Mexico | "Mexico Maravilloso" Programme for Tourism Promotion of the Country


Mexico, country situated in the southern portion of North America and in the northern part of Latin America, a nation with an affluence stunning tropical beaches, ancient ruins, an incredible biodiversity, dramatic landscapes, a natural splendour and a rich indigenous history announced "Mexico Maravilloso" a programme that has as its main objective to enhance the integral and coordinated image of the Latin American country as a tourist product,destination and power on a global level capable of offering art, archaeology, biodiversity, culture, gastronomy, fashion and history among others.

The programme was launched on the occasion of TTG Travel Experience, which was held in Rimini, a city on the Romagna Riviera, Italian reference event for the promotion of world tourism and the only fair in Italy that is totally b2b with the aim of doubling the flow of Italian tourists to Mexico promoted by the Chamber of Commerce and the Consulate General of Mexico in Italy which had special support from the State of Nayarit, territory located on the west coast overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

The innovative and attractive programme rich and varied of activities has thegola of duplicating the flow of Italian tourists towards Mexico every year, through a coordinated effort that includes conferences, seminars, shopping trips, educational trips and participation in the most important tourism fairs.

This initiative aims to make the destination known at 360 degrees, to give visibility to the tourist wonders of Mexico with its many destinations with a holistic and systemic vision.

"Mexico Maravilloso" in its development has seen as promoters the Secretary of Tourism of Nayarit and President of Asetur, Union of Secretaries of Tourism of Mexico, Juan Enrique Suárez del Real Tostado and CaMexItal and the Chamber of Commerce of Mexico in Italy who have signed a collaboration agreement within the framework of the Mexico Tourism Market 2024.

The Consul General of Mexico in Milan, Maria de los Angeles, Arriola Aguirre highlighted the immense cultural and historical richness of the country, drawing links and parallels with Italy with emphasis on the enormous historical, cultural and artistic wealth that links theese two countries.

According to the Consul, Mexico, just like Italy, boasts an enormous wealth from a historical and cultural point of view mentioning furthermore the culinary theme with refined flavors and aromas identified in the gastronomic traditions and also for the wonderful archaeological sites and period buildings.

Featured also comments on art with reference to celebrated Mexican artists as Diego Rivera, iconic painter whose bold – large scale murals highlighted a superb revival of fresco painting in Latin America and Frida Kahlo, famed artist who through colored portraits, self portraits and works inspired by the nature of Mexico deal with relevant themes as identity, the human body, life and death among others that have contributed to making Mexican art and culture famous all over the world.

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