Costa Rica | First Country in the World Using AI to Develop its Country Brand Strategy


Costa Rica, Central American country with coastlines on the Caribbean and Pacific Ocean with a territory characterized by numeros promontories and peninsulas that give rise to bays and gulfs, white sandy beaches also known for its biodiversity, volcanoes, rainforested areas with a quarter of its area made up of protected jungle 10 years after the launch of essentialCOSTA RICA, this Country Brand resumes its history with an initiative to define its strategy for the next decade.

Driving this new path will be innovation and essentialCOSTA RICA becomes the first country brand in the world to use AI, artificial intelligence to define its vision in the ten years leading up to 2035.

In partnership with Bloom Consulting firm has been developing Nation Branding and City Branding strategies for various local and national government, essentialCOSTA RICA used four blocks of information for strategy development as follows:

a)     Previous studies on perception of the Country Brand as digital identity and rankings.

b)     Strategic documents about Costa Rica such as decarbonisation plans.

c)     Global information on future trends, for example, Sitra Megatrends 2023, OECD Economic, Oulook, Global trends 2030 annd more than 10 additional information.

d)     As well as interviewing national stakeholders from different public and private sectors to understand their perception of the country today and how to live in Costa Rica in 10 years.

essentialCOSTA RICA to become the first country globally in the use of AI in the development of a strategy with the support of Bloom Consulting have placed the first three blocks of information in an AI-based platform to be processed and analyzed accurately in depth.

This kind of technology has not only made it possible to identify and evaluate current perceptions of Costa Rica but has also given key and accurate information on emerging trends and the general sentiment associated with the Central American country in the international media.

In addition to all this, the system was able to generate projections and forecasts on possible future media coverage, anticipating areas of opportunity to improve Costa Rica's image and presence within strategic global markets, as well as a decision-making process with more information that allows communication strategies to be adapted to maximize the positive impact on international audiences.

  This was followed by a working session with the institutions and stakeholders that make up the governance of essentialCOSTA RICA, which defined the priority projects that would have the greatest media coverage according to the elements of the Country Brand Perceptions, Taxonomy Model and the analysis of artificial intelligence and which brought this issue to the center of Costa Rica's strategy, namely climate change and environmental conservation.

The director of essentialCOSTA RICA Adriana Acosta said that one of the five fundamental values of essentialCOSTA RICA is innovation, which is why we try to use it in the 2035 strategy through the application of AI and the results are satisfactory.

This path will lead to consolidating the country's position as a global reference point in sustainability and in the fight against climate change.

The application of artificial intelligence has represented advantages in the development of this strategic process and some of them are:

-        Efficiency : to allow processing large quantities of data from quantities of data from different sources, which ensured a complete analysis.

-        Depth of perspective : AI allowed the detection of subtle patterns and correlations within the data, providing deeper perspectives on the dymanics of perceptions.

-        Future analysis : Future trends are analyzed through AI, allowing the modelling of scenarios based on multiple variables, with an informed and complete vision.

-        Prediction models : which allow you to model future behaviour based on global trends, obtaining more accurate predictions on future media trends.

Bloom Consulting's Global Director of Nation and Place Branding, José Felipe Torres, commented that the fact Costa Rica is the first country to develop its national brand strategy using artificial intelligence shows how advanced it is and how it is a leader in terms of national brands.

essentialCOSTA RICA's 2035 strategy was launched at the end of 2023 with the primary goal of creating strong and focused messages on climate change and sustainability through the concept of natural intelligence.

Nowadays, Costa Rica's Brand Country has implemented actions to strengthen the country's image as an articulator of innovation and knowledge in climate change and environmental conservation in various national and international forums.

The Brand also collaborates with the national private sector in a series of workshop to introduce sustainability and the fight against climate change in companies, while aligning the Country Brand's licensing program with this new narrative.

In addition to all that digital campaigns and various training courses are carried out for local talents, especially young people, on the topics of Strategy.

The director of essentialCOSTA RICA Adriana Acosta said that Costa Rica today already enjoys a very important position in climate change and environmental conservation, which is why from the 2035 Strategy, thanks to the future scenarios analyzed with the help of AI, work is being done to capitalize on what the country has built over decades with specific actions that help improve the image and promote the implementation of tactics that consolidate the Costa Rica's leadership on these issues.

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