Venezuela | 149 New Authorized Tourist Routes Available in the National Territory


Venezuela, country on the northern coast of South America boasting diverse natural attractions such as its idyllic Caribbean coast, splendid tropical islands including Los Roques Archipelago, Isla de Margarita, the Andes Mountains to the nortwest, colonial towns of notable charm and the scenic Sierra Nevada National Park has 149 new authorized tourist routes for the enjoyment of the communities and that more than 7000 people who make up 112 municipal councils have joined the tourist area of the country.

These figures were confirmed by the Minister of Tourism of Venezuela Leticia Gómez on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the second edition of the binational meeting of tourism Venezuela - Colombia.

The Minister also confirmed that today more than 83.000 national and international visitors have visited Venezuela, adding and emphasizing that tourism in the country has been strengthened thanks to these new 149 authorized tourist routes for the community in addition to the cross - border works that are being developed between Venezuela and Colombia in this sector.

The Minister of Tourism then declared that the intention was to reach the regions with the aim of raising the community tourist itineraries to optimal levels and that from the work created by the Ministry it has been possible to reach all the community tourist itineraries that allow people to be accompanied in the gestation of new itineraries for tourism.

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