funivia

Recommended Restaurants in Aprica

Ristorante La Caveja
Ristorante Osteria al Dosso
Ristorante Firenze
Ristorante Gimmy´s
Ristorante Muti da Thomas 

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