Mezzago | Historical Beauties and Iconic Pink Asparagus in the Heart of Brianza


Mezzago is an attractive centre in the Vimercate area in the heart of Brianza,  not far from the beautiful Monza and located at 31.0 kilometres from Milan.

This municipality with a centuries-old history was developed in the Early Middle Ages thanks to the settlement of Roman Patrician families  and then lived different chronological stages under the dominion of Lombards, Franks, local nobles, Duchy of Milan, French and linked to the Austrian Empire before entering the second half of the nineteenth century to become part of the Kingdom of Italy.

Mezzago has remarkable historical attractions and is home to the famous pink asparagus, an iconic vegetable product that is the protagonist in the month of May of a "Sagra",a festival of considerable importance.

Once you reached Mezzago you can have the opportunity to discover the historical and monumenta lpatrimony  of this charming Brianza centre starting from the Church of Santa Maria Assunta dating back to the 16th  century although largely remodeled in the following 200 years.

The building with refined Baroque lines boasts three naves and five bays with a façade with a tympanum flanked by a beautiful bell tower erected on a quadrangular plan.

 Inside you can admire various chapels with paintings and frescoes dating back to different periods executed by talented artists of the Lombard school.

Continuation with the attractive seventeenth-century Oratory dedicated to San Girolamo raised at the behest of the Milanese Da Corte family, Lords of Mezzago at that time.

This religious building boasts a beautiful Baroque interior in which an altar stands out with a beautiful central painting placed behind the tabernacle depicting a Madonna with Child and Saints.

Continuation heading towards the central Piazza Libertà where stands a medieval tower of the 13th century erected on a quadrangular plan with a height of 28.0 meters where on the sixth floor a large circular clock was installed and well known for having been an important monastic residence of the Order of the Humiliated.

Next to this towering structure, the view will be enlivened by Palazzo Archinti,  a local symbol raised in 1779 whose name is linked to an aristocratic Brianza family who owned it.

 The architectural complex in perfect condition after restoration works now houses the Dance School, the Academy of Music, exhibition rooms and is the annual venue of the Asparagus Festival.

 The asparagus of Mezzago is a product already famous in the 900s when it was already sold in various Milanese markets with a boom in the 30s and celebrating the Festival since the 50s.

 This local delicacy is distinguished from the common white or even green asparagus by its pinkish tip of a length varying between 3.0 and 4.0 centimeters,  a shade that is due to  the sun exposure for very limited times, that is, from dawn until the harvest which is carried out in the early morning hours.

Famous for its special organoleptic characteristics and pedoclimatic conditions of the local soil, mainly clayey, rich in iron minerals, growing from the root upwards, overcoming a purely sandy layer of subsoil.

Its total length is between 20.0 and 25.0 centimeters with a Turion measuring between 1.0 and 2.0 centimeters  in diameter, containing various nutritional components such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, nitrates, manganese, vitamins A, B, C, PP and asparagine.

Endowed with diuretic, purifying properties and rich in uric acid, production begins at the beginning of April ending at the end of May, awarded with the DE.CO certificate,  a municipal denomination that protects production, origin and protection of local farms.

Highly sought after by  culinary masters and high-ranking chefs for its versatility, adored by gourmets, the asparagus of Mezzago is excellent as a primary ingredient for risottos as on the other hand it goes beautifully with roasts and rolls, eggs, excellent if browned with butter or olive oil and highly recommended for the preparation of Green Lasagna.

The visit of Mezzago is of great interest with its historical attractions of relevance and this product, the pink asparagus of Mezzago, local pride and highly appreciated nationally and internationally for its excellent quality,


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Where to Stay | Recommended Accommodation in the Area

Fund Brugarolo Farm NatureSpa

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