The Set Collection | Two New Superb Hotels in its Portfolio in Switzerland


The Set Collection, notorious representative company of luxury properties, has added to its excellent portfolio two new high-end hotels in Switzerland, thus increasing its presence and the visibility of its brand in a destination that is always trendy and in demand.

The first hotel is the Geneva Quai Wilson, a luxurious property with magnificent views of the western shore of Lake Leman which offers tailor-made interiors and superb wellness services and will officially open on July 15, 2024.

The second structure consists of the private chalet Ultima Gstaad Promenade, located in the famous Bernese Oberland, renowned region of the Swiss Alps. This beautiful structure developed on four floors has two large living rooms, bar, spa, private disco, private cinema, games room and the opening is scheduled for September 2024.

These two new additions represent a portfolio of a total of 20 hotels in nine countries for Set Collection.

The enthusiasm of the group's CEOs is remarkable, declaring their constant commitment to offer a service of maximum comfort, luxury, ultra-personalized and with an attractive design, details to make guests experience a fabulous stay.

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