Umbria - Italy | New Regional Law on Tourism Approved


Umbria,  region of central Italy often called the country's green heart, characterized by a marked variety of picturesque and suggestive landscapes, by virtue of the continuous succession of hilly areas and river valleys, well known for its medieval hill towns and villages, dense forests and with a relevant historical and artistic heritage has now the new Regional Law on Tourism.

The Legislative Assembly has given the green light with a majority vote to this new law prepared by the Council with substantial changes made in committee that essentially concern innovative hospitality solutions that are fundamentally linked to a purely experiential tourism focused on tree houses, barrels and caves.

An amendment was approved in the Chamber which provides for the introduction an evaluation clause on the application of the law into the text.

The legislative initiative of the Regional Executive that repeals and completely replaces the regional law 8/2017 adapts the regional regulations in force on tourism legislation to the evident changes in the tourist and economic, result of in - depth reflections also carried out in conjunctions with operators of the sector.


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